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To Inspect or Not to Inspect: What Say You?

    • 9115 posts
    January 9, 2017 7:17 PM PST

    Liav said:

    Kilsin said:

    Liav said:

    I'm assuming that rings, earrings, necklaces, etc. won't be visible on player characters so it's entirely plausible that you won't get a complete picture of a person's gear just by looking at them. Food for thought.

    Yes and I covered that in one of my posts above.

    "Not being able to see little things like rings that give the smallest stat boost possible should never be the deciding factor in who gets a group position over someone else unless you are at the bleeding edge of high-end raiding and struggling on a progression target where every single % and point of stats and dps counts, that again will be the very small minority, not a general issue for everyone to worry about. :)"

    Whether they are visible or not it doesn't really matter, we will have /inspect and probably a way to disable it for those who don't want to be inspected and it will have absolutely minimal impact on the game and everyone's gaming experience, it will promote interactions and spark conversations and it will not be as big of a problem as some people think.

    Somehow I missed that. Thanks.

    No problem, man.

    • 2138 posts
    January 11, 2017 6:39 AM PST

    I think it boils down to this- and forgive my randomizing.

    From a game play perspective: who cares. it can be toggled on and off.

    But from a character perspective and I dont mean avatar, I mean, core character of player behind the character that is manifestiong through the avatar.

    All props to role-playing aside. The reason movie stars are movie stars is because- you believe!- they? they are doing nothing. Just sitting there if it were medevil times we would hang them for witches or being in thrall of witches for having glamour spell upon them.

     Example: Cheesley-weasly named newbie character comes up and inspects you sees your armor, then comments. "Wow, that is a nice piece? do you have any extra that you can give me? are you in a guild? Can I join your guild? You must have alot of gold, ,can you spare some gold? Whaddaya mean no?! who do you think you are?!" Cheesley-weasleys motivation? perhaps a core character of the player bleeding out into game- Greed. Sadly, being weak humans, the receiving Human then makes associations behind the screen to all other vices associated with greed and sadly also makes assumptions to other character defects and is turned-off to cheasley weasly forever. Yes the human even undertsands this is a bad thing.

    On the other hand, the same human wants to be altruistic. To quoute Mic Jagger and David Bowie in dancing in the streets " It doesnt matter what you wear (gear) just as long as YOU are there". Heh, the aspiring middle-class would also agree to this but with one caveat, "Just as long as you are THERE" *taps wristwatch* come on, at least show up and pay attention so I can BE friendly goddarnit.Or from the Musical "Hair"  .." tell him angela and I, dont want our two dollars back, Just him". (we want you, just you *smile*) Likewise some  Religious dogma " for we fight not against flesh and blood (you, as a person) but against principalities... against the rulers of the darkness of this world" (things like greed).

    And, respond when somebody says something, like, within a reasonalble time. If you have an issue with filters that can be fixed- just F*ing acknowledge the fact that I am saying HI anbd trying to be nice and communicative!~ Heck if you dont speak the language at least reply I can deal with that but your silence implies rudness- see? 

    In otherwords, Want to see you as a avatar, just an avatar that does not rely on how well geared you are, but rather willingness or "spunk" if you will to take the adventure yet at the same time not to have to be tempted to make character assasinations while I am trying to at the same time look out for myself and be fair and altruistic and not complain about dieing- lol.


    Honestly, who cares. Can turn it around easily. If cheesley-weasley is inspecting me and asks about the gear item and allows me to go into a story about the adventure, even if it is just a how-to on the quest, that is cool, if cheesy asks to join my guild *shrug* ok but we have to group a few times first, and see if you can get into pugs with other members on your own so we can all have an unbiased view and really, its not that big of a deal. Just, show up :) ('sup, chees-ay..mikemikemike..what DAY is it!)


    This post was edited by Manouk at January 11, 2017 6:57 AM PST
    • 29 posts
    January 11, 2017 4:33 PM PST

    I never understood people that got upset that someone inspected them.


    I think it's pretty obvious that you should be able to look at what someone is wearing and the simple solution is to not notify people that they are being inspected.

    All the drama is gone and if people really don't want to be inspected they just have to move into some hole in the ground or some such.


    Not an important feature to me anyways.

    My 2 cents.