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Are Raids your thing?

    • 768 posts
    December 10, 2018 10:45 PM PST

    I can enjoy fighting with more then 6 players to defeat open or closed/locked raidencounters.

    This is heavely dependent on organisation and ego's.. sadly.

    Perhaps not so often as I used to but it would be nice to dip my toe in the multigroup-content that Pantheon has to offer.

    It's not within my expectations to see this within the first 25+ levels.

    • 390 posts
    December 10, 2018 10:50 PM PST

    I love raiding, but I am not making it a 2nd job like I did in EQ. 


    • 48 posts
    December 10, 2018 11:30 PM PST

    As long as my co-raiders are decent, then sure. Quite frustrating when not, the number of wipes I have been on.. I think it was Tarinax? due to that bomb thingie because even when RL tells peeps to check their buff/debuff windows for it, they still miss it. 'Course probably doesn't help that the guild I was in did not have any connections, but still it was beatable but took much longer than it should have, and even well after beating it having peeps still do that...

    Fairly fun otherwise. Oh yeah, Tarinax? is EQ2, I also raided in EQ, but far, far more in EQ2 (thanks instancing, will miss you, hope what VR has in mind is good).

    • 627 posts
    December 10, 2018 11:37 PM PST
    Absolutely love raiding and multi grp content. It breaks away from "normal" grp content and often dishout new challenges like big spike damage, coordination that needs to be tight, and mekanics that often goes a bit further than the usual content.
    My end game has and will prolly be raiding. :)
    • 287 posts
    December 11, 2018 12:52 PM PST

    Some of my fondest gaming memories were raiding in PoP and VT as a rogue.  Stealthing up to a door to tab-target all the mobs inside, one at a time and using macros to announce my target and who should pick it up.  Or corpse-dragging 4 and 5 corpses at a time in some uber-dangerous places.  Enchanter was awesome in any group size, not just raiding (actually less so in raiding due to mez/charm resistance).

    The journey to level cap is great and all but, long term, having goals at max level is where it's at.

    • 144 posts
    December 11, 2018 1:00 PM PST
    I love to raid...because I need the best of the best to PvP.

    Please stack raid content with great gear. Multiple raids per their please. Probably just 12 man raids for lower tiers is fine. Maybe 18, and then 24 endgame.
    • 137 posts
    December 11, 2018 4:52 PM PST
    Loved raiding in EQ, kinda liked it in EQ2(just about everything was broke) and actually enjoyed raiding in WoW's early days.

    I really hope there is a decent amount of raiding in Patheon, whether or not I have time for it. Just the idea that there are fights hard enough that it requires a major effort in time and resources is something I really like. It was a real motivator in EQ1 to see people walking around in raid gear.
    • 752 posts
    December 11, 2018 5:03 PM PST
    I liked the raids i went on. Learning new content was fun. I’m afraid i wont have the time these days. So i am going to focus on group content. But i am willing to try anything like the old days. If i lose levels trying it is all good, its just a game. Its like a horror movie isn't scary - its only shocking because i dont know what that something is coming next.
    • 560 posts
    December 11, 2018 6:15 PM PST

    Just so no to raiding.

    I have come to the conclusion that while I have ejoyed raiding in the past a good hard group challange is better.

    • 523 posts
    December 11, 2018 7:04 PM PST

    Yes.  The bigger the better.  Thats in terms of raid sizes and the baddies we're fighting.  

    • 1785 posts
    December 11, 2018 11:35 PM PST

    Do I raid?  Yes.  But there's more to it than that.

    I really enjoy large-scale challenges where lots of players have to work together cooperatively.  I especially like them as a guild leader, because they give my guild something to focus on and to bring everyone together.  So, in most games, I will build a raid team within my guild, and schedule times to raid, and do my best to encourage all of my members to participate and enjoy the content.

    However, I don't allow raiding to become the sole focus of my gameplay or my guild.  These worlds *should* be about much more than just raiding, and too much focus on raiding is just as bad as too much focus on anything else in my opinion.  I like balance.  I'm also realistic - it's a game, not a job.  People need time to be able to just relax and do their own thing too.  So I very purposely keep my guild casual-friendly; raids happen once, maybe twice a week at most, and when we raid, we do it for fun and challenge, not because we're trying to race any other guilds.  To that end, in Pantheon I really want raiding to be accessible to guilds like mine.  I understand that some players thrive on competition, but that's not us.  Not really.  That doesn't mean I advocate instancing, but I believe very strongly that if someone wants to raid and is able to gather a group to do it, there should be something they can go do.  I can speak a lot more on this but I would just be regurgitating parts of other discussions, so I'll leave it at that.

    I've raided in a LOT of games and to be honest, I'm kind of sick of raids that just amount to variations on "big monster".  I mean don't get me wrong, fighting some sort of titanic creature can be fun - but that's 95% of raid experiences in pretty much every game ever published.  Raiding needs to evolve from "beat the boss" into something more.  For Pantheon, I'd like to see raids that tell stories.  Raids that challenge players in unique ways.  Raids that, instead of being about taking down the big monster, are maybe about achieving complex objectives.  Raids that split the raid force in interesting ways.  Raids that ask players to take and hold territory.  Raids that require hit and run tactics.  Raids that require battlefield tactics like feints or flanking.  Raids that combine all of these things.  Raids that involve the entire population of zones, not just one raid group - or even that require multiple raid groups pursuing objectives simultaneously in different places in the world.  If Pantheon is going to have raiding, evolve the concept.  That's my wish as far as content goes anyway.  Don't get me wrong, my guild and I will do whatever is there.  But I'd love for it to be stuff that is simply on a different level from all those other games in terms of its depth.

    We debate raiding a lot on these forums - a LOT.  I think we do that because for most of us, raiding is the biggest thing we've ever really been a part of in a game.  But I also think there should be other things that are just as big but don't involve combat against monsters.  Crafting projects that require dozens of crafters to work together.  Large-scale social activities like races or contests that anyone can take part in.  Duelling tournaments for those looking to test their might against other players.  Ongoing storylines that are spread over the entire world, so that players have to work together to piece together what's happening and figure out what to do next.  These are just examples.  But if the "point" of raiding is to give players something interesting, challenging, and fun to do that involves a larger number of people... then let's expand that definition to be more than just combat, too.

    Finally, I want to say that I don't believe that raiding should only be a "endgame" activity either.  Everything I've talked about, I think should apply at all levels of progression - or at least, wherever it's truly feasible.  Waiting until high levels to give players raid objectives only feeds the mentality that the game begins at the level cap.  We should be smarter than that now that we have 20+ years of MMOs to learn from.

    Anyway, I realize I did way more there than just answer the question.  I suppose you could say that I'm pretty passionate about raiding - and I want to see a robust, challenging, deep, and fun raiding game in Pantheon when it's all said and done.  I just think that should mean much more than simply having a few big monsters to kill.

    This post was edited by Nephele at December 12, 2018 10:33 AM PST
    • 6 posts
    December 12, 2018 10:06 AM PST

    Crazzie said:

    Ill say for the majority that do come from EQ Hell yes. Some of us are getting older though, so 24/7 is impossible.




    I was a hardcore raider in one of the top raiding guilds in EQ1 100 years ago.  I now have 2 kids, a full time job, am a Girl Scout leader, police department volunteer, Search and Rescue member and involved in several clubs.  I think it's safe to say adulting sucks and many of us are old and won't be able to be hardcore now.  Hopefully there will be a niche for casual raiders as well and hopefully a good system for loot rewards.  I love raiding but can only commit to 2-3 times a week.

    • 22 posts
    December 12, 2018 12:34 PM PST

    When i was young I was in one of the top Raiding guilds on Povar, but now with Kids and Job my late night raiding days are for the most part done. But i will still raid in Pantheon just not at the top tire no matter how much i want to. I hope they build some tools into the game to support casual raiders. 


    This post was edited by Disscord at December 12, 2018 12:40 PM PST
    • 1247 posts
    December 12, 2018 12:43 PM PST

    Dazzlyn said:

    Crazzie said:

    Ill say for the majority that do come from EQ Hell yes. Some of us are getting older though, so 24/7 is impossible.




    I was a hardcore raider in one of the top raiding guilds in EQ1 100 years ago.  I now have 2 kids, a full time job, am a Girl Scout leader, police department volunteer, Search and Rescue member and involved in several clubs.  I think it's safe to say adulting sucks and many of us are old and won't be able to be hardcore now.  Hopefully there will be a niche for casual raiders as well and hopefully a good system for loot rewards.  I love raiding but can only commit to 2-3 times a week.

    Just want to add that adults and people with kids played Old Everquest back then as well. Many older people played. It was doable then, so it‘s doable now. People have also since retired from work/kids who have stated that they have even more time to raid now. If you are able to raid a bunch this time, then great. If you are not, then one can resort to raiding 2-3 times a week.

    It’s interesting - some people who couldn‘t raid a lot then, have a lot of time to raid now. Others who raided a lot then, may have less time now. I know that my time will vary widely again, but that‘s fine. 

    This post was edited by Syrif at December 12, 2018 3:14 PM PST
    • 49 posts
    December 12, 2018 2:16 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    How many of you Fantheons out there are into raiding? #MMORPG #communitymatters

    Twitter Poll for fun:


    My raid days are pretty much over. I cant commit 8 hours a day 6 days a week now that I have a career and a family.. That said, I'm looking forward to some good old EQ style dungeon camping

    • 7 posts
    December 12, 2018 2:55 PM PST

    Raids to me seem way more fun in theory but way more boring in practice. 

    • 432 posts
    December 12, 2018 3:29 PM PST

    No . Definitely I am not into raiding .

    It takes too much time and in EQ it's where all the drama was . Toxic guilds , all the harassing and training . Then all that boasting about who has a bigger one . In some guilds people were expected to sacrify RL for a raid for some bloody pixels .

    More generally in my experience raids are what brings out the worst in people's behaviour especially in open worlds .

    • 17 posts
    December 12, 2018 3:32 PM PST

    Was pretty hardcore into raiding in EQ for years.

    Would still like to raid in Pantheon but i don't have the time for the hardcore life anymore.

    Hopefully Pantheon doesn't have a too restrictive raid size limit. Big raids may have less loot to pass around but they can help carry your friends and casuals. It also allows for open raids which can be a lot of fun and a community builder.

    • 264 posts
    December 12, 2018 5:47 PM PST

     While many of my posts here have been about my concerns with Pantheon going raid heavy...I do enjoy raiding in MMORPGs. I do all content that an MMORPG offers whether its crafting, solo, group, or raid content I do it all. Because Pantheon has stated it is a 'group focused MMORPG" I expect them to do something different from EQ in that regard, they shouldn't be funneling players into raid content at endgame. There should not be a huge power gap between group and raid gear unless they intend to make Pantheon a raid focused MMO.

    • 233 posts
    December 13, 2018 3:56 AM PST

    Raiding is the main reason i play MMOs.
    That and exploring.

    • 5 posts
    December 13, 2018 4:54 PM PST

    Yes Raiding is what im looking forward to! I hope we can have have large raids like 48 people an above!

    This post was edited by Lightbreather at December 13, 2018 4:55 PM PST
    • 1247 posts
    December 13, 2018 5:02 PM PST

    @Lightbreather agreed :) 

    • 690 posts
    December 24, 2018 4:34 AM PST
    Nope, while the occasional casual raid will be fun, going into any actual raiding scene just brings out the worst in people to be efficient. Even the positive things folks say about it sounds awfully like what you would hear from some company's memo to all lower level employees to make them feel better about themselves...higher level teamwork is not following some dudes orders and performing pre determined roles perfectly or being kicked out. Leave work at work.
    • 68 posts
    December 24, 2018 5:22 PM PST

    I like raiding  LOT . Lets gear up.

    • 333 posts
    December 25, 2018 12:14 AM PST

    I am a raider , kill them all and sort by lewts.