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Innovate chat system for better socialization.

    • 644 posts
    March 14, 2016 1:01 PM PDT

    (separating replies by topic)


    Also, an offline chat would be hugely wonderful.  EQIM was great for checking on your tradeskill supplier or guild plans or group, etcetera while you can't play in the game.  And, a real-time smartphone app to do that would be amazing and keep us "connected" even when we can't play.

    • 384 posts
    March 14, 2016 2:39 PM PDT

    I agree with a lot of y'all. Just a nice, clean, customizable chat is best for me. Something that I can scroll, resize, add tabs, change colors and font size and I'm good. :)  Emoticons would feel out of place. As far as mods go, if I use them it's to change the look of the ui or put elements of the ui in different places. If that's available in the stock ui then I won't usually seek out add ons. 

    • 1778 posts
    March 14, 2016 2:43 PM PDT
    I dont really mind if other people dint like or want voice chat. Because I can always use a 3rd party voice chat. But what I cant get behind is it being a console thing......... thats just wierd. Its not a console thing its just a thing. Take it or leave it.
    • 2138 posts
    March 14, 2016 3:57 PM PDT

    I like basic chat, too.

    I also like the  reamspeak or ventrillo, but I personally feel if you are going to use iot, use it. Dont be like monotone boring make it thrilling. If you are goingt speak dont be like monotone "cc this add please" be more like " fizzles!, you got that add?!" " got it!" kind of thing.

    I suppose the written chat allows me to personally emote off the text and flavor it in my mind.

    No emojis or emotes, please.

    • 130 posts
    March 14, 2016 4:25 PM PDT

    fazool said:

    (separating replies by topic)


    Also, an offline chat would be hugely wonderful.  EQIM was great for checking on your tradeskill supplier or guild plans or group, etcetera while you can't play in the game.  And, a real-time smartphone app to do that would be amazing and keep us "connected" even when we can't play.

    This.  I found EQIM wonderful and used it a lot.  An Android / iOS port would be excellent too, help keep you connected to the game.

    • 271 posts
    March 14, 2016 4:35 PM PDT

    Three things that have already mentioned, just repeating them for emphasis:

    - Offline chat; you log in, pops the message sent to you while you were offline. Sooo useful.

    - Readability; font resizing is a must (just think of the variations of screens used, from 1440x900 all the way up to tellies), but not the only must.. chat window itself should be resized, independently from ui 'scaling'. Eyesight, can differ from person to person. If i'm half blind, i need be able to read the chat without the UI occupying the entire screen because i resized :)

    - Like Kilsin said, no visual chat emotes please, it's just begging for abuse. Play any Asian MMO and come back to me.. An /e function though, typing /e waves at you -> Aenra waves at you, in a different colouring than the default text's? That would be cool (i use that a lot when available anyway.. your mileage may vary).

     Also, please keep the 'area' chat.. i miss that so much.

    This post was edited by Aenra at March 14, 2016 4:36 PM PDT
    • 12 posts
    March 14, 2016 4:36 PM PDT

    This is not My LiL Pwny online, so no emoticons for me. 

    • 3016 posts
    March 14, 2016 7:07 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    munge said:
    I feel the chat system is out of date in MMO's it's like entering a 90s chat room. For a game based on social interactions the main form of communication, the chat bar needs to be revamped with drag in emoticons and such so people can better express and communicate. There should be icons that you can display in the chat bar to quicken communications. The chat bar should play out like a MUD of the future. As well maybe some communication displays that you can send to the main screen so you can get the attention of people not reading chat box.

    I like this line of thought but I really want to stay away from any emotes in the chat box, most eastern games have full chat boxes with just emotes, hearts, smiley faces it looks horrible and is just spam.

    I really like the old simple style because it is bare to the bones chat, no fancy emotes if you want to smile you type :) or a variation of that and the other person knows you are smiling, they don't needs 50 x yellow smiley emotes mixed with red love hearts, brown poops and black cats across 6 lines of chat!

    Call me old fashioned but I like the plain and simple chat boxes that have enough options for me to move them around, change the text colour, size, position, check boxes for what I want to see and in what tab and be functional and easy to use, also it's important for it to be immersive, especially with a game like Pantheon so rich in lore, I don;t want to be travelling around lost in immersion to then be ripped straight back to reality with bright coloured emotes filling the chat spam in general/trade/craft/region etc.

    Anything more is better suited to a newer F2P game filled with screaming young kids in my opinion ;)

    Pantheon is supposed to be a mature game for a niche EQ/VG crowd that were fine without all those things but again, it is my opinion.

    Nice simple chat:


    Loud obnoxious chat:


    Agreed Kilsin,   we have :) :( :D need for a bunch of emoticons that fill the chat box up.   Besides do we have /moon (sorry was my fave from Anarchy Online,  used to do it a lot in pvp hehehe)

    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at March 14, 2016 7:08 PM PDT
    • 95 posts
    March 14, 2016 7:26 PM PDT

    JackDaStripper said:

    This is not My LiL Pwny online, so no emoticons for me. 

    Depending on the Guild naming filters.. it could be! :P

    • 668 posts
    March 14, 2016 7:54 PM PDT

    Agree Kilsin...

    I also want simple options from clicking people's names...  Right click the players name in chat and you can do several things from there.  Or same with item links etc...  Color coded text is nice as well as the ability to create several chat windows to filter into...  Outside of that, I would like simple sound options that only the player hears that you can adjust for incoming messages or text related events.  That is something I have wanted for a long while.

    • 801 posts
    March 14, 2016 10:50 PM PDT

    I vote simple chat, if we can customize our UI you can make chat bubbles all you want. I usually always turn them off in any game i play. I like to socalize with others through TS, and in game chat when ever possible. If iam raiding we split windows, so we can see the messages clear.

    Its very hard to change what works for us, and stupid + simple is the way to go sometimes.


    I am very old fashion when it comes to things like this and i get annoyed with chat bubbles so i turn them off right away.

    • 130 posts
    March 14, 2016 11:22 PM PDT

    I vote Courier Pigeons.

    (as long as it doesn't involve emoticons)

    • 263 posts
    March 15, 2016 7:09 AM PDT

    Emoicons - NO ! I think as Kilsin said this is something for the mainstream / F2P / Asian Markets oh and Facebook and whatsapp i already hate those programms to death. My entire Whatsapp group communicate through emojis and i find myself trying to translate the icons into actual words and sentences.

    So NO scrap that.

    What i would like to see though is speech bubbles on the mainscreen popping up when i write something in chat - BUT only as an option. I sure do love making my videos and we could create some really good videos with that (So if the DEVS read this and say as an option YES we will do it, make it so that when i turn of the UI the bubbles still show up on the screen when i record or take pictures.

    Oh and my friend and co-host Dalinsia loves making his comics, believe me we created some crazy stuff back in the days of Landmark, and we would love to carry this on here in pantheon for all you guys and gals out there. Give back to the community the passion they share with some great videos and comics


    This post was edited by Yarnila at March 15, 2016 7:10 AM PDT
    • 793 posts
    March 15, 2016 9:18 AM PDT

    In game voice chat is a nice feature. I'm not bog on it, but when a raid or group calls for it, I much rather just have to grab my headset than exit game, log into some random TS, join their channel, etc.


    And then to add to voice chat, for those that don't care much for it on a regular basis, like myself, have some auto-replies that can be used, much like animations that we can quickly use /dance,/smile,/wave but for chat, so some basic communication can be done even when not using the voice chat system.


    In my personal case, beside I don't care for voice chat, my office is right next to the bedroom, and with a headset on, I can get a little loud sometimes talking in VC, only to wake my wife, and that is aggro I prefer not to have. :P


    This post was edited by Fulton at March 15, 2016 9:18 AM PDT
    • 263 posts
    March 15, 2016 10:12 AM PDT

    Fulton said:

    In game voice chat is a nice feature. I'm not bog on it, but when a raid or group calls for it, I much rather just have to grab my headset than exit game, log into some random TS, join their channel, etc.


    And then to add to voice chat, for those that don't care much for it on a regular basis, like myself, have some auto-replies that can be used, much like animations that we can quickly use /dance,/smile,/wave but for chat, so some basic communication can be done even when not using the voice chat system.


    In my personal case, beside I don't care for voice chat, my office is right next to the bedroom, and with a headset on, I can get a little loud sometimes talking in VC, only to wake my wife, and that is aggro I prefer not to have. :P


    Now this is something i would favor to. Being able to command ingame emotes like /talk, dance, sit, etc through voice would make making videos so much easier ;) Oh please lets have this feature

    • 3016 posts
    March 15, 2016 10:24 AM PDT

    Well as long as ingame voice chat is implemented properly...otherwise it lags to hell and back.   I remember ingame voice chat first going into LOTRO,   it lagged so bad I was hearing people talk on chat..that had logged off  four or five hours previously.....was kind of spooky listening to

    • 263 posts
    March 15, 2016 10:27 AM PDT

    CanadinaXegony said:

    Well as long as ingame voice chat is implemented properly...otherwise it lags to hell and back.   I remember ingame voice chat first going into LOTRO,   it lagged so bad I was hearing people talk on chat..that had logged off  four or five hours previously.....was kind of spooky listening to

    Yeah! That would FREAK ME OUT too.

    • 15 posts
    March 15, 2016 10:35 AM PDT
    I'm with Fazool in that my biggest concern is filtering out the unwanted spell/ability/game text. It is a royal pain trying to decide on screen real estate to create and move additional chat boxes just to filter out someone else's spells and skill spam.

    If we could just outright turn off those options or have an easier way to filter through and move it to a small chat box I don't really even need to see, that would be preferable. Outside of that, I'm a big fan of the simpler side of chat windows, just allow me to make some minor color changes and basic commands for targeting and such and I'm more than happy.
    • 89 posts
    March 15, 2016 10:40 AM PDT

    I'm with Kilsin.  Simple chat would be my vote.  Also not a fan of chat bubbles in the slightest!

    • 3016 posts
    March 15, 2016 10:43 AM PDT

    ArchMageSalamar said:

    I'm with Kilsin.  Simple chat would be my vote.  Also not a fan of chat bubbles in the slightest!


    Don't like chat bubbles either,  make it a toggle for those that do...and that should work for everyone.

    • 232 posts
    March 15, 2016 10:57 AM PDT

    I vote no to emoticons.  Standard text chat is what I'd prefer.   Chat bubbles OK as a toggle option.  

    I vote no to in-game voice.  I already have an established community using 3rd party voice.  Being expected to join in-game voice for pugs or casual groups is not the experience I'm looking for.  Text chat works fine for me. 

    This post was edited by Dekaden at March 15, 2016 10:57 AM PDT
    • 578 posts
    March 15, 2016 1:10 PM PDT

    I definitely don't mind emoticons but for the setting of this game I don't think they should be utilized. A simple clean chat box will not intrude on immersion where a bunch of smiley faces may distract from the fantasy setting.

    But I am all for a feature-full set on in-game voice chat. Something that is advanced and doesn't interfere with gameplay or break immersion. I play in random groups often, whether it be single group or raid, and having great in-game voice chat features that allow you to chat with your group or raid without having to press a single button would truely be immersive. Having to get someone's TS or vent info, windowing out of the game, and signing into TS or vent to log into their server gets cumbersome and breaks immersion for me. Having up-to-date voice features like voice to text or even able to issue certain text macros with your voice such as /lfg or a simple common response to everday questions would be great. It HAS to be the most advanced and most unintrusive voice feature ever if it is ever going to work tho imo. It can't be some half-baked idea.

    Joining a group and talking to them should feel just like you are when you get together with a group of friends at home in real life. You shouldn't have to click a button or a series of buttons to talk to them, when you join the group you just talk freely. And if you don't like voice chat features then just don't plug in a headset or just turn the feature off. But if you do like to use the voice feature then there has to be a simple feature to mute players. Just a simple click on a player's name should be all it takes to mute them if they are...unsavory.

    I know there are people who do not want 1st party voice chat but it is not a hard feature to add so everyone who says they don't want the small dev team to focus their efforts on a 1st party voip shouldn't worry about it as much. But I will do you one better and say I'd be fine with it if they added it in an xpac the same as someone else mentioned. Maybe it would be taxing on their small dev team to fit it in before launch, maybe not. But either way there should be no reason for them to fit it in down the road after launch.

    • 110 posts
    March 16, 2016 5:56 AM PDT

    Keep the chat box itself simple and text only but defintely give me the ability to link items in chat and deep functionality in chat. I want to be able to right click a name in the chat window and invite them, disband them, ignore them, /who them etc etc. Playing EQ again and missing that is just a nuisance.



    • 384 posts
    March 16, 2016 6:46 AM PDT

    Garmr said:

    Keep the chat box itself simple and text only but defintely give me the ability to link items in chat and deep functionality in chat. I want to be able to right click a name in the chat window and invite them, disband them, ignore them, /who them etc etc. Playing EQ again and missing that is just a nuisance.



    I was gonna say the same thing. The only thing I would add is the ability to also report them. Nothing worse than trying report a gold spammer with a name like rurruurrooosll and trying to scroll back up in the chat window so you can spell it correctly.

    • 116 posts
    March 16, 2016 7:20 AM PDT

    I had an add-on in WoW, but I think it's in the client now, to change the color of the name of players in the chat box to match their class color and also to add their level in brackets. This saved so much /who, I would like that have this option added in pantheon's chat box.