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Weapon Speeds! is there a point anymore?

    • 70 posts
    February 23, 2015 9:50 AM PST

    I really like anything that provides a situational advantage and allows for variety.  I was super disappointed when WoW normalized weapon damage for abilities.  I want to have a choice of hard hitting backstabs (slow weapon) or applying more poison (fast weapon) and be able to switch as the situation demanded.


    I think maybe EQ's damage system was a bit wonky in how bonus damage applied to the main hand and not the offhand making the calculations a bit weird.  Not to mention getting ridiculous numbers of attacks per round late in the game.  I'm not sure I want to really go back to that either but I prefer it to how they do it in WoW for sure.

    This post was edited by jezebel at February 23, 2015 9:50 AM PST
    • 288 posts
    February 23, 2015 7:29 PM PST

    I agree with most that has been said here, including that balancing PVP often ruins PVE.  I would however like to ask that people stop bashing pvp here so hard, there are a lot of players who like to PVP and would support/pay for this game if there was but a certainty of a pvp server.  We don't want to ruin your PVE game, we just want your PVE game with the PVP switch flicked on.  Don't hate us or be scared of PVP, just turn it on and let us play.

    • 610 posts
    February 24, 2015 4:00 AM PST
    Rallyd said:

    I agree with most that has been said here, including that balancing PVP often ruins PVE.  I would however like to ask that people stop bashing pvp here so hard, there are a lot of players who like to PVP and would support/pay for this game if there was but a certainty of a pvp server.  We don't want to ruin your PVE game, we just want your PVE game with the PVP switch flicked on.  Don't hate us or be scared of PVP, just turn it on and let us play.

    Most here have stated that they have no problem with a pvp server so theres that, and see your whole statement "Dont hate us or be scared of PVP" pretty much sums up why most here truly despise PVP...its the whole attitude of anyone who doesnt pvp is just a bunch of carebear cowards. I will personally say I am in no way shape or form scared of is just a game style I do not enjoy in my MMO....if I want to PK I will play a FPS or some other game with that goal as the main design. You tack PVP on an MMO (whos main goal is usually working as a team to bring down the big bad mobs) then it just all goes south. Sorry if this post seems overly aggressive, its not meant to be honestly...Just I have been on many a board as a "carebear", as the godly pvpers always refer to us as, so I do have a few lingering issues with the whole PVP mentality

    • 308 posts
    February 24, 2015 4:23 AM PST
    Rallyd said:

    I agree with most that has been said here, including that balancing PVP often ruins PVE.  I would however like to ask that people stop bashing pvp here so hard, there are a lot of players who like to PVP and would support/pay for this game if there was but a certainty of a pvp server.  We don't want to ruin your PVE game, we just want your PVE game with the PVP switch flicked on.  Don't hate us or be scared of PVP, just turn it on and let us play.

    noone is bashing PVP at all, we are just saying that A game can only be designed one way. if you design a game for PVP it Will ruin PVE because the classes have to be BALANCED for PVP. if you do this it unbalances the PVE especially in a group centric game. it is not bashing to say that PVP balancing in a PVE MMO ruins the MMO for the PVE crowd, its just a fact. you may just want the PVE switch flicked on now, but how about when the rogue PKs you before you know he is there? or the Wizard 1 shots you? or the druid Kites you around the zone? i know from experience that once these things happen the pvp crowd starts yelling for nerfs, and they get them. you personally may not shout for nerfs, but you would be the 1 in a trillion that doesn't.

    This post was edited by Gawd at February 24, 2015 6:11 AM PST
    • 9115 posts
    February 24, 2015 4:57 AM PST

    Please bring it back on topic guys.

    Add to the discussion of "Weapon Speeds! is there a point anymore?" or risk having the thread closed.