Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Can Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Still Succeed?

    • 167 posts
    October 30, 2023 6:58 AM PDT
    While I fully understand that negativity tends to dominate current discussions, and that these conversations can sometimes draw unwarranted criticism, I'm here with a sincere commitment to fostering a constructive conversation. I know Reddit can be a tough place for a topic like this, but I believe our official forums still hold a community of passionate individuals who care deeply about Pantheon and its future.

    I share the concerns that many of you have regarding Pantheon's current direction and the impact of 247. My primary aim with this post is simple - I don't want to witness Pantheon's failure. I'm sure you feel the same way.

    So, I humbly ask you to channel your thoughts and energy into brainstorming positive ideas, offering suggestions, and sharing any insights that could contribute to Pantheon's success, right here in this discussion. A single, extraordinary comment posted on these forums could never change Pantheon's course toward absolute success, right? Well.... Stranger things have happened.

    Understanding that there have been numerous posts critiquing the art style and expressing dissatisfaction with 247's potential influence on Pantheon's future, I kindly request that we keep this discussion for this topic, dedicated to all constructive contributions.

    Your cooperation is sincerely appreciated, and I encourage the exchange of valuable insights to help Visionary Realms see this project through to completion.
    • 167 posts
    October 30, 2023 7:33 AM PDT
    Please keep to the discussion topics I've requested. There are plenty of threads for you to respond to, with these kind of comments. I still want the game to succeed. Do you?
    • 729 posts
    October 30, 2023 8:21 AM PDT
    The forward progress remains. Difficult choices are made when presented with a dynamic set of challenges. Mutiny is often unsuccessful.
    If emotionally you cannot be constructive, the mature action is to wait until you can act without being ruled by emotions.
    This isn't what will make you happy, it's what will preserve your honor.
    Cool off and return later. The act of wanting to now destroy the thing you ultimately wished to see created is not an act you will wish to be a part of in hindsight. The negative is not helpful, it's only serving to feed anger, irregardless of wether you are right or feel justified.
    If the ship is taking water over the side, you have to slow down, even if land was in sight, and more so if you are without bearing and beyond the coast.
    This post was edited by StoneFish at October 30, 2023 8:21 AM PDT
    • 206 posts
    October 30, 2023 10:24 AM PDT
    @Prevenge, If the plan is to monetize 247 to gather additional funds to complete Pantheon, then lets ALL pay to play it. Shouldn't that fix the issue? How do we get everyone on board?

    (trying to be constructive here)
    • 167 posts
    October 30, 2023 10:35 AM PDT
    247 isn't going to work. That's obvious.

    Hence why I wanted people to come up with good ideas. You can abandon ship, all you want.

    I still want Pantheon to get made. Strip it down to a more basic pantheon and updated EQ1 and launch it. Add systems later.

    Then your alpha can be Pantheon, instead of 247.

    I've posted this idea all over the place, 1000 other people have posted the same idea all over the place. I truly believe this should be the path forward.
    • 252 posts
    October 30, 2023 10:37 AM PDT
    Valorous1 said:
    @Prevenge, If the plan is to monetize 247 to gather additional funds to complete Pantheon, then lets ALL pay to play it. Shouldn't that fix the issue? How do we get everyone on board?

    (trying to be constructive here)

    This is my opinion but I am not confident in it. I have been thinking that if they want 247 to succeed to the point that it funds itself with $$ left over for Pantheon they can't straddle the line of MMO and Extraction game. They need to go full extraction game and tune the combat and environment to that play style. Abandon this "5%-10%" effort commitment. Then they need to monetize it with a cosmetic cash shop and other things like that. I haven't played the extraction game yet, but this is my feeling on it. The EQ fans aren't going to provide a big enough market for them. They need to go somewhere else.

    An issue with that is it would be a further betrayal of their pledgers and would rip this community apart even more. Additionally, I don't see the extraction mode not bleeding back into the MMO over time, if development didn't just stop on the MMO indefinitely. If things are as desperate as they seem, I don't see a path forward that doesn't result in either betrayal of the community or failure of the company. But just because I don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.

    Also, things may not be as desperate as I am thinking. It is impossible to know without transparency that they likely can't really give. So we are left looking at the symptoms trying to diagnose the problem.

    I don't think opening up Pantheon in its current state and charging a sub for it will pull their chestnuts off of the fire. I just don't see it generating enough revenue. I don't see myself paying a monthly sub for a game in this state when I have already pledged as much money as I am willing to pledge. I could be wrong though as I only can speak for myself. Not to mention, charging a sub for something already guaranteed in my pledge package would be scummy if not illegal.
    This post was edited by Ruinar at October 30, 2023 10:41 AM PDT
    • 2419 posts
    October 30, 2023 10:42 AM PDT
    Prevenge said: So, I humbly ask you to channel your thoughts and energy into brainstorming positive ideas, offering suggestions, and sharing any insights that could contribute to Pantheon's success, right here in this discussion.

    VR needs more person-power so they can do more thing in parallel where, right now, too much can only be done serially. Many people have told VR they would happy volunteer to provide assistance but VR has insisted there are legal problem with that. VR is wrong. With an appropriate contract, the 'legal issues' that VR vaguely mentions can be eliminated. But VR needs someone who is capable of negotiating such a contract...and they dont have that.

    VR needs money. But outside of large scale investment that would give an immediate influx of money so they can immediately hire people to solve the problem in my first point, that of VR needing more people, VR's solution is to sell 247 in the hope that enough people buy it.

    Sadly, there are not ideas that we, the potential playerbase can say that has not already been said time and time again as Vjek mentioned above. So while I can appreciate your effort, the reality of the situation is that we can do nothing about this.

    VR's solution is a serious and sizeable descope of the project but that too has its problems. People have mentioned just doing away with continents of Reignfall and Whitethaw. But then what do you do with the Skar, Ogre, Dark Myr, Dwarves, and Archai that start on those continents? Set up some temp housing solution on some beach somewhere on Kingsreach? People had suggested descoping the races that dont start on Kingsreach, releasing only with Human, Elves and Halflings. But that is a big middle finger to everyone who doesn't want to play those races. So we keep the 3 continents and all the races but descope many of the zones. Also descope the initial level cap going from 50 down to 30. Descope any intended raid content at release because why bother making raid content nobody can access for months? Then they can descope game mechanics like Progeny, Perceptions, Climate and Fractures.

    That's the only viable solution: Descope.
    This post was edited by Vandraad at October 30, 2023 10:48 AM PDT
    • 252 posts
    October 30, 2023 10:53 AM PDT
    Vandraad said:
    Prevenge said: So, I humbly ask you to channel your thoughts and energy into brainstorming positive ideas, offering suggestions, and sharing any insights that could contribute to Pantheon's success, right here in this discussion.

    VR needs more person-power so they can do more thing in parallel where, right now, too much can only be done serially. Many people have told VR they would happy volunteer to provide assistance but VR has insisted there are legal problem with that. VR is wrong. With an appropriate contract, the 'legal issues' that VR vaguely mentions can be eliminated. But VR needs someone who is capable of negotiating such a contract...and they dont have that.

    VR needs money. But outside of large scale investment that would give an immediate influx of money so they can immediately hire people to solve the problem in my first point, that of VR needing more people, VR's solution is to sell 247 in the hope that enough people buy it.

    Sadly, there are not ideas that we, the potential playerbase can say that has not already been said time and time again as Vjek mentioned above. So while I can appreciate your effort, the reality of the situation is that we can do nothing about this.

    VR's solution is a serious and sizeable descope of the project but that too has its problems. People have mentioned just doing away with continents of Reignfall and Whitethaw. But then what do you do with the Skar, Ogre, Dark Myr, Dwarves, and Archai that start on those continents? Set up some temp housing solution on some beach somewhere on Kingsreach? People had suggested descoping the races that dont start on Kingsreach, releasing only with Human, Elves and Halflings. But that is a big middle finger to everyone who doesn't want to play those races. So we keep the 3 continents and all the races but descope many of the zones. Also descope the initial level cap going from 50 down to 30. Descope any intended raid content at release because why bother making raid content nobody can access for months? Then they can descope game mechanics like Progeny, Perceptions, Climate and Fractures.

    That's the only viable solution: Descope.

    I would think the biggest bottleneck is design; not systems (with the exception of perception perhaps). Systems are programmed once and then applied multiple times. But design has to be done for every zone, race, interaction, quest, and more... If we aren't willing to descope continents than you aren't really relieving the design bottleneck. Descoping raids and levels 30-50 would though and I hadn't personally considered that.
    • 185 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:00 AM PDT
    Ill gladly contribute a positive suggestion for VR.

    I don't Necessarily think the game is doomed.

    1: Revert back to the original graphics. This is a Deal Breaker/Must Do.

    Please no more of the "i like the new art style, it will really stand the test of time!" stuff.

    Its a transparent play at monetizing little kids into a game that Must remain a spiritual successor to Everquest.

    2: Finish up 2-3 more zones that have been shown in previous videos (Fairthale, Avenders Pass, and the dungeons like Blackrose Keep, etc)

    3: With these new zones added, open up the game to all Alpha pledges. Rent a few more servers, put in the hard hours it will take to get it ready, and just do it.

    4: This will be the hard part.. sell a large minority share in the company, or even a majority share with stipulation that the Devs in charge remain in charge of the "artistic direction" of the game.

    The 247 game mode will not be successful financially. Just real talk, no one is going to pay to play that.

    5: Generate massive positive response from the community and salvage your reputation as a studio.

    The actual pre-alpha MMO with realistic graphics was hugely enjoyable to play. It was exactly what your supporters were hoping for. Show them that game!
    • 185 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:05 AM PDT
    I will add one more thing... echoing Prevenge

    halt all work on non-essential gameplay like "Dispositions", "Traits", "Climate", "Atmosphere" (two different things! talk about tedious), "Fractures", etc. All this extraneous stuff that can be tinkered with later.

    Its long past the point of fooling around in these areas, focus on building out zones and classes.
    This post was edited by lotuss79 at October 30, 2023 11:05 AM PDT
    • 167 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:10 AM PDT
    Vandraad said:
    Prevenge said: So, I humbly ask you to channel your thoughts and energy into brainstorming positive ideas, offering suggestions, and sharing any insights that could contribute to Pantheon's success, right here in this discussion.

    VR needs more person-power so they can do more thing in parallel where, right now, too much can only be done serially. Many people have told VR they would happy volunteer to provide assistance but VR has insisted there are legal problem with that. VR is wrong. With an appropriate contract, the 'legal issues' that VR vaguely mentions can be eliminated. But VR needs someone who is capable of negotiating such a contract...and they dont have that.

    VR needs money. But outside of large scale investment that would give an immediate influx of money so they can immediately hire people to solve the problem in my first point, that of VR needing more people, VR's solution is to sell 247 in the hope that enough people buy it.

    Sadly, there are not ideas that we, the potential playerbase can say that has not already been said time and time again as Vjek mentioned above. So while I can appreciate your effort, the reality of the situation is that we can do nothing about this.

    VR's solution is a serious and sizeable descope of the project but that too has its problems. People have mentioned just doing away with continents of Reignfall and Whitethaw. But then what do you do with the Skar, Ogre, Dark Myr, Dwarves, and Archai that start on those continents? Set up some temp housing solution on some beach somewhere on Kingsreach? People had suggested descoping the races that dont start on Kingsreach, releasing only with Human, Elves and Halflings. But that is a big middle finger to everyone who doesn't want to play those races. So we keep the 3 continents and all the races but descope many of the zones. Also descope the initial level cap going from 50 down to 30. Descope any intended raid content at release because why bother making raid content nobody can access for months? Then they can descope game mechanics like Progeny, Perceptions, Climate and Fractures.

    That's the only viable solution: Descope.

    But at least some of it wouldn't need to be permanent. You descope for an alpha, make it clear to the community that it's going to be a long-running alpha, as the game is nowhere near ready to be launched.

    A playable product, stripped down holds far more interest to me than 247. Do people not agree with that?

    So hold up, if the option was between:

    1. 247 with all the currently available continents and races being introduced in the different 1 hour /2 hour trials, at different times.

    2. A stripped down version of Pantheon, moved into alpha, potentially missing continents and races and classes, but an actual alpha available now for alpha pledgers and up.

    Which would you pick?

    I'd much rather have the Pantheon alpha. Part of Joppa's response was that it sounded like the current pre alpha testers weren't really testing much any more, because they are bored of doing the same content over and over, they've already "min maxed" the pre-alpha, which means they are PLAYING more than testing, but if it's opened up to Alpha pledges, we've never tried it.

    I'd be happy to do a bunch of testing of the stuff pre-alpha testers are already bored of. Sign me up. In fact I am already signed up, bring me on board.

    I think you'd get far more interest from new alpha pledgers for Pantheons alpha, than you will ever get for 247.

    I don't think either option will bring in enough to get them the kind of money they seem to need, though. Hence the reason why I didn't start the thread like this, because there's already threads like this.
    • 2419 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:15 AM PDT
    Prevenge said: But at least some of it wouldn't need to be permanent. You descope for an alpha, make it clear to the community that it's going to be a long-running alpha, as the game is nowhere near ready to be launched. A playable product, stripped down holds far more interest to me than 247. Do people not agree with that? So hold up, if the option was between: 1. 247 with all the currently available continents and races being introduced in the different 1 hour /2 hour trials, at different times. 2. A stripped down version of Pantheon, moved into alpha, potentially missing continents and races and classes, but an actual alpha available now for alpha pledgers and up. Which would you pick? I'd much rather have the Pantheon alpha. Part of Joppa's response was that it sounded like the current pre alpha testers weren't really testing much any more, because they are bored of doing the same content over and over, they've already "min maxed" the pre-alpha, which means they are PLAYING more than testing, but if it's opened up to Alpha pledges, we've never tried it. I'd be happy to do a bunch of testing of the stuff pre-alpha testers are already bored of. Sign me up. In fact I am already signed up, bring me on board. I think you'd get far more interest from new alpha pledgers for Pantheons alpha, than you will ever get for 247. I don't think either option will bring in enough to get them the kind of money they seem to need, though. Hence the reason why I didn't start the thread like this, because there's already threads like this.

    What I'm saying is that VR will need to descope all that through release. Not Alpha. Release. Alpha is irrelevant if you're looking at it as a source of revenue. Revenue is what VR desperately needs. Only at release can VR then start to get revenue but to get to release with the amount of money they currently they have to do a massive descope. If they do not, we're back to Joppa's statement in the Q&A that the 'currently projected' release is "years" away. And that doesn't mean 2 years, or 3 years. That's more in line with 5 or more a minimum.
    This post was edited by Vandraad at October 30, 2023 11:18 AM PDT
    • 18 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:19 AM PDT

    My thought is that since they seemed to indicate that 247 is needed as a revenue stream, that proposing an alternative revenue stream is necessary to correct the course of development. The sooner 247 is abandoned, the better, because monetization of it is unlikely to succeed, and even in the event it does, it will probably be bad for the further development of the MMO, even if Joppa himself feels committed to delivering the MMO. I simply cannot trust that VR would not pivot to putting their efforts where the money would be.


    My proposal would be to monetize access to the MMO itself. The option may or may not upset certain pledgers, but, I don't think this is really taking anything away from anyone. So, if I was the one making the call on this, this is what I'd do:


    A phased opening up 24/7 MMO client access in an early access subscription model based on pledge levels. Pre-Alpha pledgers continue to have access with no additional subscription (or a reduced subscription), Alpha pledgers are brought in and are able to pay a monthly subscription ($10? $15?) for access to the MMO. They will get this access for some number of months, say 3-6, before Beta pledgers are brought in, paying the same subscription the Alpha pledgers are.  After another time interval, open access to all people who pledged anything but did not get Beta access, and then shortly thereafter open it to the general public.

    In my view, this honors and respects the pledges that were made while also providing a revenue stream for VR that Pantheon supporters are likely to be willing to participate in. I, for one, will not pay any more money to VR without getting immediate access to the MMO client, and I won't pay anything more than a reasonable fee to do so (ie, I'll pay a $15/mo sub, but I won't pay $600). I understand that Joppa expressed that he thinks this sort of model would only be successful for a few weeks, but I haven't heard an argument for why 247 would last any longer. Honestly, based on what we've been shown, I think I would play that mode at most a few dozen times before I'd be utterly sick of it - and if they tried to get me to pay money to access it, I simply wouldn't even bother trying it.

    If the monetization part of 247 is essential, then they had best call it off sooner rather than later, because it dooms Pantheon one way or the other.

    • 370 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:20 AM PDT

    RedGang said:Extraction is a very bizarre leap from an old school mmo successor.


    It has one thing that makes the development easier, a much simpler gameplay loop that is not meant to be open ended like an MMO.

    • 167 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:40 AM PDT
    Vandraad said:
    Prevenge said: But at least some of it wouldn't need to be permanent. You descope for an alpha, make it clear to the community that it's going to be a long-running alpha, as the game is nowhere near ready to be launched. A playable product, stripped down holds far more interest to me than 247. Do people not agree with that? So hold up, if the option was between: 1. 247 with all the currently available continents and races being introduced in the different 1 hour /2 hour trials, at different times. 2. A stripped down version of Pantheon, moved into alpha, potentially missing continents and races and classes, but an actual alpha available now for alpha pledgers and up. Which would you pick? I'd much rather have the Pantheon alpha. Part of Joppa's response was that it sounded like the current pre alpha testers weren't really testing much any more, because they are bored of doing the same content over and over, they've already "min maxed" the pre-alpha, which means they are PLAYING more than testing, but if it's opened up to Alpha pledges, we've never tried it. I'd be happy to do a bunch of testing of the stuff pre-alpha testers are already bored of. Sign me up. In fact I am already signed up, bring me on board. I think you'd get far more interest from new alpha pledgers for Pantheons alpha, than you will ever get for 247. I don't think either option will bring in enough to get them the kind of money they seem to need, though. Hence the reason why I didn't start the thread like this, because there's already threads like this.

    What I'm saying is that VR will need to descope all that through release. Not Alpha. Release. Alpha is irrelevant if you're looking at it as a source of revenue. Revenue is what VR desperately needs. Only at release can VR then start to get revenue but to get to release with the amount of money they currently they have to do a massive descope. If they do not, we're back to Joppa's statement in the Q&A that the 'currently projected' release is "years" away. And that doesn't mean 2 years, or 3 years. That's more in line with 5 or more a minimum.

    That's what I'm getting at though. 247 is being made to bring in additional revenue, but look around, it clearly has very little interest. I doubt it will make any money, let alone enough to finish anything.

    So wouldn't opening alpha access to the actual MMORPG and cancelling 247 make for the kind of news article that would make peoples ears perk right up and potentially bring in new pledges since it's now an actual alpha, instead of the 247 debacle?

    If I think this situation over to myself - I'm already pledged, but I can say that 247 I definitely would not have pledged for. However a stripped down long running Alpha for Pantheon starting in 3 months? I would definitely have pledged to.

    I feel like there's more people in that camp, than there are in the 247-positive camp.
    • 252 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:45 AM PDT
    Prevenge said:
    That's what I'm getting at though. 247 is being made to bring in additional revenue, but look around, it clearly has very little interest. I doubt it will make any money, let alone enough to finish anything.

    So wouldn't opening alpha access to the actual MMORPG and cancelling 247 make for the kind of news article that would make peoples ears perk right up and potentially bring in new pledges since it's now an actual alpha, instead of the 247 debacle?

    If I think this situation over to myself - I'm already pledged, but I can say that 247 I definitely would not have pledged for. However a stripped down long running Alpha for Pantheon starting in 3 months? I would definitely have pledged to.

    I feel like there's more people in that camp, than there are in the 247-positive camp.

    How will opening alpha access create revenue? Alpha access is a pledge reward. Unless they just get rid of that pledge reward and let everyone in for a sub. How could they do that after so many champions bought it as a pledge reward? Or are you saying start alpha now and get a bunch more people to buy champion pledges? I think the market of people willing to pay hundreds of dollars for alpha is mostly tapped out.

    Additionally, I don't know that the press would be any better to open alpha and get a lot of people to spend hundreds of dollars and the game barely exists.
    This post was edited by Ruinar at October 30, 2023 11:47 AM PDT
    • 226 posts
    October 30, 2023 12:01 PM PDT
    I have the answer that will fix everything ... just launch the half built game and open a cash shop. Lot's of micro transactions. They should have pay-to-win features too. Oh, and don't forget to let me pay for cosmetic items that have no stats, but look even cooler then the BIS items from end level raids.
    • 16 posts
    October 30, 2023 12:02 PM PDT
    Two things must become true for there to be any hope:

    a) return to the original vision completely and totally.

    b) produce results.
    • 252 posts
    October 30, 2023 12:03 PM PDT
    Llydon said:
    Two things must become true for there to be any hope:

    a) return to the original vision completely and totally.

    b) produce results.

    There are some prerequisites to that. Namely, money.
    • 16 posts
    October 30, 2023 12:13 PM PDT
    Ruinar said:
    Llydon said:
    Two things must become true for there to be any hope:

    a) return to the original vision completely and totally.

    b) produce results.

    There are some prerequisites to that. Namely, money.

    Didn't say it was likely. Tell me who would invest at this point without a return to the vision and results?
    • 167 posts
    October 30, 2023 12:18 PM PDT
    How will opening alpha access create revenue? Alpha access is a pledge reward. Unless they just get rid of that pledge reward and let everyone in for a sub. How could they do that after so many champions bought it as a pledge reward? Or are you saying start alpha now and get a bunch more people to buy champion pledges? I think the market of people willing to pay hundreds of dollars for alpha is mostly tapped out.

    Additionally, I don't know that the press would be any better to open alpha and get a lot of people to spend hundreds of dollars and the game barely exists.

    Well that's what I mean - I don't know. But wouldn't it generate more than 247? How is 247 going to generate any revenue at all, when no one is even interested in it? At least people are still interested in the MMORPG.

    I mean 200 new pledges to alpha is a lot more than 5 new pledges to 247. (completely made up numbers, but the alpha would certainly generate more interest than 247 will)
    • 252 posts
    October 30, 2023 12:19 PM PDT
    Prevenge said:
    How will opening alpha access create revenue? Alpha access is a pledge reward. Unless they just get rid of that pledge reward and let everyone in for a sub. How could they do that after so many champions bought it as a pledge reward? Or are you saying start alpha now and get a bunch more people to buy champion pledges? I think the market of people willing to pay hundreds of dollars for alpha is mostly tapped out.

    Additionally, I don't know that the press would be any better to open alpha and get a lot of people to spend hundreds of dollars and the game barely exists.

    Well that's what I mean - I don't know. But wouldn't it generate more than 247? How is 247 going to generate any revenue at all, when no one is even interested in it? At least people are still interested in the MMORPG.

    I mean 200 new pledges to alpha is a lot more than 5 new pledges to 247. (completely made up numbers, but the alpha would certainly generate more interest than 247 will)

    247 could generate revenue by targeting a completely different audience. Which is what everyone is afraid of. But even that seems unlikely.
    This post was edited by Ruinar at October 30, 2023 12:20 PM PDT
    • 167 posts
    October 30, 2023 12:29 PM PDT
    Ruinar said:
    Prevenge said:
    How will opening alpha access create revenue? Alpha access is a pledge reward. Unless they just get rid of that pledge reward and let everyone in for a sub. How could they do that after so many champions bought it as a pledge reward? Or are you saying start alpha now and get a bunch more people to buy champion pledges? I think the market of people willing to pay hundreds of dollars for alpha is mostly tapped out.

    Additionally, I don't know that the press would be any better to open alpha and get a lot of people to spend hundreds of dollars and the game barely exists.

    Well that's what I mean - I don't know. But wouldn't it generate more than 247? How is 247 going to generate any revenue at all, when no one is even interested in it? At least people are still interested in the MMORPG.

    I mean 200 new pledges to alpha is a lot more than 5 new pledges to 247. (completely made up numbers, but the alpha would certainly generate more interest than 247 will)

    247 could generate revenue by targeting a completely different audience. Which is what everyone is afraid of. But even that seems unlikely.

    I really don't see 247 bringing anyone from outside of the circle of people that are already here. Who is it marketed at? Definitely not people like my nephews. Definitely not me as a Pantheon supporter. So I don't really get 247 in it's entirety.

    Alpha for the actual MMORPG would be covered by streamers, the ones that want to play it and the the ones who don't even care about it, because it's their job. The coverage is what might bring people in. Hearing a new MMORPG is going into alpha might bring people in. If 250,000 people watch a video from one of their favorite streamers, even if he's ragging on pantheon, there will always be some who think it's actually interesting and come to check it out. That's quite literally how I found ember's adrift.
    • 2094 posts
    October 30, 2023 12:33 PM PDT

    Off topic comments have been removed. Please keep your comments ON TOPIC to avoid having your posts removed.


    If you think nothing will cause Pantheon to succeed at this point....

    then there are over a dozen active posts you can express that opinion on.

    (and you've likely said so already on at least one of them)

    • 206 posts
    October 30, 2023 12:39 PM PDT
    I wish I could tell VR to just focus on releasing new zones and the races/classes and their skills/abilities. If they were to incrementally release videos on JUST those two things, I swear they would see in uptick in revenue, popularity, Likes/Shares, positive community feedback and more. Leave out all the systems, dungeons, raids, questing until way later.
    This post was edited by Valorous1 at October 30, 2023 12:39 PM PDT