Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

247 = Alpha?

    • 48 posts
    October 27, 2023 5:18 AM PDT

    I know there is a lot of controversy going on about this leak, but maybe someone can help me understand this, but isn't this really just alpha and not pre-alpha? I want to understand this, but that looks a lot like an alpha phase to me, a phase that many people paid extra money to be part of, so if it is alpha, then VR failed to provide them their alpha access. 

    • 18 posts
    October 27, 2023 5:40 AM PDT

    No, it is different. It is explicity different in that they have created a new perk called 247 access. Joppa confirmed in the Q&A last night that alpha pledgers will be given 247 access, and they will retain that, but that when MMO client testing comes back they won't necessarily have access to it (presumably that's if they are still considering it Pre-Alpha). 

    • 48 posts
    October 27, 2023 6:08 AM PDT
    I am sorry, but I don't get it. How is it different?

    Also if it had not been for the leak would they still be giving this access to pledgers? This seems like a potential area of legal trouble for VR. Someone that paid for alpha access might decide to sue them over it.
    This post was edited by Jeremiahcp at October 27, 2023 6:32 AM PDT
    • 48 posts
    October 27, 2023 6:13 AM PDT
    If they had a working alpha and they were not providing it to those that paid for alpha access and in addition kept selling alpha access without granting access, that is a scam.
    This post was edited by Jeremiahcp at October 27, 2023 6:14 AM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    October 27, 2023 7:58 AM PDT
    I believe the facts are reasonably clear:

    1. They were in the middle of pre-alpha testing. This testing was at scheduled times - the pre-alpha server was not available to testers between scheduled test sessions.

    2. They announced that they were going to convert the pre-alpha testing to something that would be available on a regular basis not just on a schedule. With the server up for the pre-alpha testers most, or perhaps almost all of the time.

    3. They were not even nearly ready for alpha testing. Alpha testing was going to come after pre-alpha was over and none of their communications even hinted at when that would occur. First pre-alpha would end, then there would be considerable work polishing the game and making use of the results of the pre-alpha testing, and then alpha would be released. While VR never said so, it was self-evident that this would be in 2024 at the earliest since pre-alpha was still going strong.

    4. At some point in this process they decided to look into converting the pre-alpha build into an extraction game that could be "monetized" to raise money to help with development of Pantheon. This is ongoing as of this month's newsletter which said they are still considering this as an option with no decision having yet been made.

    In short we never reached alpha. We never were close to reaching alpha. The recent fuss has all been about taking the pre-alpha build and using it to create an extraction game. This would be, if it occurs, a horizontal development. Not advancing the build to alpha (a full scale polished MMO albeit in need of two more rounds of testing) but trying to generate interest in a revised version of the pre-alpha build.
    • 48 posts
    October 27, 2023 8:09 AM PDT
    I think the only thing clear is that what they were referring to as "pre-alpha" was clearly a subjective interpretation. I think there is enough ground for someone to disagree with that label and consider it alpha instead. In gaming history alpha is typically not a "full scale polished MMO".
    This post was edited by Jeremiahcp at October 27, 2023 8:10 AM PDT
    • 18 posts
    October 27, 2023 12:26 PM PDT

    Jeremiahcp said: I am sorry, but I don't get it. How is it different? Also if it had not been for the leak would they still be giving this access to pledgers? This seems like a potential area of legal trouble for VR. Someone that paid for alpha access might decide to sue them over it.


    There is not an alpha client at this time.


    There is a Pre-Alpha MMO client that is currently suspended.

    There is a 247 Game Mode client that is currently being tested by users with 247 client access.

    When MMO client testing resumes, it may or may not be a Pre-Alpha client.


    If you disagree with their terminology, that's your prerogative, but I definitely don't think you have a legal case.

    • 1289 posts
    October 27, 2023 1:46 PM PDT

    Jeremiahcp said:

    I know there is a lot of controversy going on about this leak, but maybe someone can help me understand this, but isn't this really just alpha and not pre-alpha? I want to understand this, but that looks a lot like an alpha phase to me, a phase that many people paid extra money to be part of, so if it is alpha, then VR failed to provide them their alpha access. 


    The terms, beta, alpha, pre-alpha, etc are defined by the company that is creating the product, not by the customers or fans. 

    • 44 posts
    October 27, 2023 2:19 PM PDT

    Ranarius said:

    Jeremiahcp said:

    I know there is a lot of controversy going on about this leak, but maybe someone can help me understand this, but isn't this really just alpha and not pre-alpha? I want to understand this, but that looks a lot like an alpha phase to me, a phase that many people paid extra money to be part of, so if it is alpha, then VR failed to provide them their alpha access. 


    The terms, beta, alpha, pre-alpha, etc are defined by the company that is creating the product, not by the customers or fans. 



    Yes, and no.

    Beta and Alpha are common terms, with commonly used and understood definitions. As a dev, I have never heard of the term Pre-Alpha being used outside of Pantheon. The closest term would be "Proof of Concept" or "Prototype". VR just made up the term "Pre-Alpha" because it sounds better than those two (as in, conveying development is further along than it is), or because they are actively avoiding providing the Alpha access that so many people pledged for.

    That said, developers are free to try and define a phase however they want. If they want to invent a phase called "Pre-Alpha" and have it be largely what most developers would call an Alpha, while making what would normally be called Alpha functionally just a Beta... They can. There are no hard set specifics defined for a development phase like "An alpha has to have ___ percent of features done" or something.

    Generally, I think most development goes like:

    Prototyping: Getting very a basic code foundation added, mostly focusing on being able to test out the viability of key unique systems ideas. (For example in this case maybe getting a basic player character controller setup, some terrain, crude NPC AI, auto attack combat, etc. Just some bare minimums to then test something like the weather system.) The point is to have something to iterate upon.

    Proof of Concept: Further expanding on the ideas that makes a project unique, implementing something that can be more called a game. But still largely just something thats main purpose is to show yourselves or others that the idea of the project is taking shape. Its a solid foundation with which to work on.

    Alpha: Now that you have a foundation, you start trying to add in all your ideas in their final form. Previous code is often completely scrapped and replaced with more solid, well refined code. During this phase you try creating all your ideas for the project.

    Beta: Largely focused on refining existing content over adding anything new. The point of this phase is to get the project to a point of being a stable release candidate.

    At the very least, this is a progression I have always followed with projects. But also one I have seen most follow for the most part. VR? Not so much. They slotted in their own Pre-Alpha phase, and have been stuck in that for most of the last decade. I used to think it was more because they didn't want to give Alpha access supporters what they paid for, but now... I'm more afraid its because they are perpetually stuck in the "Proof of Concept" phase. Which for 10 years later? Its rediculous!

    • 8 posts
    October 27, 2023 2:56 PM PDT
    DarkAkuma said:

    Ranarius said:

    Jeremiahcp said:

    I know there is a lot of controversy going on about this leak, but maybe someone can help me understand this, but isn't this really just alpha and not pre-alpha? I want to understand this, but that looks a lot like an alpha phase to me, a phase that many people paid extra money to be part of, so if it is alpha, then VR failed to provide them their alpha access.

    The terms, beta, alpha, pre-alpha, etc are defined by the company that is creating the product, not by the customers or fans.

    Beta and Alpha are common terms, with commonly used and understood definitions. As a dev, I have never heard of the term Pre-Alpha being used outside of Pantheon.

    You're a software developer and you've never heard the phrase 'pre-alpha'? That's literally unbelievable. VR did not invent it, I assure you.
    This post was edited by treyburz at October 27, 2023 2:57 PM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    October 27, 2023 5:09 PM PDT
    "As a dev, I have never heard of the term Pre-Alpha being used outside of Pantheon."

    Good one. Or is it possible you were actually trying to be serious? Nah - can't be.
    • 44 posts
    October 27, 2023 7:18 PM PDT

    Fact is fact. I have never heard the term outside of Pantheon. I spelled it out. If you are going to just ignore that and pretend otherwise while trying to insult me, well... I dont know what more to say. If you heard the term outside of this game... good for you?

    • 3852 posts
    October 27, 2023 7:58 PM PDT
    If you hadn't said you were a developer no one would have raised an eyebrow. But the term is quite commonly used in development and by no means just for games. A quick search "pre-alpha" turned up discussions ranging from professional journals to wikipedia.
    • 185 posts
    October 27, 2023 8:40 PM PDT
    Pre-Alpha should be the stage in development where the systems are being designed and built, not necessarily tested.

    What we had before 247 really was almost more like a very closed Beta (for the finished zone we had to test in anyway).

    What its back to now with 247 is more like a traditional Alpha.

    They really did play a bit of a word game here with Pre-Alpha being more like an Alpha, and Alpha more like a Beta.

    But thats not the end of the world.

    The new art style is.
    • 226 posts
    October 27, 2023 9:05 PM PDT
    I have been a software engineer for 20 years, and run a engineer team now. I do this for a living. So you can take this as gospel...

    Pre-Alpha is a commonly used term, however literally every company I have ever worked for has used different nomenclature for the lifecycle of a release. Generally, most companies include Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Release Candidate (sometimes called Delta or Gamma), RTM, then GA (generally Available) Live or Production. These are some basic terms and doesn't include things like Scrums and Sprints.
    • 48 posts
    October 28, 2023 11:10 AM PDT

    Ranarius said:

    Jeremiahcp said:

    I know there is a lot of controversy going on about this leak, but maybe someone can help me understand this, but isn't this really just alpha and not pre-alpha? I want to understand this, but that looks a lot like an alpha phase to me, a phase that many people paid extra money to be part of, so if it is alpha, then VR failed to provide them their alpha access. 


    The terms, beta, alpha, pre-alpha, etc are defined by the company that is creating the product, not by the customers or fans. 

    That sounds like a made up rule. 

    • 48 posts
    October 28, 2023 11:18 AM PDT
    Sweety said: I have been a software engineer for 20 years, and run a engineer team now. I do this for a living. So you can take this as gospel... Pre-Alpha is a commonly used term, however literally every company I have ever worked for has used different nomenclature for the lifecycle of a release. Generally, most companies include Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Release Candidate (sometimes called Delta or Gamma), RTM, then GA (generally Available) Live or Production. These are some basic terms and doesn't include things like Scrums and Sprints.

    I honestly think this would be a question more for a lawyer and court than an engineer. Also, just a side note, I am not going to take your word as gospel, simply for the fact that you are just some random on the Internet and that generally is bad practice.
    This post was edited by Jeremiahcp at October 28, 2023 11:19 AM PDT
    • 226 posts
    October 28, 2023 12:09 PM PDT
    Jeremiahcp said:
    Sweety said: I have been a software engineer for 20 years, and run a engineer team now. I do this for a living. So you can take this as gospel... Pre-Alpha is a commonly used term, however literally every company I have ever worked for has used different nomenclature for the lifecycle of a release. Generally, most companies include Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Release Candidate (sometimes called Delta or Gamma), RTM, then GA (generally Available) Live or Production. These are some basic terms and doesn't include things like Scrums and Sprints.

    I honestly think this would be a question more for a lawyer and court than an engineer. Also, just a side note, I am not going to take your word as gospel, simply for the fact that you are just some random on the Internet and that generally is bad practice.

    Fair enough, and certainly wise to have that attitude on the internet. Though, I will say that most of us on this forum are middle aged men (mostly men, some women) that loved EQ1 in our college or high school days. I haven't seen a lot of trolls or teens pretended to be someone else on the Pantheon forums. This isn't reddit. My point is, I think most people here, are who they say they are.

    Anyway, getting back on topic. I agree with your point of paying for Alpha and not getting it. While PA is a common software development stage, VR seems to be using PA as a barrier to bad press and community backlash because they game is awful and not remotely what they promised us. Which is very clear after watching the embarrassing 247 gameplay video.
    This post was edited by Sweety at October 28, 2023 12:09 PM PDT
    • 18 posts
    October 28, 2023 1:29 PM PDT

    Jeremiahcp said: I honestly think this would be a question more for a lawyer and court than an engineer.

    I don't disagree that there's not typically a formal testing phase called "Pre-Alpha", nor that VR is using these terms generally in a way that is not typical, but there's not really a universal standard for how these terms are used... there's just what is typical. Particularly as it relates to the law and a court, there's not going to be a legal standard as to what an alpha test is - a company is free to have as many test phases as they want and call them whatever they want.

    If you're thinking that their decisions in that regard were for the purpose of fraud, I think you'd have a very difficult time proving that in court.

    • 48 posts
    October 28, 2023 5:03 PM PDT

    Sweety said:
    Jeremiahcp said:
    Sweety said: I have been a software engineer for 20 years, and run a engineer team now. I do this for a living. So you can take this as gospel... Pre-Alpha is a commonly used term, however literally every company I have ever worked for has used different nomenclature for the lifecycle of a release. Generally, most companies include Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Release Candidate (sometimes called Delta or Gamma), RTM, then GA (generally Available) Live or Production. These are some basic terms and doesn't include things like Scrums and Sprints.
    I honestly think this would be a question more for a lawyer and court than an engineer. Also, just a side note, I am not going to take your word as gospel, simply for the fact that you are just some random on the Internet and that generally is bad practice.
    Fair enough, and certainly wise to have that attitude on the internet. Though, I will say that most of us on this forum are middle aged men (mostly men, some women) that loved EQ1 in our college or high school days. I haven't seen a lot of trolls or teens pretended to be someone else on the Pantheon forums. This isn't reddit. My point is, I think most people here, are who they say they are. Anyway, getting back on topic. I agree with your point of paying for Alpha and not getting it. While PA is a common software development stage, VR seems to be using PA as a barrier to bad press and community backlash because they game is awful and not remotely what they promised us. Which is very clear after watching the embarrassing 247 gameplay video.

    Personally I think they just over sold alpha, couldn't support the sales, so they decided to call it pre-alpha, sell that for a much higher price, and then continue to sell their fake alpha access. 

    • 226 posts
    October 28, 2023 5:07 PM PDT
    Jeremiahcp said:

    Personally I think they just over sold alpha, couldn't support the sales, so they decided to call it pre-alpha, sell that for a much higher price, and then continue to sell their fake alpha access.

    This sounds about right to me.
    • 370 posts
    October 30, 2023 8:12 AM PDT

    Jeremiahcp said:

    Sweety said:
    Jeremiahcp said:
    Sweety said: I have been a software engineer for 20 years, and run a engineer team now. I do this for a living. So you can take this as gospel... Pre-Alpha is a commonly used term, however literally every company I have ever worked for has used different nomenclature for the lifecycle of a release. Generally, most companies include Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Release Candidate (sometimes called Delta or Gamma), RTM, then GA (generally Available) Live or Production. These are some basic terms and doesn't include things like Scrums and Sprints.
    I honestly think this would be a question more for a lawyer and court than an engineer. Also, just a side note, I am not going to take your word as gospel, simply for the fact that you are just some random on the Internet and that generally is bad practice.
    Fair enough, and certainly wise to have that attitude on the internet. Though, I will say that most of us on this forum are middle aged men (mostly men, some women) that loved EQ1 in our college or high school days. I haven't seen a lot of trolls or teens pretended to be someone else on the Pantheon forums. This isn't reddit. My point is, I think most people here, are who they say they are. Anyway, getting back on topic. I agree with your point of paying for Alpha and not getting it. While PA is a common software development stage, VR seems to be using PA as a barrier to bad press and community backlash because they game is awful and not remotely what they promised us. Which is very clear after watching the embarrassing 247 gameplay video.

    Personally I think they just over sold alpha, couldn't support the sales, so they decided to call it pre-alpha, sell that for a much higher price, and then continue to sell their fake alpha access. 


    But when they actually created the pre-alpha pledges right along side the alpha, beta and regular access pledges from the beginning, that kind of makes this statement moot.

    • 48 posts
    October 30, 2023 9:23 AM PDT

    arazons said:

    Jeremiahcp said:

    Sweety said:
    Jeremiahcp said:
    Sweety said: I have been a software engineer for 20 years, and run a engineer team now. I do this for a living. So you can take this as gospel... Pre-Alpha is a commonly used term, however literally every company I have ever worked for has used different nomenclature for the lifecycle of a release. Generally, most companies include Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Release Candidate (sometimes called Delta or Gamma), RTM, then GA (generally Available) Live or Production. These are some basic terms and doesn't include things like Scrums and Sprints.
    I honestly think this would be a question more for a lawyer and court than an engineer. Also, just a side note, I am not going to take your word as gospel, simply for the fact that you are just some random on the Internet and that generally is bad practice.
    Fair enough, and certainly wise to have that attitude on the internet. Though, I will say that most of us on this forum are middle aged men (mostly men, some women) that loved EQ1 in our college or high school days. I haven't seen a lot of trolls or teens pretended to be someone else on the Pantheon forums. This isn't reddit. My point is, I think most people here, are who they say they are. Anyway, getting back on topic. I agree with your point of paying for Alpha and not getting it. While PA is a common software development stage, VR seems to be using PA as a barrier to bad press and community backlash because they game is awful and not remotely what they promised us. Which is very clear after watching the embarrassing 247 gameplay video.

    Personally I think they just over sold alpha, couldn't support the sales, so they decided to call it pre-alpha, sell that for a much higher price, and then continue to sell their fake alpha access. 


    But when they actually created the pre-alpha pledges right along side the alpha, beta and regular access pledges from the beginning, that kind of makes this statement moot.


    I don't see how, could you explain how that makes it "moot"? 

    • 252 posts
    October 30, 2023 9:32 AM PDT
    Because all three pledge levels were created simultaneously they clearly didn't change "alpha" to "pre-alpha".
    • 370 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:17 AM PDT

    Ruinar said: Because all three pledge levels were created simultaneously they clearly didn't change "alpha" to "pre-alpha".


    What Ruinar said