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10 Burning Questions are Back!

    • VR Staff
    • 537 posts
    May 25, 2023 10:03 AM PDT

    For the next Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen developer update live stream on Twitch, featuring the Rogue class, we will also be reviving the 10 Burning Questions segment. Questions from the community will be selected and posed to the entire dev team, so there isn't any specific topic, just let us know what you want to know.

    Post your questions here, and you may find yours being featured. Thanks!

    • 947 posts
    May 25, 2023 11:18 AM PDT

    Are ideas for Bard and/or Necromancer abilities being seriously discussed yet?

    • 44 posts
    May 25, 2023 11:34 AM PDT

    As AI enters the mainstream, specifically how do you see artificial intelligience technologies impacting Pantheon's future development?

    • 70 posts
    May 25, 2023 12:47 PM PDT

    I Sorta understand bringing the classes that have been featured back around for tweaks, but why arent the other classes being addressed? (or are they? no info on it such as warrior paladin etc) IMO its gonna be pretty hard to balance a class when its the only one of its type. (please understand this isnt a rant, i just have not heard of the other classes at all at this point) and if the other classes are being addressed which ones? if all thats great but a little information (unless i missed it somewhere) would be fantastic. (btw DL is looking great!!)

    +1 to darch, I've asked i dunno how many times during streams if the bard is even still "hopeful" for launch (ive asked multiple times to every stream ive been able to attend) my only concern is that bards (and chanters) can change the entire group and content so much that i feel adding it later would only bring more nerfs and class adjustments.

    harvesting nodes.  will there be a group split? or is it ninja loot.  the most ive seen harvested at this point is 3 for a group of 6..

    druids (inderect heals) do they still cause aggro for the druid since its not direct heals?

    also +1 to donler, while i can only assume it would be expensive, and dont keep up with the AI vibe i did read an article about then asking an AI what would be the perfect eq3 and it was pretty wild. would love to hear about it from people who understand that kinda stuff better.





    • 947 posts
    May 25, 2023 6:06 PM PDT

    Rhelic said:

    +1 to darch, I've asked i dunno how many times during streams if the bard is even still "hopeful" for launch (ive asked multiple times to every stream ive been able to attend) my only concern is that bards (and chanters) can change the entire group and content so much that i feel adding it later would only bring more nerfs and class adjustments.

    This is 100% my concern as well.  We are constantly hearing about testing "balance" (even this last PA was about experiencing NPC balance) but "in my opinion" (and apparently others') it is very concerning that we are even attempting to "balance" without having all of the known variables (i.e. "varying weights") that will change "balance"... unless the devs actually DO know what variables the other classes will bring and they are giving supplemental boosts/boons to PCs/NPCs to emulate those variables(?)  In which case, please let us know :)  

    I'm not ranting, I'm just super curious (and concerned), and as Rherlic mentioned, adding unknown variables too late just "seems" like it would have to introduce +/- adjustments... especaiily if we're testing balance right now before having all of the core mechanics in place.  A crucial part to MMO balance (especially in a game with 4 roles, and especially when each class within that role does that role differently) is class POPULATION balance.  If 6 months from launch, nobody is playing Shaman for whatever reason (maybe a combination is found with the Druid that makes them "slightly" more efficient healers (PLUS they can teleport)... could be enough for players to put down the SHM for a DRU), or maybe the Warrior is a vastly superior tank, or maybe the DL attracts people who don't want to take on the responsibility of tanking (which is typically a high stress role later in MMOs) - are we going to see buffs/nurfs to try to promote players to play low census classes?  I can say with relative certainty, that if there are significant class changes  (for census and balance reasons) within the first year of the game, that will drive off players in droves and be unavoidable when searching for any online content on PRotF.  I know I don't want that.

    • 78 posts
    May 26, 2023 5:21 AM PDT

    Will you build a statue of my character in one of the starting cities?

    • 3852 posts
    May 26, 2023 6:58 AM PDT

    Will I be allowed to have a non-combat pet bird that I can direct to go poop on the statue?

    This post was edited by dorotea at May 26, 2023 10:35 AM PDT
    • 438 posts
    May 26, 2023 8:23 AM PDT
    I’m with dorotea. But I’d prefer a monkey slinging it instead of a bird.
    • 28 posts
    May 27, 2023 4:11 PM PDT

    Of your recent projects, what was a memorable challenge and how did you overcome it?

    • 430 posts
    May 27, 2023 4:17 PM PDT

    What type of minion/companion for druids do the other races have ?

    • 30 posts
    May 28, 2023 4:19 PM PDT

    I’m not sure if this is something you are able or willing to talk about, but it’s been a while since there were any updates on VR’s financial situation. I know you mentioned several months ago about receiving a 7 digit investment, but have there been any more considerable investments since then?

    And just for the sake of argument, if you were to receive no more money from this point on, and had to do with what you currently have, would that be enough to get the game launched? Or are you still going to need more large investments to make it happen?

    • 34 posts
    May 28, 2023 4:50 PM PDT

    1) Will Herode's auto-attack heal (and other abilities) use the Druid's mana?

    2) In the recent PTV, Joppa talked about Clerics using shields in their offhand. What offhand options will Druids/Shamans have? Empty? Dual wield maces??

    3) The updated map of Kingsreach looks amazing. Will we see an updated map of Reignfall and Whitethaw before alpha?

    4) If family/friends make characters that start on oposite sides of a continent; or on a different continent, around what level could they expect to meet up and be able to group?

    • 40 posts
    May 28, 2023 8:18 PM PDT

    How  long after launch will we see the necromancer and bard being implemeted?

    • 947 posts
    May 29, 2023 8:54 PM PDT

    Is there any progress on even ideas of activated racial abilities?

    I (personally) can't even seriously consider which race to play without knowing everything they're going to bring to the game that is unique.

    This post was edited by Darch at May 29, 2023 8:55 PM PDT
    • 595 posts
    May 31, 2023 3:18 PM PDT

    I absolutely love the way that different spells and abilities can be modified by stats/attributes not typically associated with a given class or discipline. I think this is a brilliant way to encourage build diversity within a specific class, and offers an extra layer of customization. It also moves us away from the extremely boring paradigm of "x archetype really only wants y stat" that is so ubiquitous in modern gaming. I think a game like Vanguard did attribute allocation very well.

    So now to my question:

    How are attribute points distributed upon leveling? Is this class and/or race dependent? Is it automatic or will the player have some agency in attribute allocation beyond character creation and gear acquisition? It feels to me that giving players some freedom in choosing where attribute points are assigned will be crucial in leveraging a system like this.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at June 12, 2023 3:36 PM PDT
    • 65 posts
    May 31, 2023 6:30 PM PDT

    1.  I've seen a lot of combat related abilities spells being mentioned, are there going to be any non-combat spells or abilities such as illusions that affect faction so an enchanter might be able to sneak into a (factionally) hostile settlement for trade, turn-ins, etc.   I had other non-combat related examples earlier today while at work but seem to have forgotten them at this moment lol.

    2. Climbing while engaged in combat - I've seen this in recent streams to escape bad pulls and drop aggro...over and over again until the pull went in the party's favor.  Is this intended?  Seems to "cheese" bad pulls and might as well just give the entire group feign death if this is working as intended.  I think it would be better if climbing was disabled if "in-combat"...or perhaps maybe just the rogue would be able to climb while "in-combat" and had related abilities they were able to use to drop down from above onto enemies and do backstab-like damage or brief stuns or something of that nature (seem to remember an ability from an earlier stream that was mentioned but never used that did something of that nature).  Or maybe if the rogue had something such as a "climbing kit" or something of that nature that was consumed on use which would allow the party to climb to escape the situation once the rogue started to climb and stayed within a certain range of the rogue.  Just spit-balling now.

    3. Are spell reagents going to be a thing?  I think it works well for the "rpg" part of the mmorpg for at least a few spells/abilities needing some type of consumable reagent to be cast (or maybe increasing the effectiveness of spells/abilities if used).  Things such as snake guts/scales/whatever for the shaman Strike of the Snake, or sand for slow spells, etc. Nothing overly expensive that could stack in inventory that might even be able to be harvested and traded between players like bone chips or snake scales.

    4. Can I have a free upgrade for pre-alpha access.  Thanks :)

    This post was edited by Daloskar at May 31, 2023 6:32 PM PDT
    • 102 posts
    June 1, 2023 6:44 PM PDT

    ok so maybe this has nothing to do with the rogue, but is a burning question nontheless! Can pledgers receive a digital lorebook and/or a lore compendium of the lore that has been written up till launch? You know, the over-arching story, the short stories, maybe even little blurbs about some main characters ;)

    • VR Staff
    • 354 posts
    June 2, 2023 8:26 AM PDT

    Brutenga said:

    ok so maybe this has nothing to do with the rogue, but is a burning question nontheless! Can pledgers receive a digital lorebook and/or a lore compendium of the lore that has been written up till launch? You know, the over-arching story, the short stories, maybe even little blurbs about some main characters ;)

    Check out the Black Rose pledges. They have a digital lore and artbook as a reward. 

    • 78 posts
    June 2, 2023 8:39 AM PDT

    Since it would be easier implemented from the get go instead of later on down the road, if you ever plan on putting in a glamour system, can we get like a book where once we get a piece or syle of gear it is checked off, that way we won't have to hold onto the gear forever, we can glamour from the book of gears we have had.  Also this game is in serious need of swagger and tacos, please address this.

    • VR Staff
    • 354 posts
    June 2, 2023 1:02 PM PDT

    mallanb81 said:

    Since it would be easier implemented from the get go instead of later on down the road, if you ever plan on putting in a glamour system, can we get like a book where once we get a piece or syle of gear it is checked off, that way we won't have to hold onto the gear forever, we can glamour from the book of gears we have had.  Also this game is in serious need of swagger and tacos, please address this.

    I'm not sure the inhabitants of Terminus know of tacos. It is a shame really and probably why there is so much strife. Tacos would calm everyone down


    • 78 posts
    June 3, 2023 9:56 PM PDT

    Would it be too late to scrap the traditional mmorpg ranger and give us  Walker Texas Ranger style ranger, they could even have an ability that makes them tell Chuck Norris Jokes.

    • 102 posts
    June 4, 2023 8:29 PM PDT

    Artois said:

    Check out the Black Rose pledges. They have a digital lore and artbook as a reward. 


    Well aren't I very embarrassed! Thank you kind sir o7

    • 2 posts
    June 5, 2023 4:11 PM PDT
    I remember it was said that Joppa wanted kingsreach mostly done for alpha. If this is still the case can we get a progress bar, 0-100 percent, on kingsreach progression added to the alpha road map? This percentage would only reflect an alpha ready kingsreach not a release ready state.