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Dev Live Stream - Explore the Goblin Caves

    • VR Staff
    • 537 posts
    December 19, 2022 10:28 AM PST

    Are you interested in a closer look at the Goblin Caves in Terminus?  Join us, tomorrow (Dec 20th) at 6PM PST (9PM EST) for a live Twitch stream.  Our heroic adventurers will be tackling the caves unscripted and (for some) untested for a casual group experience.  The group lineup:

    Game Designer Tyler "Saicred" Stokes - Dire Lord
    Customer Service Jason "Medawky" Bolton - Shaman
    Senior QA Tester Mark "Fusoya" Maraglino - Cleric
    Senior Content Creator David "Roenick" Schlow - Enchanter
    Community Manager - Jamie "Savanja" Henry - Monk
    Content Creator - Tony "Minus" Guidi - Rogue

    We hope to see you there!




    • 326 posts
    December 19, 2022 2:22 PM PST


    I like pulling from the bullpen for some of the spots. It should be a good time.

    • 2 posts
    December 19, 2022 5:12 PM PST

    i look forward to watching this tomarrow

    • 49 posts
    December 19, 2022 7:58 PM PST

    I too will be tuning in should be interesting to see this.  I wanna see if theres some names in there.

    • 2094 posts
    December 19, 2022 8:12 PM PST

    This is great! Thanks VR. I'll be there.

    I wonder whose PoV we will see it through?


    • 11 posts
    December 20, 2022 5:04 PM PST

    Was this going to get posted on the YouTube channel also? I wasn't able to catch it! :(

    • VR Staff
    • 537 posts
    December 21, 2022 9:02 AM PST

    If you missed the stream, you can find the video here on YouTube.  Thanks everyone that attended, we had a lot of fun. 

    • 161 posts
    December 21, 2022 9:12 AM PST

    That was a lot of fun, and only confirmed that Pantheon is the game I want to play.

    • 13 posts
    December 26, 2022 3:04 AM PST

    Hey, great stream. Was lots fun to watch :)

    Man, the shadows were just amazing when Minus pulled out his torch. The shadows look so much in line with all the other movements. Just great!  Thats such an awesome craft. Great work.

    BUT here comes the downside: It's so much going on on the screen with all the shadows moving, its just sooo exhausting only watching the stream. I can not imagine how my brain is going to work with this on a 3-4hrs dungeon crawl. Just compare the 1hr crawl with the "normal" torch and the 10minutes crawl with Minus torch and shadows. That's just a huuuge difference, and not for the good. There's also so much going on, on the screeen: Mobs, Adds, Abilities, all the floating numbers, positioning and so on... Ppl tend to reduce spell effects and focus on the primary stuff needed for perfectly play your class without brain overload. At least we need (just my 2ct anyway) to turn the shadows off please.


    Now back to Minus or better the rogue: I don't plan on playing a rogue, so i don't bother much, cause i will not see and feel it anyways.... In my oppinion the rogue really need a silhouette while in stealth OR the camera needs to be fixed. While in dungeon and in stealth, it always looked like Minus is climbing the walls backwards or it looked like he was a giant compared to his friends. With no reference point and the "bad" camera angles, it looked aweful. Pain to watch. Also you cant really see at which point at the mob you're standing. Many time i could't figure if he was around the corner or before the corner?! With a class depending on positioning, i really find it not so pleasant. It may look and plays good in overlands, but dont like it in dungeos so far. Hope with some Invis spells for other classes coming into game, the chars have a silhouette as well.

    Group xp and TTK seems not in line. Watching the xp bar not moving much in a 2hr dungeon crawl. Made roughly 3% in a 2hrs run.


    This post was edited by TaskenDart at December 26, 2022 3:10 AM PST
    • 2094 posts
    December 26, 2022 5:02 PM PST

    TaskenDart said:

    There's also so much going on, on the screeen: Mobs, Adds, Abilities, all the floating numbers, positioning and so on... Ppl tend to reduce spell effects and focus on the primary stuff needed for perfectly play your class without brain overload. At least we need (just my 2ct anyway) to turn the shadows off please.

    That should not be a problem. VR has told us that we will have a fine degree of control over our UI. Each of the elements will be separately movable, resizable, and able to be turned off/on as suits our playstyle. So those who like a 'busy' screen can have it, and those who like minimal distraction can also have it.

    I can't wait to give it a try!

    This post was edited by Jothany at December 26, 2022 5:03 PM PST