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Let Alpha pledgers play

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    • 627 posts
    December 14, 2022 7:37 AM PST
    Hi im exited to see regular play test are comming for the vips. Maybe we can let Alpha players in aswell?

    Im thinking
    Every new play test will have a small amount of the players be alpha pledgers. People can join a play test only once pr. Account and have to sign up for the test ahead of time. So its a one time pr account kind of deal.

    This way we can reward the ppl that have been following the game for years and years. But dont have the founds to pay for a vip pledge. While not taking away the bonus of the vips.
    • 888 posts
    December 14, 2022 8:51 AM PST

    That would probably upset those who payed extra for the higher pledges, so I doubt it would happen. 

    I do support them allowing in active community members who have Alpha pledges.  This could be limited to those with 872 or more forum posts. Or perhaps those who've created supplemental materials, like this randomly chosen example:  

    This post was edited by Counterfleche at December 14, 2022 8:54 AM PST
    • 3852 posts
    December 14, 2022 9:33 AM PST

    What Counterfleche said. 

    But this could be a way to raise revenue. Do *not* allow the low-lives that refused to pay for pre-alpha to participate in it. But have a special demonstration session allowing them access to the PA universe for X hours as an a la carte pledge purchase. Not as a test. Not to solicit feedback. Maybe do not even allow feedback. Maybe a session only for these people and not the regular testers. Distinguish it sharply from a real PA session to not anger those that *did* pledge at the PA level. 

    I bet people will pay for this kind of early access.

    • 627 posts
    December 14, 2022 10:02 AM PST
    For a once pr account thing i think most vips would not rly care at all.

    Sure it could be an extra purchase
    • 26 posts
    December 14, 2022 11:07 AM PST

    Not sure why it should matter to pre-alpha testers. There have been some pre-alpha, and apparently several more in the comming months. Allowing Alpha play - earlier rather than later - may be a way to draw in more players and more funds to get to beta. How many beta players just might be tempted to upgrade to alpha if alpha were available?


    • 2756 posts
    December 14, 2022 1:57 PM PST

    As a pre-alpha pledger, I wouldn't mind at all - wouldn't feel it takes away anything from me - *if* (and it's a big if) it were actually useful to VR.

    But I'm not sure it would be unless they let in significantly more testers. The constant trickle of permissioning (and de-permissioning after their session?) might be a headache. The maintaining of NDA would become more and more of a worry. Etc.


    But maybe they could just add a tranche of alphas every month and just leave them in?

    It's an interesting proposal.

    • 161 posts
    December 14, 2022 8:58 PM PST

    I don't think Visionary Realms currently has the infrastructure to make this possible, since as a practical matter it would require a unified login for forum, pledge, and server, which is not yet available.

    Perhaps as a prelude to Alpha, having a massive login and final apocalyptic Pre-Alpha stress test, it could be useful, but now there aren't enough zones, and ViNL is still not complete.

    I know we all want to play, but this is Pre-Alpha Testing, and as a Test, inviting massive numbers of Alpha Testers would not yet serve a developmental purpose.

    Balanz, son of Anz

    • 627 posts
    December 14, 2022 10:22 PM PST
    I purpusly said small amount of players.

    As for signup it litteraly can just be an email list and if you were lucky to join one of the tests you would not be abel to join again. Simple scripts can handle this
    • 627 posts
    December 14, 2022 10:28 PM PST
    It could also be a monthly discord server giveaway price, and be through the discord server only. This way VR can push players to use discord and engage there aswell.
    • 2094 posts
    December 14, 2022 11:09 PM PST

    Counterfleche said:That would probably upset those who payed extra for the higher pledges, so I doubt it would happen. 

    I do support them allowing in active community members who have Alpha pledges.  This could be limited to those with 872 or more forum posts. Or perhaps those who've created supplemental materials, like this randomly chosen example: ;

    I would advise setting a much higher standard, say those with over 2000 posts :D (with exceptions of course for content creators, like your other suggestion)

    Seriously though, I agree it is extremely unlikely to happen. It would indeed face a backlash from a not-insignificant number of p-A pledgers who felt cheated. I pledged for alpha and might benefit from this, but I'm pretty sure I'd feel cheated if I had spent a bunch to upgrade my pledge and then found out others were getting in without the expense.

    Not to mention that VR is still promoting VIP pledges to get into pre-Alpha testing and starting to let Alpha pledgers in - no matter how small a percentage of them - would definitely be counter-productive to those efforts.

    • 23 posts
    December 15, 2022 1:54 AM PST

    getting all the alpha backers to get in would multiply the number of players by a lot, and the servers already crashed during cohh stream with only pre alpha backers. 

    If  VR were to let alpha backers in, the uptime of the servers would probably be a handfull of minutes.

    Nobody would achieve anything. Players would not be able to play, VR would not get that much data in feedback ...

    • 1281 posts
    December 15, 2022 11:20 AM PST

    BamBam said: For a once pr account thing i think most vips would not rly care at all. Sure it could be an extra purchase


    There is already a pledge between Alpha and Triumverate that allows people to test Pre-Alpha.  It's called Scion of the Black Rose or something like that.

    This post was edited by Kalok at December 15, 2022 11:21 AM PST
    • 1281 posts
    December 15, 2022 11:20 AM PST

    dorotea said:

    What Counterfleche said. 

    But this could be a way to raise revenue. Do *not* allow the low-lives that refused to pay for pre-alpha to participate in it. But have a special demonstration session allowing them access to the PA universe for X hours as an a la carte pledge purchase. Not as a test. Not to solicit feedback. Maybe do not even allow feedback. Maybe a session only for these people and not the regular testers. Distinguish it sharply from a real PA session to not anger those that *did* pledge at the PA level. 

    I bet people will pay for this kind of early access.

    They already did.  See Scion of the Black Rose.

    • 172 posts
    December 15, 2022 12:55 PM PST

    BamBam said: Hi im exited to see regular play test are comming for the vips. Maybe we can let Alpha players in aswell? Im thinking Every new play test will have a small amount of the players be alpha pledgers. People can join a play test only once pr. Account and have to sign up for the test ahead of time. So its a one time pr account kind of deal. This way we can reward the ppl that have been following the game for years and years. But dont have the founds to pay for a vip pledge. While not taking away the bonus of the vips.


    I have suggested in the past that certain Alpha backer pledges could gain Pre-Alpha access at a more discounted rate.  Keep pre-alpha gated behind the $750 and $1000 for new backers. But as an example, if you have had a Champions pledge of/over $300 for at least five years, you can get in to pre-alpha for an extra $250 - Instead of upgrading another pledge and having to pay $450 - $700.


    This would encourage additional monetary support from those who have already pledged and are considering pre-alpha access but it's simply just out-of-reach for them.  Knocking down the price tag for pre-alpha in this context for long-time backers, would certainly get me to pay a couple extra hundred dollars.


    Personally, I can't justify an extra $450 - $700 for pre-alpha for myself.  I think this is a good way to continue to generate revenue out of your existing support, while giving the people what they want.  


    VR might lose out on a couple hundred dollars with this resolution, but from backers such as myself - They wont get more money at all, if the price isn't reduced.    



    • 274 posts
    December 16, 2022 5:36 AM PST

    VR risks too much by allowing more players in at the early stages of development. More players in pre-alpha is not necessarily a good thing, and I think if VR was really worried about the number of players participating in PA sessions, they would do more to lower the cost of pledges that include PA access.

    With the recent announcement of monthly PA sessions, I suspect we'll be in alpha quite soon.

    • 1281 posts
    December 16, 2022 7:30 AM PST

    Aayden said:

    BamBam said: Hi im exited to see regular play test are comming for the vips. Maybe we can let Alpha players in aswell? Im thinking Every new play test will have a small amount of the players be alpha pledgers. People can join a play test only once pr. Account and have to sign up for the test ahead of time. So its a one time pr account kind of deal. This way we can reward the ppl that have been following the game for years and years. But dont have the founds to pay for a vip pledge. While not taking away the bonus of the vips.


    I have suggested in the past that certain Alpha backer pledges could gain Pre-Alpha access at a more discounted rate.  Keep pre-alpha gated behind the $750 and $1000 for new backers. But as an example, if you have had a Champions pledge of/over $300 for at least five years, you can get in to pre-alpha for an extra $250 - Instead of upgrading another pledge and having to pay $450 - $700.


    This would encourage additional monetary support from those who have already pledged and are considering pre-alpha access but it's simply just out-of-reach for them.  Knocking down the price tag for pre-alpha in this context for long-time backers, would certainly get me to pay a couple extra hundred dollars.


    Personally, I can't justify an extra $450 - $700 for pre-alpha for myself.  I think this is a good way to continue to generate revenue out of your existing support, while giving the people what they want.  


    VR might lose out on a couple hundred dollars with this resolution, but from backers such as myself - They wont get more money at all, if the price isn't reduced.    



    See my previous posts...  There is a pledge level that is granting PA access that's between Champion and VIP.

    • 3852 posts
    December 16, 2022 7:43 AM PST

    "They already did.  See Scion of the Black Rose."


    Scion goes for $750 whereas the lowest cost pledge with alpha access goes for $250. But I wasn't discussing making pledge levels with pre-alpha access less expensive. I was discussing the possibility of an a la carte pledge that would give a much more limited ability to participate in what is available now to the pre-alpha testers. Such as a few "demonstration" sessions limited to people already eligible for alpha but requiring an "upgrade" for $100 or $150 or $200.

    • 1 posts
    December 16, 2022 7:52 AM PST

    I have pledged for an alpha access 6 years ago.

    At the time, i was expecting time-to-alpha to be 2 or 3 years away from my pledge.
    Now it's been 6 and I know that things have been moving in the right direction. But, seriously, the scope of the pantheon project must have been done in an unrealistic way to make such a long drift possible.

    My objective is not to rant here. Just to express my frustration.

    Will I live long enough to play this game? I was 38 yo when I pledged, 44 now.

    • 768 posts
    December 16, 2022 8:57 AM PST

    BamBam said: Hi im exited to see regular play test are comming for the vips. Maybe we can let Alpha players in aswell? Im thinking Every new play test will have a small amount of the players be alpha pledgers. People can join a play test only once pr. Account and have to sign up for the test ahead of time. So its a one time pr account kind of deal. This way we can reward the ppl that have been following the game for years and years. But dont have the founds to pay for a vip pledge. While not taking away the bonus of the vips.

    Although I understand what you're trying to get, I just can't agree on it.

    Pledging to support this game is not a way to have a foot in the door to suggest an early acces play session.

    Higher pledge packages are, I believe, created to attract people that understand what is required from them. Test and produce productive feedback without demanding more time invested by devs to suit their personal goals. I understand it can be frustrating to see this game in development for this amount of time, but the dev's are clear in their statements when they say: if you want to see the game faster, keep backing up the product in every way you are able to.  Likes, shares, videos, participation on forums, pledges, merchandise, etc. 

    The balast and the focus should stay on developing the game and getting sufficient and efficient feedback from testers.  This project, to my understanding, is not oriented towards enabling early access but is trying to work with a crew and focussed testers to bring you and everyone else who's interested in this style of game, the best they can deliver. 

    I get that you might see this play test idea as a suggestion for more funding, but does it way out compared to the financial investment and time consumption. Also risking bad press for miscommunicated pr, is not easy to turn back around these days.  Last thing they have time for is douzing little fires.

    My apologies if this reply sounds too stern. I don't mean to slap anyone in the face here. 

    I just view their pledging system and method of growth and development different and try to explain why I think this idea might be too demanding and uncontrollable for the team. There will be a point where it's desired to have even more players to test other things. But the main thing still has to be that they get more out of it then they have to put into it, in order to be a concience and deliberate choice to alter their pledge perks/packages.

    • 1479 posts
    December 16, 2022 2:32 PM PST

    "I have alpha. Game is not in alpha. Let's ask for alpha players to play."



    I wish I could see something more productive and constructive than wrapping unfitting reasons just for the sake of an access to the game, a few days after Cohh's session where low level play seems enjoyable...

    • 172 posts
    December 16, 2022 6:53 PM PST

    Kalok said:

    Aayden said:

    See my previous posts...  There is a pledge level that is granting PA access that's between Champion and VIP.


    I did read your post prior to posting.  And if you think that your response to my post is warranted then you missed the point of my post entirely.

    • 627 posts
    December 17, 2022 2:01 AM PST
    Ok maybe the Lucky draw on discord could be a good idea. The winner gets to join one pre alpha session as reward.
    • 729 posts
    December 17, 2022 6:14 AM PST

    Look at BamBam working the system and trying new approaches.  Good for you!  No harm in giving it a go and it makes clear we are all itching to get in there and wack a goblin.  But I hope they do not 3ven attempt anything like this.  It takes away resources, no matter how small, from the development. I want as much gas going towards getting all us alpha testers in there to break and bash and crash ASAP.   Peace

    • 3852 posts
    December 17, 2022 9:06 AM PST

    I entirely agree with the point of not diverting VR attention from the actual development of the game. The only valid reason IMO to allow people who are not in one of the pre-alpha pledge levels to play now would be as a revenue raiser if VR felt that they could charge enough for the privilege that it would bring in enough to more than compensate for the extra time diverted. 

    • 2 posts
    December 17, 2022 3:04 PM PST

    As a Business you do NOT screw over your highest paying customers, they paid EXTRA Money IE MORE THEN YOU so they benefit from that.  You don't get that same PERK unless YOU also PAY for that Privallage as well.

    Its simple this like paying for Coach on a Flight and expecting to get First Class Seating and Treatment. Now there a reason for this, Only the Hard Core Backers will be willing to Pay Extra for this PERK, these people will actually TEST the Game they will also be a lot less critical and likely to jump on a reddit to complain about how bad the game is, since they paid so much money to get in early and Help test the Build, this is Not a FUN Time but actual Work..the game is no where near ready to be shown to the general public and allowing too many people into the Early Pre and even Alpha Testing can litterlly hurt the project. Limiting the amount of peopel who can be on the servers helps keep the servers healthy and not running at 2 FPS and crashing as we see everytime a New MMO comes out Day 1. Eventually Everyone wil get a chance to Test or try out the game, don't be in such a hurry to get Burned out playing and unfinished buggy & lacking in content Early build of a Game that Hopefully you and all of us will want to play for Decades when its much farther along in Dev.

    TLDR: Don't be in a Rush to get burned out in a game that clearly not finished and still has a ways to go before its actually any fun to play. FOMO is not your friend.