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Fan-made Trailer Winner!

    • 342 posts
    December 8, 2022 2:24 PM PST
    We have a winner, folks! The purpose of this contest was to reach out to our circles and spread the word about Pantheon as we approach Alpha, get some buzz going without taking the devs away from their duties. It was so fun and I hope everyone had a blast.

    And no surprises here! Those with the largest sphere of influence did best in this quest for likes on their video. The standings are below:

    Ser Medieval - 845
    Therek - 98
    OneADseven - 75
    Benonai - 53
    DraqAttack - 40
    Morraak - 17
    Benonai - 14

    Congrats to Ser Medieval for his triumphant win. His successful channel is helping to propel Pantheon into the limelight with new audiences and hopefully added some new Fantheons to our ranks. To everyone who submitted, congratulations from the community at large for giving of your time to help make this game a reality. Every new fan is a potential backer, potential click on YouTube or Twitch or Twitter. You have done the game a great service, so thank you.
    Ser Medieval has won the prize, a full leather Keychain which will boast the Pantheon logo and his preferred race and class symbols on the back. Once it is finished, it will be posted here for him to brag.

    Onward and upward friends.
    • 342 posts
    • 122 posts
    December 8, 2022 6:22 PM PST

    Congrats to Ser Medieval!  That was an excellent choice in music for the trailer.  Thanks for hosting the contest Benonai!

    • 2756 posts
    December 9, 2022 3:55 AM PST

    Very well done! I really intended to have a go, but it's a big vote of admiration that I appreciate taking the time to do it is in itself a challenge hehe.

    • 394 posts
    December 11, 2022 11:39 AM PST

    Congrats Ser Medieval! 

    Cangrats all!

    • 342 posts
    December 30, 2022 7:12 PM PST

    And for the prize, it is not worthy of the skill of all those who made videos, but I hope you appreciate the gesture, Ser Medieval.  Your prize is finally on its way.  Thanks for playing everyone and have a happy New Year!