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PtVL Episode 2: Get your Questions in!

    • 30 posts
    October 5, 2022 9:00 AM PDT

    Joppa and Minus discuss world exploration with unique items and abilities on the upcoming Parting the Veil Live. Before we go live on Thursday, October 20th, at 6 pm PDT, we want your questions on the topic, and we may even feature them live on the air. Ask away!


    • 23 posts
    October 5, 2022 10:06 AM PDT

    More than any question, I wish to send you all the best energy and positive vibes as you reach each milestone! 

    Will there be innate abilities or spells to help the ease of exploration without combat? (Reconnenance missions for classes other than rogues)

    • 8 posts
    October 5, 2022 12:08 PM PDT

    Will swimming constantly consume endurance or will we have endurance for a ''sprint'' underwater as well?


    This may be old and I missed it. Do climbing and sprinting (swimming?) skills increase your endurance pool? Or just the consumption of endurance whilst doing those activities?


    Will we have random stashs/caches/chests and the like scattered about areas you need to swim/climb to find. I'm talking about relatively small loots just for that dopamine hit. (I presume there will be wicked sick hidden locals with juicy loot/locations). Would the ''lesser' locations be on a randomized table similar to crafting nodes? A set of potential locations etc.


    Will some of the abilities be tied to classes or will be see for example climbing abilities unlocked by climbing skill? Both? One? Other? 


    Will one of the adventure items be harpoons for using to fish? Would be a fun twist on the same fishing tradeskill to actually jump in and harpoon.

    This post was edited by Oaknut at October 5, 2022 4:44 PM PDT
    • 839 posts
    October 6, 2022 2:18 AM PDT

    Are invisibility spells going to have a random chance of breaking (with advanced warning) below their full durations? Like in Eq

    I really loved that mechanic, though i can see why some would not like it. But it sure adds a lot of tension to traversing dangerous places.

    This post was edited by Hokanu at October 6, 2022 2:43 AM PDT
    • 274 posts
    October 6, 2022 4:52 AM PDT

    I believe it has been mentioned before as a possibility, but has any more thought been given to temporary or conjured items that give a party or raid access to otherwise inaccessible areas, or that might be necessary to down a particular boss?

    This post was edited by eunichron at October 6, 2022 4:52 AM PDT
    • 48 posts
    October 17, 2022 10:42 AM PDT
    What kind of unique items will there be that will help with traversing the world? Levitation boots? High jump boots? What about items that delay or greatly decrease stamina use for a short period of time?
    See invis for hidden doors? Etc...
    • 209 posts
    October 19, 2022 11:25 PM PDT

    We know that the Dark Myr will have an innate water-breathing ability, which would seem to give them a great advantage in exploring underwater. Will there be ways for other races to achieve this temporarily, such as with special items or potions? Also, how would this be balanced in order to make underwater exploration possible for other races while not trivializing the Dark Myr's unique racial passive?

    • 902 posts
    October 20, 2022 1:05 AM PDT

    Will the climbing skill provide other skills as it progresses. For instance, will you be able to learn to help others when climbing as you become proficient (maybe an ability to pass a rope to a group member to pull up past a difficult climb point)? It would be nice if you could detect easier routes up cliff faces as your skills increase (maybe highlighted for a limited time when you use a "consider rock face" skill). Will there be loose rocks that could cause climbing problems? If so will you gain a skill in detecting these areas?

    I would love to see a climbing skill tree (ice climbing skills, loose rock skills, vertical and overhang skills, all sorts!). 

    This post was edited by chenzeme at October 20, 2022 1:07 AM PDT
    • 2138 posts
    October 20, 2022 1:11 PM PDT

    MinusVR said:

    [...] world exploration with unique items and abilities [...] 

    Natural (not gated/dependent so-to-speak)

    Will there be natural or manmade landmarks in the world that upon second glance appear to imply or point towards an unseen distant destination?

    - like: a fallen statue that seems to be pointing somewhere. Or a stonehedge type place that whenever the sun/moon(s) sets/rises its caught in a crack and shoots a beam that-a-way, or a dry riverbed that was just full and rushing yesterday. Or a flash that will catch your eye in the distance 

    Unique items:

    Will there be useful items that will make happy accidents in discovering places, but so many that no on-line site can cataloge them all. Like a fishing rod most everyone will or can obtain one- you dont know what you will get when you cast your rod. How about Dowsing rods? they are good for finding ores maybe and if skill is high enough you zero in directly OR a suprise doorway made of the stuff. Or a torch like in 5th element they needed fire although there was plenty of light. I am thinking outside of necessary quest keys


    "They followed his gaze and they thought, that maybe they saw, a spire of Gold! no! a trick of the eye. That's all. But the beast was gone and a voice was heard: they've got no horns and they've got no tail, they don't even know of our existance. Am I wrong to believe in the city of gold, that lies deep in the distance- he cried and wept" (Genesis, Trick of the tail)

    - Will knowledge of rare racial languages and the discovery of their writings actually lead to some quests and unique and interesting items and perhaps unlock more faction/cultural complexity. I would like to know I am with someone who, says this chicken scratch means something and then tells me there is something to pursue that I get a ping in my quest journal for. I specifically refer to the Tesch Mall Gnolls in EQ, collecting all their writings only to learn- not much. and the Gnomish diaries in Temple of Cazic thule which was SUCH a PITA. And the cookpot wasnt even special only in name. Recipes ok, but man the drop rate was atrocious at least let me make some gnomish food from the lizard skins and meat but know how hard it was to get people to even go to find out more?