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Funding, Pre-Alpha Testing, & more with CohhCarnage

    • 30 posts
    July 27, 2022 3:57 PM PDT

    A new pledge package, increased funding, upcoming Pre-Alpha testing, and a very important @CohhCarnage announcement! This one was jam packed.

    • 20 posts
    July 27, 2022 4:13 PM PDT

    What does "this summer" mean?

    If VR can give us the days/times for testing, then I would gladly fork over an extra $400+ bucks to test. I'm not gonna drop another 400 bucks knowing I'll be testing the game one day a week for 2 hours.

    I mean, if they let us know the exact days/times, they would get a ton of more backers. 

    • 9115 posts
    July 27, 2022 4:38 PM PDT

    Saamir said:

    What does "this summer" mean?

    If VR can give us the days/times for testing, then I would gladly fork over an extra $400+ bucks to test. I'm not gonna drop another 400 bucks knowing I'll be testing the game one day a week for 2 hours.

    I mean, if they let us know the exact days/times, they would get a ton of more backers. 

    We will release more details closer to the testing session, mate. There will be a few more decent PAs before we move to Alpha.

    • 1404 posts
    July 27, 2022 6:23 PM PDT

    Saamir said:

    I mean, if they let us know the exact days/times, they would get a ton of more backers. 

    I'm not so sure about that, in my experiance "exact days/times" leads to nothing but trouble. 

    • Angry Customers if they miss the date and need to post-pone ("but you promised!!!"). 
    • Poor Quality (leading to Angry Cusomers) if they rush it to try to meet a date.


    Better off to just have annoyed customers because they wont give a date.

    • 56 posts
    July 28, 2022 6:12 AM PDT

    Dates can generate high tensions really quickly imho.

    Missed time frames can turn calm people turn into raging Hulks. I understand that listed pre-alpha times would help people that are trying to balance play time versus cost. 


    • 41 posts
    July 28, 2022 6:58 AM PDT

    It was a nice, informative stream. Getting a brief rundown of the business side of things was interesting. I was confused by Cohh's comments about "first time playing the game" this September. He's played the game dozens of times on streams in the past so not sure what he meant by that.

    • 175 posts
    July 28, 2022 7:10 AM PDT

    I watched it Live, but I did go to the YouTube video to give it a Thumbs Up! The video currently has 3392 Views and 316 Thumbs Up. With my finances being tight right now, I can’t spend $450 for the Scion of Black Rose pledge upgrade, even though I want to. I can hit the Like button. It’s an easy and effective way to get VR more exposure.

    • 175 posts
    July 28, 2022 7:26 AM PDT

    Duderino said:

    It was a nice, informative stream. Getting a brief rundown of the business side of things was interesting. I was confused by Cohh's comments about "first time playing the game" this September. He's played the game dozens of times on streams in the past so not sure what he meant by that.

    CohhCarnage said:

    This September, I will be able to play Pantheon for you, for the first time on stream.

    My guess would be that CohhCarnage will be able to create a character and play from level 1. If  I am  correct, this is super exciting! He has played Pantheon many times before, but he was always given a premade leveled character and put into a location.

    • 3852 posts
    July 28, 2022 7:48 AM PDT

    On the point that there will be more pledges if they give the times for the tests.

    I agree with those who say that giving precise times well in advance would be a poor idea.

    On the other hand a non-binding statement like "We anticipate that there will be three more pre-alpha sessions. Obviously we will increase or decrease the number of sessions based on what we feel is helpful for us to continue developing the game on a timely basis." would help people considering the pledge. As would: "We anticipate that each session will last for three hours. Most or all are likely to be on [weekdays] [weekday evenings] [weekends]. Each session may have two scheduled times so that pledgers that cannot make one of them may be able to make the other."

    • 102 posts
    July 28, 2022 8:24 AM PDT

    This is also assuming that all people will be able to pre-alpha test due to their pledge status. There may be a limit on participants per session and all who have signed up may not be eligible to participate in any or all sessions. That being said, I'm still considering upgrading my pledge even if I don't play a single pre-alpha session. Remember, the end goal here is to help Pantheon to launch through donations. We're not actually "purchasing" anything. I know it sounds shill, but it is true.

    • 41 posts
    July 28, 2022 9:55 AM PDT


    My guess would be that CohhCarnage will be able to create a character and play from level 1. If  I am  correct, this is super exciting! He has played Pantheon many times before, but he was always given a premade leveled character and put into a location.


    Ok, that would make sense. I wonder how organic of an experience we'll see. For example, will he log in and a group of devs will be waiting to play with him or will he just jump in like a regular and form groups naturally with other players. I'm also hoping to see more regular streaming sessions with Cohh and possibly other content creators.

    This post was edited by Duderino at July 28, 2022 9:57 AM PDT
    • 2138 posts
    July 28, 2022 12:01 PM PDT

    I think this could have a big impact on the public-at-large that Cohh is going to play "pre-Alpha". They have pre-concieved notions of what Alpha and Beta is, and many of you have seen posts with people wanting to give money and what their expectations are for Alpha and Beta based on those expectations and how they react when they discover that is NOT the same for pantheon. Im saying there is going to be a large attitude learning curve behind the scenes. However on face value, (the face Cohh puts to it) he is a professional gamer with a certain style /community and people know what to expect so VR and cohh wil have to choose their adventure wisely. I am sure cohh can pick up any class/spell set and wing it which is why I hope they don't start at level 1, because I want that to be part of mine and the publics first time wonder experience, but rather to start at a higher level so that all watching can see what to aspire to and not go so into detail as to what spells abilities they have. Instead to, say hi, group up and start playing and let the pundits replay, pause, cite time and second and delve into the nitty gritty. Oh sure, Cohh will pause at the right time to get clarity on a certain skill, spell, ability or whatnot but the mere act of his playing will be enough. Ideally I would like to see switches into the other players P.O.V- for instance: we are in Cohh's first person view for the first 10min then suddenly- *bink* -Kilsin? and we see his LAS and when he opens his bags etc while we remain as proverbial flies on the wall. Why first person? not only because that is as it should be and if something gets you from behind in a dungeon thats a suprise and the only allowable type of jump-scare considering the need for situational awareness- you can't look around?, but also lets not forget the impact of the Blair witch project.


    • 9 posts
    July 28, 2022 2:52 PM PDT

    I really enjoyed this, particularly the last half, seeing, and hearing the excitment from CP and Cohh.  Really brought back memories of times of old.  Can't wait for the next update !

    • 161 posts
    July 28, 2022 6:50 PM PDT

    NegativeNRG said:

    With my finances being tight right now, I can’t spend $450 for the Scion of Black Rose pledge upgrade, even though I want to.

    I've fantasized about Pre-Alpha, but if anything goes wrong with my housemate, car, or job, I would regret it.

    Alpha, on the other hand... one upgrade at a time.

    • 252 posts
    July 28, 2022 8:47 PM PDT

    I liked hearing that Cohh is going to be in there in September. I enjoy his style a lot and am looking forward to the stream(s). Hopefully the Nathan Napalm and others can get in there too for some streaming.  :P

    • 49 posts
    July 29, 2022 7:14 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    On the point that there will be more pledges if they give the times for the tests.

    I agree with those who say that giving precise times well in advance would be a poor idea.

    On the other hand a non-binding statement like "We anticipate that there will be three more pre-alpha sessions. Obviously we will increase or decrease the number of sessions based on what we feel is helpful for us to continue developing the game on a timely basis." would help people considering the pledge. As would: "We anticipate that each session will last for three hours. Most or all are likely to be on [weekdays] [weekday evenings] [weekends]. Each session may have two scheduled times so that pledgers that cannot make one of them may be able to make the other."


    This is what I need to see.

    • 1 posts
    September 25, 2022 11:13 AM PDT
    I made a pledge two years ago. Why would anyone send money or upgrade their pledge. You do not get any emails with status updates or anything just crickets. People want you to succeed. Frustrated with opium and lack of communication. Forums are great but I am so done waiting.