Forums » Pantheon Classes

Class specific resources

    • 258 posts
    November 6, 2021 6:38 AM PDT

    I think as an emaducated person that I am when it comes to understanding certain information that's provided towards a video game I like to enjoy, is the immersion into the game without having to Google every little simple thing to be able to find balance in a game. I might be the only one who feels like this, as I've ran into the same issue every time, because, believe it or not, there might be people with different understanding about what is really being said that some information is misinterpreted differently as far as how a Class works. How do you feel about this?

    This post was edited by Arzoth at November 6, 2021 6:59 AM PDT
    • 2094 posts
    November 6, 2021 2:50 PM PDT

    I'm not totally sure what position you're taking. VR has indicated that they aim to have a fairly broad tutorial for new players, with easy options to bypass it for anyone who doesn't want it (or is making another of many chars and already knows the info). It's certain that there will be websites with collections of info about the world of Terminus, maps, Class, Race, Quest info, etc. So anyone who wants to progress as fast as possible will be quite able to. I have no problem with them. They're welcome to zip past me and disappear 'up the levels' while I meander along, enjoying every PoI and Perception ping I can find.

    I don't want or intend to learn more about the game or how my Class plays from a third party website than I do from actually playing the game. The process of discovery is enjoyable to me, and figuring out something that was confusing me feels like much more of a victory than figuring out which website has the info I want. No doubt I'll learn some things from the people I play with. While I'll try to avoid spoilers, having a groupmate lead us to a place they've been that the rest of us haven't feels much more 'organic' and natural than browsing '' and picking a destination.

    One area I'll definitely seek other's help with info is early on, learning about how our stats affect our abilities. How one Race's stat increases with levels vs. the same stat on another Race. Since I don't want to make numerous 'test' chars. just to level them up some and then delete, I'll make friends with others who play the same Classes with a different Race and try to compare stats and Class development with them.

    I hope this is helpful. If I missed your point completely LoL let me know. I've got plenty of opinions to happily share :D


    This post was edited by Jothany at November 6, 2021 2:51 PM PDT
    • 258 posts
    November 6, 2021 4:15 PM PDT

    I've played a few MMORPG's for about 2-3 years. And the amount of time to look things up for almost about everything (ie: spells, rotations, gear, stat changes, etc) feels less fun and more of a grind. As a player that I am when I always try to have fun, I always try to maximize just having fun instead of killing the communication part of it. I remember in the EverQuest days when it was a lot of fun talking with people while camping something or raiding. It was a great feeling for sure.

    This post was edited by Arzoth at November 6, 2021 4:16 PM PDT
    • 2094 posts
    November 6, 2021 7:30 PM PDT

    I agree on 'studying up' for playing a game - for fun! I'd rather just play it with a bunch of friends and expect to die a lot when we meet new stuff and get better over time. Of course I have lot's of time to play, so that could color my opinion LoL.

    Chat with other players was a big part of camping & questing in Asheron's Call. I still have 2-3 friends from there I'm in touch with, despite not playing online together since then. They'll be the first people I invite to come play, when Beta gets close.

    • 258 posts
    November 7, 2021 1:05 AM PST

    Hell yeah, dude. We should link up when Beta or Live comes out. I honestly want to form a guild but I probably wait until things are much closer to the timeline when the game releases.

    This post was edited by Arzoth at November 7, 2021 1:06 AM PST
    • 2094 posts
    November 7, 2021 3:52 PM PST

    I'll be looking forward to grouping with ya in Beta.

    I agree, starting a new guild this far before release risks many problems that you can avoid by practicing patience. (Which isn't the same thing at all as joining an established guild with plans for playing Panth of course.)

    • 947 posts
    November 8, 2021 9:04 PM PST

    I agree with you 100% BigBadAzz.  One of my pet peeves with video games is having to guess what I'm doing - especially when trying to determine upgrades of items or abilities.   Ok... this spell says it "deals a moderate amount of damage with a chance to burn" and this one says it "deals a good amount of damage with a chance to slow" but then the damage amounts vary every time and you have no idea what the "chance" of "burning/slowing" are or how it even affects the target.  Then there's the games that don't explain how your stats work... like in EQ, the AGI effects and diminshing returns on Armor that requires more math than I'm willing to do to calucluate or how people to this day still don't know 100% how CHA works with Charm spells.

    I can't stand that.  If there's a mechanic in the game for the players to access, please explain how it is supposed to function.  I'm not asking for hand-holding, but a point in the right direction would sure be appreciated :)

    • 258 posts
    November 8, 2021 10:25 PM PST

    Darch said:

    I agree with you 100% BigBadAzz.  One of my pet peeves with video games is having to guess what I'm doing - especially when trying to determine upgrades of items or abilities.   Ok... this spell says it "deals a moderate amount of damage with a chance to burn" and this one says it "deals a good amount of damage with a chance to slow" but then the damage amounts vary every time and you have no idea what the "chance" of "burning/slowing" are or how it even affects the target.  Then there's the games that don't explain how your stats work... like in EQ, the AGI effects and diminshing returns on Armor that requires more math than I'm willing to do to calucluate or how people to this day still don't know 100% how CHA works with Charm spells.

    I can't stand that.  If there's a mechanic in the game for the players to access, please explain how it is supposed to function.  I'm not asking for hand-holding, but a point in the right direction would sure be appreciated :)


    OMG dude. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Not only is a pain to look for things online and not having an optimal computer that's always seem to be lagging when opening a new browser is just so cringe to have to look things up all the time! I was playing an MMO recently and one of the reasons I never found a good guild or friends to do things with was more than frustrating enough to quit. I kept pushing to see if I would learn overtime and pick things up that way. I honestly kept going for a long time like that, but I guess it just put me in a whole lot of disapointments. I actually had to quit WoW yesterday because I just couldn't find it in me to keep playing. I honestly can say I'm not really fond of that system. EverQuest had a more involving way of at least being more viable to play the game and have fun.


    But yes, you hit it right in the nail with certain spell or ability descriptions that to me is a whole different language that I rather not get an annuerism hahahahaha.

    • 57 posts
    December 1, 2021 4:45 PM PST
    I like the old adage “easy to learn but hard to master” I hope they make the classes easy to go play but challenging if you want to push the boundaries on what your class/group should be capable of.
    • 258 posts
    December 8, 2021 2:14 AM PST

    Tahoe said: I like the old adage “easy to learn but hard to master” I hope they make the classes easy to go play but challenging if you want to push the boundaries on what your class/group should be capable of.

    Oh yeah, dude. If a game can give me mechanics that are truely challenging and actually have some in-depth synchronizing movements around the battle field like in World of Warcraft, then, I'd have to say I'm up for a challenge!

    I personally like the FFXIV dungeon / raid obstacle fighting encounters that they present to the game. I have to say though; if I can have some type of easy rotations or a way that I can ease into playing a game that I can learn spells or abilities while leveling.. then, I'm all for it. Or just don't make the spells too complicated to understand by any language barrier / reading comprehension that may come up while trying to figure something out.

    This post was edited by Arzoth at December 8, 2021 2:15 AM PST
    • 2094 posts
    December 8, 2021 2:29 PM PST

    BigBadAzz1 said: Or just don't make the spells too complicated to understand by any language barrier / reading comprehension that may come up while trying to figure something out.

    If you run into any of the stuff VR has written about Pantheon, about Races, Classes or Abililties, that you can't figure out what they're trying to say, feel free to send me a PM asking about it. I'm retired and have lots of free time, much of it I spend online (it's the cheapest entertainment I know of). Talking about Pantheon is one of my fav things to do.

    • 258 posts
    December 8, 2021 9:19 PM PST

    Jothany said:

    BigBadAzz1 said: Or just don't make the spells too complicated to understand by any language barrier / reading comprehension that may come up while trying to figure something out.

    If you run into any of the stuff VR has written about Pantheon, about Races, Classes or Abililties, that you can't figure out what they're trying to say, feel free to send me a PM asking about it. I'm retired and have lots of free time, much of it I spend online (it's the cheapest entertainment I know of). Talking about Pantheon is one of my fav things to do.


    Will do, bro. I'll let you know, for sure.

    • 295 posts
    December 11, 2021 10:17 PM PST

    I would much rather learn the game within the game. I just want to play my class and learn as I fight, explore and adventure. I'm only interested in joining groups and guilds that play at a leisure pace. Not at all interested in rushing anything. Pantheon is a huge world and i want to explore every nook and crevice while advancing my class.