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New World Beta

    • 3852 posts
    June 14, 2020 6:48 AM PDT

    This isn't a game that looks particularly good but by late July I'll be ready for anything after getting a few dozen more characters through most of EQ2. Does anyone know if the pvp is now optional enough that one can quest and explore without risk of attack by other players if one doesn't "flag" for pvp? Just as important is pve combat reflex-driven "action combat" or something we older and slower players can cope with?

    • 560 posts
    June 14, 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    Until I recognized your name and post count, I thought you were talking about Pantheon. I ruled New World out long ago so forgot what it was called. I have been playing and helping with Vanguard. been very happy there.

    • 261 posts
    June 15, 2020 1:18 AM PDT

    starblight said:

    I have been playing and helping with Vanguard.

    I have been playing there as well off an on.


    • 3852 posts
    June 15, 2020 6:19 AM PDT

    I can see the ambiguity if one takes my first sentance on its own without looking at the name of the thread. Oops. 

    New World supposedly got a revamp in approach so it may not be as bad as it had been in alpha. Then again, maybe it is just as bad and the changes are trivial.

    Trying Vanguard might be a good idea - to see how close the experience comes to one of my all-time favorites.

    • 1289 posts
    June 15, 2020 8:55 AM PDT

    I have been following new world fairly closely.  Yes, the PvP is totally optional now.  You have to turn your pvp flag on for anyone to be able to attack you.  But, turning your flag on might also be required to allow you to do certain quests for your faction.  If you want to do some quest to make your faction stronger for the next war you will probably have to turn your pvp flag on to do that quest.  Course, if you're not interested in participating in the wars then you might also not be interested in helping your faction get stronger for the war, so you might just ignore those types of quests.

    • 3852 posts
    June 15, 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Thank you Ranarius. I don't mind optional pvp at all I simply prefer the option of going about my business whatever it may happen to be without having to worry about other players killing me. Though I think New World has factions and in a game with faction pvp this is less important to me. Thus in DAOC I could go about my business in Midgard (or Albion or Hibernia) with a limited degree of safety - my countrymen couldn't gank me only invaders from the other lands that had fought or snuck their way in. 

    • 1289 posts
    June 15, 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I am not an expert so...take anything I say with a grain of salt.

    My understanding is that in New World once you choose a faction (one of the three) you can not be attacked by your own faction.  One big difference between this and DAOC is that there is no pre-defined land area that belongs to each faction.  It will be fluid...when a piece of land, or a keep, or castle, is taken by a Company (or guild) in New World that land will become the same faction as the owner of that Company.

    It's a cool idea and I used to be super excited about the game.  I have pre-ordered it but my excitement keeps dwindling and I'm not sure why...I guess because it's not Pantheon haha.  I'll probably keep my pre-order and play it, simply because there is no subscription cost, only the initial cost of buying the game.  So, once I buy it and try it out there is no reason to 'quit' unless it's just no fun at all.  

    I guess my main problem is spending time develping a character in a game that I am indifferent it'll just boil down to "am I having fun while playing it" or not.  I will most certainly stop playing when Pantheon comes out haha.

    • 3852 posts
    June 15, 2020 3:19 PM PDT

    Ditto about this not being competition for Panteon - it wouldn't be competition for EQ2 either but I have probably had 50 maximum levels there on almost every server - and that is just since I returned. I prefer the subscription model but I can live with buy-to-play. Anything I spend there won't reduce what I add here when/if they finally revise the pledge system again.

    This post was edited by dorotea at June 16, 2020 7:20 AM PDT
    • 844 posts
    June 15, 2020 7:47 PM PDT

    I played New World from inception as a early alpha player.

    Should not be anything close to what Pantheon is expected to be.

    Early on it was so toxic (I stopped playing) that they nerfed pvp.

    • 1289 posts
    June 15, 2020 8:52 PM PDT

    Yeah, it's a totally different game than what they had planned for early alpha.  Other than graphics there's probably no comparison anymore.

    • 3852 posts
    June 16, 2020 7:25 AM PDT

    They have been putting out releases and showing samples and I am sure there will be more as closed beta nears. To me it has two major draws to balance the even more major flaws. It isn't one of the MMOs I have been bouncing around between for years (or trying once and hating). This gives something precious ...hope ...for a few months to a year or two diversion. Maybe there is a 10% chance of that but better than trying Rift again. Also it isn't an Asian-styled game. That style has advantages but I have never tried one I actually liked - too many decades getting used to the Western style perhaps.

    • 1921 posts
    June 16, 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    zewtastic said:

    I played New World from inception as a early alpha player.

    Should not be anything close to what Pantheon is expected to be.

    Early on it was so toxic (I stopped playing) that they nerfed pvp.

    This is my shocked face. :|
    Heheh. sorry, I couldn't help myself.

    But really, the setting seemed so dull and boring..  Is there any meat there in terms of player power progression, or amazing skills, or detailed mechanics, or stupendous crafting?
    Is there anything that would keep a player (who has played fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, and similar MMOs for 20+ years) interested, in the long term?  It just seemed a little too close to 'real' for me to get excited about, setting-wise.

    • 844 posts
    July 10, 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    And New World is delayed again.

    I wouldn't actually expect anything till late 2021 (if a vacine becomes available.)

    And frankly, the game sucks, imo.

    As a result, we will be changing our launch date - and correspondingly, our final beta test - to spring 2021. We don't make the decision lightly, and we have urgency about getting the game to you as quickly as possible at the best quality -- with some additions that will make the experience even better.


    • 3852 posts
    July 11, 2020 4:29 AM PDT

    ((And frankly, the game sucks, imo.))


    Obviously Amazon agrees. As do many others.

    • 1289 posts
    July 11, 2020 8:26 AM PDT

    Normaly I would be devistated by another delay (and such a long one), but I find myself not even excited to try the game (although, I WILL try it when it is time).

    My excitement for Pantheon has knocked everything else down 10 notches. 

    • 136 posts
    August 4, 2020 4:39 AM PDT

    I currently have a friend testing this game and he says its pretty awesome

    • 844 posts
    August 25, 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    I guess the new phase of testing starts today - don't have the motivation to even DL the install again I found it so boring.

    Maybe I've outgrown game out it's ilk.

    • 1921 posts
    September 1, 2020 10:26 AM PDT
    Tried it today, here's my playtest notes:
    New World. Requires Easy Anti-Cheat. Terrible Invasive Software.
    Consumes less CPU with higher settings? No.. the settings do nothing. Consumes ~15% of one core + 2GB of RAM while idle, before rendering any 3D scene.
    Server select offers no information regarding actual ping numbers. If you change the region, you can see them, but you can't see them otherwise.
    You cannot enable the display of any objective values per world. Not ping, not population numbers, nothing. You're basically choosing blindly.
    Each name of each server is random, yet.. there are values like "Devil's Quarry" , "Flooded Plains" and "Fertile Crescent" that repeat. There is no context offered to the player regarding which of these makes any difference whatsoever.
    when I tested, all server populations were low, which leads to the question: why so many servers? There were 9 in US West, 15 in US East, 2 in Asia Pacific?
    The ominous part is that anything over 50ms is considered non-green, that is, risky from a latency perspective. even 67 is 3/4 bars. over 100 is 2/4 bars.
    That the game considers such a small amount of latency to be so terrible screams this is not an MMORPG, but rather, an MMOFPS or an action-MMO. Not great, if you're not part of that target demographic.
    Also, I don't believe their numbers.. 39ms to US west? I don't live in the USA, and I'm not on the west coast. 39ms seems... overly optimistic.
    The latency numbers on region select never change, once set.. so it's likely they either aren't updating, or some other shenanigans are going on.
    Hm. Ok, so after selecting a server it says:
    " You can only have 1 character in the $name world group. If you ever want to play on a different $name world, you will need to delete your character and create a new one one a different world. If you have friends playing on other $name worlds, you will not be able to play with them. "
    No context, no reasons, no explanation, just.. all negatives. Terrible terrible dialogue.
    It doesn't matter what server you select, the same message appears. Again, with absolutely no in-game context as to why this is the case.
    cinematic starts after server select.. most if it.. the quality is poor / unclear / fuzzy / blurry. Also, it ignores the audio settings you've set, and plays at max volume no matter what. the very end is better , as it's actually rendered in-game for character creation.
    Ah yes, bright purple and bright green and bright day-glo orange hair. Very thematically consistent.
    Face thumbnails don't match (in the slightest) the actual selections of faces that result. Might as well be random numbers.
    Male hairstyles for females. That'll keep the ladies playing.. Do the women really need 5+ choices of male patterned baldness?
    One female hairstyle with braids, one. Why does New World hate womens hair?
    Oh good, names can contain digits. That's great. Not.
    0.l.0 is my name. My actual in-game name. Very thematically consistent.
    Hey look, you're thrown overboard.. and wake up on a beach. Never have seen THAT starting before.
    Mouse sensitivity is too low. can't use free look. No context, no dialogue, just MOVE WASD.
    As suspected, despite their claim of 39ms to US West, it's actually 60ms. Not bad, only +/- 33% wrong.
    Ok, the only sensitivity option is "camera speed". I guess that's what they mean by mouse sensitivity.
    Invisible wall in the ocean. Huzzah.
    Hm. no jumping, only dive roll. That'll keep the subs rolling in.
    There is some limit on the number/times/frequency/duty cycle for dive rolling, but there's no visual, textual or numeric feedback as to why or what this limit is.
    Ok, here's a first.. the character actually tilts when you turn the camera. As in, the entire character model tilts 15-30 degrees with gravity, when you turn. Wow does that look ridiculous. It also plays some kind of wood creaking sound during the turns, so if you do it continuously, regardless of the material you're walking on, it sounds like you're walking on creaking wood, or something similar while doing these angle-turns. Someone didn't test this.
    more invisible walls on the beach itself.
    Can't actually choose anything.. if you move forward, you're in a forced-scene scenario. why not just make the character do that, then? silly.
    So they teach you all the button presses for dodge, block, attack, and so on, but for block, it doesn't actually perform a block animation. It's all pre-rendered scenes, you don't actually do it, you can't do it 'wrong', and it does it all based on a single click of each. You get a very artificial feel for what combat is really like.
    Also, after this, you can't move or do anything else (you're frozen on the spot) and must and only can speak to the dying captain.
    He says.. Take this, but.. there's no indication what he is giving you. Nothing visual, nothing textual.
    Ah good, three hotkeys for the entirety of combat. Yeah, this is going to be so ... great. For controllers. Why am I playing this on a PC?
    Oh, nice.. So it gives you some consumables, then forces you to consume them. Again, no choice. Paralyzed until you eat. Friendly.
    Stamina says replenishes over time unless you are sprinting, but you can sprint continuously..? Even during the demo for Sprint, it doesn't consume stamina.
    The only time stamina goes down is if you dodge. You can Sprint forever and never lose stamina. So, that's all wrong. All the tooltip info is wrong.
    Creatures run back after you leash them, so no fear of death, here. Just fight at the leash edge.
    You're placed in combat before the creature is aggro, but it's a hostile creature..
    You can block indefinitely, when the creature hits, it consumes stamina, but stamina returns at an incredibly fast rate, in combat, even holding the shield up the entire time.
    Leashed creatures instantly recover all health at the leash point/edge.
    If you walk backwards with the shield raised, in a circle, the monsters (on the beach) can never hit you, they continually miss, because once their attack animation starts, they don't change attack vectors. One heavy attack removes 33%-50% of their health.
    After leashing, if you make it back to the initial "you're in combat radius" before the creature reaches their home point, the creature will be instantly aggro, rather than not, as previously.
    Similarly, if you run from a creature, rather than walk backwards, they will leash at least half or sooner of their actual leash length.
    If you walk backwards, they also miss continuously.
    On the beach, there appears to be no respawn, or at least, not within 5 minutes. Solo instance.
    When moving into combat range, it plays a sound of the Corrupted/Undead, but there's no actual target, mob or model. They hard coded the sound.
    There's no auto run / auto sprint key binding or option? So, you get to press Shift for your entire play time. Awesome.
    -- No, later, they tell you about an auto run key binding, but it's not a toggle/state. As soon as you press backwards, it shuts off, and you have to press it again. You can't toggle auto-run, but there is an auto run key. :|
    You can press block when your weapons are sheathed, and it briefly highlights the block line in the Combat legend, but it won't auto unsheath and it doesn't actually do anything.
    Attacks by the player do not interrupt animations by the enemies. If you hit them mid attack, they ignore it. However, the opposite is true, for the player. If a creature hits the player at any time, it interrupts the player attack and harms them MORE if they're mid-attack.
    Crouch is a toggle, but not sprint. great.
    After the fourth undead sailor is dead, you get some kind of notification of "Straight Sword" Mastery 2, with the option to PURCHASE Upgrades. Purchase?
    Wow, so they don't tell you the cooldown timer of abilities before you 'purchase' them. That's fantastically horrible. 2 second daze/mez (they call it a stun, but it breaks if you hit them) with a 30 second cooldown, and the cooldown starts even if you miss, and the range is <=1m. Yeahh.. I'm glad this is a unchangeable choice, that makes it so much better.
    -- on the plus side, adding a point into focus reduces ability cooldown by 1%.
    without food you gain zero health, so.. obviously, you will always have a food buff.
    After the cutscene at the top of the hill from the beach, your weapons are auto-unsheathed. Because really, who doesn't run around in combat stance 100% of the time?
    After the first boss fight, my PC rebooted due to New world causing my video card to overheat, unlike any other game, ever.
    During the boss fight, all the special moves, heavy attacks etc, were ignored entirely by the boss. Looking forward to more of THAT. Only way to avoid being hit or to interact is to Dodge, and you can't dodge more than 3 times without losing all stamina.
    After I reloaded, I was no longer on the beach, but possibly in the "real world" although I have seen zero other players so far.
    Respawn of mobs and static ground spawn crafting resources is typically about 80 seconds. Mobs sometimes 90 seconds, ground resources, sometimes 65-70 seconds.
    None of my graphics options were persistent, and were always reset to high, no matter what I set them to. There's no way to save the graphics options, and having everything stuck on High means the graphics card overheats after about an hour, with this game only. With FPS limits and vsync enabled.
    The client consumes about 7GB of RAM, and 33% of one core. I've never seen an MMO consume so much RAM.
    • 14 posts
    September 1, 2020 6:08 PM PDT

    So I watched some New World streams, interested to see what an unlimited budget would maybe mean for the new MMO in 2020, my perspective was a lot of fetch quests and no lore to really grip me.  I watched Nathan Napalm and Cohh and others play buy lost interest.

    It did get me thinking anout how Pantheon may be received by "pro" or "elite" players who like to break down mechanics, and the types of things I might, as a I get into Alpha testing, look for. 

    So I post this link of about 8k words on reddit to give insight into the game and maybe some perspective to the older MMO player like me who is no where near as analytical and well written.  

    I do expect Pantheon to get as much criticism and in depth analysis at a Beta stage. the developers certainly have a tough battle ahead to get Pantheon acceptied in my opinion. 



    This post was edited by Ziplox at September 1, 2020 6:13 PM PDT
    • 1921 posts
    September 2, 2020 7:02 AM PDT
    That reddit post is quite good, and echo's many of my sentiments about the game today as well. There's quite a few fundamental design decisions that Pantheon has made that are the same as New World, and as a consequence, I expect the reaction will be the same as well. Especially around combat, UI, questing, crafting, harvesting and the economy.
    • 119 posts
    September 3, 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    Was really not a fan of New World. The game feels like it cast a wide and shallow net - there's a variety of things to do, but none of them feel particularly well-developed or like they have depth.

    The two most grating things I found were some functionality in the UI was atrocious, and the combat is riding this very odd line between... very limited, basic action MMO combat and survival game combat, and it does neither particularly well.

    The easiest way I can sum up my feelings on the game are that it feels kind of directionless. Like it doesn't really know what kind of game it wants to be?

    • 41 posts
    September 4, 2020 3:49 PM PDT
    i tested the first open beta test a month ago. i expected it to be really bad. it was better than expected but still very bad. its a casual modern mmo style game. not my taste.
    • 1289 posts
    September 4, 2020 3:53 PM PDT

    The thing I'm having a hard time finding out is whether or not the leveling speed was set before that open beta test or not.  I mean...we got to level 10 in like 40 minutes.  Insane speed and makes leveling almost pointless.  Why not just start everyone at max level if it's only going to take a few hours to get there anyway.



    • 1921 posts
    September 4, 2020 8:41 PM PDT
    Yeah, agreed, Ranarius. I found that same problem.

    There are a ton of design decisions they implemented that are really weird, but in general, grouping is not required, as far as I can tell, and role means nothing, so.. evidently I'm not in their target demographic. :)