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    • 98 posts
    May 8, 2018 7:20 AM PDT

    Kudos to kreed99 for pointing out the potentially serious downside of extra coding effort.

    I've been getting paid to write code for more than 30 years.  Drag-and-drop is not simple, but it's reusable, so the effort spent to make it work might well pay good dividends in other places.  And the drag-and-drop that works in inventory bags might be pretty close to what's needed in the group window - depends on how the UI is coded.

    Another potential problem I see is, if the server expects group member indexes in some calls, it might be really tedious to go back and remap all those calls to use redirected indexes.

    • 1921 posts
    May 8, 2018 7:34 AM PDT

    If it can be done simply in a web page via a client/server model (which it can) then it can be done far easier in a dedicated local DX/Unity UI.

    Coding this is not a problem, nor would it ever be in 2018+.  It's entirely a choice on the part of Visionary Realms to add it to the queue of UI related tasks, that's it.
    As far as locking/unlocking, just add a cutomizable modifier key(s) to hold down while adjusting it, if you want an elegant option.  Something like (again, customizable) press and hold Shift-G by default, you can re-order the group, when you're done and release Shift-G, it's locked.

    This post was edited by vjek at May 8, 2018 7:34 AM PDT
    • 752 posts
    May 8, 2018 12:12 PM PDT
    Ive had similar thoughts about guild organization visual ui elements but have kept quiet to see what the dev’s come up with. I enjoy the functionality and ease of use of visual elements but if there is an easier option that provides more options and is easier on the system processes i will accept that fate. I like being able to sort members of guild/raid by class or level or name. And a visual system would need to be able to mimic that before i would stand behind it.

    Another function that holds similar locked functionality is the ability/spell bar. I am sure they CAN do it, it comes down to.... is it worth it to invest in the time so that it can be allocated to other areas of the UI?