Forums » Pantheon Classes

Necromancer Worries

    • 39 posts
    April 15, 2018 10:34 AM PDT

    I am afraid all evidence points to the following: The team may or may not be sure what initial flexibility will be necessary to balance the role of the necromancer and bard classes in particular (especially when it comes to group content).


    This remark from Chris Perkins left me more than troubled. Since the classes have not been tested by anyone yet how do we know if we will be able to achieve harmony between obviously and blatantly overpowered and watered-down dump of nonsense? Also, if these classes may or may not exist before launch how on Earth are mechanics going to be implemented that these classes should specialize in (iconic abilities)? If a corpse is lost... who summons it? Will unconventional buffs and heals such as leach/reverse leach (sharing caster health) and lich (one of the strongest buff effects in the game) not even be considered until all of the other classes can achieve harmony in group/raid setting without them? If so, why will these abilities even be necessary? Yikes!!

    I'm afraid there are a long list of conditions that must be met for both of these classes in the world before they can exist (usefully) and have a somewhat unique identity. I'm here mostly to talk about the necromancer, so I will do that:

    My first concern is this: Chris Perkins very expertly broke down archetype of different healers and how each one will shine, but he never addressed supplementary heals or improvisational heals and abilities that may eliminate or mitigate the need for intense traditional healing. Slow was mentioned... ok. What about life/mana leaching, mana sharing, life sharing, regen, secondary crowd control (those efforts coming from classes specifically outside of enchanter), balancing non-enchanter charms (those you would get from say... necromancer or bard), targetted feign death, supplementary rez from bard/necro, the list could go on for a long time...

    How are we going to critically implement these abilities into the mechanics without ending up with disasters like the vanguard necromancer or the stupid crazy overpowered nature of the bloodmage when put in the right hands? I had seen many a blood mage AE life leach/tank crowds of 3dot and 4dot SOLO and live to loot the goodies and reap the exp sustainably! We are talking, in some cases, 15-35 mobs. Bam. Bloodmage? NP. How are we going to potentially put this kind of power in the necromancer's hands and leave most of the practical implementation of the mechanics untested until post launch? On the other side of the spectrum, the necromancer that was dumped at our feet in vanguard was a big ball of fluff and "fun" that suffered to solo what a sorcerer could plow down with ease and was never needed in groups. This was painful to witness. It would ruin me to see it again... I adore the iconic necromancer class.

    I apologize for leaving a very serious and somewhat cynical tone behind in my wake. I do apreciate everything the development team is doing and I look forward to testing in alpha. I especially want to thank Chris himself for taking the time to do this interview and for all of the hard work that the Creative Director has obviously pumped out very quickly. Please keep up the good work dev team and testers!

    This post was edited by Jordan at April 15, 2018 11:45 AM PDT
    • 3237 posts
    April 15, 2018 10:54 AM PDT

    I think the bard class is more important, overall, than the necromancer class, at least when it comes to prioritizing which one makes it into the game first.  This is because it takes up a spot in the "control" sphere which is exclusively represented by the enchanter class right now.  Bards are generally known for providing strong group utility and it makes too much sense to have them factored into the overall difficulty curve sooner than later.  If you don't design the game with them in mind, then it's quite likely the game will need to be re-balanced afterwards.  I'm not saying the same isn't true for necromancers, but I tend to think they would have less of an impact on overall encounter difficulty/design.  I have always viewed necromancers as more of a DPS class.  While it's true that they also have a fair amount of utility, it's been long-stated that neither class was promised for launch.  Hearing the bard news was a great bonus and depending on how quickly things ramp up, maybe it's possible we see necromancers sooner than later as well.

    • 39 posts
    April 15, 2018 11:12 AM PDT


    oneADseven said:

    If you don't design the game with them in mind, then it's quite likely the game will need to be re-balanced afterwards.

    Yes! Thank you for stating this so clearly. This is one of my ultimate concerns... I just could not find the words to spit it out correctly. More work will need to be expended in the end if development of these roles is not integrated into the base game. This will result in overhauls that may be undesirable to the community and not necessarily favored by the devs (like nerfs!).

    oneADseven said:

    I have always viewed necromancers as more of a DPS class.

    No. This is not right. Any necromancer worth his salt will tell you that necromancer DPS is situational. Much of "necro dps" only happens when soloing. In a group the necromancer must take the role of healer, cc, life/mana management, and controlling a potentially powerful charm.

    A Necromancer should also dabble in the "crontrol" archetype via fear, stun, root, snare, charm, and even short mezzes (secondary mezzes if you will) such as screaming terror.
    I'm afraid everyone is forgetting this :(

    Many players that have not dedicated a significant amount of time to end-game necromancer play do not understand these nuances of the class. This is what I find so concerning.

    If it helps you to understand, oneADseven, an end-game necro functions much the same way as an end-game bard. A master necromancer is almost like a bard in the sense that they can produce almost any spell effect, but with a big ol spellbook and no fancy armor or swords. Also, instead of sharing these effects with their group constantly, they mostly have to suffer long cast times, self-only versions of these buffs and effects, and long cooldowns... and don't forget some spells that simply just cost a terrible price: Essence Emeralds hurt everyone's wallet!

    The fact that necromancers can control and raise the dead is mearly a quirk of this dark sorcerer when played practically. The stereotype of a necro being an "undead version of a magician" is so damaging to the traditional class. A necromancer is nothing like a magician... When you try to make a necro a "pet class" you get that vanguard garbage we saw.

    This post was edited by Jordan at April 15, 2018 11:46 AM PDT
    • 1479 posts
    April 15, 2018 11:52 PM PDT

    Let's not make the necromancer a jack of all trade, as he wasn't really. While I agree it's a class that had it's level range of utilities, a lot of spells weren't updated at higher levels or had only unique "version" during levelling.

    Let's talk about dark empathy, as an example, while the ability was worthwile when obtained at lvl 8, it was quickly becoming rather weak and unable to sustain a fighter in battle. Far from useless, because the natural HP regen was really low and thus it helped breaking downtimes in the lack of a healer or another hybrid able to heal, but far from beeing enough outside of regen pauses and powerlevelling. The rate at which this spell was "upgraded" and the later version beeing designed about "dot yourself to hot your target" made it even less reliable as a partial healer role.

    The debuff line was interesting but the STR and AC debuffs were quite invisible, and even now I'd have a hard time mathing them out, where the slows were an unmatchable force everyone wanted or had to use later on.

    The fear controlling... unless they give a non running fear to the necromancer, I fear (joke here) that it will never be used due to beeing unreliable even with a snare on. It worked in open spaces but quickly fell when in walled areas.

    The mana battery part is certainly an important aspect, but I wouldn't wan't anyone to be used just for that, as it means you stop playing your character in favor of someone else that will play much.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the necromancer had nothing worthless outside of his DPS. The necromancer clearly had a vast toolkit that allowed a bit of flexibility and that was what made him one of the best soloers of EQ1, because he could react to many situation by just himself. But when he was in a team, his field of action reduced due to his tools beeing less effective than thoses of another, or simply not needed anymore. But frankly, almost every class having access to spells had it's tool, tools that were invaluable in solo but that fel down when teaming with others. Rangers could snare/root/DS/buff physical, even hold aggro with flame lick spam, but when was it used when teaming with others ?


    The fact that necromancers can control and raise the dead is mearly a quirk of this dark sorcerer when played practically. The stereotype of a necro being an "undead version of a magician" is so damaging to the traditional class. A necromancer is nothing like a magician... When you try to make a necro a "pet class" you get that vanguard garbage we saw.

    Well, trying to make the necro something different than a "pet class" is also wrong, as much as calling magician "a pet class" while they had such tools and a wide spectrum of spells. Sure they relied entirely on pet aggro while soloing when the nec could fear kite, but remember necromancers had warriors, rogues and monk pets that had a wide variety of use too. Both had different pets of different uses (less subtle with magician associating pet element to a role, sure), both had pet heals, both had pet buffs. But one had more dots and debuffs while the other was more nuke oriented when it comes to complement the pet DPS.


    I think you might a bit "over fantasize" the role or possibilities of a necromancer. Every class should shine in it's own way, including the necromancer, but beeing to potent or multi potent is not something that will bring the game into a good balance.

    This post was edited by Mauvais_Oeil at April 15, 2018 11:53 PM PDT
    • 316 posts
    April 16, 2018 1:16 AM PDT
    I really like your understanding of necros, Jordan. They should be an incredibly interesting class to play, and I hope they are awarded the potential you imagine.
    • 2752 posts
    April 16, 2018 11:11 AM PDT

    I'd hope Necromancer arrive fully baked with lots of cool utility and niche spells, but to not be primarily pet based would feel odd given necromancy "is a practice of magic involving communication with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the deceased as a weapon"


    • 191 posts
    April 16, 2018 3:23 PM PDT

    I think any class design that requires a rebalance of the game is probably broken by definition.

    Personally, I think necromancers should be defined by two things:

    1. Use of health, mana, stamina - either allies, enemies, or their own - as a resource.
    2. Undead servants

    It's also cool if their class design makes party play a little awkward.  I like the idea of necromancers as loners that shun civilization and thrive in the dank corners of the world.  Fear as crowd control was a great example of this in EQ1.  It was great solo but hard to manage in a group context.

    • 947 posts
    April 16, 2018 8:18 PM PDT

    “”“MauvaisOeil April 16, 2018 2:52 AM EDT Let's not make the necromancer a jack of all trade, as he wasn't really. While I agree it's a class that had it's level range of utilities, a lot of spells weren't updated at higher levels or had only unique "version" during levelling. Let's talk about dark empathy, as an example, while the ability was worthwile when obtained at lvl 8, it was quickly becoming rather weak and unable to sustain a fighter in battle. Far from useless, because the natural HP regen was really low and thus it helped breaking downtimes in the lack of a healer or another hybrid able to heal, but far from beeing enough outside of regen pauses and powerlevelling. The rate at which this spell was "upgraded" and the later version beeing designed about "dot yourself to hot your target" made it even less reliable as a partial healer role. The debuff line was interesting but the STR and AC debuffs were quite invisible, and even now I'd have a hard time mathing them out, where the slows were an unmatchable force everyone wanted or had to use later on. The fear controlling... unless they give a non running fear to the necromancer, I fear (joke here) that it will never be used due to beeing unreliable even with a snare on. It worked in open spaces but quickly fell when in walled areas. The mana battery part is certainly an important aspect, but I wouldn't wan't anyone to be used just for that, as it means you stop playing your character in favor of someone else that will play much.”””

    A lot of this could be said for the bard... also the necro did have a fear that acted similar to mez on a cool down. Necros were not desired for their damage per second since their DoTs cost more mana than they did dmg before the enemy died unless it was on a boss and even then their DoTs didn’t stack with other nevro’s for the longest time. They may not have been a jack of all trades but they were definitely had quite a bit of utility that dramatically changed the game mechanics when they were around. A good necro could even FD pull.

    edited to add parenthesis around the quote since I’m using the mobile version and copied your original post Mauvais. 

    This post was edited by Darch at April 16, 2018 8:21 PM PDT
    • 1479 posts
    April 16, 2018 11:56 PM PDT

    No worries, got it right .


    However the bard was meant to use songs, and thoses song were either beneficial or detrimental, it's not like giving mana to his group was cutting him of his playstyle, except if he had to use a lute to do so (I remember with my bard, beeing a perma battery in a group in HHK, doing a cycle of song with booming voice, lute, and an instant mp regain. The group of caster loved it, but I really felt like I was doing nothing else :/ ).


    Dots in eq could last up to a few minutes themselves, and had a big stacking problem, that's right. And necro's were awesome for big costly CR with coffins, but beeing only mana batteries ? Isn't that outdated in design now ? Would the necro in Pantheon trade his dps for bringing mana refresh to his group like the current enchanter, beeing a buff/controller and not a "dps class".

    • 18 posts
    April 17, 2018 1:37 PM PDT

    I think when it comes to necromancer it is problematic from a few angles. Not to say it shouldn't be done, just that it is a difficult class. 

    If you consider the necro as presented in MMOs (particularly EQ) or is analogy in WoW, the warlock, it suffers in this games overarching design. I know many of you may be thinking what the hell do you mean.

    The basic overall design as has been presented thus far is that of a quadrintity. Tank, Healer, DPS, and last but by no means least, CC. In fact I would say of the 4 DPS is only semi-optional one. That brings us back to the identity problem I started discussing. DoTs. Necro damage is typically expressed as DoTs. This is directly counter to using CC. Most CC tends to break on damage (or at least have a chance of it). Thus if you have a necro (who is focused on DoT damage) they are making the CC job at a minimum more difficult, or at worst, impossible.


    Now I personally see a solution.

    Make Necro a CC class. There are 3 tanks. 5 dps (3 physical dps, 2 magic dps), 3 healers, and just 1 CC (2 if bard is CC). Necro could very easily slot in as a CC class.

    Use the idea of actual necromancy (its kinda been lost in most games outside of tabletop gaming) as the theme. Instead of DoTs they raise the dead and use death magic.

    They could provide fear (a summoned spectre invades the mind of a target) (make this work as a CC that dibiltates instead of causing the mob to run about like a headless chicken on meth).

    They could provide CC through animating the dead, hands reach up from the ground to grab a target (root).

    A summoned pet that can off tank a target.


    Personally the old MMO tropes of disease and poison dot damage don't actually need to be used. They are not actually what necromancy needs to be for necromancers to be a fun class and to fit into the games overall desgin. The life stealing, mana sharing, and self sacrifice can be a nice secondary focus behind the CC. Much like Enchanters provide mana regen, haste and slows.

    • 4 posts
    April 20, 2018 2:58 PM PDT

    Have to chime in to say I think Rengrave hits the nail on the head at describing what sounds like a definitive necromancer class that would be great to play and add value to groups. Newly joined in and (as a EQ1 player) browsing these discussions am impressed by the quality of input from everyone.

    • 316 posts
    April 21, 2018 12:34 AM PDT
    Must say I agree with Rengrave also. Ive been tired of the same disease dots given to necros for a while. It'd be excellent to renew the class concept with more of an emphasis on actual DEATH magic. Not decay or poison, which may fall more in with the expertise of (dark) druids and shamans, but what occurs when life has actually ended. What pure death magic can be wielded?
    • 39 posts
    April 22, 2018 8:45 AM PDT

    Kreaken said:

    Have to chime in to say I think Rengrave hits the nail on the head at describing what sounds like a definitive necromancer class that would be great to play and add value to groups. Newly joined in and (as a EQ1 player) browsing these discussions am impressed by the quality of input from everyone.

    Now we're talking. Yes you guys seem to understand very well what is at stake. In the end, we don't need another DPS class... we need a utility class with some unique abilities.

    Death Magic: summon dead/raise dead, charm, "root", mez (enhanced fear/paralyzing fear), silence (cannot cast spells), curse (takes additional damage from all sources), wither (do less damage from all sources), addle (lowers resistances especially to CC effects and debuffs), fear, snare (darkness - let's push these to 85%-95% snare max), summoning corpse, resurrection, LICH, lifetap, manatap, endurance tap, AE tap, reverse life/mana/endurance taps (sacrificial heals), group reverse tap (sacrificial heals), deathtouch (instant death to minor/trash mob on a long cool down), banish (destroy undead target on a long cooldown), feign death, targeted feign death/group feign, Levant (self evac - uses the netherworld to teleport), corpse explosion ... all of these are examples of signature abilities of a necromancer. It may not seem like a lot, but these are the niche abilities that make a necro a necro. I have said it myself "I would gladly give up every single one of my DoTs for more/better versions of these spells."

    The idea behind "mana battery" is that a necromancer should have massive influx of mana using lich. More than enough to spare some to friendly targets. Yes, a necro can drop all other directives and priorities and JUST tap/reverse tap, but this is just an option really... just like a cleric can drop everything and ONLY CH. Sure these activities are repetitive and tedious, but they are unique and powerful. They are class-defining. We can't just omit these abilities because they are tedious or have fallen into disuse.

    In the end, I think the most important single point is this: Yep, a necro should have virtually unlimited resources in the right situation with lich, taps, etc. That unlimited casting power will do him little good if he is given the wrong set of spells though. A necro is the ultimate enduring (sustained) caster. High DPS output is optional and situational at best. Utility (Death Magic) and taps are a MUST.

    Thanks for all of the helpful input and responses all :)

    This post was edited by Jordan at April 22, 2018 9:27 AM PDT
    • 1479 posts
    April 22, 2018 11:05 AM PDT

    Since his pet will surely be a dot, why not sacrificing the pet damage for a hard control ?


    Dread Gaze : You summoned minion focuses a Dread Gaze on your offensive target, ceasing all other action and cowering him in place for up to 30seconds.


    That's a soft method of saying "if you CC, you loose some damage".

    • 109 posts
    April 26, 2018 8:46 PM PDT

    Jordan said:

    I am afraid all evidence points to the following: The team may or may not be sure what initial flexibility will be necessary to balance the role of the necromancer and bard classes in particular (especially when it comes to group content).


    I'm not going to sugar coat it, it sucks to think about playing anything other than what I always main'd in the beginning.  It's one thing not to get Dark Elves, but to not get Necro's I feel like someone just plucked my favorites and went **** you not your game.  That being said could I see myself asking Brad to force the team to put Necro's in and sacrifice the overall quality of the way.  If it's for the greater good and the team just needs more time then so be it.

    As far as balance goes hell yes if Necros or Bards are added in after launch they're going to have to look at adustments for all the classes and balance again. 

    This post was edited by Frostyglitch at April 26, 2018 9:17 PM PDT
    • 18 posts
    April 27, 2018 9:56 AM PDT

    I too am very much dismayed at the lack of Dark Elves. I understand why they did it though. The reality is they are so much better than all the other races they can't have them without all other choices being inferior.

    • 191 posts
    April 27, 2018 10:59 AM PDT

    Guys, guys.  Look.  The fish people are your Dark Elves.

    • 109 posts
    April 27, 2018 1:55 PM PDT

    Shai said:

    Guys, guys.  Look.  The fish people are your Dark Elves.

    I find that statement insulting, yet oddly I'm wondering if some how I could some day love the fish race.  Who knows.

    • 191 posts
    April 27, 2018 2:34 PM PDT

    I was being flipperant, but in all seahorseness the Dark Myr eel awfully similar to Dark Elves to me.  Superfisherly, they're blue with elven porpoise-ons.  Culturally, they're evil, salty, and angsty.  They live underwater - the underground of the sea.  Their society features prominant females and rebelious males.

    This post was edited by Shai at April 27, 2018 2:34 PM PDT
    • 18 posts
    • 346 posts
    May 1, 2018 1:57 PM PDT

    Jordan said:

    No. This is not right. Any necromancer worth his salt will tell you that necromancer DPS is situational. Much of "necro dps" only happens when soloing. In a group the necromancer must take the role of healer, cc, life/mana management, and controlling a potentially powerful charm.


    In most every group I've been in as an Enchanter or with an Alt where we had no Enchanter, Necros trying to CC has always ended as an extremely limited use or in failure if in a dungeon and too many mobs were pulled. Their limited CC spell just won't cut it when I'm there to lock down 2-8 mobs. If they cast fear, they usually get booted due to fear of that feared mob aggroing adjacent mobs that either respawned or are too close for comfort. As for charm, that applies if we're fighting undead, but means removing their stable pet for a very situational one. The vast majority of fights are not with undead in Everquest.

    As for healing, it's a limited healing over time but yes it can help but is never a replacement for actual heals in a group where burst healing is necessary. Mana battery though is what they ended up being, especially in the raid environment. Many who hated to be reduced to this role had their issues, but it was ultimately the most useful feature aside for their added DPS which rivaled Wizards.


    They will likely have interesting ways to use their abilities in Pantheon but I doubt we'll see them in league with an Enchanter regarding CC. More like Rogue maybe with a very situational and limited single target version. I do see the weaving of death and life though and they may have the ability to act as a vessel in transfering health from mobs into group members. Will they be compareable to a Druid, Shaman or Cleric? Of course not but it'll be an interesting dynamic to add to their primary role which has always been DPS.

    This post was edited by Janus at May 1, 2018 1:58 PM PDT
    • 316 posts
    May 2, 2018 12:47 AM PDT

    I quite hope necromancers won't be primarily using dots. Pantheon can introduce them in a new, exciting way, with manipulation of death magic more central - reanimating npc corpses which are on limited timers, corpse explosions, amplifying an enemy's fear (cower, immobilize) of a corpse in front of them, accelerating the development of a virulent disease on a corpse which can spread to enemies (there's a dot), keeping a soul from departing from its corpse and using it for utility (vision, knowledge, etc) or using its energy to shackle something or do direct damage OR replenish one's mana/hp, directing the death magic "in the air" that appears when something dies to augment themselves/team or attack their enemies somehow.

    What if necromancers had to be near a corpse before they could use their magic? Makes sense, right? Have to be near death, and end up manipulating death magic? Could have many choices of what to do with a corpse. They'd perhaps become the "least effective first solo kill of the session" class. Theyd get rolling after that first kill, though. Wouldnt that fit the somewhat desperate aesthetic of the necromancer?

    This post was edited by Alexander at May 3, 2018 10:32 PM PDT
    • 316 posts
    May 2, 2018 12:52 AM PDT


    This post was edited by Alexander at May 3, 2018 10:31 PM PDT
    • 109 posts
    May 3, 2018 3:48 PM PDT

    Alexander said: I quite hope necromancers won't be primarily using dots. Pantheon can introduce them in a new, exciting way, with manipulation of death magic more central - reanimating npc corpses which are on limited timers, corpse explosions, amplifying an enemy's fear (cower, immobilize) of a corpse in front of them, accelerating the development of a virulent disease on a corpse which can spread to enemies (there's a dot), keeping a soul from departing from its corpse and using it for utility (vision, knowledge, etc) or using its energy to shackle something or do direct damage OR replenish one's mana/hp, directing the death magic "in the air" that appears when something dies to augment themselves/team or attack their enemies somehow. What if necromancer's had to be near a corpse before they could use their magic? Makes sense, right? Have to be near death, and end up manipulating death magic? Could have many choices of what to do with a corpse. Would be a bit funny for them to go from the prime soloer to the least effective soloer, but they could still have some solo options for that first kill. Fun idea? Theyd have to have options when simply being near a corpse and options specifically targetting and "using" corpses.

    You sound like a fan of the original Guild Wars.  Even if you're not I can tell you some of those ideas of yours were in that game and I hated them.  I say leave Necro's alone, they were fine in EQ.  If you wanna add abilities or whatnot to give them more meaning in groups then by all means.  Otherwise, stay off my lawn.

    • 18 posts
    May 4, 2018 8:56 AM PDT

    Frostyglitch said:

    You sound like a fan of the original Guild Wars.  Even if you're not I can tell you some of those ideas of yours were in that game and I hated them.  I say leave Necro's alone, they were fine in EQ.  If you wanna add abilities or whatnot to give them more meaning in groups then by all means.  Otherwise, stay off my lawn.

    I have to disagree here on a few levels. 

    Your assertion that "...they were fine in EQ." I think they were only fine in the context of soloing and having just 1 or 2 in a raid. They were almost completely ostricised from group play as they did so poorly on trash when there was an enchanter around. And any serious group had an enchanter. There were some serious dot stacking issues that prevented multiple necro's from working well together.

    While they were great solo in EQ, I think it would be a huge mistake to design a class for this game that is great solo but poor in groups. That is counter to one of the specific desgin tenets VR has laid out for us, that being this is a group focused game. Solo content will not be created. Why handicap a class with a benefit that is counter to one of the prime tenets of the game?

    I get that you like the dot based caster class. I did too, the longest running character I had in WoW Vanilla was a Warlock. I loved going out and dotting up a slew of mobs and then bouncing them all around with fear. It was super fun and I used to make a mini game of seeing how many I could juggle at a time. Here's the thing about that, it was a solo activity, I could not do this in group content. It would have been disastrous in dungeons and meerly annoying as hell in the open world to my group mates.

    Dot based casting just does not play well with groups when CC is used. You can only dot one at a time and typically the mobs die so fast that dots are not at all efficient, they don't have time to run their course. 

    I think another part of your post I have to disagree with is your "Otherwise, stay off my lawn." sentiment. Why can the class not be reimagined into something new? It sure sounds like the Dire Lord is doing something different to what we have seen from SK, (my favorite class) but I am still excited for the new class.

    As far as being slovenly mired in the idea that the class of necro in EQ is the definitive necro, I would suggest that is not the case. Disease, poison, and fire are actually not what necromancy is about. Necromancy is about death and death magic. 

    Here's hoping we see a new fresh take on Necromancer. One that fits better into the new world order VR is putting forth in Pantheon. (We really do need a second CC dedicated class so Enchanter is not the only class that fills this essential role!)