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The definition of challenge and difficult

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    • 644 posts
    February 13, 2018 9:50 AM PST

    I'm an old schooler, in the strictest sense.  


    I want things *HARD* and I want every dumbed-down whiner-appeasement removed.  I want no maps, I want no punctuation, I want no hints, I want no instant travel, etc.

    I've been following some threads on raiding and have a very strong feeling about the definition of "difficulty"

    I want really challenging raids.  I want long hard goals (like open world Time flagging took 6-12 months of open raids!).

    But I don't want senseless stupidity to the substitute for challenge.


    I don't remember all the details (I stoipped raiding over 6 years ago) but I remember some things that were asinine:


    There was a certain raid where we all got into a building and the puller looked for our mob and if anyone else opened a door we lost the raid?!?!

    We fought in the Plane of Air and wiped literally 19 or 20 times in a row.  And the win was done the same way it was just stupid - there was no challenge just punishment

    Boss mobs that are way overpowered and wipe a 3 hour raid in one round.


    I want to use our wits.  Some of the best raids that were brilliant:


    We had some mob off the Nexus in Luclin that took us 45 minutes to beat him down.  Long slow fight constantly rotating healers and strategizing as the battle went on.

    Another raid (Crystallos?) where off-tanks kept guardians busy, one died and I went in and pet tanked.  Adapting on the fly, using our wits.



    I want raids where, yes it's hard, but where we can adapt and change tactics and use our brains - not just a pummel fest where the mob one-rounds us.





    • 2886 posts
    February 13, 2018 9:54 AM PST

    You're certainly not the only one. I suggest you continue the conversation in this thread:

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at February 13, 2018 9:59 AM PST
    • 9115 posts
    February 13, 2018 2:50 PM PST

    Bazgrim said:

    You're certainly not the only one. I suggest you continue the conversation in this thread:

    Thank you! :)