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Let's talk about full raids

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    • 28 posts
    May 20, 2017 2:34 AM PDT

    I know this question may come too early but I think it is just the right moment:

    There are a couple of topics about raid sizes but not about full raids ... 

    I started playing MMOs when Everquest came out. It actually was my first MMO I spent a lot of time with.
    By that time there were no limits to raidsized. You could kill a mob with 2 groups (if you were strong enough) or you could gather 12, 15, 20 groups if you had that much friends (I obviously didn't ... I was a necro)
    Of course, killing a raidmob with 120 people was not much of a challenge so a new era of MMOs limited the raids to a number of groups (24, 40, you name it). I get why the changes were necessary... I am not asking for open raids, even though I would not mind open raids at all as long as the raidmobs are designed for it.

    The limit to players in a raid led to a form of segregation in the guild and new problems.
    One being, that if you had too much players some of them had to sit and wait for someone to leave the raid. Which led to even more problems, like getting the people to the raid ... or lost time because the people had to come to the raidzone first (nobody wants to sit in front of a dungeon and wait 2 hours or even longer)

    So here is my question ... or call it suggestion:
    Limit the raidsize to X groups but design the raid-UI window for X+Y groups.
    Also: allow X+Y groups in the dungeon (which should be the case anyway because they are not instanced) but only the first X groups in the raid can attack a mob.

    The benefit would be that everyone gets involed in the raid (at least to a certain degree). They can watch the raid, adventure in the dungeon (they shouldn't walk in front of the puller of course, but they will learn that soon enough) and passively participate. No more sitting in front of the dungeon. They could also read and write in the raidchannel as they are in the raid. Guilds could then decide if they want to encourage their "sitters" to do that.

    • 9115 posts
    May 20, 2017 2:51 AM PDT

    Let's not and instead continue the discussion in the already active threads, please. :)

    Typing "Raid" into the search function provided these results, multiple of which are suitable for this discussion or have already discussed this topic in quite some detail, so I will go ahead and close this thread, please use the search function prior to creating a new thread as more often than not you will find that it has already been discussed over the years.