Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Here's What I Want

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    • 160 posts
    January 7, 2017 11:47 PM PST

    Devs, please give me a game that is difficult, frustrating at times, but thoughtful and bug-free as possible.

    A game that rewards hard work and time invested, and does not reward whining about how unfair that is. 

    "Hard" does not equal "unfair".  I'm a firm believer that players will rise to the occasion.

    A game that rewards excellent play and execution, that does not reward "casualness" beyond what they have put into it.

    Please do not listen to everybody when it comes to shaping and revealing your world and your vision. 

    Sometimes I like to be read a story, without interrupting the reader to tell them how much better they could make it if they changed things.

    I'll be waiting patiently (but not overly so).

    • 9115 posts
    January 8, 2017 6:53 AM PST

    This is not meant to be targeted at Corpserunner but posts like these really aren't helpful, so I am going to close this down as we have had multiple threads over the years stating what people want and don't want and it really does nothing but create conflict and a differing of opinions, plus being almost 3 years into development with a clear vision and roadmap of what we want to create publicly available, it really doesn't matter what people want or ask for as we are delivering what we have promised over the last few years and it is a few clicks away on this website for all to see.

    We haven't strayed from our core path since the beginning, here's what we are delivering ;)

    Further information can be found here: