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Pantheon - Which Class and Why?

    • 9115 posts
    June 25, 2015 5:42 AM PDT

    You can pick any class you like past, present or future (Pantheon) but you can only pick one, no backups etc. :)

    • 87 posts
    June 25, 2015 7:25 AM PDT

    Easy one, Enchanter.

    • 120 posts
    June 25, 2015 7:48 AM PDT
    Which class can PK Aradune and corpse camp him the best?

    Thats the class I wanna be!
    • 288 posts
    June 25, 2015 9:03 AM PDT
    Castwell said:
    Which class can PK Aradune and corpse camp him the best? Thats the class I wanna be!


    This brings up an interesting question about pvp, these days games tend to attempt to balance every class so that they are equal in pvp.  I prefer when there is a "roshambo" type system like EQ sort of had where certain classes are much better vs others, generally when we speak of interdependence and social structures we think of PVE, however this is important for PVP as well.


    If Aradune is a paladin with his soulfire maybe there is a caster class that is better able to penetrate armor with their spells and counteract his heals.  That would be a fun class.

    • 120 posts
    June 25, 2015 9:14 AM PDT
    His picture is a human warrior...

    Aradune, Joppa, Kilsin and 1 more , you could have a legendary quad kite.....
    • 174 posts
    June 25, 2015 11:02 AM PDT

    No love for the tree huggers yet?  I'll go druid.  Historically they've been a bit of a "jack of all trades", seldom best at anything, but often second best at many.  I get to taste a bit of many of the other classes, a powerful draw if it's the only class I'm allowed to play...

    • 51 posts
    June 25, 2015 12:44 PM PDT
    shaman, preferably an ogre!
    • 1434 posts
    June 25, 2015 1:14 PM PDT

    Vanguard Disciple.

    • 753 posts
    June 25, 2015 1:20 PM PDT

    I have played every single role in MMO's across the years.  I cannot say which one I will choose.  Oddly, I may not make a final decision until I sit down at the character creation screen the day the game goes live.


    My decision will likely be based on (literally) WEEKS of churning over what role I think I want to play - and if any of the classes available for that role seem like they fit what I want to be.


    For example - I've ALWAYS wanted to play a truly "in the thick of things" healer - where every action I take is either an attack to defend my party, or something to heal someone, etc... but all of it active against whatever we are fighting.  Having that in the game would be VERY compelling to me... if I got through those weeks of mulling it over and thought "yeah, healer..."


    On the other hand, if I wanted to tank and there were a class that seemed to devote all of itself to tanking, period - an "all in, nothing out" if you want to tank well... that would be an option.


    Choosing classes for me is never easy.  I just hope that whatever I pick on day one is the one I ultimately stick with and am playing years later.

    • 144 posts
    June 25, 2015 3:15 PM PDT
    Kilsin said:
    Sarim said:

    Normally I'd say Magician all the way. Especially if Pantheon should have a variant somewhat similar to EQ :) But a while ago I spent some time playing EQ and explored classes I never tried before: Shaman, Rogue, Necro, Enchanter...especially the Enchanter was very enjoyable. If I were forced to choose one class today, I'd probably flip a coin between Enchanter or Magician.


    So which one is it then, Enchanter or Magician? :)

    Whatever you choose the other options are taken away fro ever.




    Going to be Disciple


    • 44 posts
    June 25, 2015 4:14 PM PDT

    A bard.  Assuming the primary role of the bard is to support a group with song and dance buffs and one-off support skills.  I don't really like the e-peen, parse-waving of the DPS classes, and tanking is just too stressful after a long day at work! ;) 


    Also generally people really like support classes because they make everyone more awesome! ;)  It's the whole 'I want you to want me and I need you to need me' mentality. 

    This post was edited by Merrick at June 25, 2015 8:40 PM PDT
    • 9115 posts
    June 25, 2015 4:37 PM PDT
    Wandidar said:

    I have played every single role in MMO's across the years.  I cannot say which one I will choose.  Oddly, I may not make a final decision until I sit down at the character creation screen the day the game goes live.


    My decision will likely be based on (literally) WEEKS of churning over what role I think I want to play - and if any of the classes available for that role seem like they fit what I want to be.


    For example - I've ALWAYS wanted to play a truly "in the thick of things" healer - where every action I take is either an attack to defend my party, or something to heal someone, etc... but all of it active against whatever we are fighting.  Having that in the game would be VERY compelling to me... if I got through those weeks of mulling it over and thought "yeah, healer..."


    On the other hand, if I wanted to tank and there were a class that seemed to devote all of itself to tanking, period - an "all in, nothing out" if you want to tank well... that would be an option.


    Choosing classes for me is never easy.  I just hope that whatever I pick on day one is the one I ultimately stick with and am playing years later.

    That's not an answer mate! lol

    The challenge is to pick any class from past, present or future and only one class! ;) 

    • 753 posts
    June 25, 2015 6:54 PM PDT

    Your challenge has met my penchant for indecision!


    The class I played the longest was my ranger in EQ... it would be hard not to consider that.  However, rangers were never "necessary" - and I have built a love over time for playing "necessary" classes.  I'll go with warrior - I played a warrior in vanilla WoW - back in the days when to tank your best you had to really devote your gear choices to it - and also had to learn your class.


    That was possibly the most fun I ever had as a tank - and was one of my favorite classes of all time - before the gradual dumbing down of the game became a landslide.

    • 2138 posts
    June 25, 2015 7:04 PM PDT

    Probably a Summoner, because I see a utility aspect to it and I like being the one to be able to provide just that right thing, at the right time, even fireworks and fishing poles.  In EQ1 I would sometimes harvest an item from splitpaw- I've forgotten the name- that allowed anyone to summon a lightstone a few times and give them away to newbies in Odus because I remembered how hard it was to see and being a mage I could play it up a bit, " you can be a mage, too! no matter your class!", heh.

    • 112 posts
    June 27, 2015 5:21 AM PDT

    Had to choose one class, from any game/time, then it'd have to be monk all the way.  The pulling mechanics in EQ1 were awesome and not repeated IMO.  Nothing quite like playing a puller in the games since for me, where when your group is stationary and you get to keep going, non stop, always searching for the next kill and trying to bring them to the group at the ideal time to maintain the balance of the group never being full mana or out of mana (at least for the healer, can't help it if a caster was too stupid to manage their mana properly >.>)


    I'm somewhat in wandidar's category for indecision leading up until char creation.  My mage was my first char in EQ and I've always seen an appeal in micromanaging a pet, so being a summoner this time around is a possibility.  Also played a Sorcerer (similar to ench for crowd control in EQ) in DAOC and that was fun, and of course a tank/healer in games also. 


    Tank/healer/CC are very very appealing to play, since any of the 3 can be the sole reason a group is able to do a camp/area/crazy pull/train/etc, BUT I would say the tank/healer roles are less fun for me since the two are directly tied to eachother.  Being a tank with a poor healer = first to die every time **** meets fan, and same goes for the healer if the tank is lacking in skills.  CC has some room for keeping themselves alive and surviving even with a poor tank/healer. 

    Which reminds me of one more reason why I liked the monk, having Mend and FD gave much better odds for surviving bad situations in groups, and also made for opportunities to be the hero with corpse retrievals etc ;)

    • 753 posts
    June 27, 2015 8:26 AM PDT
    Lokkan said:

    Had to choose one class, from any game/time, then it'd have to be monk all the way.  The pulling mechanics in EQ1 were awesome and not repeated IMO.  Nothing quite like playing a puller in the games since for me, where when your group is stationary and you get to keep going, non stop, always searching for the next kill and trying to bring them to the group at the ideal time to maintain the balance of the group never being full mana or out of mana (at least for the healer, can't help it if a caster was too stupid to manage their mana properly >.>)


    I'm somewhat in wandidar's category for indecision leading up until char creation.  My mage was my first char in EQ and I've always seen an appeal in micromanaging a pet, so being a summoner this time around is a possibility.  Also played a Sorcerer (similar to ench for crowd control in EQ) in DAOC and that was fun, and of course a tank/healer in games also. 


    Tank/healer/CC are very very appealing to play, since any of the 3 can be the sole reason a group is able to do a camp/area/crazy pull/train/etc, BUT I would say the tank/healer roles are less fun for me since the two are directly tied to eachother.  Being a tank with a poor healer = first to die every time **** meets fan, and same goes for the healer if the tank is lacking in skills.  CC has some room for keeping themselves alive and surviving even with a poor tank/healer. 

    Which reminds me of one more reason why I liked the monk, having Mend and FD gave much better odds for surviving bad situations in groups, and also made for opportunities to be the hero with corpse retrievals etc ;)

    I have always found that a good tank may not be able to save a group...  but a good healer usually can.  I've been "that guy" a couple times in MMO's.  It certainly has appeal.  My problem with playing a healer is that I go through periods of feeling like I want to actually be killing the mob.  That is, I seem to separate in my mind the distinction between hitting the mob - and keeping the people alive who are hitting the mob. 


    Being the guy keeping the group alive though - can certainly be a very rewarding thing.

    • 2138 posts
    June 27, 2015 4:38 PM PDT

    Have to treat the tank right. I truly feel safer with a good tank, but you have to say that so they hear it and say it often. If you decide to go to a harder dungeon because the tank has joined, and the  tank is worried it may be too hard you have to be encouraging to their modesty. Tanks should have Lockers full of different armors and weapons and be low in funds because they are always looking for different weapons and armors. It is good to give tanks chunks of cash or items to sell for you that you cant use in down time (clerics get the gems) so they can bargain and shop, and days later when they talk about this or that weapon they picked up, then you say "lets go to this mini-boss so we can see you try it out!" even though the mini boss may be just a bit too hard.  But the whole group has to do it and be upbeat and encouraging.


    I was shocked when out-of-the-blue our tank gifted me the pegasus cloak- SHOCKED, but pleased of course.

    • 1778 posts
    June 27, 2015 11:17 PM PDT
    Easy! FFXI Ninja!!!
    Because it was so much more interesting and involved of a tank to me than Paladin.

    Best times were shadow tanking gods in Sky and keeping hate by spamming stuns which also eliminated about half its attacks lol. That being said it wasnt as easy as it sounds because tanking with ninja was more of an art than a science. Ninja are a squishy class and a mis timed shadow could mean a one shot. It was a very unique type of tank that wasnt even supposed to be a tank (thanks emmergeant gameplay and devs that just went with the flow). But because of that I doubt I will ever encounter such a crazy and atypical tank in a game again. Was it broken? I didnt really think so. The trade off on tanks in FFXI was always skill vs safety. I knew plenty of great Paladin tanks but only a handful of great Ninja tanks. And thats why Ill always have a special place in my heart for Ninja.
    • 453 posts
    June 28, 2015 6:10 AM PDT

    I will of course try all the classes but I am pretty sure the first one I will try will be shaman . Perhaps an ugly female troll shammy named Perdy Ugly. I have always loved both shammies and bards . 

    • 409 posts
    July 31, 2015 11:19 AM PDT

    Anarchy Online, bureaucrat.

    Greatest CC/charm/support/facilitator class in any MMO ever. Root, snare, single mezz, AE mezz, pacify, memblur, slow, haste, nukes, dual wield pistols and the bext exp % buff and oh yeah, add in a robotic pet + a short duration and long duration FIXED time charm. All that uber CC and DPS, plus you get three pets each with their own command and buff windows. AO crats ftw!!

    Tons of close seconds, all from AO or EQ1 pretty much, but I so rarely follow Kilsin's directions, I will be a good boy and do so here. :D

    • 430 posts
    July 31, 2015 12:03 PM PDT
    Shaman ( Jill of all trades )
    • 308 posts
    July 31, 2015 7:22 PM PDT

    I really like pet classes, and traditionally i pick shaman, but my answer for pantheon is Summoner, it will be the first class i make.

    • 781 posts
    August 2, 2015 3:16 PM PDT

     Summoner  :)  I played a magician in Old EQ and I loved the pet mechanics.  My Earth pet would rock on holding agro and rooting.  My Air pet would back stab the crap out ya.  lol   Good times..  :)

    • 3 posts
    August 2, 2015 4:34 PM PDT

    Dwarf Crusader (assuming this is the sword/board tank) - sword and board and I hate sitting in the back with the cloth wearers - put me in the front!

    • 107 posts
    August 2, 2015 5:23 PM PDT
    Grumor! Damn, all the cool kids are waiting for this game.