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Feedback from the free weekend

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    • 4 posts
    May 8, 2024 8:59 PM PDT

    I’m not a pledge so I don’t have access to feedback channel so I will post this here. Cohh free weekend. Me and 5 friends played the two days. Saturday and Sunday. Group consisted of Paladin, Rogue, Wizard, Enchanter, Enchanter, Shaman. We ended up getting to level 8. I played the shaman so this feedback is from the shaman pov.

    After level 4 the paladin healed better than the shaman. The paladin basically had endless healing resources while the shaman went oom quickly. Even when killing lvl 8+ yellow/orange cons the paladin healed himself better / more efficiently than the shaman. Levels 4 to 8 I didn’t need to heal the tank. He healed himself while I did damage. When I healed instead of him, I would go oom.

    Respawns on some of the camps felt long. This resulted in us having to constantly move between spawns. Wizard said it felt bad because he was always oom. Less med time from having to move around.

    Skinning and other resource gathering takes too long with basic tool. We killed mobs faster than the skinner could skin. We needed pelts for bags so 1 person ended up doing nothing but skinning while we killed mobs. Plus, with us having to move around they constantly fell behind.

    Risk vs reward. Caster mobs didn’t feel worth killing. Why kill something that does over twice the damage for the same xp/loot.

    More skills for lower levels. It felt like we didn’t have the spells we needed to fight casters. Lacked interrupts. At level 8 we had a wizard interrupt and enchanters could chain mez to interrupt. Problem with mez to interrupt was that mez takes longer to cast than most the npc spells. I liked how the wizard interrupt was on a long cooldown. Promoted teamwork to interrupt, but it would have been nice if our rogue or pally had an interrupt. If leveling was faster it would be less of an issue. Levels 1 to 7 felt bad because of the lack spells we had, and how long we were at those levels.

    Probably isn’t intended, but foods from cooking stacked. As casters it felt good have 8 food buffs for the sitting mana regen. Wizard felt like he actually got to play the game instead of being oom every pull.

    Shaman couldn’t use 2hb, but cleric could.

    Trade skills. The skill cap on trade skills per level seemed low. We killed a named skeleton, got a brigade tunic recipe. With max skills we still couldn’t craft it.

    Felt like the starting city needed a closer bindstone.

    I liked the difficulty of the goblin dungeon. Having to actually pay attention to what the npcs were doing was a nice change of pace. We were mostly level 6/7. It felt like we didn’t have the spells needed for the area (snares to prevent them from running, interrupts etc). We were able to clear all the way to red cons before it got too difficult (5 players lvl 7).

    Some npcs hit way harder despite being lower lvl. Boars and wolves seemed very easy. A blue con snake did more damage than a yellow con boar.

    No indicator for elite mobs. Maybe add a con message or UI element. Something like you should bring a group con message.

    With how slow exp was it was hard to tell if a harder npc gave more exp. Is it better to duo or full group? Don’t know bar doesn’t move. XP as a number would have been better instead of the basic you have gained xp message.

    Did more damage with melee than spells. As a shaman melee did slightly less than the nuke and I didn’t need to med. Using cheap dots and melee was better than dots + nuke because it had so much down time.

    The darkness was cool around undead and inside caves. Would have been nice if the caster light spells were lower level.

    I liked how there was no map. Learning landmarks felt good. Communicating directions based on landmarks felt more immersive. Example, go up the hill at the 4 way.

    In the two days we played we only killed 1 named npc with loot. Killed him twice. Loot was good. Nice looking weapon. More named would be nice.

    Bought a crafting recipe before finding out the trainer had a quest that would give them for free. The starting recipes were expensive for something that could be gotten for free.

    Couldn’t keybind macros.

    Climbing leveled really slow. Weapon skills leveled fast.

    Some times lost buffs when zoning. Buffs from other players.

    Liked discovering the cooking recipe combinations. Didn’t feel like cooking skill level did anything.

    This post was edited by Nerfed at May 8, 2024 9:02 PM PDT
    • 40 posts
    May 9, 2024 9:11 AM PDT
    Rogues get snare at 8. They also get a mez and stun later on for group dynamics. The crafted harvesting tools help but it is a time investment. They had group harvesting in before to "speed" things up but it hasn't returned will and hopefully resolve the time it takes to harvest.

    Mana management gets better later also especially once you can use a readiness skill for mana.

    Theres also a discovering factor like undercons or over cons or where has the best xp vs better loot. Gobo dungeon tends to be bad xp because mobs have higher hp but spiders ends up being really fast(also a great place to hang around and practice climbing).

    I'd say my 1st time I felt pretty similar, my concern to speed things up or get all abilities right away is that character growth may feel stagnant if I have everything at lvl 5 with 45 more lvls to go vs getting most of my tool kit by 15ish. That's a subjective thing though

    Still a work in progress and changes to be had but I do enjoy this style of strategic gameplay.
    This post was edited by redman323 at May 9, 2024 9:17 AM PDT
    • 4 posts
    May 9, 2024 12:21 PM PDT

    Group harvesting would have made the low level harvesting so much better. We ended up getting the upgraded tools. Crafted upgrade was a little bit worse than the quest one, but before those harvesting felt so slow. Almost not worth doing until you get the upgrades.

    By the time we got the rogue snare the weekend was pretty much over. 1-7 was the issue. I do agree reaching the upgrades makes the characters feel much stronger. Sense of progression is important. Our rogue was itching to get 8 for backstab. The problem was having npcs in the level bracket (1-7) that the characters didn't have the tools to deal with their abilities. Faster leveling will probably make this a non issue. For us, going into the caves at level 7 was probably too early, but our only other choice was to farm boring mobs for a couple hours to get the level 8 power spike or try to have fun in a group dungeon albeit under leveled. We did get quite deep in the dungeon eventually hitting red cons, but the lack of snare and interrupts made things very sketchy. Npcs running mach 10 when low.

    As a shaman I had the mana regen readiness skill. Felt okay, not great. Kinda annoying that it made me stand up from medding. A huge quality of life change for it would be to make it usable from sitting without it standing you up. The wizard didn't get his. I know he gets one later, but that doesn't help the 1-7 issues. The enchanter really liked his mana nuke. Referred to it as being as good as theft of thought.

    Also, if the harder mobs (group required elites) are not worth killing for xp it becomes a question of why even bother killing them. Items? You would end up being better off leveling fast then coming back for the items avoiding the trash.

    This post was edited by Nerfed at May 9, 2024 12:34 PM PDT
    • 40 posts
    May 10, 2024 10:56 AM PDT
    What lvl is glint for wiz or cold based snare,which is better in dungeons thans rogue ae snare agroing everything? Ench can also mez to interrupt things which I think they get at 4 or 5 but not 100%.
    • 247 posts
    May 11, 2024 1:24 PM PDT

    The Paladin's pull can be used to interrupt mobs using both melee and spell casting abilities.

    Wizard has Glint to interrupt spellcasting and Enchanters can interrupt both melee and spell casting abilities using Mez.

    Rogue later also gets an interrupt. So your group had plenty of options to interrupt with actually.


    Different classes can use different weapons, Shaman can use 2H spears and staffs, Clerics can use 2H hammers like a Paladin or Warrior.


    Some mobs do hit harder even when conning lower, these are known as undercons and are on purpose, but rare.


    Paladin healing is certainly strong but relies on being in combat constantly while dedicating Wrath, it also means missing out on the use of other Wrath-based abilities which are very useful to the group. And while chain-casting would mean the Paladin is doing nothing else.


    Xp gain rates have been improved with the most recent patch to address the low xp rate in general.

    • 4 posts
    May 11, 2024 2:21 PM PDT

    Ezrael said:

    The Paladin's pull can be used to interrupt mobs using both melee and spell casting abilities.

    Good for stopping runners, not worth using as an interrupt unless you want a bunch of down time waiting on healer mana which defeats the purpose.

    Wizard has Glint to interrupt spellcasting and Enchanters can interrupt both melee and spell casting abilities using Mez.

    Rogue later also gets an interrupt. So your group had plenty of options to interrupt with actually.


    Wizard interrupt has long cd, mez as mentioned in first post has longer cast than the npc spells. So unless they chain cast mez its not a proper solution. Plus, there are several mob types that are immune to mez. Yes, rogues get them later. Sounds like you didn’t even read the post. It was about 1 to 7. Also, only 1 enchanter. 2nd quit from the boring 1-7 grind.

    Different classes can use different weapons, Shaman can use 2H spears and staffs, Clerics can use 2H hammers like a Paladin or Warrior.

    Name a game shaman’s don’t have 2hb. Here I will give you a few that do.. Everquest, Everquest 2, WoW, Vanguard, Rift, Guild wars, Monsters and Memories, Evercraft online etc etc. Mentioned it because it sounded like an oversight. Patch before removed a bunch, maybe they unintentionally removed it.

    Some mobs do hit harder even when conning lower, these are known as undercons and are on purpose, but rare.


    Sure, under cons exist. Every type of an animal being an undercon? Unlikely. Sounds more like beta balancing, hence feedback


    Paladin healing is certainly strong but relies on being in combat constantly while dedicating Wrath, it also means missing out on the use of other Wrath-based abilities which are very useful to the group. And while chain-casting would mean the Paladin is doing nothing else.

    Sure, maybe when they actually get more spells. The whole post was about 1 to 7. Also, chain casting frees up a group slot as you no longer need a healer. That far out ways their other wrath spells 1 to 7.

    This post was edited by Nerfed at May 11, 2024 2:59 PM PDT
    • 2094 posts
    May 11, 2024 3:36 PM PDT

    Nerfed said: Shaman couldn’t use 2hb, but cleric could.

    Some weapons in the game don't have the correct class options on them. You may  have encountered one somewhere.

    My shaman has and has used all these 1H Crushing (bludgeon) weapons: cudgel, club, hammer, mace. (last I checked, the 'maple cudgel' was the highest DPS  tier 1 craftable 1H weapon in the game).

    I also use the 2H crafted  spear (in the daytime) as it's the best DPS 2H I've found so far.


    This post was edited by Jothany at May 11, 2024 3:38 PM PDT
    • 247 posts
    May 12, 2024 1:00 PM PDT

    Nerfed said:


    Good for stopping runners, not worth using as an interrupt unless you want a bunch of down time waiting on healer mana which defeats the purpose.

    Runners can be stopped with snare or root, they don't need to be hard CC'd, using a pull to stop a runner is a waste.


    Wizard interrupt has long cd, mez as mentioned in first post has longer cast than the npc spells. So unless they chain cast mez its not a proper solution. Plus, there are several mob types that are immune to mez. Yes, rogues get them later. Sounds like you didn’t even read the post. It was about 1 to 7. Also, only 1 enchanter. 2nd quit from the boring 1-7 grind.

    Ok dude, interesting hostile attitude you have, good luck?


    Name a game shaman’s don’t have 2hb. Here I will give you a few that do.. Everquest, Everquest 2, WoW, Vanguard, Rift, Guild wars, Monsters and Memories, Evercraft online etc etc. Mentioned it because it sounded like an oversight. Patch before removed a bunch, maybe they unintentionally removed it.

     Just because Shaman had 2HB in different games doesn't mean they will have it in Pantheon, Pantheon is its own game.

    There are plenty of weapon differences across all the classes.

    Sure, under cons exist. Every type of an animal being an undercon? Unlikely. Sounds more like beta balancing, hence feedback

    You're exaggerating with hyperbole, that's not good feedback.


    This post was edited by Ezrael at May 12, 2024 1:02 PM PDT
    • 4 posts
    May 12, 2024 2:05 PM PDT

    Ezrael said:

    stopped with snare or root, they don't need to be hard CC'd, using a pull to stop a runner is a waste.

    Name a lvl 1-7 snare/root.


    Ezrael said:

    You're exaggerating with hyperbole, that's not good feedback.

    Yes, surely they wouldn't want to know if an npc is over tuned or not. /s

    This post was edited by Nerfed at May 12, 2024 2:14 PM PDT
    • 40 posts
    May 14, 2024 9:06 PM PDT
    Wizard cold spell line with the stacks I believe
    • 2094 posts
    May 14, 2024 9:58 PM PDT

    Savanja posted what VR wanted concerning feedback about the game from new testers at the top of the "Test Feedback" forum.

    The people who played in the Free Weekend aren't able to post there, but the same expectations apply.

    Savanja said:

    We want honest feedback and that feedback is not up for debate. 

    I ask that posters refrain from critiquing threads.

    The OP has posted their feedback, and I will now close this thread. Any commenters who wish to post their own feedback can do so in the Test Feedback section.