Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Game balance vs player loyalty

    • 8 posts
    November 30, 2023 9:09 AM PST
    I would like to see some form of reward for continued subscriptions and game loyalty.
    Does anyone remember EQ1 fish bone earring? Camping that fisherman for days/weeks at a 6 hour spawn to get an earring that lets you breathe underwater. Then there is an update where everyone can buy underwater breathing potions from a vendor not even a character alchemist. Or the first Dragon flying mount drops in WoW? After player complaints they became an item you could buy from blizzard.
    I would like to see some acknowledgment of our long term commitment in game. There is nothing worse than playing for years to reach where you are only to see someone 2 weeks into the game with a higher gear score and you with nothing to show for your years of loyalty to the game
    • 1288 posts
    November 30, 2023 9:23 AM PST
    I agree. There's a fine line between giving people a 'reasonable catch up mechanic' and giving them 'years of rewards' just for buying the game.

    I'm sure there are people that study this topic and try to find that line. I don't have a great answer, but I totally agree with the examples you gave not feeling good!
    • 902 posts
    November 30, 2023 10:09 AM PST
    I honestly think loyalty time items should be just that. 1 year gift should never be achieved by any other means. It's not catch up, it's loyalty time spent. Whether it is cosmetic or useful, don't make such items buyable.
    • 40 posts
    November 30, 2023 10:34 AM PST
    I don't mind it being added in game but don't trivialize it. Mini epic quest that can take 2-4 +weeks to complete, depending on item, sounds about right. Not into FOMO mechanics but make them work for it.
    • 86 posts
    November 30, 2023 12:18 PM PST
    I agree completely, it's downright disheartening having some brand new player flexing something as good or comparable to you which you spent a considerable amount of time to attain.
    • 810 posts
    November 30, 2023 1:47 PM PST
    VR devs have said time and time again they are not going to have a single must have item but multiple variants across multiple level ranges. We probably won't end up with the iconic fbss or the like we can still reference decades later because it will be 5 items from 5 sources with the same or similar bonuses for pretty much everything memorable we had in EQ. My guess is a few of those will be easier to obtain than the others.

    That said, MMO expansions that level you up are known for trivializing (resetting) everything by design. I fully assume Pantheon will use this level up philosophy they have committed to. Pulling new players up with new gear to restart the number go up race is simply how every MMO outside of GW2 works. While VR has made promises to not trivialize raid tier gear with common items, I would expect a few utility items to come up in expansions with superior tiers and likely easier to obtain at times.
    • 2419 posts
    November 30, 2023 2:14 PM PST

    Jobeson said: VR devs have said time and time again they are not going to have a single must have item but multiple variants across multiple level ranges. We probably won't end up with the iconic fbss or the like we can still reference decades later because it will be 5 items from 5 sources with the same or similar bonuses for pretty much everything memorable we had in EQ. My guess is a few of those will be easier to obtain than the others. That said, MMO expansions that level you up are known for trivializing (resetting) everything by design. I fully assume Pantheon will use this level up philosophy they have committed to. Pulling new players up with new gear to restart the number go up race is simply how every MMO outside of GW2 works. While VR has made promises to not trivialize raid tier gear with common items, I would expect a few utility items to come up in expansions with superior tiers and likely easier to obtain at times.

    While I agree VR has stated they do not want to have a single must-have item, that isn't up to them though. We, the players, determine if an item is must-have. The designation emerges from our engagement with the content.

    • 8 posts
    November 30, 2023 2:16 PM PST
    What would be wrong with a few truly unique items in a game like this? Say your character found the only ring that lets you “feign death” like a monk once a day. Or even walk on water?
    Effects like this would in no way be game breaking, would be useful and a symbol of status
    • 86 posts
    November 30, 2023 2:40 PM PST
    Butch said:
    What would be wrong with a few truly unique items in a game like this? Say your character found the only ring that lets you “feign death” like a monk once a day. Or even walk on water?
    Effects like this would in no way be game breaking, would be useful and a symbol of status

    As you said, adding a few items with truly unique(not game breaking clickies) would be pretty cool. I just think those items should be really hard to attain, as you said in the OP. Something you've invested a lot of time into, because that's what makes you appreciate it so much, it's also what makes the other players so envious of you over.
    • 8 posts
    November 30, 2023 4:08 PM PST
    I am only smart enough to see 2 ways this might work. A secret quest line you happen to come across would be one such. However in a MMO would you do a “first come first serve” approach in which other players get upset with no reward? Second approach is a mega rare drop from a certain mob family?
    I agree the item a year approach sounds nice but will there truly be satisfaction in that?
    Remember the Manastone? They dropped for a week and something like 11 were on my server back in 1997. People talked about those for years. Now imagine if VR keeps its word that items will be sellable and not BOP $$
    • 102 posts
    November 30, 2023 5:09 PM PST
    They've already confirmed there would be BOP items in game. I imagine Pantheon will never have any form of cash shop where someone could simply buy a very long/hard to attain in game item or skills. I think the plan is to have a variety of gear through different tiers and different level ranges, from lower gear to high end. I even bet they will have very very rare gear that only few can attain.

    That would be super cool to see is have fun clicky gear that doesn't really give you a huge edge, but is a really fun/funny/cool item that took effort to get. I wouldn't put it passed them. I think rare/unique items in the world will be BOP.

    What I'm curious to see is how they will handle expansions in relation to gear (I know thats a long ways off). But would they make more zones that just scale in AC & stats while there is no level increase? or vise versa? Or a combination of both? Release an expansion or two where the gear scales up and then another that increases 10+ levels? but then if you also scaled stats through better gear along with level increase, it may cause issues. Anyway that is why I am ignorant to MMO Development.

    I am just curious how the gear is going to play out in general
    • 8 posts
    November 30, 2023 6:06 PM PST
    Think on this. Imagine a soft cap of say lv 50 and maybe a daily exp cap after that so that leveling could take months-years for everyone (even those that might have 20+ hours a day to play) that would give enough time for a better solution I think. No more endgame just a continuous world experience.
    • 102 posts
    December 1, 2023 6:17 AM PST
    I think players would be super pissed with no end-game/raid content if I am understanding what you said correctly. Though honestly, that trope feedback loop of get to raid end-game content, grind epic gear, new expansion drops, gear becomes trivialized, get to raid end-game content, grind epic gear, feels tired to me. But I could be in the minority, people probably love it! Maybe I'm the curmudgeon. It's easy for me to call out, "that's bad!" or, "I don't like that!". it takes someone(s) much smarter than myself to innovate a new fresh way of the paradigm. AA Point system seems to be a popular alternative, it is essential a soft-cap system. And while I was fearing that I'm abusing these boards through my own musings, I just had to double check with myself, "Yup! I'm still loosely on topic!" foot-in-mouth
    This post was edited by Brutenga at December 1, 2023 6:20 AM PST
    • 2090 posts
    December 1, 2023 11:43 AM PST

    Brutenga said: Maybe I'm the curmudgeon.

    *Hobbles into view. Shakes fist*

    "Get off my lawn!!"

    *Hobbles back inside*

    • 2419 posts
    December 1, 2023 12:39 PM PST

    Butch said: Think on this. Imagine a soft cap of say lv 50 and maybe a daily exp cap after that so that leveling could take months-years for everyone (even those that might have 20+ hours a day to play) that would give enough time for a better solution I think. No more endgame just a continuous world experience.

    Daily XP cap?  Why punish me for having lots of spare time to play?  That would be stupid for VR to implement such an idiotic concept. I am very very aware that because I can play 50+ hours a week that I could end up running out of content before an expansion arrives but guess what?  I accept that possibility and will not complain about it. There are other things I can do within the game, like leveling up all my alts, maxing out all the tradeskills on all my alts or even helping all my lower level guildmates with their quests, etc.

    • 3852 posts
    December 2, 2023 8:06 AM PST
    Brutenga - I disagree that endgame content should be raids. Other than for the organizers a single group dungeon is far more difficult than a raid, and far more likely to reward player skill and character development than to reward memorization of mechanics. Raids, like solo play, should be ancillary, less rewarding and less important. This is one of many ways that more "modern" MMOs have gone astray.

    Butch - a daily xp cap tells me that I can only productively play a short amount of time each day. Does this encourage me to maintain a subscription? Vandraad is right. Also - to come at the matter from a different angle - it unfairly rewards people like Vandraad and myself that have lots of time and punishes those that have to focus more on trivia like work and families. Give me a 1,000 xp per day cap and I can gain 7,000 xp per week if I do not uninstall the game in disgust. Give someone who can only scrape up enough time to play once a week on a weekend the same cap and he or she will gain 1.000 xp per week.
    • 264 posts
    December 2, 2023 9:19 AM PST
    Big no for daily XP caps, punishing people who want to play your game more is bad design period. If anything you want to encourage players to spend more time on your game not less..especially with an MMORPG that has groups and/or raids as the focus of the game. The more concurrent players you have the better. Having players log off because they cannot progress their character works against that. As for player loyalty the best way to foster this is to have a game people love playing. Rewarding the earliest backers/players of your game sounds good in theory but in practice? Doesn't work and here's why: new players need to get to level cap quickly once an MMORPG reaches a certain age...because 80-90% of the playerbase are max level. Same thing with gear: new players need catchup mechanics once an MMORPG is on it's 3rd-4th expansion. You will have massive attrition if your new players are stuck soloing in a non solo friendly MMORPG. At most you can give your most loyal players cosmetic items be it armor, costumes, or mounts. But in regards to your raid gear staying relevant? 5 years into the game a new player must be able to get gear as good or better in a vastly shorter amount of time. Yes it is frustrating having all that awesome gear you worked for become trash but that is the nature of the beast and it all boils down to MMORPGs needing new players.
    • 8 posts
    December 2, 2023 9:55 AM PST
    Might need to elaborate. Daily character level exp limit after a certain point would be no different than doing daily quests for 5 hours to get your reputation up with a certain faction every day in games like WoW.
    I like it better in fact because after daily exp grind which can be done anywhere btw you can still farm mats, run friends through dungeons, work on your ship etc.
    • 146 posts
    December 3, 2023 5:42 PM PST
    This sounds like FFXIV's Veteran rewards where you get items based on how long have you have been subscribed. To my knowledge there's no other way to get those items. There's no playtime requirements. It all comes down to many many days, in 30 day chunks, you have been subscribed to the game. Seems a fair way to do this, especially if it's for extra items (potions, mats, etc) or purely cosmetic items. Neither would be game-breaking.
    • 3852 posts
    December 4, 2023 5:59 AM PST
    What EQ2 has as a reward is tied to character levels not length of subscription. One might describe it as an encouragement to play "alts" rather than to leave the game after completing everything once. Every maximum level gives you a percentage bonus to the experience you earn with other characters. Done separately for adventuring and crafting. When the maximum level goes up you lose the bonus until you get the maximum level characters up to the new maximum level.

    Pantheon will be focusing on slow leveling so an xp bonus may not be where we want to go - but something that applies only to alts after someone that has already made it all the way through the grind is not the worst idea.
    • 8 posts
    December 9, 2023 6:27 AM PST

    Hardearned item should be hard to earn, not based off of time you've been subscribed/Veteran status or (God forbid bought in a store) but ingame actions. Exp. cap is a game killer imho.

    Pure cosmetic items could on the other hand be based off time subscribed/Veteran status.

    • 26 posts
    December 9, 2023 7:51 AM PST

    This fits the topic but not sure how it helps.

    In vanilla wow I was grinding gold for a mount - something to do as an early riser - and on a shore line that mobs dropped pearls - not easy while kitting as a hunter - and with elite mobs in the surf -- I got a one in a million high speed rifle. Memorable for me and not a game changer for any one else. Also, while gathering one day I came across an elite wolf. Took me three days to camp for him then got shredded taming him and spent months training him for loyalty - never left my side -aggro- without command. Lots of food and time spent.

    After about a year wow decided that other hunters were jealous so they nerf'ed both the gun and the pet. I guilt and never looked back.

    Anecdotal for balance vs. loyalty - not sure if that advances the conversation. Memorable until it stopped being fun.  

    • 1288 posts
    December 9, 2023 9:32 AM PST

    Inselberg said:

    This fits the topic but not sure how it helps.

    In vanilla wow I was grinding gold for a mount - something to do as an early riser - and on a shore line that mobs dropped pearls - not easy while kitting as a hunter - and with elite mobs in the surf -- I got a one in a million high speed rifle. Memorable for me and not a game changer for any one else. Also, while gathering one day I came across an elite wolf. Took me three days to camp for him then got shredded taming him and spent months training him for loyalty - never left my side -aggro- without command. Lots of food and time spent.

    After about a year wow decided that other hunters were jealous so they nerf'ed both the gun and the pet. I guilt and never looked back.

    Anecdotal for balance vs. loyalty - not sure if that advances the conversation. Memorable until it stopped being fun.  


    That seems like a perfect example to me.  It really ruins it for the people who worked for it, there was no gratitude for your loyalty and it was thrown out the window in an effort to pick up other players who hadn't been able to accomplish what you did.  Somehow they deserved the same or better rewards without earning it.  

    • 1019 posts
    December 10, 2023 8:16 AM PST

    chenzeme said: I honestly think loyalty-time items should be just that. A 1-year gift should never be achieved by any other means. It's not catch-up; it's loyalty time spent. Whether it is cosmetic or useful, don't make such items buyable.

    Agree.  I remember in EQ2 I'd be jealous, for lack of a better word, of my friends who stayed subbed through the years.  But that's how it should be; they got a cool cosmetic item I didn't have because they were loyal.  It made sense to me and didn't upset me at all, because I knew why they had it and I didn't.

    • 1404 posts
    December 10, 2023 1:26 PM PST
    Ranarius said:

    Inselberg said:

    This fits the topic but not sure how it helps.

    In vanilla wow I was grinding gold for a mount - something to do as an early riser - and on a shore line that mobs dropped pearls - not easy while kitting as a hunter - and with elite mobs in the surf -- I got a one in a million high speed rifle. Memorable for me and not a game changer for any one else. Also, while gathering one day I came across an elite wolf. Took me three days to camp for him then got shredded taming him and spent months training him for loyalty - never left my side -aggro- without command. Lots of food and time spent.

    After about a year wow decided that other hunters were jealous so they nerf'ed both the gun and the pet. I guilt and never looked back.

    Anecdotal for balance vs. loyalty - not sure if that advances the conversation. Memorable until it stopped being fun.  


    That seems like a perfect example to me.  It really ruins it for the people who worked for it, there was no gratitude for your loyalty and it was thrown out the window in an effort to pick up other players who hadn't been able to accomplish what you did.  Somehow they deserved the same or better rewards without earning it.  

    My experience and end in WoW was similar to Inselbergs Researching and farming the fastest Cat pet, the highest AC turtle pet, then they nerfed and normalized all the pets. It takes only to log in for the disappointment to return and I log back out. I hope pantheon never trivializes any accomplishments I may make in game, for me that’s the ultimate game breaker.
    This post was edited by Zorkon at December 10, 2023 3:15 PM PST