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Cartoon Graphics? After pledging and waiting 7 years I'm out

    • 5 posts
    October 2, 2023 8:03 AM PDT

    You have got to be kidding me. Changing the graphics to cartoon? I stood by waiting with anticipation for 7 years to play this game and now the descision is made to give it cartoon "WOW" graphics. I'm done waiting, this just killed the game for me. Probably not even gonna play it now. Thanks for the needless wait.

    • 947 posts
    October 2, 2023 9:05 AM PDT

    Yikes.  This is a bit dissapointing, but only because our expectations have been set to believe that all of their progress had been so slow because of the attention to detail that has been put into the world.  (Which should not have even been a thing with Unity... but it was at least a decent excuse).

    On the flip side of the same coin, I'm "ok" with the change AS LONG as the performance and gameplay are beyond reproach.  And this "should" allow them to get to release much faster.  They need to come big with the gameplay and dev progression now though.  

    I wouldn't call it "WoW" graphics (maybe Fortnite), but definitely not the realistic look that all of us in these forums have become accustomed to.

    Add:  I'm not a fan of fortnite... personally

    This post was edited by Darch at October 2, 2023 9:13 AM PDT
    • 167 posts
    October 2, 2023 10:43 AM PDT

    It did take a little bit to get used to in my head, but as long as they can make it look a bit more mature, the world is still immersive and the game is going to run perfectly smooth, I'm all for almost any art style.  

    WoWs biggest graphical problem isn't that it's cartooney, it's that there is 0 immersion because everyone just zooms out to the point where it looks like you're running top down on top of a minimap.  That's not immersion.   

    As long as the game is built so that I still feel like I'm inside a whole other world, I won't mind cartooney.  EQ1 looks like hot dog sh..poop.  But I still play it over all the new AAA graphical experiences out there, because the games have 0 immersion and feel like daily/weekly chore fests with battlepass nonsense and spammy combat with 0 difficulty.  

    No matter how you spin it, it's still going to be the closest thing we're going to get to a remake of EQ1, or a proper EQ2, so any one who is here because of that is going to play it, regardless.  

    • 56 posts
    October 2, 2023 10:46 AM PDT

    M1an0 said:

    You have got to be kidding me. Changing the graphics to cartoon? I stood by waiting with anticipation for 7 years to play this game and now the descision is made to give it cartoon "WOW" graphics. I'm done waiting, this just killed the game for me. Probably not even gonna play it now. Thanks for the needless wait.

    I thought the very same thing. I'm not interested in WoW/Fortnight looking game. IMHO, EQ looks better than both those games and I was hoping for upscale looking game not a cartoon style game.

    I'm not out since I already contributed however this will preclude me from doing more.


    • 2 posts
    October 2, 2023 8:27 PM PDT

    Yuck, I just did my monthly review to catch up on updates and saw the new art direction. Really dissapointed they are going this route, the cartoony look is bad.

    • 316 posts
    October 3, 2023 12:09 AM PDT

    Prevenge said:

    EQ1 looks like hot dog sh..poop.

    I disagree. EQ's graphics, although obviously dated, are able to convey realism and therefore immersion. This new style just doesn't generate the interest, sorry. Will make it much harder, if not impossible, for me to care about the characters in this new art style. Maybe I'll be wrong after seeing more gameplay videos. But it's easy to care about EQ characters, and the art is a big part of that.

    • 167 posts
    October 4, 2023 6:32 PM PDT

    Alexander said:

    Prevenge said:

    EQ1 looks like hot dog sh..poop.

    I disagree. EQ's graphics, although obviously dated, are able to convey realism and therefore immersion. This new style just doesn't generate the interest, sorry. Will make it much harder, if not impossible, for me to care about the characters in this new art style. Maybe I'll be wrong after seeing more gameplay videos. But it's easy to care about EQ characters, and the art is a big part of that.


    I fully agree, if the game doesn't immerse me in it's world, I won't play it.  

    But I don't think that's going to be the case here.  I think VR has been testing it themselves enough that it must feel immersive.  If it felt terrible, they wouldn't have went this direction, because they have no intention of launching a game that's just going to fail.  I don't like the cartooney look either, but with some adjustment I think it can look quite a bit better.  We just need VR to show more.  All I saw was a bunch of landscapes and a dude running.  That's not enough for me to know whether the game is actually going to be immersive or not, I need to see someone playing.  I need to see a stream of a character running around grinding mobs, or climbing a wall or doing some activities.  

    I'm not saying praise the new graphics, far from it, I'm saying VR show us more so people have an actual good idea of what this change means.   Of course people are pissed to see the somewhat realistic world of Pantheon replaced with a short little hand painted video that showed almost nothing.  

    • 902 posts
    October 5, 2023 7:24 AM PDT

    Prevenge: All I saw was a bunch of landscapes and a dude running.  That's not enough for me to know whether the game is actually going to be immersive or not

    This is my biggest upset with how the change was handled (or not). VR made such a big change and thought it ok to give us a 5 min video of the style without anything that look like a finished render. And this dumped just after a total shut down of comms. This is NOT the way to endear long suffering backers and supporters.

    There is no where near enough information to allieviate the anxiety (and it is) that I, for one, am feeling about Pantheon now. After all this time, and VR do this to us?! MAN!

    This post was edited by chenzeme at October 5, 2023 7:24 AM PDT