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Newsletter - quality matters

    • 729 posts
    December 22, 2022 10:31 AM PST

    I've mentioned before the strong sense of custom design and build approach I get from following this project and listening to the staff. And here we have perfect example. 

    "We tried almost every out-of-the-box terrain solution known but, in the end, we discovered that we needed something bespoke to Pantheon to enable us to get the look and functionality we strived for. It was a big task starting biomes from scratch but it needed to be done." -Robert Crane tool designer

    When the quality of what is needed is set and aimed for and the people that are building the thing hold fast to a conviction of honor in the end product the results are appreciated, enjoyed and rewarded for years or decades. 

    Over and over I am impressed with the craftsmans technique and mentality of the team at VR.  Invest if you can, I suspect successful results.  

    • 888 posts
    December 22, 2022 10:35 PM PST

    That's a very good point.  This is not a slapdash build.  Too many games' finanical backers push for a frenetic, pell-mell effort to get the game "done".  This inevitably leads to a broken game and players leaving in droves.  I want a game that will last and that takes time.

    • 839 posts
    December 22, 2022 10:57 PM PST

    Too many times in my life have I been frustrated with something I thought was going to be simpler or (have less speed bumps) to complete, the frustration leads into as Counterfleche put it a slapdash build and the regret sets in in the not to distant future every time I look at it, the I'll fix it later and later never comes cycle sets in.


    I commend VR on exhibiting the greatest pantheon patience and perseverance of all of us.


    When I reflect on the journey and it's very difficult road to present day, it's pretty amazing for the company to be standing here today delivering imo what they intended when I first started backing way back when 2016. 


    Go you good things!

    This post was edited by Hokanu at December 22, 2022 11:09 PM PST
    • 136 posts
    December 23, 2022 9:53 AM PST
    I really enjoyed reading about the creation of biomes.

    The tools seem very neat and I'm sure it wasn't easy to create them.

    The game appears to be coming along well the goblin stream was fantastic.

    If I had to list things I'm really looking for in future newsletters. I'd say the dark myr starting area. We have seen very little from Reignfall and it's updated map. I'm hoping things will be clicking into place and they can finish kingsreach.

    They do need in my opinion someone besides cohh to stream. Bazgim would be good he is far more detail focused.

    Really excited for pantheon in 2023 and if they keep up what they are doing. This game continues to have incredible potential. The systems ,design ,tools appear next level then used anything in the industry right now. Perception system is something of dreams to replace quest hubs.