Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Is Pantheon Dead?

    • 4 posts
    December 4, 2022 2:38 PM PST

    I pledged $150 and the last email upate I received was from 2020. I'll love EQ till the day I die but I've spent more on this tease of a game that might happen and still can't play compared to actively paying/playing EQ for over a year.

    Is this game really happening? It's illogical to put money out with nothing coming back - the graphics look great and the classes too but at some point maybe I should just wait another 5 years and see if any progress has been made. Wishing makes excellent movies but terrible happiness.



    • 438 posts
    December 4, 2022 4:29 PM PST
    Don’t think it is dead. Can always do what I do, disappear for long intervals and check back in. If it happens it happens. If not well, we tried adding some
    Resources to a game we hoped for. But I do think it will be released someday.
    • 77 posts
    December 4, 2022 5:33 PM PST

    Sounds like you were unsubscribed from the newsletter.  There have been many updates since 2020.

    • 947 posts
    December 4, 2022 5:35 PM PST

    I have a similar outlook as Mordecai - Just bide my time, checking in periodically to see what progress has been made.  I would say that it is far from dead and that it will eventually release;  My only real concern at this time is that it releases before I die.  That sounds morbid, but its the truth at this point.

    • 2094 posts
    December 4, 2022 5:50 PM PST

    Pantheon is not dead, it is more alive than it has been in a long time.


    I have no idea why you were unsubbed from the newsletter, but you can sign up to receive it here:

    and start getting monthly updates on the game.


    Welcome back!


    • 4 posts
    December 4, 2022 7:17 PM PST

    Sounds about 50/50 to the real answer - I'm sure others may weigh in over time given the topic of this thread but since it can't correctly keep its subscriptions right even if you pledge $$ I guess we just treat it like every other game that promises goodies and wait to see it it's worth its salt over time.

    Hope for all us mmo lovers it figures out how to release one day.


    PS This is the first game I ever pledged too, most flop but years ago this one seemed to have promise. Fingers crossed :)

    This post was edited by Mosaic at December 4, 2022 7:20 PM PST
    • 902 posts
    December 5, 2022 1:45 AM PST

    As Nexira said, subscribe to the newsletter.

    Also check out the Developer Streams and Parting the Veil which gives tons of info on where the game is at.

    In the newsletter is a section called Road to Alpha Progress which lists everything done and left to do before the game can open to alpha testing pledges: November 2022 Producer’s Letter – Pantheon – Rise Of The Fallen ( 

    All of this can be found on the main pantheon pages.

    There was a pre-alpha test this weekend and if all has gone well with that, then Cohh Carnage is going to be doing a live stream in which he can do what ever he pleases. This will really show you where the game is at.

    To answer the thread question, NO it certainly isnt dead! Just check the progress (slow but relentless and getting closer by the month).


    • 74 posts
    December 5, 2022 7:39 AM PST

    The newsletter and your pledge are completely unconnected lol. It's an automated system, sometimes these things happen. To assuage your concerns, the game is absolutely not dead. They are coming out with monthly streams, we've just finished up multiple PA Testing sessions, the discord is booming. The progress is marching steadily on.

    • 3852 posts
    December 5, 2022 8:52 AM PST

    "I've spent more on this tease of a game that might happen and still can't play compared to actively paying/playing EQ for over a year."


    You have spent nothing on the game - you have contributed, as most of us did, to a development effort that we all hoped would produce a wonderful game but that we all knew might not. The jury is still out - those on the panel that have not expired to advancing age - on whether we will get that game. Plenty of work is going on so there is hope - but still no big investor or producer so there is also reason for the opposite of hope.

    Checking back in every six months or a year may work well for you as it does for others. My approach is the opposite. I follow the forums regularly and instead of thinking of my pledge as wasted money think of it as a wonderful investment given the amount of time I have spent reading the forums and posting here. I have purchased more than one game where I spent a *lot* less time - New World for one. Plus there is always the hope - quixotic as it seems to some - that contributions here will help in some small way to shape the game when it finally launches.

    • 56 posts
    December 5, 2022 9:02 AM PST

    you can follow Pantheon on youtube. Lots of good content on a regular basis.


    • 947 posts
    December 5, 2022 12:00 PM PST

    dorotea said:

    "I've spent more on this tease of a game that might happen and still can't play compared to actively paying/playing EQ for over a year."


    You have spent nothing on the game - you have contributed, as most of us did, to a development effort that we all hoped would produce a wonderful game but that we all knew might not. The jury is still out - those on the panel that have not expired to advancing age - on whether we will get that game. Plenty of work is going on so there is hope - but still no big investor or producer so there is also reason for the opposite of hope.

    Checking back in every six months or a year may work well for you as it does for others. My approach is the opposite. I follow the forums regularly and instead of thinking of my pledge as wasted money think of it as a wonderful investment given the amount of time I have spent reading the forums and posting here. I have purchased more than one game where I spent a *lot* less time - New World for one. Plus there is always the hope - quixotic as it seems to some - that contributions here will help in some small way to shape the game when it finally launches.

    Although I agree with the sentiment of thinking of my pledge as an investment, I ust want to point out your bolded points above.  "Time spent" is certainly something you can't get back, and people "value" their time differently.  Although I disagree with the post of the game being a "tease", they can certainly "feel" and say that they have "spent more on this tease... etc", just the same as we do :)

    I will say that like the poster, I too have "spent more" time on aspects of this game (forums, disocrd, streaming videos, etc) than any other game in my entire collective life... and I've never played it.  If that is the point the poster was making, I wholeheartedly agree.

    This post was edited by Darch at December 5, 2022 12:01 PM PST
    • 145 posts
    December 5, 2022 1:56 PM PST

    Careful about speaking your mind around here. Or giving your sincere thoughts. Those have a tendency to disappear around here. 


    Pantheon is magical, it's so close and it looks amazing! I've never been more sure of a game in my life!

    • 17 posts
    December 5, 2022 2:04 PM PST


    When was the last PA test ?

    • 74 posts
    December 5, 2022 2:32 PM PST

    Moloka said:

    Careful about speaking your mind around here. Or giving your sincere thoughts. Those have a tendency to disappear around here. 

    Ugh, persecution complex much? You must not be a member of the discord chat. There are full blown arguments that get real nasty between not only players, but players towards the devs. And nobody gets banned, deleted, or censored for it.

    • 74 posts
    December 5, 2022 2:32 PM PST

    MMoRpg said:


    When was the last PA test ?

    This last weekend, the 3rd and the 4th.

    • 145 posts
    December 5, 2022 2:44 PM PST

    TheWingless said:

    Moloka said:

    Careful about speaking your mind around here. Or giving your sincere thoughts. Those have a tendency to disappear around here. 

    Ugh, persecution complex much? You must not be a member of the discord chat. There are full blown arguments that get real nasty between not only players, but players towards the devs. And nobody gets banned, deleted, or censored for it.

    No I'm not a member of the discord chat. Don't intend to be either. I am a pledger though. What goes on there isn't relevant to what's happening here. I come back to these forums every 5-6 months. Look at some posts and reply on what interests me. Give my opinions on those things. I just happen to see my post deleted or "cleaned up" and all I did was offer my opinion. I didn't slam anyone, I didn't say anything that wasn't true. I'm not in the mood to put up with censorship, there's enough of that going on everywhere else. Nobody wants to hear truths anymore.

    • 902 posts
    December 6, 2022 6:41 AM PST

    Moloka: Nobody wants to hear truths anymore.

    I agree with this sentiment. It seems to me that truth is very subjective these days. I think it about time we call a lie a lie and not a falsehood or untruth. People who do not tell the truth are liars! Plain and simple! Opinions are becoming less based on actual truth than what people think is true or what they want to be true, or worse, what they want others to think is the truth. For one, I am sick of people spouting absolute drivel and saying it is the truth. If it is the truth, back it up with facts not hearsay. 

    Anyone who starts a fact with "I heard it said..." without clarifying where, what, when or why has to be questioned deeply. Do proper research is what I say! Do not rely on what people say always keep an open mind and look into the fact before regurgitating it somewhere else.

    Moloka: I just happen to see my post deleted or "cleaned up" and all I did was offer my opinion.

    I havent had a single post delete without it being warranted (e.g. I let people get under my skin and took replies personally and responded so, and so it was removed). I am saying, in my experience, the rules of the site are available and any posts I have seen removed are because they did not adhere to those rules.

    This post was edited by chenzeme at December 6, 2022 6:42 AM PST
    • 3852 posts
    December 6, 2022 7:50 AM PST

    Someone who says something they know is not true is a liar. If they say something that is not true but they had believed it to be true they are simply mistaken. 

    Even this is a bit oversimplified. If a friend asks "how do I look?" does it make me a liar to respond "not bad" when what I really am thinking is "you look like the southbound end of a donkey heading north"?

    Never forget that this is a development forum not a public discussion forum. Personal attacks are not warrented here even if entirely truthful. Not every post needs to be rah-rah positive and many aren't, but excessively negative posts are and should be deleted even if they do not misstate the facts. VR gives us more room to say ...imperfectly positive .... things than many developers might - I have no complaints.

    • 2756 posts
    December 6, 2022 8:13 AM PST

    Moloka said:Nobody wants to hear truths anymore.

    Yeah unfortunately being "persecuted for telling the truth" or "cancelled" is something claimed by all by those putting forward the most ridiculous of 'facts' these days and 'the internet' seems to think that everyone's opinion is valid, whether or not it goes against the most common of common sense and the most established and obvious of facts.

    I find when someone accuses me of "not wanting to hear the truth", ironically, the truth is I am just not willing to accept their opinion/conclusion/assumption/reasoning/whatever as fact.

    There are plenty of people that will tell you you're being a fool and/or a closed-minded bigot if you don't believe the earth is flat, so it's no surprise people don't take all proclamations of 'the truth' as the truth.

    (Before anyone jumps in here, I'm not going to argue it. Flat Earth theory is debunked by personal observation and simple schoolboy experiments. It's a joke that is quite unfunny given some people that have the mental capacity to operate a computer still appear to genuinely take it seriously). Ther are many other theories out there just as ridiculous but that become much more politically sensitive, so I'll leave it there.

    Not saying that is the case here, just saying that "nobody wants to hear truths anymore" isn't true, ironically. People love to hear the truth, but there are unfortunately a lot of people who happily invent their own and demand to be taken seriously and a lot of people who actually believe made up stuff because it feels good.

    To be fair, we live in a world where scientific 'fact' is regularly overturned in the face of new discovery. The problem comes when people think what they 'feel' or what someone they like says is just as valid as observations and models that have been proved accurate even millions of times over hundreds of years...

    This post was edited by disposalist at December 6, 2022 8:48 AM PST
    • 4 posts
    December 6, 2022 8:42 AM PST
    I had a post removed and I'd love to know what rule it violated.
    • 2756 posts
    December 6, 2022 8:49 AM PST

    Hypnos said: I had a post removed and I'd love to know what rule it violated.

    Better to DM Kilsin if you really think it shouldn't have been removed rather than question moderation here, which is definitely against the forum rules.

    • 9115 posts
    December 6, 2022 11:20 AM PST

    Let's keep it on topic, please, folks.

    P.S. I am the only person who removes posts, cleans up or closes threads, and they need to breach the guidelines for me to do that. I have no interest in removing anything just because they're negative towards us; as long as they're constructive and not malicious in nature, it's fine. But remember, this is our professional space; many of our peers, investors, game media etc. all read our official platforms, so we like to keep them in order, professional and under control.

    We do ask that everyone follows the guidelines to not only help keep these spaces in order but also to keep our amazing community safe and enjoy engaging with each other.

    • 4 posts
    December 7, 2022 6:41 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Let's keep it on topic, please, folks.

    P.S. I am the only person who removes posts, cleans up or closes threads, and they need to breach the guidelines for me to do that. I have no interest in removing anything just because they're negative towards us; as long as they're constructive and not malicious in nature, it's fine. But remember, this is our professional space; many of our peers, investors, game media etc. all read our official platforms, so we like to keep them in order, professional and under control.

    We do ask that everyone follows the guidelines to not only help keep these spaces in order but also to keep our amazing community safe and enjoy engaging with each other.


    I don't know Kilsin but they stated exactly what I was about to reply - don't make this thread about yourself, it is not. I asked a real question about the future of this game & shared my experience with it. It won't match with everyones experience but please don't argue about who is the best arguer, that isn't why I asked the question..



    • 194 posts
    December 8, 2022 3:59 PM PST

    dorotea said:

    Someone who says something they know is not true is a liar.

    Like when you said we didn't pay for a game. It's part of the pledge that we absolutely paid for years ago. Heed your own words.

    • 9115 posts
    December 8, 2022 7:34 PM PST

    Mosaic said:

    Kilsin said:

    Let's keep it on topic, please, folks.

    P.S. I am the only person who removes posts, cleans up or closes threads, and they need to breach the guidelines for me to do that. I have no interest in removing anything just because they're negative towards us; as long as they're constructive and not malicious in nature, it's fine. But remember, this is our professional space; many of our peers, investors, game media etc. all read our official platforms, so we like to keep them in order, professional and under control.

    We do ask that everyone follows the guidelines to not only help keep these spaces in order but also to keep our amazing community safe and enjoy engaging with each other.


    I don't know Kilsin but they stated exactly what I was about to reply - don't make this thread about yourself, it is not. I asked a real question about the future of this game & shared my experience with it. It won't match with everyones experience but please don't argue about who is the best arguer, that isn't why I asked the question..



    I have no idea what you're talking about mate, but it takes two seconds to look around the official platforms to see that we're not only alive but thriving! You can also join our official Discord and interact with the community and devs as it's very active.

    Follow the instructions here on how to tag yourself with the support role and hit me up if you have any issues, mate: