Forums » Pantheon Classes

Thanks for the sensible race/class changes

    • 947 posts
    June 14, 2022 8:57 AM PDT

    I can appreciate the race/class changes; they absolutely make so much more sense!

    Dark Myr: Druid, +Shaman
    Halfling:  Warrior, +Dire Lord
    Cleric:  +Elf
    Paladin: +Dark Myr, +Elf
    Ranger: +Skar
    Summoner: +Archai

    My favorite sensible changes in particular are +Dark Myr to Paladin, + Elf to Cleric and +Skar to Ranger.   (Almost like some of us have been making these arguments for a couple of years now).

    • 2081 posts
    June 14, 2022 12:28 PM PDT

    So is it likely that there's a Dark Myr Paladin or Skar Ranger in your future?

    • 1479 posts
    June 14, 2022 1:54 PM PDT

    None of them interest me in any sense but some do fit my second half's tastes.

    • 17 posts
    June 14, 2022 6:47 PM PDT

    you know the video was very informative, i did not realize that ogres could be druids, Rocking an ogre druid sounds legit! TO all the additions,

    Dark Myr: +Shaman
    Halfling: +Dire Lord
    Cleric:  +Elf
    Paladin: +Dark Myr, +Elf
    Ranger: +Skar
    Summoner: +Archai

    all i have to say is, NICE!!

    This post was edited by AwRy3 at June 14, 2022 6:54 PM PDT
    • 947 posts
    June 16, 2022 8:34 AM PDT

    Jothany said:

    So is it likely that there's a Dark Myr Paladin or Skar Ranger in your future?

    I was on the fence about Paladin before but Elf or Myr Paladin are now on the table depending on racial actives (I'm greatly unimpressed with the Myr's passives for any class, but I really appreciate that VR has decided to include them in available races for Paladin solely because I felt the lore as currently written should've allowed it (when considering Paladins are former Clerics)).  I think the Skar Ranger makes a whole lot of sense as well but I don't have much love for the class personally (in any game I've played).  I'll still likely be playing an Elf Shaman as my first character to get a feel for combat mechanics, while simultaneously collecting gear for a melee twink/alt after better understanding how threat and movement work in combat from a "zoomed out" perspective as the SHM.  And DL is back on the table for me as a melee option as well with the introduction of the Halfling.  I can get on board with the idea of the tempermental maniac, that loses their composer from interrupting their conversation and goes from calm, to furious, to laughing hysterically as they shower themselves in their enemies blood for being told "calm down little guy" or something trivial... then returning to their jovial conversation with their friends seemingly oblivious to the fact they're soaked in their enemy's blood.   lol

    This post was edited by Darch at June 16, 2022 8:37 AM PDT
    • 2081 posts
    June 16, 2022 6:59 PM PDT

    Darch said: I was on the fence about Paladin before but Elf or Myr Paladin are now on the table depending on racial actives

    And DL is back on the table for me as a melee option as well with the introduction of the Halfling.

    Glad to hear it. I'll be doing a Myr Rogue and a Halfling Ranger, so I see some possible duo-ing & grouping possibilities there.

    • 30 posts
    December 12, 2022 6:17 PM PST

    Race/Class restrictions as a whole makes no sense though.

    • 947 posts
    December 13, 2022 6:58 PM PST

    Revener said:

    Race/Class restrictions as a whole makes no sense though.

    "Makes no sense"?
    -So if a race has no physical body, does it "make sense" that they wear heavy armor and utilize a resource based on physical resilience?
    -Does it "make sense" for a race that is 4' tall to use a skill that requires a character to raise a 20lb shield 5' into the air in order to create a "wall of shields"?
    -Does it "make sense" for a race with fingers the size of soda cans to pick a person's pocket without them knowing, or slip into a room unnoticed?
    -If a race that can't perform the 'verbal' component of a spell because of their sharp teeth or shape of their jaw/tongue, or maybe their fingers don't bend certain ways to fulfill the 'somatic' components of a spell, does it "make sense" that they can just cast spells without meeting the requirements of the spell?
    -Does it "make sense" that a race that is denounced by all Gods, to be granted favor in the form of a celestial bond when they pray... even if they don't have faith in the prayer themselves?

    Although I truly hear your concern, I disagree that the restrictions make "no" sense.  If you don't want to accept the lore, then it could make no sense, but the race/class matrix does make 'some' sense if you look at it from more than one perspective.

    • 219 posts
    June 24, 2023 2:25 PM PDT

    I do feel some of them make less sense than others, and some restrictions that exist don't make sense to me even now - magical ethereal Gnomes can be staby stabby Rogues (blah blah shadows; it's still a class that relies on physical might, not magic, and if you say "they're enhancing/imitating physical strikes with magic", then they could do the same thing with raising shields as Warriors), but CAN'T be Clerics, despite Clerics being seekers of holy relics as much as believers in a creed (I will die on the hill that Gnomes should be able to be Clerics since, in Pantheon, Clerics aren't the typical church priest). The big offender with Gnomes is Rogue, since if they can be Rogues, they should be able to be any physical class, and if they can be Rogues on the basis of "magical treasure hunter", than that same lore would justify them being Clerics seeking...magical objects of power to bind to.

    Some things absolutely don't make sense, but some of the things not allowed WOULD make sense, and some of the things that are allowed DON'T.

    • 24 posts
    July 27, 2023 6:16 AM PDT

    Arguing about what is logical in a fantasy world with magic is, well not logical. Its the devs vision that counts.

    That being said, R.I.P my Dark Myr Druid....