Pantheon Aims for Early Access

Pantheon Aims for Early Access

Dear Community Members,

Thanks to your support and our Seasons efforts, our Team and processes are streamlined, focused, polished and productive.

So much so, that we have built up the confidence to release into Early Access in December 2024.

With 6 full zones.

12 classes.

And 6 playable races.

We can put out great content.

We’ve nailed every single release date since December 2023.

And you seem to be having a blast.

It’s time to let more people in.

We have to make some trade-offs to get there.

We had to pause our contracts with a few team members. This step was not taken lightly and was taken with purpose. It was necessary to plan for costs and focus resources on releasing Early Access.

It won’t be easy, but we have a clear plan. With resources focused on this goal and with your help, we are extremely confident we can do it. In fact, the work has already begun.

Seasons will continue for now. Halnir Cave next season, and Necro in the following season.

Then we pause Seasons and bear down on finishing the EA content for December.

We will need your help testing it and spreading the word.

All pledges will be free to play during Early Access – no sub costs, no additional fees, and pledges will get a head start before Early Access launches.

More on Early Access coming soon.

Let’s do this!

Chris Rowan, CEO

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