June Pantheon Newsletter – Summoner and Ranger Incoming!

June Pantheon Newsletter – Summoner and Ranger Incoming!

Greetings, brave souls of Terminus!

As the frost of the Land of Blood and Snow begins to thaw, we stand in awe of your valor and the tales of glory that have emerged from Hanggore. Your fervor has turned this season into a monumental success, and it’s clear that the challenges of Hanggore have been met with courage and enthusiasm by all of you.

Now, as the echoes of battle fade, we’re thrilled to announce the dawn of a new Season in our saga: “Ranger and Summoner Enter the Fray!” This upcoming season heralds the arrival of two eagerly anticipated classes. If you would like to check out these classes, in their early testing form, please visit the pledge page to find out how you can help test Pantheon!

The team has been hard at work, not only prepping the new classes for the next season, but we also have a little peek into the armor fitting process that our character artist, Phillip Keidge, has been working on. Take a look at our future playable Ogre model showing off some of those pieces.

Have you not yet had a chance to take a look at Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen’s latest season, Land of Blood and Snow? You can see the mid-season update, featuring Hanggore or take a quick look at the Season 3 Trailer that hits the highlights of the season.

The Pantheon Production tracker has made some improvements. We have added a Trello board that tracks important incoming features, currently in development. Beans very well may crop up here first, so check it often!

Please visit our website to read the newsletter in full, and thank you so much for your support!


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