Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Show me how

    • 233 posts
    November 21, 2023 1:38 AM PST
    Show me how you can launch this game now that the following things are true.

    1. You apparently have no money.

    2. A vast majority of your players have left, because of the art style (myself included, im just waiting incase there is a chance you do the right thing)

    3. Anyone new just discovering the game will see an art style they will likely hate and a forum filled with poeple who hate the game now (this means no more new money coming in)

    I feel most have checked out and those who havent are holding out hope you will change your mind, or are just unwilling to abandon the hundreds they spent on the game.

    Remember devs, im not your enemy, i'm actually your best friend...are you going to listen to your bests friends very good at business and games.
    Wouldnt be retired at 30 if i wasnt.
    • 97 posts
    November 21, 2023 7:46 AM PST
    Grimseethe, your posts are generally quite negative and the way you put your words together does not speak for everyone in this community. They've already stated multiple times the art is staying. It's probably best for you to go?
    • 1289 posts
    November 21, 2023 8:34 AM PST

    You have an amazing way of formulating your argument in such a way that implies certain things are true when you just aren't sure.  It almost seems like you are asking, but also stating it as fact at the same time.


    "How can you launch this game when you *apparently* have no money?"  Do you believe they have no money?  Or are you asking if they have no money?

    "How can you launch this game when a vast majority of your players have left because of the art style?"  Are you asking if the players have actually left?  Of those players are you asking if they left because of the art?  Are those things even true?  

    "How can you launch this game when anyone new sees the art and hates it..."  Are you asking if new people will hate the art?  

    It's tough to have a real discussion when there are that many assumptions baked into the question.  

    • 1404 posts
    November 21, 2023 9:32 AM PST

    Grimseethe said: 1. You apparently have no money.

    They have stated they DO have money, just additional money will speed things up.

    Grimseethe said: 2. A vast majority of your players have left, because of the art style (myself included, im just waiting incase there is a chance you do the right thing)

    What do you have to back this up? I haven't seen any pole or other data, I'm still here, discouraged yes, but will follow to the end to see where it ends up.

    Grimseethe said: 3. Anyone new just discovering the game will see an art style they will likely hate and a forum filled with people who hate the game now (this means no more new money coming in) I feel most have checked out and those who haven't are holding out hope you will change your mind, or are just unwilling to abandon the hundreds they spent on the game.

    I don't hate the art style, I think it was the right call. I don't think it was where the game was planned to end up based on there choice of temporary Unity Store graphics (cartoony were available). 4-5 years ago I argued against realistic graphics as characters would always look fake, sometimes even creepy.

    • 233 posts
    November 21, 2023 9:59 AM PST
    Avaen said:
    Grimseethe, your posts are generally quite negative and the way you put your words together does not speak for everyone in this community. They've already stated multiple times the art is staying. It's probably best for you to go?

    When positive things happen, I will be positive, also you're out of your mind if you think my views on the art style are not shared by atleast 90% of the playerbase.
    Imagine just sitting back and taking it instead of fighting to save a game you care about.
    • 233 posts
    November 21, 2023 10:00 AM PST
    Ranarius said:

    You have an amazing way of formulating your argument in such a way that implies certain things are true when you just aren't sure.  It almost seems like you are asking, but also stating it as fact at the same time.


    "How can you launch this game when you *apparently* have no money?"  Do you believe they have no money?  Or are you asking if they have no money?

    "How can you launch this game when a vast majority of your players have left because of the art style?"  Are you asking if the players have actually left?  Of those players are you asking if they left because of the art?  Are those things even true?  

    "How can you launch this game when anyone new sees the art and hates it..."  Are you asking if new people will hate the art?  

    It's tough to have a real discussion when there are that many assumptions baked into the question.  

    I don't say something unless it's true, if they had money the art style would be the same and 247 wouldn't have happened.
    • 233 posts
    November 21, 2023 10:02 AM PST
    Forum of cope lol, don't worry guys you'll get there, if a dev could just confirm the art style is here to stay I'll be on my way.
    • 1289 posts
    November 21, 2023 10:15 AM PST

    I don't say something unless it's true, if they had money the art style would be the same and 247 wouldn't have happened.


    But if they had no money there would be no company.  Something isn't adding up.  

    • 1289 posts
    November 21, 2023 10:16 AM PST

    Grimseethe said: Forum of cope lol, don't worry guys you'll get there, if a dev could just confirm the art style is here to stay I'll be on my way.


    They confirmed during the last public Q&A that the art style is here to stay.  If I wasn't at work I'd find a timestamp for ya, maybe someone else will be able to find it though.  

    • 167 posts
    November 21, 2023 10:28 AM PST
    Grimseethe said:
    if a dev could just confirm the art style is here to stay I'll be on my way.

    They have confirmed on many different subs in the last couple weeks that the art style is here to stay and that it was the right call for Pantheon and VR.

    I am going to find one, just for you and then update this. Update: Here you go, Grimscythe. Good luck with your next game.

    Savanja said:

    The art is staying. It was the right move for us.

    This post was edited by Prevenge at November 21, 2023 10:37 AM PST
    • 233 posts
    November 21, 2023 10:43 AM PST
    Prevenge said:
    Grimseethe said:
    if a dev could just confirm the art style is here to stay I'll be on my way.

    They have confirmed on many different subs in the last couple weeks that the art style is here to stay and that it was the right call for Pantheon and VR.

    I am going to find one, just for you and then update this. Update: Here you go, Grimscythe. Good luck with your next game.

    Savanja said:

    The art is staying. It was the right move for us.

    Oh ok then, bye all, sorry they goofed up, the game is dead at launch, i just know too much about MMOs to be wrong about this.
    • 394 posts
    November 21, 2023 11:31 AM PST

    I understand, knowing too much is both a blessing and a curse.

    People just can't understand such elevated minds like ours.


    • 1289 posts
    November 21, 2023 11:35 AM PST

    Oh ok then, bye all, sorry they goofed up, the game is dead at launch, i just know too much about MMOs to be wrong about this.

    I really wish you would have submitted your resume to VR, you could have helped them out :(

    • 46 posts
    November 21, 2023 11:55 AM PST

    A lot of great thing going on. nda droping in dec. It was told in the devopment stream that they are thinking of ways to speed up deveopment. I hope they make a plege package that is more afforadbe so more people can log in to help test.  I liked the more detailed grafics my self. I think its hard to judge with just a screen shot of the grafics to really tell what they are like. I want to see them with all the other systems in place. That would be huge.

    • 97 posts
    November 21, 2023 1:50 PM PST
    Grimseethe said: Oh ok then, bye all, sorry they goofed up, the game is dead at launch, i just know too much about MMOs to be wrong about this.
    Breakups are hard, I know. cry
    • 102 posts
    November 21, 2023 4:46 PM PST
    And the Wizard of Oz was really a great wizard undecided
    • 252 posts
    November 21, 2023 7:15 PM PST
    Grimseethe said:

    Oh ok then, bye all, sorry they goofed up, the game is dead at launch, i just know too much about MMOs to be wrong about this.

    If only VR had listened to you. Guess it's time to shut these forums down guys.
    • 226 posts
    November 21, 2023 9:01 PM PST
    Grimseethe is correct, this game is dead. If it ever lunches, which is doubtful, the game will not be what was promised. Clearly VR is running out of money. Them simply saying they have money doesn't mean anything. Actions mean more. Lack of progress means more. 10 years and nothing to show for it means more. At some point words mean nothing. 10 years people. 10 freaking years and we are still 5+ years away. Wake up.
    • 902 posts
    November 22, 2023 1:32 AM PST
    Original Post:

    Point 1: Yes they have money. VR keep reiterating that they have enough money to complete Pantheon. Unless you have access to their financial records then posts like "You apparently have no money." are just a total fabrication. End of.

    Point 2: People may well have left because of the graphics change, but the "vast majority"? Where is your proof. Hearsay at best, fear mongering at worst. SOME may have left, but not "the vast majority". original point is an exaggeration at best.

    Point 3: Some hate it, some like it, some have accepted what is. The forum has vocal opinions all three ways, hate, don't mind and like. There are and will be views all ways. Original point is an exaggeration at best.

    Other replies; "the game is dead" I mean how many times do we need this total bs posted? Whether the game gets to where it wants to be is another matter. Whether it has the longevity of EQ is a guess. But it is not, at this point, dead. Same old dross regurgitated ad nauseum. I just don't get it? Why continue to post if the game is dead. Why shout if there is no one left to listen? You do for effect, because you know there are people who still care for the game and are invested with its success and you like to upset the applecart. No more, no less.
    This post was edited by chenzeme at November 22, 2023 1:37 AM PST
    • 264 posts
    November 22, 2023 5:33 PM PST

     They could crunch hard and launch this game within 2 years. But they'd have to cut the scope massively and do sweeping cuts to game systems and content. Most of the backers want a group focused MMORPG, that is the core of the game. There is the issue of promising the moon and the stars for the past 8 years however. The art change and the attempt to bring about an extraction game already pissed a lot of people off, so you may as well just rip the bandaid off and give it to people straight with what kind of game can actually be made.

    • 902 posts
    November 23, 2023 3:00 AM PST
    We don't have long to find out exactly where we are and what is left to do.
    • 1921 posts
    November 23, 2023 6:39 AM PST

    chenzeme said: We don't have long to find out exactly where we are and what is left to do.

    What's your opinion, chenzeme, on what is "left to do" , before they reach the milestone of persistent (or launch)?

    Over the years they've state goals of / made claims of: 3 continents, 5 tiers (50 levels), 9 races, and 14 classes (12 w/o necro/bard).

    My perspective is that they'll want more than one biome per tier, at least 1 dungeon per tier, at least 1 raid per tier, and unique progression paths per continent, shared after tier 3.   Plus all the recipes, models, items, enemies, animations, sounds, skills, spells, abilities, deities, quests, and various non-combat game loops.
    Then, for the last tier, enough L45+ content to permit half a server (~1500 players, or 250 groups) to consume in-tier content, concurrently, within the first year.

    What's your perspective on scope and remaining content, prior to announcing persistence?

    • 902 posts
    November 23, 2023 10:04 AM PST
    I think 3 continents for launch won't happen. I am betting 1, with 2 following as a free update. I think they might tie races to continents too. 50 for released races should be fine. I think you are spot on really. Although If they do 1 continent I would expect that to be complete (I.e everything for all levels, classes and races released).

    It's a really tough call though. It really depends on how good their tools really are. If these are spot on, we may be surprised.
    To be honest, I haven't given this much thought, too busy arguing with people, lol. It's an interesting topic for sure though. Probably worth a thread of its own.
    This post was edited by chenzeme at November 23, 2023 11:36 AM PST
    • 206 posts
    November 27, 2023 7:31 AM PST
    Grimseethe said:
    Prevenge said:
    Grimseethe said:
    if a dev could just confirm the art style is here to stay I'll be on my way.

    They have confirmed on many different subs in the last couple weeks that the art style is here to stay and that it was the right call for Pantheon and VR.

    I am going to find one, just for you and then update this. Update: Here you go, Grimscythe. Good luck with your next game.

    Savanja said:

    The art is staying. It was the right move for us.

    Oh ok then, bye all, sorry they goofed up, the game is dead at launch, i just know too much about MMOs to be wrong about this.

    Sad to see you go Grimseethe(if you truley are leaving), maybe give the game a shot when it releases..Whenever that may be. I can tell your expectation of success for this game is vastly different from that of VR's and a lot of our expectations for it too. This game probably wont make hundreds of millions and be a MASSIVE success, but you really have to look at what you want out of this game. For example, I'm really wanting the old style of mmo back where you spend countless hours in a group with fun people just grinding out levels with a dash of RP in there. Retired at 30 you say?
    • 86 posts
    November 27, 2023 3:00 PM PST
    Grimseethe said:
    Show me how you can launch this game now that the following things are true.

    1. You apparently have no money.

    2. A vast majority of your players have left, because of the art style (myself included, im just waiting incase there is a chance you do the right thing)

    3. Anyone new just discovering the game will see an art style they will likely hate and a forum filled with poeple who hate the game now (this means no more new money coming in)

    I feel most have checked out and those who havent are holding out hope you will change your mind, or are just unwilling to abandon the hundreds they spent on the game.

    Remember devs, im not your enemy, i'm actually your best friend...are you going to listen to your bests friends very good at business and games.
    Wouldnt be retired at 30 if i wasnt.

    I've been no means the voice of optimism however, I find this post kind of downright disrespectful. You can do a better job of wording things. This comes off as hateful/spiteful.

    You should be posting criticisms over how you think the game should be, by all means. Attacking everything about the game and staff though? that's not cool, it sounds like you actually want this game to fail.