Forums » Pantheon Classes

My personal theory on top LFG classes wanted in this game

    • 2 posts
    February 6, 2022 9:31 AM PST

    Hello there!

    After years of playing MMOs and what information I gathered for this game. I have a theory on what groups will be the most wanted while playing Pantheon. Keep in mind that this is just my opinion and everyone is welcome to express their own criticism.

    1-      Enchanters: They will be needed for their mana regain, crowd control and charm skills on mobs.

    2-      Tanks: In every MMO, Tanks will be rare to find due to reasons on how each game system treats them or how gear is dropped for their class.

    3-      Monks: The hardest class to play and the most challenging to skill to balance DPS and Pulls.

    4-      Pally: Good off tanking with heals, but lack the DPS and heals with quick Out-Of-Mana ability built in.

    5-      Clerics/Shamans: Heals and buffs. Healers with the best resurrection ability on saving lost experience.

    6-      Summoner: Solo class who likes to play dress up with their summon pets. Brings nothing to the table in groups.

    7-      Rangers: A horrible class with very poor archery DPS that will improve until the next expansion. Maybe good for speed movement buffs for now.

    8-      Druid: Taxi service and will always be LFG.

    9-   Rogue: PvP class, great for being that a-hole player.

    10-   Wizards: Out of mana every 2 seconds, Mana regen to full every 2 hours. Great taxi service though.


    This post was edited by Blackstone at February 6, 2022 9:47 AM PST
    • 1860 posts
    February 6, 2022 11:22 AM PST

    Welcome to the forum.  

    I think you are underestimating rogue CC.  When a chanter isn't available, rogue is the next best thiing.

    It seems strange that you have Pally and tanks listed separately and Druid listed separately from the other healers.

    It's way to far in advance to guess which damage class will do the most damage in certain situations (even though wizards have looked gimp in multiple streams).

    This post was edited by philo at February 6, 2022 12:40 PM PST
    • 11 posts
    February 7, 2022 9:15 PM PST
    If you look at the skill sets available to the classes based on the few we know about ...

    There are likely 3 tanks that can get the job done in most circumstances. War pally dire lord. Based on a few skills and the monk class fantasy monks likely can stand in as a tank if they are over leveled or in a pinch make it work for certain things

    Enchanters are part of the "trinity" which will be the cc king but I believe rouges monks various other classes with stuns and roots or snare ect can work as CC ... I was the groups cc in Seb B as a Necro spamming my stun and healed the group for like 45 min solo.. so class skills will dictate how much you can manage for skilled players.

    As well I see cleric druid and shaman. Healing well, and pally will be a stand in heal / utility..perhaps summoner will have some type of heal pet ...

    Remember classes can do lots of things ... They just need to ready those spells on the action bar . It's all in skill selection and useage. Some.lf these ideas might not be optimal but they will be possible and functional. Because of this roles.will more easily be filled by various classes which will break the trinity CLASS requirements and make it a trinity roll requirement.

    All of these relative to player skill and preparation.
    • 96 posts
    February 8, 2022 8:47 PM PST

    Tanks and Healers will always spend the least amount of time lfg. Any of the classes that can fill that roll will do well. Then every group would like at least one cc class prefering Enchanter, and the 3 other spots can fill with any other class. It's a Quadrinity! Imho more people might play as the direlord tanks and cleric heals than the other classes for those roles.

    Most of the time, you'll have to group with whoever wants to do the same content as you lol.

    This post was edited by SilkyWhip at February 12, 2022 8:02 AM PST
    • 2094 posts
    February 8, 2022 9:59 PM PST

    While in general I agree with this:

    SilkyWhip said: Most of the time, youi'll have to group with whoever wants to the same content as you lol.

    Just wait until you've grouped with my Bard once, then we'll see how this question gets answered.

    Hope to see ya'll in game :)

    This post was edited by Jothany at February 8, 2022 10:01 PM PST
    • 295 posts
    February 8, 2022 11:33 PM PST

    SilkyWhip said:

    Most of the time, youi'll have to group with whoever wants to the same content as you lol.


    This will be me. I'm more interested in grouping with folks who want to take things slow and sincerely enjoy adventuring and exploring Terminus. The make-up of that group may vary from day to day, but we will make it work and have a good time doing so. 

    My interest in different classes will primarily be about seing different class abilities in game and how that class fantasy and unique style plays out....not about who does he most DPS and such. Seeing how we can overcome challenges as a group devoid of what is the most optimal. I'm wired just thinking about the organic and cool things that will come from it.

    • 231 posts
    February 9, 2022 4:14 AM PST

    Yyyyyyeah, I don't think Druids are going to have an LFG problem.

    Jothany said:

    Just wait until you've grouped with my Bard once, then we'll see how this question gets answered.

    Looking forward to it!

    This post was edited by Crowsinger at February 9, 2022 4:14 AM PST
    • 96 posts
    February 12, 2022 8:14 AM PST

    Jothany said:

    While in general I agree with this:

    SilkyWhip said: Most of the time, youi'll have to group with whoever wants to the same content as you lol.

    Just wait until you've grouped with my Bard once, then we'll see how this question gets answered.

    Hope to see ya'll in game :)

    Unfortunatly that's going to be a very long wait. There's no plans for the Minstrel at this moment, but i'd still like to group up and hear you sing! hahaha.

    • 2094 posts
    February 12, 2022 3:32 PM PST

    SilkyWhip said:

    Jothany said: Just wait until you've grouped with my Bard once, then we'll see how this question gets answered.

    Unfortunatly that's going to be a very long wait. There's no plans for the Minstrel at this moment, but i'd still like to group up and hear you sing! hahaha.

    I may be misunderstanding you. The Bard is definitely planned for the game. Joppa has twice, years apart, stated high confidence that Bard will make it for release. With the increase in progress we're seeing lately, my opinion is that there's even a small chance for it by Beta.

    Of course, I'll be in Alpha. That certainly will be well before we get to see a Bard, if that's what you meant. If you're in it, hope to see you there.


    and trust me, you don't want to hear ME sing. Maybe my Bard, but not me :D

    This post was edited by Jothany at February 12, 2022 3:48 PM PST
    • 2094 posts
    February 12, 2022 3:41 PM PST

    Crowsinger said: Yyyyyyeah, I don't think Druids are going to have an LFG problem.

    Absolutely agree with that.

    I intend to play a Healer among my many alts. I prefer Shaman to Druid, both historically and from what we know so far about their playstyle. BUT.... I'm planning to start one of each. Unless I actively don't like playing the Druid, I'll stick with it. Just for the value of the “Wandering Stones”.

    (of course I could play both, but the list of classes I want to play is already up to 7 and we don't yet know how many slots we'll get)

    Looking forward to meeting your many characters in the Game!

    This post was edited by Jothany at February 12, 2022 3:45 PM PST
    • 96 posts
    February 17, 2022 6:36 PM PST

    Jothany said:

    I may be misunderstanding you. The Bard is definitely planned for the game. Joppa has twice, years apart, stated high confidence that Bard will make it for release. With the increase in progress we're seeing lately, my opinion is that there's even a small chance for it by Beta.

    Of course, I'll be in Alpha. That certainly will be well before we get to see a Bard, if that's what you meant. If you're in it, hope to see you there.


    and trust me, you don't want to hear ME sing. Maybe my Bard, but not me :D


    Yes, I meant a long time from now being years away from full release. Just right now, they didn't show any name drops for the bard or necro, or....shhhhh.... (beastlord) =P in the recent newsletter. I'll be in Alpha as well. 

    Aww, not even a sea shanty?!

    • 2094 posts
    February 17, 2022 9:33 PM PST

    Maybe a sea shanty.

    • 947 posts
    February 18, 2022 11:53 AM PST

    Blackstone said:

    Hello there!

    After years of playing MMOs and what information I gathered for this game. I have a theory on what groups will be the most wanted while playing Pantheon. Keep in mind that this is just my opinion and everyone is welcome to express their own criticism.

    1-      Enchanters: They will be needed for their mana regain, crowd control and charm skills on mobs.

    2-      Tanks: In every MMO, Tanks will be rare to find due to reasons on how each game system treats them or how gear is dropped for their class.

    3-      Monks: The hardest class to play and the most challenging to skill to balance DPS and Pulls.

    4-      Pally: Good off tanking with heals, but lack the DPS and heals with quick Out-Of-Mana ability built in.

    5-      Clerics/Shamans: Heals and buffs. Healers with the best resurrection ability on saving lost experience.

    6-      Summoner: Solo class who likes to play dress up with their summon pets. Brings nothing to the table in groups.

    7-      Rangers: A horrible class with very poor archery DPS that will improve until the next expansion. Maybe good for speed movement buffs for now.

    8-      Druid: Taxi service and will always be LFG.

    9-   Rogue: PvP class, great for being that a-hole player.

    10-   Wizards: Out of mana every 2 seconds, Mana regen to full every 2 hours. Great taxi service though.


    Those are one way to look at the game, but VR is intentionally trying to break a lot of those MMO tropes.

    1. I believe (according to VR's vision) that Bards and Necro will be viable options for CC, (and some of the other classes (like the ROG) can flex CC as well).
    2. I personally feel that there will be an abundance of tanks (and healers) early game, but the group issues may arise from players not understanding CC mechanics and frustrating tank/healer players, making them reluctant to group with just anyone.
    3. Of the physical DPS classes so far (and not actually playing the game yet), I would argue that Monk may be the easiest to play well (won't rely on positioning at all - Rangers will have to weave from melee to range, while rogues will have to be behind the target while simultaneously being in front of CC targets).  Many other classes will be able to split pulls but require much more skill to do so as effectively as pressing a single button to drop all threat.
    4. Agree with Pal, but Pal is also a tank class so DPS or healing shouldn't be a primary focus.
    5. DRU will be a good healer/buffer too
    6. SMNR will bring as much to a group as any other DPS class.. damage
    7. RNG should be viable DPS and arguably the best DPS with a bow always.  Looking at the skills that we see so far, I believe that the 3 phys DPS classes (MNK, ROG, RNG) will be viable pullers and the RNG will be able to utilize traps, 0 threat temporary summonings, and temporary stealth skills to pull at long range.  ROG has "lull/passify/sap" types of abilities as well as mez's and the ability to remove themselves from combat by disappearing (similar result as FD).
    8. DRU is a healer
    9. ROG's in EQ were useless for PvP because all you had to do was have see invis and not let them stand behind you.  The DL and pet classes will likely be the tough M-F'rs on PvP servers, maybe the Wiz too because...
    10. The wizards are being designed to be a very mana efficient casting class, utilizing focus, while being more mobile than traditional MMO wizards and maintaining those traditional big nukes.

    I ultimately agree with the sentiment of "we will be grouping with whoever is LFG"

    • 363 posts
    March 22, 2022 10:33 AM PDT

    To be honest, this assessment just looks like you're basing it off of EQ's classes. 

    • 4 posts
    April 8, 2022 12:24 AM PDT
    Whoa bro! Let's take it easy on the Summoner skepticism. Bring nothing to the group!? My good sir, would you like to be able to freely eat between combats? I can make that for you with a snap of my finger. Need a boat to get to an island without having to die in shark/eel/piranha/godzilla infested waters? No problem with me around. How about a ladder to easily scale an unshakeable wall? Easy. What about an instant teleportation back to a safe spot in the dungeon when the pull would mean a wipe? I gotchu. Need me to crowd control a dangerous pull? I'm that kind of thing. Not to mention me and my pets can kill just about any enemy type effectively, regardless of their defenses and resistance. So show some respect! Or no cherry pie dessert for you!
    • 247 posts
    April 10, 2022 1:11 AM PDT


    My thoughts are that you based this off EQ in 2002.


    And you should probably read something about Pantheon and watch a few videos instread, you're currently very misinformed.

    • 161 posts
    April 15, 2022 1:15 PM PDT

    Speaking as a Mage who broke the Holy Trinity a couple decades ago on EverQuest 1, I care less for what the timid may cling to than for what I may forge alongside good and  true companions.