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December Newsletter is Live!

    • 30 posts
    December 23, 2021 5:46 AM PST

    The Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen December 2021 newsletter is safely tucked under the tree and ready to be unwrapped.

    Read it Here!

    • 624 posts
    December 23, 2021 10:35 AM PST

    Great newsletter as always, I thoroughly enjoyed the Lantern in the Dark segment, only thing missing was a Baz Card Flip ™️.

    • 326 posts
    December 23, 2021 12:56 PM PST


    thx for the review and preview. go team!

    Baz Card Flip ™️


    • 133 posts
    December 23, 2021 7:08 PM PST

    I have a question. Why are all of the basic game features that are being toted as core to this game still in the pink "To Do" section?

    -Ability Loadouts
    -Perception System
    -Basic Guild System
    -Player Models

    All of the list above is what I would consider the core of ANY game, with some of them being core to Pantheon specifically; and yet they are still on the "To Do" list. Why? You also have things that aren't necessarily core to the game on the "To Do" list, but one seems like it would be vital to a class or two

    -LFG Tool

    You also have Climbing Improvements still on the "To Do" list but with an update tag added. Shouldn't this be something to focus on instead of things like audio and crafting? You have one that is core specifically to this game in progress and that is Dispositions and Traits? Why? Why are all of these core elements still on the "To Do" list and not already either completed or at least in progress? You only have one officially on the "In Progress" tag with an update added. Instead, you are focusing on Improve Starting Experience for New Players; and that is in progress rather than working on character models and acclimation, again why?

    It feels like you are trying to build the roof of a house without pouring the foundation first. My family and I couldn't wait to play this game, and most of my family played EQ when it came out in 99, they were so excited for this game and over the years they have slowly left because it's taking way too long. My mother-in-law was the last die-hard fan that still ranted and raved about this game, and when she saw that you still had so many basics on he "To Do" and were still showing concept art for new things being added before the basics were done; she just gave up. I just want to know why? Just why are there so many things being left to the wayside and they are supposed to be the foundation blocks to your game?

    • 612 posts
    December 25, 2021 2:29 AM PST

    @OCastitatisLilium They have explained that some of these features are waiting for the Network stack upgrades to be finished before they can be implemented.

    Also many of these things you are asking about; Perception, Acclimation, Climbing, Faction, etc... are all systems that are in the game already, but if you read these sections of the list they explain that they each need a little bit more tweaking to be fully ready for Alpha. It's not like they will be starting from scratch with these core features. These additions / tweaks to these systems already have an implementation plan in place and are just waiting for the coding time from the team.

    • 14 posts
    December 25, 2021 11:22 AM PST
    >Shouldn't this be something to focus on instead of things like audio and crafting?

    The alpha ready checklist is just that. We aren't getting alpha until all of them are complete. You're speculating on order and priority when you have incomplete information. It doesn't matter what order they're completed, we won't get alpha until they all are.

    There are many reasons that someone chooses task Y before task X. You could be waiting for a specific person who has the expertise before beginning task X. Task X could have a dependency on another task.
    But also, there is this concept in software development detailed in the book "The Mythical Man Month", that boils down to throwing people on a task does not increase speed at which the task is completed. The idea being that it takes time to bring people up to speed and distribute tribal knowledge. So, the idea of "focusing" on a single feature isn't how you develop software. You work on tasks concurrently.
    • 2094 posts
    December 25, 2021 1:01 PM PST

    OCastitatisLilium said: It feels like you are trying to build the roof of a house without pouring the foundation first.

    This perception right here is the core of your misunderstanding. And VERY many people on the forums have that same perspective.

    We all say VR is "building" Pantheon, but that is only metaphorical. More accurate to say they are Writing Pantheon, like a huge, epic novel. So it is quite reasonable for them to be 'building' the roof while the walls AND floor are still being built.

    Also, creation of a huge body of computer code is always an iterative process (much like Literary writing often is). Which means that they write something new to perform a function. Then link it to older functions and see how they all work together. Then re-write some or all of them, to work together better. Every time a new area of game functioning gets written and added to the engine, there is the possiblity of deciding to re-write some part of an earlier section of code to make them work together more effectively. This can happen multiple times, even if not a single mistake has been made in previously written code.

    Iteration and reiteration. Because of this process, VR will still be working on many parts of the game, including foundational ones, right up until everything is completed and sent off for publishing.

    • 1860 posts
    December 25, 2021 2:19 PM PST

    OCastitatisLilium said:

    I have a question. Why are all of the basic game features that are being toted as core to this game still in the pink "To Do" section?

    -Ability Loadouts
    -Perception System
    -Basic Guild System
    -Player Models

    All of the list above is what I would consider the core of ANY game, with some of them being core to Pantheon specifically; and yet they are still on the "To Do" list. Why? You also have things that aren't necessarily core to the game on the "To Do" list, but one seems like it would be vital to a class or two

    Of that list, ability load outs, acclimation and perception could be pushed to post launch and the game could still be playable and fun.  They definitely aren't as "core" as you are making them out to be.  They aren't required.  

    These are the kind of systems that could be postponed when they decide pushing development forward is the priority.

    • 76 posts
    January 1, 2022 5:38 AM PST

    I would say that much of the heavy stuff is being worked on first and the easier things are being postponed until the the "Big" stuff is completed. That list does have a lot of things still left in the "to do" section, but many of those things seem like they won't take a long time to implement. Like a few have already mentioned some of these things have been shown in game and are already in game, but just need tweaks and refinement while other things rely on the network stack to be completed like the pet system. 

    • 2886 posts
    January 19, 2022 2:20 PM PST

    Kumu said:

    Great newsletter as always, I thoroughly enjoyed the Lantern in the Dark segment, only thing missing was a Baz Card Flip ™️.

    Glad you enjoyed it Kumu! I'll try to fit that in somehow next time - maybe a gif or something ;P

    • 258 posts
    February 7, 2022 8:36 PM PST

    GoofyWarriorGuy said:

    @OCastitatisLilium They have explained that some of these features are waiting for the Network stack upgrades to be finished before they can be implemented.

    Also many of these things you are asking about; Perception, Acclimation, Climbing, Faction, etc... are all systems that are in the game already, but if you read these sections of the list they explain that they each need a little bit more tweaking to be fully ready for Alpha. It's not like they will be starting from scratch with these core features. These additions / tweaks to these systems already have an implementation plan in place and are just waiting for the coding time from the team.


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