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General bad gamer avoidance list

    • 729 posts
    March 28, 2021 8:11 AM PDT


    I saw the other post about community policing and this is how I personally approach filtering out the jerks and general mental defectives.


    I have a list I keep. I wrote down how I approach the membership requirements.

    The dumasz list

    This list will hold members of the sub mentality.

    To become a member : exhibit consistent actions of personality defects.
    1. Deriving pleasure from disruptive behavior upon another player.
    2. Manipulative control of the ignorant for personal gain without regard to the ignorant subjects wellbeing.
    3. Inability to maintain emotional control leading to purposeful verbal or psychology aggression. (i.e. Hate speech)


    That generally covers the people I wish to avoid.  I have found that gaming online has been more enjoyable once I started the list.  In fact when someone has become a member it feels a little strange, as if they are a pokemon, I have collected them and filed them away. 


    Have fun everyone.

    • 25 posts
    March 31, 2021 5:13 AM PDT

    I don't really have a list - if someone is intolerable to my standards I just ignore them (and report depending on the situation). I do appreciate your standard operating procedure and outline though! Hopefully I never make your dumasz list, haha.