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Now that the November Newsletter has dropped...

    • 9115 posts
    November 15, 2018 4:01 AM PST

    Now that the November Newsletter has dropped, what do you think about the new character models? Is there anything else that caught your eye? #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters

    • 216 posts
    November 15, 2018 4:17 AM PST

    Loved how detailed the ogres where, and was glad to see the pre-alpha open up again for the higher teirs.

    • 1479 posts
    November 15, 2018 4:20 AM PST

    Excellent. Missing a few reflexions but I love the increased shaders on armors.


    As some other said, elves and halflings look a bit plastified. But that's not final.

    • 1315 posts
    November 15, 2018 4:34 AM PST

    The models look pretty good.  A nice realistic and understated style rather than over blown perfection with a side order sexual objectification that we see in most games.  I would not be worried about the plastified look yet as overlaying the light shaders is one of those things that takes a ton of small tweaks as different hardware platforms are tested.

    • 612 posts
    November 15, 2018 5:11 AM PST

    I liked the Ogre's and Halfling pictures. Not too keen on the Elves look atm. The bodies are fine, but the Male and Females look like they have exactly the same face and hair (just different colour). But I am willing to accept this may just be the lighting, shading, angle, etc... so

    • 259 posts
    November 15, 2018 5:32 AM PST

    I am so ready to play an Elf, I love the new models!

    Tales From the Fire: The One Between the Winds, the story had me mesmerized, Great writing.

    "I took my eyes off the minimap and started looking at the world." Awesome, visuals and sound make the Gameworld.

    • 178 posts
    November 15, 2018 5:36 AM PST


    I am not into the general artistic style of the game as we see and saw it in the past.

    I prefer more "drawn" graphic style, for example: I prefer "crowfall" roughly drawn style rather than "camelot unchained" persice style

    I really liked the lycans drawing in the previous newsletter, i less like the latest pictures.

    but this is a preference, not a dealbreaker.


    p.s. the dwarf picture was OK. nice beard ^^

    • 40 posts
    November 15, 2018 5:41 AM PST

    I like halflings and ogres. Elves look like common for me. Someone told on Facebook that's because we need more facial expressions and i think he or she's right.

    I can't stop thinking about character customization in EQ2 actually, it was not perfect but i loved the possibilities to change moods (smiling, angry, etc..). I remind the multiple choies of haircuts with sometimes items like jewels or a flower on the ear of my halfling (miss her). That's why i like pantheon idea of feather in their hair. And finaly the best wasn't really the look for me but the sound, i know it's kinda off-topic but i really appreciated to use some emotes whith sound (like laugh, shout or sometimes joke). I know it costs a lot to employed actor for voice character but if you have to integrate some voices, i think the best would be for our characters. It affects a lot the immersion and the feelings expressed by them.

    But in general, i think you're doing a good work guys, i'm trusting in you.

    • 27 posts
    November 15, 2018 6:11 AM PST

    Halfings and ogres were great. The elves looked too human to me. At first i didn't look at their ears and took them for humans. That should not be that easy, the difference to humans should be more pronounced.

    Generally, the screenshots show huge improvements.

    • 20 posts
    November 15, 2018 6:34 AM PST

    I think the halflings and ogres look amazing! I'm so excited. Keep up the awesome work! Woohooo!


    I've never seen halflings that looked quite so awesome before.

    • 137 posts
    November 15, 2018 6:34 AM PST

    Ogres look awesome, really a believable race in my oppinion. Halflings also look really good, but I do hope there are options to make them a little more gritty or less happy at the very least. I plan to play a Halfling and would rather be a rougher looking child of the forest then a lost boy from Peter Pan.....but I would still play them in current state. I actually like the Elves as well, but would like to see them lined up next to Humans to see if there is a distinction between the races.


    ....needs more sexual objectification, nothing wrong with tasteful curves =P


    • 37 posts
    November 15, 2018 6:35 AM PST
    I agree with what a lot posted here. The ogres look amazing, not overly monstery and ugly but just an ogre race, I would play that female ogre! She is good looking! The halflings are adorable and I think really well proportioned. The elves are good but yes they did not really say “elven” to me, more of a human vibe although I liked the model. Maybe a longer face? Not sure, but overall there was great stuff in this newsletter!
    • 61 posts
    November 15, 2018 8:08 AM PST

    I will agree on the ELf models, that they do not appear to be slender enough or have strong enough bone features. Of course this would be based on traditional expectations of what is commonly represented in what we would expect to see in an elf, but VR may not be follwoing the same tropes. I thought the models in general to actually be pretty good.

    • 2419 posts
    November 15, 2018 8:17 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Now that the November Newsletter has dropped, what do you think about the new character models? Is there anything else that caught your eye? #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters

    Honestly I cannot say one way or another just from one screenshot that doesn't show the entire model from multiple angles nor do they show any relation to each other with respect to size.  While I know that art design/development is a separate group of people from coding/programming of game mechanics, I do worry that too much time/effort is spent on redoing models which, frankly, were already quite good which takes away from world development, spell effects, UI elements, NPC design/development, etc. 

    • 19 posts
    November 15, 2018 8:37 AM PST

    Everything so far looks incredible! I got my wish and I'm able to get into the prealpha. I was so excited for this I decided to upgrade my $300 pledge to the $1000 pledge so I can get into the prealpha. However, I provided feedback about how disappointed about upgrading to the $1000 pledge doesn't get me the cloth map and post card. That really took some wind out of my sails. But I'm still going to do it and hope that you guys change your mind about that.


    As far as the character models goes, I did a double take! The first thing I did was send the before / after pictuers to a friend who I almost have convinced to purchase a pledge. The graphics was one of the things he didn't particularly care for in their current state. He acknowledged that it's not finished and tweaks will be made, just didn't expect it this soon! I can't wait for Nov.25!!!!!

    • 595 posts
    November 15, 2018 8:57 AM PST

    Well I guess my question would be, are these the final iterations of the character models? 

    I can't say that I'm in love with any of them, or I guess I should say that I don't think that they are a massive upgrade to what we had previously seen so I'm just sort of apathetic at this point.  Frankly, I'm not one to make a stink about graphics one way or another - I have never had issue separating game-play and graphical fidelity.  With that said, I would really need to see all of the models in-game and in relation to all of the other models and the game world to really make a final judgment.  For example, I never really liked many of the Vanguard character models, especially in relation to the rest of the game world.  But I loved the game-play (for the most part) and I thought that Telon was incredible world in both design and graphical fidelity, so I never let the character models bother me.

    tl;dr: Regardless of my final assessment of the models, game-play will always supersede graphics for me.

    • 1860 posts
    November 15, 2018 11:01 AM PST

    I do appreciate any info we are given but I guess this time, I'm that guy...

    The models look good but I thought they looked good years ago.  Graphics are not a concern of mine.  It feels like there is a lot of time being spent on graphics unnecessarily. 

    I did enjoy the tales from the fire story. 

    I feel like I'm left wanting for something more tangible from a player perspective.  Item stats or effects?  Info about what a players specific stats will do? Other PC skills or abilities not listed in the class reveals?  I know starting stat bonuses and racial abilities are to much to ask at this point. 


    This post was edited by philo at November 15, 2018 12:12 PM PST
    • 523 posts
    November 15, 2018 11:18 AM PST

    Ogres look good.  Elves and halflings look like plastic dolls, similar to EQ2 graphics, at least in the face.  Models are better than they were, but not where they need to be.  For this point in development, I think you're on track.

    • 595 posts
    November 15, 2018 11:29 AM PST

    Mathir said:

    Ogres look good.  Elves and halflings look like plastic dolls, similar to EQ2 graphics, at least in the face.  Models are better than they were, but not where they need to be.  For this point in development, I think you're on track.

    See, I think the reason I'm nonplussed is I just don't know the goal with these updated models.  I don't see any point spending resources on updating character models if they aren't a final product.  And if they are a final product I'm just not sure how much better they are then the previous iteration /shrug.  Personally, I think at this point in development they either need to have final (or near final) iterations going into the game or cease iterating until a final concept and design is landed on.  But again, the models won't make or break anything for me and I'm certainly not going to claim they aren't good enough to launch with.

    • 409 posts
    November 15, 2018 11:34 AM PST

    The ogres are detailed which I liked. The halflings and elves felt less detailed. The halfling male looks abit cartoony too. The texture effects/lighting needs adjusting, too shiny/glossy on the models. Keep up the good work. :)

    This post was edited by Nimryl at November 15, 2018 11:36 AM PST
    • 390 posts
    November 15, 2018 11:59 AM PST

    Love the ogres.

    Halflings: meh, i liked the super short version of EQ.

    The elves: Don't look good. their eyes look odd, their faces don't look elven to me, they look more asian than anything. I really hope Elves get more updated looks... 

     I do like that the "new pledge drive" is separate and I can add $50 and get the unique name plate color. Great way to add to the pathfinder without breaking the bank. That said, I sure don't see any way to donate Just more $50 ... 


    PS: after reading others posts, I had no idea that one of those elves were female and one was male.... I thought they were both asian males. 





    This post was edited by Flapp at November 15, 2018 12:03 PM PST
    • 768 posts
    November 15, 2018 12:00 PM PST

    It's not easy to reply on the question based on a single screenshot. And not knowing what the custumization option will be.

    Ogre: I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more muscle or heigth on the female. The male is very different from the orgre I've become familiar with from the streams, but I don't mind at all. On the contrary I applaud the open mind for allowing other appearances that are less bulky or warrior-like.

    Halfling: I can see the lore in it, they chose to have that "kid-" appearance, but I'ld have to agree with earlier replies. Youngsters can still look experienced. Just think about all those children in warzones or in under developed areas in the world. You still see that they are kids, but you also see that they have lived a troublesome life. They can still be jolly and fun, but they just don't look that clean-cut anymore. I like the hairstyles and hope there are many others like that, perhaps even tattoos or depictions. The skintone of the female in the back already looks much better in comparison to the bronzed skintone of the male at the front. 

    Elf: I would not be able to recognize male from female. The male looks more asian than elf-like tbh. It seems the upper half of the face is too wide for an elf. But then again, who I am to decide that on a newly invented Elf-race. I imagined their faces to be longer and slimmer, more like the picture the dev's used to display the elven race on the website. Perhaps these were the Ember Elves and they have a more rugged appearanc to them than their Ashen relatives.

    Human: the male looks extremely muscular. Let's hope we can scale that down in costumization. I dread the idea of a Terminus covered with all the humans with a 6-pack and not an ounce of fat covering their body. It was nice to see that the female wasn't overly curved either. Fingers crossed that it would be possible to costumize them into a less athletic build.

    Overall, nice work and seems in line what of most of the expectations. Thumbs up !!

    • 595 posts
    November 15, 2018 12:39 PM PST

    I've seen at least two comments akin to "the elves look more Asian than like elves".  Lol, these are not mutually exclusive - an elf can't look Asian?  Why?  No one objects when elves look like Caucasian humans, but an Asian human is objectionable?  What?!  Elves and Humans look similar, not sure it needs to go further than that.

    I'm not a huge fan of the models either but its certainly not because they do or don't look Asian ^>

    • 206 posts
    November 15, 2018 3:11 PM PST

    Really well done. Im very pleased with this progresssion. Im very excited.

    • 8 posts
    November 15, 2018 3:26 PM PST

    The halflings look really amazing, as do the ogres..almost makes me want to play one.  The Elves...meh.  They seem almost half finished?