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Is the current combat a placeholder?

    • 107 posts
    January 20, 2018 11:36 AM PST

    So far from what I can see of the official previews the combat for the game is looking a bit lack luster. I'm hoping this is just a placeholder for a better combat system. Both player charaters and NPCs seem to be VERY boring right now. Will their be anything like combos to help differientiant a good player from an average player where it takes some speed and skill to pull it off well?


    As a background I came from Everquest, WoW, and Wildstar. From those I miss the need to group even to level from EQ but as far as combat goes EQ felt rather weak in a lot of ways. Many classes would just spam their top spell for damage or just faceroll whatever ability was off cooldown. The best combat experience I actually had was Wildstar. That game had some SWEET challenges. Not only were you trying to keep up as best as you could with your damaging rotation but things that made it better included positioning to hit more mobs, dashing sprinting and double jumping to avoid enemy abilities, and even interupt armor where when a mob started to cast an ability he would gain interupt armor where everyone in the group had to pitch in interupts to get it. Can we expect any fast paced difficult to master combat like this?


    • 29 posts
    January 20, 2018 11:50 AM PST

    Vanguard had combo moves. Iirc they triggered when you did a critical hit and then could choose which path of combo you would follow. Maybe they will do something similar

    • 37 posts
    January 20, 2018 11:52 AM PST

    challenge in EQ for combat came from classes synergy, and when using the right skill at the right time (for example, stunning a mob trying to gate back to it spawn point otherwise it would bring many more "friends" wiping the group/raid), you also had to manage enrage, flurry, rampage, stuff like that, you had to manage your aggro as well, in fact you had to manage a lots of things and sometimes it was hard to do that correctly with everything you had to take care at once.


    you ask combos, dynamic combat (i mean jumping and moving like crazy around an ennemy while spamming abilities), something like black desert online, wow, or lots of korean mmorpgs ? if so, i doubt you ll find that with Pantheon, but i may be wrong, i have no idea of how the combat will be, however, if the combat in Pantheon is like everquest 1 combat, i will be very happy, EQ1 combat asked for a lots of skills and was not static at all.

    This post was edited by coeurdelion at January 20, 2018 11:55 AM PST
    • 1860 posts
    January 20, 2018 12:23 PM PST

    Combat animations may or may not be placeholders.  But combat itself being slow paced is intentional.

    Things like:

    dashing sprinting and double jumping to avoid enemy abilities

    Aren't what this game is about.  It will not be a twitch based combat system.  We have a very different opinion of what combat should be if you think that type of combat is the "best combat" you have ever played. 

    • 258 posts
    January 20, 2018 1:22 PM PST

    coeurdelion said:

    challenge in EQ for combat came from classes synergy, and when using the right skill at the right time (for example, stunning a mob trying to gate back to it spawn point otherwise it would bring many more "friends" wiping the group/raid), you also had to manage enrage, flurry, rampage, stuff like that, you had to manage your aggro as well, in fact you had to manage a lots of things and sometimes it was hard to do that correctly with everything you had to take care at once.


    you ask combos, dynamic combat (i mean jumping and moving like crazy around an ennemy while spamming abilities), something like black desert online, wow, or lots of korean mmorpgs ? if so, i doubt you ll find that with Pantheon, but i may be wrong, i have no idea of how the combat will be, however, if the combat in Pantheon is like everquest 1 combat, i will be very happy, EQ1 combat asked for a lots of skills and was not static at all.

    EQ1 melee could have been a bit more involved imo, but I never had any issues with it, even going back to classic emus after a decade.

    I do, however, find that this ADHD gameplay is just not interesting. Let Korean MMOs keep that niche... With all the jumping around and flashy effects and damage spam, these sorts of MMOs have never been able to keep me interested for more than a month, and that was with me desperately trying to enjoy them because there was nothing else to play except emulators or old games' live servers. Whole lot of glitz and glamour, bunch of dumb quests, and an easy track to max level (usually no more than a couple weeks)... and crap content with abosolutely no overall vision for the game except a dumb storyline where every player is the world's great hero... Might as well play a good single player RPG instead, especially considering all the QOL stuff they cram into games that make social play an after-thought.

    As for all the different combos and such for melee... I don't see the need to make combat annoyingly complicated. There are other ways to make combat interesting and dynamic. (Don't remember a whole lot from Vanguard's combat as I didn't really play much after Beta, so I can't chime in on that.)

    The best method I've seen for something remotely similar to this was in DAoC. You placed the abilities you wanted to use onto your hotbar, including any "follow-ups" or positinal "styles". There were no annoying pop-ups (stuff you couldn't have available on your hotbar) that essentially tell you exactly when to use certain abilities.

    The way this worked:

    - Each style had different effects (bleeds, lower armor, extra damage, stun, snare, slow attack speed, etc...).

    - You had styles for several or all positions, and some styles that required no specific positioning.
    - Many of these had "follow-up" styles that could only be used effectively if you had successfully used the pre-requisite. Therefore, you couldn't just spam abilities as they came off of cooldown. You had to wait to see if your initial attack hit the mob and was used appropriately (modified attack vs. Auto-attack) before initiating a "follow-up" style.
    - You also had abilities you could use only after you block or parry, and these often had their own "follow-up" styles that were usally the most powerful styles.

    If you're tanking, you will likely be limited to the front except when the mob is stunned. So maybe you have a shield bash to stun the mob or rely on group mates to stun the mob for you? Then you can use another positional style that might require you to be at the mob's side, or behind the mob.

    Other melee could move around the mobs as needed in order to pull off their various styles, and this might need to be coordinated with group mates according to who had the best stun or debuffs or whatever, when to use them, etc...

    I enjoyed this system, though maybe mostly because it was a lot of fun in PvP when people were constantly on the move, thus making you constantly adjust and move around in order to pull off your styles.

    But I personally wouldn't want anything more complicated than that. Good content, like we saw in classic EQ, will make things complicated enough :D

    • 73 posts
    January 20, 2018 1:28 PM PST

    zendrel said:

    Not only were you trying to keep up as best as you could with your damaging rotation but things that made it better included positioning to hit more mobs, dashing sprinting and double jumping to avoid enemy abilities, and even interupt armor where when a mob started to cast an ability he would gain interupt armor where everyone in the group had to pitch in interupts to get it. Can we expect any fast paced difficult to master combat like this?


    Not to disappoint but I'm fairly sure Pantheon will not be like Wildstar and Black Desert. In my opinion, those incorporate more hack and slash, arcade style combat systems.

    Not to say Pantheon is going to be slow and boring. I'm all for nail-biting close battles and have no doubt Pantheon will deliver. However, I'm expecting more downtime in Pantheon.

    How I see it, Pantheon/Vanguard/EQ gameplay = Dark Souls while Wildstar/Black Desert = Diablo/Path of Exile. All great games with similar goals but require different skills. I haven't seen a ton of Wildstar gameplay so correct me if I'm wrong.


    And keep in mind Pantheon is in Pre-Alpha so we can only speculate. 

    • 1479 posts
    January 20, 2018 1:58 PM PST

    The stream with max level shaman looked pretty cool in gameplay to me : Melee swings, dots, heals, nukes. It looked like a pretty versatile gameplay, but it will depends of the pace that MP or Stam regen will imply.

    Warrior gameplay as an example, looked pretty dull for now (looking at .. Aradune ? Was aradune's toon a warrior or a ranger placeholder ? or the main tank beeing, Michal I think ?) but I think they just gave them an aggro strike for streams and a kick for snake's purpose.

    Monk looked like they had some interesting skill too, some synergy.

    • 1860 posts
    January 20, 2018 2:36 PM PST

    MauvaisOeil said:

    Was aradune's toon a warrior or a ranger placeholder ?

    Brad's character is a WarWizard.  A (normally) non playable class based on the game of the same name he created in 1993. 

    In some epic type quests we may be able to temporarily play as a Warwizard as part of the quest.

    • 1281 posts
    January 20, 2018 4:00 PM PST

    zendrel said:

    So far from what I can see of the official previews the combat for the game is looking a bit lack luster. I'm hoping this is just a placeholder for a better combat system. Both player charaters and NPCs seem to be VERY boring right now. Will their be anything like combos to help differientiant a good player from an average player where it takes some speed and skill to pull it off well?

     As a background I came from Everquest, WoW, and Wildstar. From those I miss the need to group even to level from EQ but as far as combat goes EQ felt rather weak in a lot of ways. Many classes would just spam their top spell for damage or just faceroll whatever ability was off cooldown. The best combat experience I actually had was Wildstar. That game had some SWEET challenges. Not only were you trying to keep up as best as you could with your damaging rotation but things that made it better included positioning to hit more mobs, dashing sprinting and double jumping to avoid enemy abilities, and even interupt armor where when a mob started to cast an ability he would gain interupt armor where everyone in the group had to pitch in interupts to get it. Can we expect any fast paced difficult to master combat like this?


    Keep in mind a few things. The game is in pre-alpha and likely about 2 years from release. A LOT will change between now and then. Combat will evolve. But also remember that Pantheon is going to use an auto-attack based combat. It's not going to be twitchy action oriented. You will target a mob, hit auto attack,and mix in some abilities/spells. There may be additional abilities that trigger from other players or enhance damage.

    So yeah, it's not final, a lot will change, but the basic way of fighting is not going to change.

    This post was edited by bigdogchris at January 20, 2018 4:02 PM PST
    • 160 posts
    January 20, 2018 4:16 PM PST
    I think EQ1 combat gets a bad rap because most people simply did not know how to play. Quick story:

    When I went to play P99, after having played on the eq live servers from '99 -'07 or so, in '09 I thought I had a well rounded knowledge of the game. The old EQ pro's that were on the server in the beginning were more than happy to show me that I had barely gotten past the first layer of the onion that was EQ. It's hard to know what you don't know, and as those guys showed me, I didn't know crap. Even about the classes I'd played the most.

    So I surmise that if your position is that EQ1 combat is boring, you just didn't stick around long enough to learn it properly. Or you weren't creative enough.
    • 3016 posts
    January 20, 2018 7:10 PM PST

    zendrel said:

    So far from what I can see of the official previews the combat for the game is looking a bit lack luster. I'm hoping this is just a placeholder for a better combat system. Both player charaters and NPCs seem to be VERY boring right now. Will their be anything like combos to help differientiant a good player from an average player where it takes some speed and skill to pull it off well?


    As a background I came from Everquest, WoW, and Wildstar. From those I miss the need to group even to level from EQ but as far as combat goes EQ felt rather weak in a lot of ways. Many classes would just spam their top spell for damage or just faceroll whatever ability was off cooldown. The best combat experience I actually had was Wildstar. That game had some SWEET challenges. Not only were you trying to keep up as best as you could with your damaging rotation but things that made it better included positioning to hit more mobs, dashing sprinting and double jumping to avoid enemy abilities, and even interupt armor where when a mob started to cast an ability he would gain interupt armor where everyone in the group had to pitch in interupts to get it. Can we expect any fast paced difficult to master combat like this?


    Early to judge combat systems just in progress.

    • 294 posts
    January 21, 2018 5:24 AM PST

    At this stage in building a game I would assume that many things are placeholders. 

    Heck, I remember playing an entire starting zone area in early BETA for Vanguardsoh that wasn't even part of the release version.

    The entire zone was a placeholder.

    Right now is the time to build and perfect systems to be used in the release version. What you see right now is NOT what you get.

    It's going to be much, much better.

    This post was edited by Klumpedge at January 21, 2018 5:26 AM PST
    • 49 posts
    January 21, 2018 5:30 AM PST

    If it is just placeholder, and is changed more to something resemebling every other MMO currently existing, then I imagine they'll lose a significant portion of their playerbase (but gain a different base, obviously).

    World, immersion, even graphics are important to me. But the reason I'm here is the combat. I simply CANNOT get this type of combat (RPG type combat, ala Final Fantasy, etc) ANYWHERE in the MMO sphere, without going full indie. Heck, even EVE Online, the one remaining titan of the old school method, has folded and now provides high levels of twitch action, sensitive latency based tricks, etc.

    If I wanted to react on 0.25 second time scales I'd go play an FPS or just raid in WoW, where I already have thousands of hours invested.

    • 107 posts
    January 21, 2018 5:42 AM PST
    It's been a long time since I played EQ but the combat was boring. I quit around PoP and played a wizard for 1 and a cleric for the other. The wizard in a raid or party was basically to spam your highest damage ability because the rest aren't worth it. The cleric was just a complete heal chain. Very boring looking at a book all day in a group too.
    • 2756 posts
    January 21, 2018 6:21 AM PST

    Whilst on some level I liked the ground 'telegraph' system (graphical indicators of combat ability/area that you could jump or dodge or whatever) in games like Wildstar, it makes for a very different feel and pace.

    Not 'bad' per se, but really different.

    I would say that people who prefer the EQ-style tab-targetting system where movement and position is a much more basic consideration like it that way because it emphasises the group interdependency and tactics of resource management and ability timing.

    Yes, it's slower, but because of that it's more thoughful.

    You could say that the need to jump, roll, dodge, etc *as well* would *add* to the experience, but I think others may feel that would distract and, effectively, detract from the importance of non-'physical' actions.

    If you perfectly time a shield, debuff and strike but the enemy just jumps or rolls or whatever the game can turn into a gymnastics event rather than a chess game.

    Yes EQ had some hard limitations for certain classes. Clerics, as you say, could really get stuck in a rut of having to repeat certain effective spells and meditation. I distinctly remember wanting to use the odd damage spell and my hammer 'pet' but groups would tell me "if you use those spells and run out of mana for heals, you'll be kicked".  Not fun.  But, that was a limitation of the game, not the style of combat.

    I'm sure VR will avoid those traps, but I'm also sure they will be following a more 'traditional' combat style.

    Tab targetting. Melee/bow/spell ranges. Abilities requiring 'rear' position (backstabbing). Line of sight.  Meditating...

    Will there be things like: Defensive/Offensive buff/de-buff for flanking. Smoke/flame/steam blocking line of sight.  Interaction of abilities (eg. fire an arrow through a flame wall makes for fire arrows)...

    This post was edited by disposalist at January 21, 2018 6:29 AM PST
    • 120 posts
    January 21, 2018 10:47 AM PST

    bigdogchris said:

    The game is in pre-alpha and likely about 2 years from release. A LOT will change between now and then.

    I really hope it isnt two more years! I was hoping a year of testing total, maybe 6 months of Pre-Alpha and Alpha, 6 months of Beta, putting the potential release date as 4th Q 2018 or 1st Q 2019. Either way I 100% support the dev's policy of not moving too fast and focussing on the quality of the product.

    As far as dynamic combat goes, in several streams they have said definitively that it is nowhere near finished, so you can expect them to continue to add to it.

    I also remember in one of the streams Brad mentioned that skill combos and synergy are going to be cross class, which should continue to add more focus on grouping and group synergy instead of gearing it towards the individual.

    That being said, the other thing that is going to make combat dynamic is the PvE interaction. NPC dispositions, the aclimation system, and inteligent AI will hopefully make it so that you have to change the way you fight each time you do an encounter rather than just rinse and repeat. Remember that VR is not interested in simply copying some other game's system. I doubt we have anything to compare what the final incarnation of the combat system to right now. With any luck we can expect a modern, creative system that might incorporate some aspects of other systems, but which stands out as totally unique and dynamic in its own way.



    • 105 posts
    January 21, 2018 10:51 AM PST

    At the moment, five guys standing round hitting one enemy for a couple of minutes does not inspire me.

    Exciting combat without running about and doing backflips is perfectly doable, you just need to have mechanics in place for both the players and the mobs that make it interesting, a range of abilities that need to be countered and dealt with, groups of enemies that need to be carefully managed, character animations that are visually pleasing and exciting to look at etc etc etc

    We have to remember that most games would not release as much footage as VR have at the stage of development they are at and there is a long way to go... 

    I have no doubt we will have tough, thoughtful, exciting combat. That is the core of the game and if it is not up to scratch then the game won't last very long.

    This post was edited by Kipling at January 21, 2018 10:51 AM PST
    • 134 posts
    January 21, 2018 11:56 AM PST

    Combat looks fine to me. Its likely more fun when you're actually playing. Looks stale from a viewer perspective, sure. I saw a lot of combos from the Monk side of things and can only imagine its more involved than you guys think.

    • 123 posts
    January 21, 2018 12:07 PM PST

    I hope it's not too much of a placeholder cause what I saw in streams is what I look for : pull, CC, taunt, dps, slow, etc ... strategy, intelligence with realistic moves instead of spamming overdose of action with extravagant moves.

    It's EQ style and I'm ok with that, I trust VR to add new features coherent with that philosophy. One point though, I remember that bows were not enough used at the beginning of EQ, I just hope these weapons will be more interesting in Pantheon. Could be nice also to make some contat weapons able to hit from a larger distance, like pikes, halberds, spear, that could help to make the fight more "readable".


    • 258 posts
    January 21, 2018 4:09 PM PST

    Kipling said:

    I have no doubt we will have tough, thoughtful, exciting combat. That is the core of the game and if it is not up to scratch then the game won't last very long.

    From this thread alone, it seems people's definitions of what is tough, thoughtful, and exciting can be very different.

    I'm sure lots of people, maybe even the majority of modern MMO gamers, think it's exciting to flip around all over the place jamming 3 or 4 keys per second. Personally, I hate it. Every game I've played that spammed my brain with constant movement, unnecessary flashes from all these ridiculous styles, and an endless stream of scrolling combat text has been a huge disappointment. Every single game. And when they throw all this crap at you, you can hardly even see what's going on on your screen. As someone who highly values immersion, I find this kind of combat to be absolutely abysmal.

    Of course, I suspect that VR is going to make melee combat more involved than it was in EQ. My guess would be somwhere between EQ's melee and Vanguard's.

    • 220 posts
    January 21, 2018 7:05 PM PST

    Great discussion here! Agree with Kaen on the variations of combat.  

    As far as actual information goes, THE WIKI does a great job of exactly repeating what they have said for a very long time and seems to remain unchanged between game iterations. 

    Make your own inferences tho, Iteration 1 (where they were fighting Ghouls on the island of Su'Roa; yeah there once was a video for that- OMG it's still out there! watch before they get it taken down! lol ) was pretty much fighting skellies at lvl 1 in EQ, while the latest streams are more like post lvl 30 battles in EQ. If any active abilities or strategic abilities enter the fray, i expect it will be more into alpha as they expand on animations, code, status checks, position checks, AI checks, combat systems (positional blocking, CC, Fear wells, silence, paralysis, etc.)   

    • 207 posts
    January 21, 2018 9:10 PM PST

    I'm fairly sure that combat is more of a placeholder atm but to me at least it looks pretty fluid. I'm not picturing the current combat at face value, since I'm sure there will be gear that will do things like increase attack freaquency as well as double(or more) attacks. Theres also the stamina bar(I believe, it's been a while since I've watched a stream) that we don't really know how it will affect our abilities...we can very well have some form of a combo that greatly depletes the bar...

    I'm hoping combat will hit a sweet spot between classic mmo and the twitch based combat of today. No flashy dancing between lazers but at the same time I'm not waiting an eternity for my character to throw a punch.....Hoping I see battles unfolding like, "Should I wait to zerg the boss when it has 20%ish hp...wait this boss uses a particularily nasty ability at about 65% percent so I should zerg there to force it out of that mode. " At least thats what I'm hopping lol.... and of course I want to have to take into account some positioning! If I try to punch a mob in the face it should have the capability to block it!

    • 2886 posts
    January 22, 2018 3:46 AM PST

    The current combat system is basically a skeleton of what it will eventually become. You need to have a solid foundation before you build anything up too much. So the basics are there and working - the core is not likely to change dramatically. But there will definitely eventually be additional layers added to make it more dynamic, such as:

    - NPCs will have special abilities and the tactics to use them strategically. (Ex.: healing, ranged, taking cover, cleave, knockback, knockdown, charms)

    - New dynamic encounters will be introduced, such as Ambient mobs. (Ex.: on a balcony, there could be a battalion of archers that periodically launch a volley of arrows after a loud shout. Players will need to find ways to either dispatch the archers, or take cover when they fire their waves of arrows.)

    - Expect to see more details soon regarding new NPC Dispositions, such as PyrophobicPredator, and Sniper.

    - Animations will continue to be improved.

    They specifically addressed this in one of the streams. Listen to Joppa's explanation here:

    • 1315 posts
    January 22, 2018 6:48 AM PST

    Target/Auto-Attack is the primary model of the combat system with even casters having a possibility of a wand like auto-attack, I bet Baz could find the quote.  The rate of that auto attack and the rate of the mob auto attack sets the pacing for all the game timers and response times. Encounters will be a function of that game wide average attack rate.  The average MMO player has a maximum twitch response speed which is then reduced by PC rendering lag and server communication lag.

    The level of lethality Pantheon mobs will have is at least on par with Dark Souls Elite mobs if not even higher for a single character.  A slower paced system auto-attack rate will allow for a few more milliseconds of response time for each decision a player must make.  These decisions will sometimes take several accurate clicks to execute which further increases the amount of time required to go from game information output to player input.

    A slower paced, but very lethal, system auto-attack emphasizes class synergies and interdependencies that require 4+ players to respond correctly to the greater majority of game information output or disaster and death will soon follow.  When you look at group encounters as being a string of more than 100 game information outputs it quickly becomes apparent why combat will become challenging and exhausting over time and why twitch based combat just does not mesh well.

    This system auto-attack speed can be manipulated zone by zone to make certain area’s harder due to decreased available response time.

    I personally prefer the real time strategy game style of play over the button mash Street Fighter combo system style of play.


    This post was edited by Trasak at January 22, 2018 6:49 AM PST
    • 17 posts
    January 22, 2018 7:19 AM PST

    The combat in Wild Star was the one thing that put me off the game, all that jumping and dodging got pretty tiresome. I much prefer slower paced combat, it allows much more time to explore, take in the environment and socialise. One of the best things in EQ was the downtime; mana regen, it allowed players to actually talk to each other instead of just spamming buttons constantly.

    This post was edited by Razafrak75 at January 22, 2018 7:40 AM PST