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What Are The Main Foundations?

    • 34 posts
    September 17, 2017 9:01 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    What, in your opinion, makes a good foundation for a gaming community? #PRF #Communitymatters

    1) Respect, for both other players and the game's development team (and all thsoe associated with it regardless of role). You don't always have to agree or be friends with everyone, but at least be civil.

    2) Progression and competition, as long as it stays respectful (see #1). If players feel they have no further progress to make, and that can include achivements (first guild to defeat X etc) or rolling alts 9where gameplay is varied enough for this to provide a different experience), things are typically more positive.

    3) Engagement and interaction, both in-game and out, and both between players and players <-> dev team