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And even more patch notes (slipping into insanity)

    • 77 posts
    July 4, 2017 7:32 PM PDT

    * Stoked coal in the mob train on the way to the In-laws house
    * Spit-shined all the pillars in Terminus

    * Fortified defense stat on underwear after encountering a Gurkha

    * Transferred the Reckless Magician to rehab, after he crashed his Griphon while under the influence of a suspicious white mana

    * Collected QQ tears from Youtube comments section to fill the waterways around Thronefast

    * Constructed safety nets for manically depressed rogues

    * Mailed starving mountain lions to art team to increase morale and productivity (John D likes cats)

    * Slapped horse posteriors on the hype caravan

    * Ran detail passes from Avendyr's ass to Thronefarts; needs further cleaning up

    * Stocked general supply merchants with Risperidone for players that 'see and hear things'

    * Safety glasses provided after the union of shadow went on strike due to unresolved acclimation hazards

    * Made effigies of all the people who criticised the spit-shined pillars

    * Sent summoner out to get coffee; still needs work though, as their car was towed for missing loan repayments

    * Decorated Thronefast with single golden arches, after a cease and desist order was recieved from a company who already had two golden arches trademarked

    * Emptied poopsock, it only smellz

    This post was edited by Vaeruun at July 4, 2017 7:33 PM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    July 4, 2017 10:57 PM PDT

    Hahaha, nice mate! :D

    My personal favourites:

    * Collected QQ tears from Youtube comments section to fill the waterways around Thronefast (I am the one who has to read/reply to these and it made me laugh more than it should have! lol)

    * Constructed safety nets for manically depressed rogues (a much-needed addition lol)

    • 77 posts
    July 4, 2017 11:54 PM PDT

    The funniest jokes are the truest ones. :D

    • 125 posts
    July 9, 2017 12:22 PM PDT

    Now this was funny... My faorites...

    * Constructed safety nets for manically depressed rogues

    * Mailed starving mountain lions to art team to increase morale and productivity (John D likes cats)