Forums » Crafting and Gathering

Lack of global trading house/channel. thoughts?

    • 18 posts
    June 21, 2017 11:36 PM PDT

    I do like the concept of not having a global trade channel.  Looking back to EQ pre luclin was so much fun going to EC tunnel to do some trading inside the tunnel with everyone else.  (or greater faydark if your server was used it as the trade center).  That added such a community feel to the game and let you know right up front the "MM" in mmorpg was in full force.  Traveling to and from the zone led to new friends and trade contacts, frequent buyers, etc.   Always had a good time in the tunnel "window shopping" looking for new things as they were looted, crafted, or discovered

    Really looking forward to crafting in the game as it is truely the thing that i'm addicted to in games like this.  I feel like raiding adds to your character or some of your guild, but crafting really effects so many people from your actions and work

    • 422 posts
    June 22, 2017 9:17 AM PDT

    I am glad they did not put in global channels. It just becomes jammed with spam and off-topic conversations.

    I am fairly neutral on global auction houses. I completely support some kind of auction house as spending my limited play time standing in one spot selling stuff isn't fun. I'd rather the advertisement be handled by a system for that type of thing. As to the specifics of how that happens, it really doesn't make much difference for me personally.

    The regional auction house approach will be interesting to see. I would love to see prices fluctuate by region and availability. It will be interesting to see how the community and economy react.

    • 2886 posts
    June 22, 2017 9:42 AM PDT

    The community has LOTS of thoughts about global auctions lol. It has been the single most hotly debated topic over the years. See these threads:

    • 633 posts
    • 27 posts
    September 17, 2020 5:36 PM PDT

    It may be to late for me to weigh in on this topic at this point but I have to put my two cents in.


    One thing I don't want to see is a channel that is nothing but a flurry of:





    Going by so fast you can't find what you are looking for anyway. I always hated that in games. It's all just a bunch of spam. Also it takes away a buyers ability to see what he is buying which is just a poor way to do buisness. 


    I also think setting up NPC merchants is a terrible idea. NPC or your player character either way, it's the same result. I will use Lineage II as an example. Just before the game came out I bought a brand new rig with the specs just to run the game. Thought I was good to go. I should have been. But in Lineage II the main method of trading was to set your character up with items in your inventory that you wanted to buy and sell while you was afk. It didn't take long and every city was so full of player-characters buying and selling that I couldn't even move. The lag was so bad it would take 10 minutes just to cross the street when it should have taken less than a second.


    The only real way to set up a player tradeing system in my opinion is to have an auctioneer like in D&D Online or a Global Exchange like in Vanguard. No player characters littering the cities. You can search for whatever it is you're looking for and actually get to look at it and compare it to other items and prices before you buy. The benefits for the seller is you can compare your items to other sellers, quality and prices, to decide how much you want to sell your goods for.

    This post was edited by BituminousBlack at September 17, 2020 5:37 PM PDT
    • 77 posts
    January 23, 2021 10:44 AM PST

    What do you think of player stalls, ala SWG (I think had it).  A center where a player could rent a space and sell their wares online or offline?  I've liked those more than the constant spam in channels, yeah.

    • 1289 posts
    January 23, 2021 1:34 PM PST

    Check this stream out:  
    forward to 28:30ish if you want to skip straight to what gives me this guess.  

    "What do you think of player stalls?"  I think this is exactly what they have in mind.  At least that was my guess when I watched this stream.  Check it out and use your imagination for what all those market booths might be used for :)  Obviously I could be completely wrong here.  

    • 612 posts
    January 23, 2021 5:52 PM PST

    Lol... I just made a post yesterday about the exact same video @Ranarius in a different thread: will there be an in game broker in the General forum.

    • 1289 posts
    January 23, 2021 6:44 PM PST

    Ha!  Great minds!

    • 68 posts
    March 14, 2021 7:52 AM PDT
    I heard Nephele talking on the crafting interview about something for ships to actually do. EVEs market system was based on regional market hubs with local vendors and PLAYER MADE CONTRACTS... there were people who didn't craft, didn't pop, and didn't grind. All they did was play the markets. They bought and sold.

    And they bought and moved product from one region to a different region via player made contracts. Theres your use for ships. Port cities become monster trade and economic hubs, commerce goes thru the roof and its 100% PLAYER DRIVEN. and we dont have a dumber down global AH or spam filled global channels...
    • 3852 posts
    March 14, 2021 9:28 AM PDT

    I have never played a MMO where a global trading channel worked well. Almost without exception people violated the rules and sold in general chat - and any efforts to enforce the channel rules didn't last long. 

    As far as markets go - I have been dabbling in ESO which has no markets at all other than player stalls. I much prefer either a world market or series of regional markets. I don't play MMOs to spend 90% of my time going around to try and get a good price on materials - either as a buyer or a seller.

    • 83 posts
    March 14, 2021 9:51 AM PDT

    Making a world market does seem unlikely considering the desire for travel to matter. I don't mind there being a place where you can access every seller in a single town though. It depends how 'automated' player transactions will be handled though. There's a lot of ways to do it, including not doing it at all, but I think that having limited automated player transactions would be healthy. An adventurer might dabble with Harvesting if they can just dump the material on a broker, but if they need to manually sell it they probably wouldn't bother.

    • 68 posts
    March 14, 2021 8:30 PM PDT

    Darchias there is a difference between meaningful travel and adventures in tediium.  I have fond memories of the mess that was North Freeport before Luclin.  I have fond memories of having to bike around my neighborhood because I was too young to drive also, but I wouldn't give up my car. 

    • 247 posts
    March 15, 2021 9:15 PM PDT
    I really do not like the idea of a global trading house. I don't mind having to go to a town and go to Town square that's set up and maybe you can have a a wholesale vendor that you can put something on if you don't have time to auction it yourself in the live person but that trader will take a cut as a wholesaler. But again you also have to travel to that town for it
    • 7 posts
    March 17, 2021 3:50 AM PDT

    In my opinion is a big no no for a global trading house.

    Players are going to stick to their zones and easily manipulate the market overtime.
    Player stalls, some kind of advertisement leaflets and trading would be just fine in my opinion. :)

    This post was edited by devoided at March 20, 2021 4:28 PM PDT
    • 5 posts
    May 20, 2021 7:59 PM PDT

    dudimous said: I heard Nephele talking on the crafting interview about something for ships to actually do. EVEs market system was based on regional market hubs with local vendors and PLAYER MADE CONTRACTS... there were people who didn't craft, didn't pop, and didn't grind. All they did was play the markets. They bought and sold. And they bought and moved product from one region to a different region via player made contracts. Theres your use for ships. Port cities become monster trade and economic hubs, commerce goes thru the roof and its 100% PLAYER DRIVEN. and we dont have a dumber down global AH or spam filled global channels...


    I really liked this mechanic in eve. especially the contracting system. In-game notices that a player required 50 of item x and was willing to pay z. Then you could choose to fulfill the order, or not.


    I'm ok with in-city-zone /auction or /trade chats, but not global. 

    • 68 posts
    May 30, 2021 12:34 PM PDT
    After playing WOW thru this Classic Prog server I have a refined opinion of a global Auction channel. I am now certain that, like WOW's LFG global, this would become Looking for ideological drama channel or Looking for Trolls in of global Auctions.

    I'm still all about local and regional channels. And I think Auction Houees are an irreplaceable QOL feature.
    • 1860 posts
    May 30, 2021 6:57 PM PDT

    dudimous said: After playing WOW thru this Classic Prog server I have a refined opinion of a global Auction channel. I am now certain that, like WOW's LFG global, this would become Looking for ideological drama channel or Looking for Trolls in of global Auctions. I'm still all about local and regional channels. And I think Auction Houees are an irreplaceable QOL feature.

    You are in luck.  VR decided on having an AH long ago.  We have always been told it will likely be localized.  I'd guess maybe by continent?... but that is speculation and probably hasn't been decided at this point.

    • 3852 posts
    May 31, 2021 7:29 AM PDT

    Continent may be a good guess - that was the Vanguard approach as I recall.

    My own guess, without a high level of confidence, is faction based. Either one per race or one per group of races that get along well with each other. So if human and elves are friendly or at least not unfriendly perhaps any of their cities allows access to a combined auction house. But if ogres are kill-on-sight to them you could not access an ogre AH from any human or elven location.

    Of course they could well toss in features like a black market that gives wider access but where there is a high fee for buying or selling.

    • 1860 posts
    May 31, 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    Continent may be a good guess - that was the Vanguard approach as I recall.

    My own guess, without a high level of confidence, is faction based. Either one per race or one per group of races that get along well with each other. So if human and elves are friendly or at least not unfriendly perhaps any of their cities allows access to a combined auction house. But if ogres are kill-on-sight to them you could not access an ogre AH from any human or elven location.

    Of course they could well toss in features like a black market that gives wider access but where there is a high fee for buying or selling.

    By race/faction or by continent could end up being the same thing.  We know the good races (humans,elves,halflings) are on kingsreach, nuetral (dwarves,gnomes,archai) are on whitethaw and evil (skar,myr,ogre) are on reignfall.  

    It depends a bit on how they decide to define it but, I could see them preferring to justify it as faction based instead of continent based even if that ends up being the same thing on release.

    But who knows, it could be by starting city.  I'm hoping it's not overly diluted and it's divided into 3 at most.  If it is specific to a very small area there is a scenario where players find it better to hold onto their items and sell them personally...which negates much of the benefit of having an AH in the first place.

    This post was edited by philo at May 31, 2021 11:56 AM PDT
    • 1281 posts
    May 31, 2021 6:51 PM PDT

    I'm hoping for a centrally located trading area.

    • 1860 posts
    June 1, 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    bigdogchris said:

    I'm hoping for a centrally located trading area.

    If that's going to happen from what we've been shown, Avendyrs Pass seems a likely spot.  Maybe at the tunnel that leads to Eastern Plains?  Sounds familiar...

    This post was edited by philo at June 1, 2021 2:17 PM PDT