Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Voice Modulators

    • 61 posts
    December 28, 2016 8:10 AM PST

    What do you think about a built-in voice modulator so when playing a toon of a specific race, your in-game voice chat was automatically modulated ever-so-slightly to resemble a  voice specific to that race?  For example, make voices sound more deep and booming if you are Archai, more gravelly as Skar,etc.  


    Or do you feel it would 1) interfere with your desired roleplay wanting to play a high-pitched, squeaky-voiced Archai or 2) make it too difficult to understand people or 3) make it frustrating 'cause the same player playing a different toon wouldn't have as recognizable of a voice.

    Personally I try to do this already by using a slightly different accent, pitch, and speech patterns depending on the toon I am playing.  It works well unless I start getting excited, then I just sound like a 12 year old boy with his voice cracking... or when I am drinking I seem to pick up an Irish accent for some reason.

    • 556 posts
    December 28, 2016 8:30 AM PST

    I'm actually against in game voice period. So it's a no from me. Don't need to hear the rampant 12 yr old cursefest that we have no control over anytime I join a group. Would much rather 3rd party voice with my guild and or friends where things can be kept to a civil and mature nature. Don't get me wrong we curse like sailors but some of those "in game" voice games just make me want to stop playing just from hearing the bs that spews from some peoples mouths. For those that are the ones I am refering to, grow up.

    • 1778 posts
    December 28, 2016 9:25 AM PST
    Might up the creep factor since I usually play female characters. You will hear this sweet melodious voice but meanwhile in the real world you are talking to a 40 year old grizzly fat dude in Alabama. Trust me. Nobody wants that LOL. Oh the fun I could have though........... but seriously no.
    • 89 posts
    December 28, 2016 9:32 AM PST

    Enitzu said:

    I'm actually against in game voice period. So it's a no from me. Don't need to hear the rampant 12 yr old cursefest that we have no control over anytime I join a group. Would much rather 3rd party voice with my guild and or friends where things can be kept to a civil and mature nature. Don't get me wrong we curse like sailors but some of those "in game" voice games just make me want to stop playing just from hearing the bs that spews from some peoples mouths. For those that are the ones I am refering to, grow up.

    You could always ask the offender to chill out, kick him out of group, or simply apologize for not wanting to play with petulant children and leave yourself.  This is a MMO not a FPS and as such the crowd will likely be older and we aren't forced to sit through a 15 - 45 minute match where we get penalized if we leave.

    On topic: Yes for voice modulation to fit races (and genders!) as long as it's not overly modulated.  I don't want everyone I play with to sound like T-Pain.

    • 120 posts
    December 28, 2016 10:53 AM PST

    I really hate in-game voice programs. I will not be using one. The moment I figure out how to disable it in-game, I will.

    I'm a female gamer and have been on the bad side of harrassment and stalking far too many times to even consider using the option.

    I play DOTA2, and used to play moderately competitively, and it was the community (given power by the in-game voice) that ultimately made me mostly stop playing. If my usual team wasn't around, I'd queue in for a pick-up-group, and if I was stupid enough to speak, even if it was saying something as simple as "I'll support you bot!" or "Windrunner, can you nab the courier?" the responses I would get were just...repulsive. "Can I finger you?" "Omg, a girl!" "Are you lesbian?" "Wanna ****?" All of these are things I heard on a regular basis, and it disgusts me.

    While DOTA2 may be an extremely bad community (probably goes without saying), a year of ranked gaming with that and I don't think I'll ever voice with strangers again.


    So I guess the TL;DR of my post is that I would be against a voice modulator (hearing a voice already breaks immersion, so no need to try and shoehorn the immersion back in with poopy automated modulating that almost certainly couldn't be done well), but I would also be against in-game voice of any kind, though Brad already confirmed that it would be around.

    This post was edited by Temmi at December 28, 2016 10:55 AM PST
    • 1618 posts
    December 28, 2016 12:13 PM PST

    I would love voice modulators. But, it's best for a third party app. I think I would rather VR spends its limited resources getting the rest of the game out.

    I definitely like built in voice in games. For PUGs, I hate adding servers to random apps each time I join a team. Plus, I can always put an annoying person on ignore or turn down their volume.

    Nothing is worse for my immersion than having to read a chat box, especially during combat. That's why I am really sad that there is not voice acting in Pantheon. But, I understand how much budget that takes, so I will accept it lacking here.

    • 1618 posts
    December 28, 2016 12:15 PM PST

    Temmi said:

    I really hate in-game voice programs. I will not be using one. The moment I figure out how to disable it in-game, I will.

    I'm a female gamer and have been on the bad side of harrassment and stalking far too many times to even consider using the option.

    I play DOTA2, and used to play moderately competitively, and it was the community (given power by the in-game voice) that ultimately made me mostly stop playing. If my usual team wasn't around, I'd queue in for a pick-up-group, and if I was stupid enough to speak, even if it was saying something as simple as "I'll support you bot!" or "Windrunner, can you nab the courier?" the responses I would get were just...repulsive. "Can I finger you?" "Omg, a girl!" "Are you lesbian?" "Wanna ****?" All of these are things I heard on a regular basis, and it disgusts me.

    While DOTA2 may be an extremely bad community (probably goes without saying), a year of ranked gaming with that and I don't think I'll ever voice with strangers again.


    So I guess the TL;DR of my post is that I would be against a voice modulator (hearing a voice already breaks immersion, so no need to try and shoehorn the immersion back in with poopy automated modulating that almost certainly couldn't be done well), but I would also be against in-game voice of any kind, though Brad already confirmed that it would be around.

    In all the games my wife and I have played, she has never ran across that. If anything like that ever happened, we would simply boot the person or leave ourselves.

    • 61 posts
    December 28, 2016 12:24 PM PST

    I would be happy to have VR leave a voice modulation program to someone other than their core developers, but I think it should be overseen by VR to be sure it fits in with their vision.   I'm thinking an open source project lead by someone at VR would be awesome.  I would be happy to build it.  You want it using a Unity plugin?  No problem.  You want it as a separate golang application?  I'll get on it.  Heck, if you wanted it written using Fortan but only in Pig Latin, I'll see what I can do.

    This post was edited by bluefoxcode at December 28, 2016 12:24 PM PST
    • 521 posts
    December 28, 2016 12:25 PM PST

    probably best to leave such things in he hands of third parties, besides there already a free one

    • 1434 posts
    December 28, 2016 9:53 PM PST

    Simple solutions to all of the above.

    Options menu.

    Voice: Everyone [ ], Guild [ ], Group [ ], Off [ ].

    Modulation Self: On [ ], Off [ ].

    Modulation Others: On [ ], Off [ ].

    This post was edited by Dullahan at December 28, 2016 9:53 PM PST
    • 20 posts
    December 29, 2016 12:28 PM PST

    Personally, I think there are bigger fish to fry than an in-game voice chat. I understand that some enjoy VOIP, but third party programs work just fine for most MMOs.

    • 1618 posts
    December 29, 2016 2:57 PM PST

    Dullahan said:

    Simple solutions to all of the above.

    Options menu.

    Voice: Everyone [ ], Guild [ ], Group [ ], Off [ ].

    Modulation Self: On [ ], Off [ ].

    Modulation Others: On [ ], Off [ ].


    • 1618 posts
    December 29, 2016 2:59 PM PST

    Brandus said:

    Personally, I think there are bigger fish to fry than an in-game voice chat. I understand that some enjoy VOIP, but third party programs work just fine for most MMOs.

     For guilds maybe. For PUGs, no way. Too many different programs and too many different servers. I am not reconfiguring for every group.

    Luckily, they have already confirmed in game voice. I hate typing during combat.

    • 1618 posts
    December 29, 2016 3:00 PM PST

    HemlockReaper said:

    probably best to leave such things in he hands of third parties, besides there already a free one

    I will have to try this. I need a good Ogre voice.