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Appearance Gear and Weapons

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    • 9115 posts
    March 2, 2016 1:23 AM PST

    Aenra said:

    I get that :)

    And obviously it is the central tenet of any themepark game, "earning" your gear. Our difference, if we left out the arguments and moved on to pure opinion, is that i am proud of my gear anyway and regardless. It doesn't have to look like a lit up xmas tree for me to feel better about it, and it definitely doesn't have to be in anyone's 'face' for me to feel accomplished and/or better about myself. I don't 'raid' so as to show off, or even hope for showing off. Got nothing to prove, nor am i in a postion where, indirectly, i could get satisfaction from someone gawking at me. That's not why i like raiding, that's not why i value gear, proggression, or accomplishing something difficult. If i got it, i got it for me. That's reason and justification enough. I don't get any kicks by my pixels showing as 'longer'. My actual size remains unchanged regardless of the virtual one. You know what changes? Two people having earned the same gear? Their personality. THAT's what i look for. And you don't see that by the lit up xmas tree, you see it by giving them (wardrobe) options. As a developer. Because it's an MMO..

    Anyway, to each their own. Assuming a certain degree of patience is there, i have pretty much said all i could, so much to your satisfaction am sure, i will bother you no more. Promise! :)

    (if it needs be said, no offense was meant to anyone here. I know there's a fine line between being honest and being offensive and my intent was to be honest. I prefer it when people know exactly what i think, and why. If taken otherwise, my apologies)

    Absolutely man and no offense taken at all, we can all discuss things in a mature fashion and still disagree or debate topics calmly and still be friends afterward! :)

    • 9115 posts
    March 2, 2016 1:27 AM PST

    Kayo said:

    Kilsin said:

    I am curious as to why there has to be "appearance gear" in the first place a

    If by appearance gear you mean like a Tuxedo set with no stats or what have you...yeah, I dont care if theyre in. Those are usually out of place, or seasonal, which are usually out of place. If the devs can manage to put in some setting appropriate "appearance gear" then so be it, I can see why a Warrior would look out of place fighting a dragon in a ballroom dress.

    However, if by "appearance gear" you mean other combat gear I can put on an "appearance" tab, then obviously its because for the majority of the game we are out fighting/adventuring/etc ... we want to look at our character wearing GearA because we think it looks better than GearB for what ever reason. Both can be made by crafters or sold by vendors. Not sure what the angle was there but if its cash shop "appearance gear" then you are totally misunderstanding.

    Why does the armour, weapons, stats and buffs all have to stay magically hidden while displaying entirely different items for show but allowing the character gain a benefit from the hidden gear?

    For the same reason we dont go into a raid naked, it not very practical, its not just for show. Because sometimes end game BiS gear looks horrible and we prefer the gear we may or may not have worked equally as hard to get. Or maybe sometimes a player doesnt want to look ridiculous and/or menacing and prefers to have a more normal realistic appearance for HIS character? 

    Not saying this is what VS has in the works but some "crazy" players out there might think this type of epic:

    ... is ridiculous, inefficient and even laughable that any Warrior worth his chainmail would ever carry any of those monstrosities into combat. Someone might prefer something a little less absurd like:

    Or maybe something in between, maybe they even want it the other way around. Doesnt make it less heroic, or epic. Seriously, there are like a million reasons why someone would want to have a different look, the real question on my mind is what is it to any of you?

    Nimryl said:

    We should proud/excited by getting that armour piece- with it's unique graphic and effects... It's a trophy to your accomplishments like you said... and thats what your character should represent. If custom armour/effects are added or even just the abilitie to swap pieces, it kinda takes that away from that item feeling "special" to just "meh who cares".

    Again, whats it to you? If YOU or YOUR characters main concern is to carry a status symbol then so be it. Do it. For the record, EVERY piece of gear my character will get is my/his accomplishment. I did it. I contributed, did what was needed, won the roll, what ever. What makes one of MY accomplishments better than the other to someone else? I find it hard to understand how MY item, on MY inventory, looking like another one of MY owned gear sets somehow takes away any of YOUR "feelings" towards an item. Either way it goes both ways. I dont know about you, but Id get a much better "feeling" of special when its not worn by almost every end game raider in the server. The less have it on "display", the more "special" it is.

    I remember the old days we used to whisper one another on a raid item "/tell Wow! Look at the graphic on it!".. or you see someone stop and say "Where did you get that from?". If you add in appearance changes, no one will bother/notice as effects n' such will be common place. It provides more player interaction by not customising appearance/gear and it'll make all items in the game feel that little bit more unique.

    Not every item has to be the most amazing looking item in the land....... it's unrealistic.

    Ok sorry this is just getting ridiculous now. How can anyone possibly believe this minuscule occurence is more important than a players personal preference for his own character? First of all, youre assuming everyone will be hiding their shiny hard earned weapon, every time? Second, you talk like youll never see an epic rare being worn (by someone else, mind you) unless THEY are forced to have it displayed on THEIR character, for YOUR viewing pleasure. Seriously?

    I don't mind someone wearing a tuxedo in and around towns/cities or even in a dungeon or raid environment but as long as they get their ass kicked for not having any proper armour on and don't have magical armour stats hiding under their tux! ;)

    It doesn't matter if end game gear looks horrible, ask the devs to make better looking armour and in the mean time take it off when you finish fighting and using its benefits to save your life and put something better looking on! lol :)

    • 9115 posts
    March 2, 2016 1:37 AM PST

    Liav said:

    Kilsin said:

    Please stay on topic, I won't close this, I will have to delete posts instead to clean it up and I don't want to have to do that, it is an interesting topic that I want to see continue in a mature fashion.

    I am curious as to why there has to be "appearance gear" in the first place and not instead actually let players purchase these items from NPCs and let crafters make real clothing items, like shirts, pants, dresses, hats, jewellery, shoes, boots and let players take their combat armour off and put their formal or casual clothing on? Why does it have to be "appearance gear", Why can't it be real physical gear that has value and a place in the game?

    Why does the armour, weapons, stats and buffs all have to stay magically hidden while displaying entirely different items for show but allowing the character gain a benefit from the hidden gear? I am trying to get my head around this line of thinking so I understand it better as I am not sure what the big deal is about having to take it off and put it back on again when you are in and out of combat, wouldn't that be more immersive and in the nature of RPing than pretending to be wearing something while actually wearing something you need to survive underneath?

    Honest question, did appearance gear affect you that adversely in VG as well? I'm not arguing that there has to be appearance gear, more that I just really really want it.

    -I will inevitably not like every single armor skin as much as others. Being able to use the skins I want to make my character more aesthetically pleasing is desirable for me.

    -Having the ability to reskin your armor goes a long way towards reducing homogenization of character appearances, otherwise we'll just all look the same in our best in slot gear.

    -Immersion doesn't even factor into the conversation for me, personally, but immersion also isn't quite as important to me.

    While I foresee that you will retort with "why can't you just take your normal armor off in the city and wear casual clothes" it still fundamentally avoids addressing the fact that I want to look aesthetically pleasing 24/7. That includes combat or any other activity.




    Not really, it was mandatory that most raiders take their appearance gear and /anon off so Guild Leaders, Raid Leaders and Officers could view their gear, so it wasn't allowed to affect hardcore serious raiding but in groups it was annoying as people would use it to hide their gear that was 10-20 levels below their current level. I would have adjusted my group around that person if they needed help obtaining level appropriate gear but to hide it and drag the group down is a bit annoying. 

    On the immersion side of things, as immersion is important to me, it does bother me a bit but I can avoid those players and select to play with others who show their true combat gear and I don't want to stop people who do enjoy wearing different gear or dressing up, it can be a lot of fun but my view is that you should take your combat armour off if you want to put on more casual/social/formal clothes or costumes and lose any benefit that combat gear would otherwise provide you while it was on.

    To come from a different angle and putting the whole "take combat gear off and put other gear on" aside for a minute, players can just find better looking armour, there will be many different sets of armour in Pantheon, not all of them will be ugly, so maybe that could be motivation and an in-game goal to work towards, earning attractive armour so you can look good while killing Spiders and Skellies ;)

    • 9115 posts
    March 2, 2016 1:41 AM PST

    IndecentMonk said:

    Kilsin said:

    Please stay on topic, I won't close this, I will have to delete posts instead to clean it up and I don't want to have to do that, it is an interesting topic that I want to see continue in a mature fashion.

    I am curious as to why there has to be "appearance gear" in the first place and not instead actually let players purchase these items from NPCs and let crafters make real clothing items, like shirts, pants, dresses, hats, jewellery, shoes, boots and let players take their combat armour off and put their formal or casual clothing on? Why does it have to be "appearance gear", Why can't it be real physical gear that has value and a place in the game?

    Why does the armour, weapons, stats and buffs all have to stay magically hidden while displaying entirely different items for show but allowing the character gain a benefit from the hidden gear? I am trying to get my head around this line of thinking so I understand it better as I am not sure what the big deal is about having to take it off and put it back on again when you are in and out of combat, wouldn't that be more immersive and in the nature of RPing than pretending to be wearing something while actually wearing something you need to survive underneath?

    Kilsin, I'll put in my personal reason here, but it may not hold true with everyone.

    For me, it's simply that I may disagree with the developers as to what is the most appropriate look for my character when adventuring.  I know in past games I have genuinely preferred to be decked out in slightly older and grungier looking armour.  Armour that looks like it's been through a few battles and isn't sparkling new.  Or even if I do like it to be sparkling new, I've also had it where I just feel like a particular piece of armour in my required raiding gear just makes me look like a clown.

    Yes, I can see where the opinion comes from that says that's what would actually happen and it's a truer testament of what my journey has been, but if I'm going to be stuck feeling like my character looks like a clown for the next X months as I keep trying to find a replacement piece, then that will significantly detract from my enjoyment of the game.

    I understand that mate and playing a Rogue main in VG and wearing T3 PotA armour, I really do understand! lol but that is on the Devs and artists to make armour that is a variety of lore friendly and immersive colours, styles and patterns, if the players are stuck for options then that is a fault of ours, not yours and we shouldn;t compensate with silly alternatives for people to wear over the top of their combat armour, in my opinion, we should update the game with more variety of armours :)

    • 103 posts
    March 2, 2016 6:31 AM PST

    Kilsin said:


    I don't mind someone wearing a tuxedo in and around towns/cities or even in a dungeon or raid environment but as long as they get their ass kicked for not having any proper armour on and don't have magical armour stats hiding under their tux! ;)

    It doesn't matter if end game gear looks horrible, ask the devs to make better looking armour and in the mean time take it off when you finish fighting and using its benefits to save your life and put something better looking on! lol :)

    What the? ... ok this topic is giving me a headache now. I think I was pretty detailed (even excessively so) on the the issue, maybe you misunderstood. Tuxedo's probably dont belong in the Pantheon world... I wouldnt want to see that anywhere, since it wouldnt make sense to have late 19th century fashion in a more medieval fantasy setting. Surprised you would considering your position on this.

    Anyway, what do you mean it does matter how end game gear looks like... wtf? Seriously? We have to wear that for a longer time than anything else. I dont know how I or anyone has given off the idea that anyone cares about the gear they wear while hanging around town, or that this appearance thing is to stand around showing it off. Its not, its for my own preference and customization of my own character. Saying 'too bad' and that it "doesnt matter" that we feel our character looks like crap during quests, during raids, farming, grinding, or the rest of the 90% of the game when we're we're in combat, isnt a very productive outlook towards players, btw. Nor is saying to go whine to the devs to do a better job next time any better. Frankly, I find your response quite ignorant and dismissive. You do realize whether or not something looks good is subjective to each person, right? That everyones opinion on "looks good" is different? How about everyone gets to worry about their own character and wether or not they want to play (not just hang around town) with some ridiculous flashy weapon or not, huh?

    This post was edited by Kayo at March 2, 2016 6:38 AM PST
    • 2130 posts
    March 2, 2016 6:52 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    I understand that mate and playing a Rogue main in VG and wearing T3 PotA armour, I really do understand! lol but that is on the Devs and artists to make armour that is a variety of lore friendly and immersive colours, styles and patterns, if the players are stuck for options then that is a fault of ours, not yours and we shouldn;t compensate with silly alternatives for people to wear over the top of their combat armour, in my opinion, we should update the game with more variety of armours :)

    The fact of the matter is that it's far too overly optimistic to think that players will not reach the highest tier content, figure out what is best for their characters, and then grow the best guild on the server into an army of clones wearing their best in slot pieces.

    I literally can not think of a way to prevent this unless you just started throwing randomized skins on armor with comparable stats.

    Kilsin said:

    we shouldn;t compensate with silly alternatives for people to wear over the top of their combat armour, in my opinion, we should update the game with more variety of armours :)

    I'm really disappointed with this particular sentence. It's pretty obvious that you're expressing a lot of bias here by using loaded terminology like "silly" and "over the top", while in the previous sentence acknowledging that it is 100% the responsibility of the developers to make attractive, immersive armor.

    I'm really annoyed with this because it's a complete misrepresentation of what we (the people on the pro-appearance side) want by and large. We don't want stupid tuxedos and cash shop armor skins. I want to be able to wear that cool armor set I got at level 30 because it was a huge milestone for me and the look fits my taste.

    My character isn't going to look "silly" and "over the top", I'm going to look like a badass who isn't a clone of every other person in my guild who figured out that X shoulders are best in slot.

    • 999 posts
    March 2, 2016 7:16 AM PST
    The problem with the pro side of appearance gear is it devalues the uniqueness of gear, even if the item had to be obtained first. If it's a completely new skin, it devalues gear even further.

    Part of what makes gear/itemization memorable is the rarity. You're trying to inject preference/opinion as accepted gameplay standards and view Kilsin's (and others) views as outlandish or unreasonable. It's like real life - those who scream for more acceptance (options in this case) are the least tolerant of opposing viewpoints. It's ridiculous - we get the opposing side - we just don't agree.

    Part of what I disliked about VG was there was so many items that hardly any items felt unique or prestigious.

    Adding skins or weapon mods effectively does the same, even if there's no new items it waters down itemization.
    • 428 posts
    March 2, 2016 7:27 AM PST

    In EQ2 they had relic armor.  It was fairly hard to get and required a lot of farming to get a full set.  For the Paladin class it was a bright yellow.  I always thought it looked awesome.  when EQ2 added appearance tab for armor I went back  and farmed a fulls et and wore it for years.  I had all sorts of raid gear that glowed shinned had partical affects and looked amazing but I wanted the yellow armor because it made my Paladin  look like this holy warrior and I took 2x raids into a  zone no one used for a year to farm for that gear.

    Any group or raid leader worth anything will always inspect his troops regardless of appearance gear.  We always inspected everyones gear to make sure they had the right set on for raid gear .  We did it for years before appearance gear and did it after it was added.


    Using appearance gear in no way takes away from rare items value for the simple fact is most appearance gear people want sucks coimpared to the amazing stuff.  All it does is add different looks instead of 10 thousand identical looking crusaders be cause we all wore the same gear.  You dont even have to make special appearance gear you can just have it so old armor can be put into the apperance tab.

    • 999 posts
    March 2, 2016 7:40 AM PST

    Kalgore said:


    Any group or raid leader worth anything will always inspect his troops regardless of appearance gear.  We always inspected everyones gear to make sure they had the right set on for raid gear .  We did it for years before appearance gear and did it after it was added.

    Using appearance gear in no way takes away from rare items value for the simple fact is most appearance gear people want sucks coimpared to the amazing stuff.  All it does is add different looks instead of 10 thousand identical looking crusaders be cause we all wore the same gear.  You dont even have to make special appearance gear you can just have it so old armor can be put into the apperance tab.

    I'm not disagreeing that raid leaders wouldn't inspect players regardless, but that wasn't my point.  Your second paragraph doesn't invalidate my point that appearance gear waters down itemization.  You're adding more looks (even if they're old weapon/armor graphics) for items.  So, if there were only 3 BiS items before that were readily identifiable, you effectively made it where there could be an endless variety, which ruins visual item recognition and meaning to the item.  No one was arguing that appearance gear should have stats in either the pro/con side, so I'm not sure why you even raised that point.

    So it boils down to preference, Pro side wants variety, Con side wants recognition and realism.  Both sides could be argued for vanity.  Probably will boil down to a toggleable slider as suggested earlier, but neither side is right, it is all just preference - I jumped back in the fray due to the ridiculousness of the pro side arguing their opinions as fact and all others being unreasonable.


    • 142 posts
    March 2, 2016 9:12 AM PST

    I've only read the last few pages of this thread, so if this was brought up, I apologize.

    But there really is a simple solution to this issue. Just give players a box to check/uncheck in the options menu. "Hide Appearance Gear" "Show Appearance Gear".

    Or just a simple text command "/hide appearance" or "/show appearance".




    Both sides get what they want.

    Appearance can dress up how they want.

    Actual can ignore Appearance and see actual gear.



    I would also add that wearing Appearance gear should effect your weight/encumbrance, if indeed that is a feature of Pantheon. If not, then people could just carry an alternate set of Resist gear on their Appearance paper doll. Inventory is also something that should be effected. Appearance gear should have to take up inventory space even if its on the paper doll. If not, again, its just another way to carry a full set of alternate gear without the consequence of reduced inventory.



    This post was edited by Homercles at March 2, 2016 9:35 AM PST
    • 1778 posts
    March 2, 2016 9:36 AM PST
    This doesnt necessarily fix the problem of gear you dont like the looks of and I might be wrong on what the devs ultimately do. But the devs have talked about multiple atmospheres and even the possibility of having to go through a few different atmospheres in a say a dungeon. They also talked of something maybe along the lines of FFXIVs Armory system (wasnt worded that way but rrminded me of it). This would be in order to help you quickly out of combat change gear without having to search through 1000 pieces of gear every 100 meters.

    This same type of system (should it exist) could also be used to create a "town" gear set with existing dungeon and raid gear etc. People do this in XIV. I did it in XI through gear swap macros. Anyways its just a possibility.

    That being said Im not sure people should get too overly attached to specific gear sets (be it for looks or stats). Because situational gear will likely ensure you wont be staying in a particular gear set based only on stats but atmosphere as well.

    I know a lot of this hasnt been fleshed out yet so might need to see how it turns out. But if anything like XI you changed gear often and there was no appearance gear so sometimes you looked great and other times you didnt. Because you swaped in what was effective. Not what made you look cool.
    • 66 posts
    March 2, 2016 1:09 PM PST

    i see people talking about T3 POTA gear from VG, i tried searching for it to see what it looks like.... but i cant find it, i'm now REALLY curious what it looks like, anyone have any pics of them?

    • 9115 posts
    March 2, 2016 3:20 PM PST

    Kayo said:

    Kilsin said:


    I don't mind someone wearing a tuxedo in and around towns/cities or even in a dungeon or raid environment but as long as they get their ass kicked for not having any proper armour on and don't have magical armour stats hiding under their tux! ;)

    It doesn't matter if end game gear looks horrible, ask the devs to make better looking armour and in the mean time take it off when you finish fighting and using its benefits to save your life and put something better looking on! lol :)

    What the? ... ok this topic is giving me a headache now. I think I was pretty detailed (even excessively so) on the the issue, maybe you misunderstood. Tuxedo's probably dont belong in the Pantheon world... I wouldnt want to see that anywhere, since it wouldnt make sense to have late 19th century fashion in a more medieval fantasy setting. Surprised you would considering your position on this.

    Anyway, what do you mean it does matter how end game gear looks like... wtf? Seriously? We have to wear that for a longer time than anything else. I dont know how I or anyone has given off the idea that anyone cares about the gear they wear while hanging around town, or that this appearance thing is to stand around showing it off. Its not, its for my own preference and customization of my own character. Saying 'too bad' and that it "doesnt matter" that we feel our character looks like crap during quests, during raids, farming, grinding, or the rest of the 90% of the game when we're we're in combat, isnt a very productive outlook towards players, btw. Nor is saying to go whine to the devs to do a better job next time any better. Frankly, I find your response quite ignorant and dismissive. You do realize whether or not something looks good is subjective to each person, right? That everyones opinion on "looks good" is different? How about everyone gets to worry about their own character and wether or not they want to play (not just hang around town) with some ridiculous flashy weapon or not, huh?

    It was a tongue in cheek statement to let someone dungeon crawl with a tux, I was having some fun with your example which is why I said they should "get their ass kicked", I wouldn't actually group with anyone wearing a tux!

    Gear can be replaced with other gear, there is also different forms of progression in Pantheon, so what I meant by it doesn;t matter what end game gear looks like, I meant in terms of general gear, not your uber raid or epic gear and again, it comes down to the artists making gear that looks good.

    Again, this is all personal opinion, I don't personally like appearance gear, that is my personal stance, you are free to disagree but there is no need to try and argue with me over my own opinion!

    • 9115 posts
    March 2, 2016 3:32 PM PST

    Liav said:

    Kilsin said:

    I understand that mate and playing a Rogue main in VG and wearing T3 PotA armour, I really do understand! lol but that is on the Devs and artists to make armour that is a variety of lore friendly and immersive colours, styles and patterns, if the players are stuck for options then that is a fault of ours, not yours and we shouldn;t compensate with silly alternatives for people to wear over the top of their combat armour, in my opinion, we should update the game with more variety of armours :)

    The fact of the matter is that it's far too overly optimistic to think that players will not reach the highest tier content, figure out what is best for their characters, and then grow the best guild on the server into an army of clones wearing their best in slot pieces.

    I literally can not think of a way to prevent this unless you just started throwing randomized skins on armor with comparable stats.

    Kilsin said:

    we shouldn;t compensate with silly alternatives for people to wear over the top of their combat armour, in my opinion, we should update the game with more variety of armours :)

    I'm really disappointed with this particular sentence. It's pretty obvious that you're expressing a lot of bias here by using loaded terminology like "silly" and "over the top", while in the previous sentence acknowledging that it is 100% the responsibility of the developers to make attractive, immersive armor.

    I'm really annoyed with this because it's a complete misrepresentation of what we (the people on the pro-appearance side) want by and large. We don't want stupid tuxedos and cash shop armor skins. I want to be able to wear that cool armor set I got at level 30 because it was a huge milestone for me and the look fits my taste.

    My character isn't going to look "silly" and "over the top", I'm going to look like a badass who isn't a clone of every other person in my guild who figured out that X shoulders are best in slot.

    Raidan summed it up pretty well for me but just to add:

    Well there wasn't clones of top level guilds in EQ, there was mostly in VG due to the devs creating archetype sets instead of custom class sets of armour, so again, if Pantheon takes that path and makes grouped sets of specific armour for end game, then yeah, everyone will look the same for a period of time until they need to progress again if they are able to obtain that armour, a lot won't be able to but in my opinion, there should be better itemisation to allow similar stats on many sets of gear so people can pick and choose to wear what they like with suitable stats for their classes without having to wear "silly" appearance gear. ;)

    I am biassed because it is my opinion man, that is what I like, what I would like to see happen and how I think it should be implemented, like with many things in life, we don't have to agree, I think it looks silly in instances where tanks wear monk robes or full casters wear plate armour for "looks", if that person is you in-game then that is fine, that is how you like to play, I am not going to tell you to stop but I will express my opinion of how I dislike it if the topic is raised and then move on. :)

    • 9115 posts
    March 2, 2016 3:43 PM PST

    Furty said:

    i see people talking about T3 POTA gear from VG, i tried searching for it to see what it looks like.... but i cant find it, i'm now REALLY curious what it looks like, anyone have any pics of them?

    There was an awesome collection of class-specific armour sets on the official SOE forums but that has long been closed, so a lot of the images are gone or saved in private guild websites, I was able to find this picture, which may be tough for non-VG players to differentiate between the classes but basically the huge plate shoulders are tanks, some of the casters look ok but the main problem a lot of us had was the medium gear, that character just off front/centre with a flaming sword, it was a weird green/brown vomit colour and made us look like the Michelin man with ribbing!

    Not all of it was bad though, some sets looked quite nice but all medium armour got screwed, my Epic Rogue and Epic Shaman both looked hideous but I liked my Dread Knight and Psionicists gear :)

    The link if you want to zoom in and enlarge the pic which is taken from the Brotherhood of the Spider guild site (BotS)

    src="" alt="">

    • 2130 posts
    March 2, 2016 5:38 PM PST

    Once again you completely missed my point.

    "tanks wear robes"

    "casters wear full plate"

    "looking silly"

    The fact that you're citing these things tells me that you didn't even read what I said. I can't even begin to express my level of frustration with having stated multiple times that these things have nothing to do with what I'm asking for.

    You are responding to an argument I am not making.

    I'm going to be completely frank and say that my interest in this game has actually started to diminish and I'm honestly considering just writing it off based on nothing else except the fact that you, a staff member, have basically elected to ignore everything I'm saying and parrot the same objection (that has nothing to do with what we're asking for).

    1. Force players to only be able to equip the same armor types their class is allowed to wear.
    2. Do not add silly/weird armor/weapon appearance to the game.

    In two small sentences I have managed to solve the two things that you keep saying are a large part of the reason you object to appearance gear. At no point in time did I ever suggest that classes should be able to wear any armor type in their appearance slots, and at no time did I suggest that "silly" appearance items should be added.

    This post was edited by Liav at March 2, 2016 5:44 PM PST
    • 2138 posts
    March 2, 2016 7:42 PM PST

    I always liked my erudite cultural armor for role-play  occasions, and it was pretty decent in a pinch- that was my corpse run armor.

    Very sheer, like, gossamer. Although I did like the  different looks of of various looted/quested robes. I also liked how a different race wore the same robe it would look different. Like if a Human swapped a robe with a high elf, it would be noticibly cut differently on the human than the elf, same similar pattern and design, but just looked different. Like the "tea-pot" helm, same piece, but appeared different on the certain race.

    • 9115 posts
    March 3, 2016 1:53 AM PST

    Liav said:

    Once again you completely missed my point.

    "tanks wear robes"

    "casters wear full plate"

    "looking silly"

    The fact that you're citing these things tells me that you didn't even read what I said. I can't even begin to express my level of frustration with having stated multiple times that these things have nothing to do with what I'm asking for.

    You are responding to an argument I am not making.

    I'm going to be completely frank and say that my interest in this game has actually started to diminish and I'm honestly considering just writing it off based on nothing else except the fact that you, a staff member, have basically elected to ignore everything I'm saying and parrot the same objection (that has nothing to do with what we're asking for).

    1. Force players to only be able to equip the same armor types their class is allowed to wear.
    2. Do not add silly/weird armor/weapon appearance to the game.

    In two small sentences I have managed to solve the two things that you keep saying are a large part of the reason you object to appearance gear. At no point in time did I ever suggest that classes should be able to wear any armor type in their appearance slots, and at no time did I suggest that "silly" appearance items should be added.

    I don't do drama man, if you do not like my personal opinions or answers then move on, there is nothing stopping you from clicking past my post/opinion and moving onto something you enjoy reading or discussing, stopping to instigate an argument over someone's opinion is very petty and not an argument I will take up.

    If your interest of this game diminishes due to someone else's opinion on the internet, I would suggest taking a break from the forums for a while mate, there is a lot worse out there than an opinion on a games forum.


    Edit: Please stay on topic, a couple of posts have been cleaned up, any further off topic posts will also be removed, including single word replies and off topic arguments, this is a big topic to discuss for a lot of people, many of you have passionate feelings on how you like your gear/characters to look and many like the more natural look of displaying what you wear, many opinions will agree and disagree but there is no need to make personal attacks or harass others for having a different opinion, if you don't like their opinion or reply, then state your opinion and the reason why you like your opinion and leave it at that.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at March 3, 2016 2:00 AM PST
    • 1778 posts
    March 3, 2016 9:43 AM PST
    I still say both sides of this argument are not getting the bigger picture. With the alternate gear sets you will probably be more concerned with atmospheric stats then strictly best stats for your class. So whether you want to look good in cosmetic gear or or best in slot raid gear. You might end up wearing something that has more to do with survival then looks or overall best dps. I dont know this to be true but I think it a possibility. For instance lets say the best tank chest slot is from a fire based mob (overall best def parry HPs etc) But it has a huge reduction in cold resist. I dont care if its BiS or not you arent taking it to Raid the Ice Dragon in the ice zone. Speculation yes. But it could very well be the case.
    • 1714 posts
    March 3, 2016 9:54 AM PST

    Liav said:

    Once again you completely missed my point.

    "tanks wear robes"

    "casters wear full plate"

    "looking silly"

    The fact that you're citing these things tells me that you didn't even read what I said. I can't even begin to express my level of frustration with having stated multiple times that these things have nothing to do with what I'm asking for.

    You are responding to an argument I am not making.

    I'm going to be completely frank and say that my interest in this game has actually started to diminish and I'm honestly considering just writing it off based on nothing else except the fact that you, a staff member, have basically elected to ignore everything I'm saying and parrot the same objection (that has nothing to do with what we're asking for).

    1. Force players to only be able to equip the same armor types their class is allowed to wear.
    2. Do not add silly/weird armor/weapon appearance to the game.

    In two small sentences I have managed to solve the two things that you keep saying are a large part of the reason you object to appearance gear. At no point in time did I ever suggest that classes should be able to wear any armor type in their appearance slots, and at no time did I suggest that "silly" appearance items should be added.

    Your very own medicine! Tastes great, right?

    • 383 posts
    March 3, 2016 12:28 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Liav said:

    Once again you completely missed my point.

    "tanks wear robes"

    "casters wear full plate"

    "looking silly"

    The fact that you're citing these things tells me that you didn't even read what I said. I can't even begin to express my level of frustration with having stated multiple times that these things have nothing to do with what I'm asking for.

    You are responding to an argument I am not making.

    I'm going to be completely frank and say that my interest in this game has actually started to diminish and I'm honestly considering just writing it off based on nothing else except the fact that you, a staff member, have basically elected to ignore everything I'm saying and parrot the same objection (that has nothing to do with what we're asking for).

    1. Force players to only be able to equip the same armor types their class is allowed to wear.
    2. Do not add silly/weird armor/weapon appearance to the game.

    In two small sentences I have managed to solve the two things that you keep saying are a large part of the reason you object to appearance gear. At no point in time did I ever suggest that classes should be able to wear any armor type in their appearance slots, and at no time did I suggest that "silly" appearance items should be added.

    I don't do drama man, if you do not like my personal opinions or answers then move on, there is nothing stopping you from clicking past my post/opinion and moving onto something you enjoy reading or discussing, stopping to instigate an argument over someone's opinion is very petty and not an argument I will take up.

    If your interest of this game diminishes due to someone else's opinion on the internet, I would suggest taking a break from the forums for a while mate, there is a lot worse out there than an opinion on a games forum.


    Edit: Please stay on topic, a couple of posts have been cleaned up, any further off topic posts will also be removed, including single word replies and off topic arguments, this is a big topic to discuss for a lot of people, many of you have passionate feelings on how you like your gear/characters to look and many like the more natural look of displaying what you wear, many opinions will agree and disagree but there is no need to make personal attacks or harass others for having a different opinion, if you don't like their opinion or reply, then state your opinion and the reason why you like your opinion and leave it at that.


    Kilsin, did my post get deleted? I believe I was just agreeing with someone else, I wasn't name calling or anything of the sort. I promise :) 

    • 394 posts
    March 3, 2016 12:47 PM PST

    The idea that this topic in particular should be so contentious is insanity.

    I don't have any issue with appearance gear as long as it all fits within the overall design theme and artistic perspective of the game (i.e. I don't think Tuxedos should be a part of that design).

    In my mind, appearance gear doesn't neccessarily need to accomadate every slot either (think capes). Though it would seem strange to have it automatically disappear in an instant when combat is engaged. If appearance gear is equiped when combat is initiated then the player should suffer a penalty for having a walking cane equiped rather that their Zweihander.

    The best gear should be identifieable but only upon close inspection (0-12 feet), not from across the zone. Any visual embelishments (glows, etc.) should be subtle. For me, the artistry in the design of the item itself should maintain the most significanct of features.

    Rather than having an inspect function that gives players spoon-fed information about an item, they should be required to inquire about specific items to promote conversation and dialogue about said items and the experience in obtaining it. 

    Players should be comparitively geared (stats) and not neccessarily look like everyone else.

    I still wish that tradeskillers had more influence reagarding design features (the way items look) but I suppose that would be a tremendous effort overall for the design team.

    • 89 posts
    March 3, 2016 1:01 PM PST

    I dont think there should be a toggle for viewing appearance gear.

    I dont think there should be appearance gear at all.


    The thrill of seeing a max level character wearing something cool is completely negated by appearance gear and having a toggle diminishes what that max level player gets out of finding/wearing that item.  I want that thrill again of seeing someone in the world and thinking "someday I'm going to have that robe/bp".  Not having appearance gear goes a long to way toward making items have value again beyond stats and that goes along with what theyre trying to accomplish by creating an MMO with hand-placed loot.

    • 2130 posts
    March 3, 2016 1:20 PM PST

    ArchMageSalamar said:

    I dont think there should be a toggle for viewing appearance gear.

    I dont think there should be appearance gear at all.

    The thrill of seeing a max level character wearing something cool is completely negated by appearance gear and having a toggle diminishes what that max level player gets out of finding/wearing that item.  I want that thrill again of seeing someone in the world and thinking "someday I'm going to have that robe/bp".  Not having appearance gear goes a long to way toward making items have value again beyond stats and that goes along with what theyre trying to accomplish by creating an MMO with hand-placed loot.

    In what way does a toggle diminish anything? Saying it doesn't make it so.

    • 1714 posts
    March 3, 2016 2:16 PM PST

    Liav said:

    ArchMageSalamar said:

    I dont think there should be a toggle for viewing appearance gear.

    I dont think there should be appearance gear at all.

    The thrill of seeing a max level character wearing something cool is completely negated by appearance gear and having a toggle diminishes what that max level player gets out of finding/wearing that item.  I want that thrill again of seeing someone in the world and thinking "someday I'm going to have that robe/bp".  Not having appearance gear goes a long to way toward making items have value again beyond stats and that goes along with what theyre trying to accomplish by creating an MMO with hand-placed loot.

    In what way does a toggle diminish anything? Saying it doesn't make it so.


    You are frequently telling other people their opinions don't matter. It diminishes it for him, and many others, and if you can't understand why then why even bother having a discourse about it? He explained why in his post that you quoted and replied to. Come on...

    This post was edited by Keno Monster at March 3, 2016 2:16 PM PST