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How accurate were your 2023 predictions?

    • 810 posts
    December 28, 2023 8:24 PM PST

    We always see impossible predictions and doomsday prophets each year but did VR get as far as you had hoped in 2023? What do you expect for 2024? If that sounds familiar you may wish to look back and laugh at everyone who got it wrong last year.

    Special mention once again to Dorotea, so close but still so far: They will shock and surprise us all by rolling out alpha in December - beating the consensus predictions of 2024 or later.


    With a new year we have the perfect time to measure our expectations. Swirl those tea leaves, polish that crystal balls, or go big and start pouring your molten lead. What do see in 2024? I have been wrong every year in fairly unusual ways but clearly 2024 will be different.

    I am making just one prediction for 2024. We will see pets. From playing the PA I feel they are finally on the horizon. 2024 the year of the pet.


    edit: My phone post was formatted by a madman.

    This post was edited by Jobeson at December 29, 2023 11:23 AM PST
    • 233 posts
    December 29, 2023 3:14 AM PST

    I couldn't have predicted the game would become a joke and the devs would destroy everything they worked so hard to build over the years.
    I just left a guild ive been a member of for years all waiting to play pantheon, told them there's no point now game is dead on arrival if it ever gets there and left.

    My prediction for 2024.

    1. We get a "we hear you" apology, they make the rigt choice, remove survival and change back the art style, giving them hope for a good game.


    2. They shut down, people hate the game now (my last forum post i made months ago is stil top post, no one is moving on)

    No new players are interested, no one is making content on the game anyone, unless talking bad about it.

    They truly have no leg to stand on, the copers will realise soon.

    • 902 posts
    December 29, 2023 3:28 AM PST

    LMAO. Same old same old! Man get over it.

    I predict moving into alpha. Content will ramp up. More full time employees will enter the hallowed halls of VR. Graphics will improve (not sure by how much though). 

    I predict that we will be in a position to really understand if Pantheon has the bones to make a great game. So far most extrapolation has been guess work. 

    I predict that if this year goes well, then Pantheon will have legs. If this year doesn't go well, it may well be the end of the project. So far, I am optimistic.

    • 125 posts
    December 29, 2023 4:17 AM PST

    chenzeme said:

    LMAO. Same old same old! Man get over it.

    I predict moving into alpha. Content will ramp up. More full time employees will enter the hallowed halls of VR. Graphics will improve (not sure by how much though). 

    I predict that we will be in a position to really understand if Pantheon has the bones to make a great game. So far most extrapolation has been guess work. 

    I predict that if this year goes well, then Pantheon will have legs. If this year doesn't go well, it may well be the end of the project. So far, I am optimistic.


    I sincerely hope for the above but as a natural sceptic I think the whole year hinges on whether new external investment is sourced. In the best case scenario I agree with the above - all classes ready for alpha, a few new zones and alpha ready by end of Q3. 

    However as a betting man I would say Avendyr Pass released by Easter time and another 2x alpha weekends with general slow progress and the usual drama inbetween. 

    • 264 posts
    December 29, 2023 6:56 AM PST

    My prediction was so far off it's not even funny. I figured this game would be in alpha testing by the end of 2023 but no, it turns out there is only one completed zone. I thought a lot more would have been completed and being actively tested by the pre alpha crowd by now. Development somehow went BACKWARDS! Now I will say this: they have showed us something that is actually playable. The game is not vaporware. 2024 the only prediction I will make is the game will not launch in 2024.

    • 41 posts
    December 30, 2023 6:03 PM PST

    I think back in the day I predicted it would be released in 2022 or 2023 so what do I know. I really hope they are a lot farther along than they are letting us on to be, otherwise this game has many more years left. It is crazy that all we have seen in a long time is one zone and one race. 9 years for this is a

    • 1289 posts
    January 1, 2024 10:16 AM PST

    I can't find any of my previous predictions so I can't tell how accurate they's likely that I never made any haha.  But now that I'm here, here we go.

    I predict I will have a blast testing while continuing to make new friends.  
    I also predict that as things develop and change I will be excited to see those changes!  

    • 29 posts
    January 1, 2024 4:00 PM PST

    I predict the graphics get incrementally better, not drastically, from now through release. Alpha lands in q3 2024 after all classes except Bard & Necro become available, but there's still 1 or 2 races incomplete. Alpha lasts almost a full year while they build out the bulk of content, beta lands late 2025, and game releases end-2025. Anybody that wants this type of game but is still sitting on the sidelines on 1/1/24 is still skeptical of success at release and still doesn't buy the game and the server cost becomes quickly unsustainable. Many hearts are broken, including myself.


    I hope I'm wrong about funding and the game succeeds!

    This post was edited by maslo at January 1, 2024 4:00 PM PST