Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Flowers are nice

    • 729 posts
    May 8, 2022 7:14 AM PDT

    A flower is a pleasurable entity . And I propose that flowers should be overwhelming in presence and abundance in this crazy world being manufactured by a motley crew of miscreants.
    Flowers are not a permanent thing and can come and go (triggered by any number of events and the turning of time and changing of seasons).
    I'm imagining using flowers for foreshadowing, for MOB proximity, for node finding or for imminent climate changes. It can be used as an ingredient in cooking, being the addition to a recipe that causes something beneficial to become hazardous, or vice versa.
    They can be passive and non useful as an item but user to add dazzle and wonder to a scene.

    This post is just a hopefully encouraging assurance that we players would not fault the makers for using flowers everywhere with reckless abandon.

    Can I get a 'seconded' in the comments?

    NOTE: post created on a holiday morning dedicated in celebration of motherhood outside a florists.

    • 2093 posts
    May 8, 2022 8:37 AM PDT

    Lots of flowers would be nice. Lush foliage everywhere -except the tundra!- is fine by me.


    (Perhaps a bit of bleakness in the winter season, if only to make the Spring wildflowers more appreciated)

    • 888 posts
    May 8, 2022 10:32 AM PDT

    Here's some of my suggestions  and ideas. It's meant to spur creativity. 

    Flowers should...

    1. be seasonal, with different reasons for different flowers . If the game doesn't have season tech, flowers should have multiple colors and the art can be swapped every couple months to fake seasonal changes).
    2. Be different  color pallettes for different regions. 
    3. Have petals that can be blown off and fly around in high wind (it's fine to cheat and just create petals in wind without actually removing specific petals)

    Flowers could...

    1. Be pickable and wearable
    2. Turn in to fruit months later.
    3. Wither and die in the presence of undead or specific mobs (or necros). This would make for a fun way create foreboding and even allow for tracking.
    4. Cause players with low constitution to sometimes snifle or sneeze from seasonal allergies. This can be done by having a proximity to flowers checked once every hour or so and , if not in combat, roll a probability modified by constitution,  then trigger a sniffle emote .

    Disclaimer: none of the above should be construed a request to delay alpha or release to include these.

    This post was edited by Counterfleche at July 4, 2022 3:03 PM PDT
    • 2756 posts
    May 8, 2022 10:32 AM PDT

    StoneFish said:

    A flower is a pleasurable entity . And I propose that flowers should be overwhelming in presence and abundance in this crazy world being manufactured by a motley crew of miscreants.
    Flowers are not a permanent thing and can come and go (triggered by any number of events and the turning of time and changing of seasons).
    I'm imagining using flowers for foreshadowing, for MOB proximity, for node finding or for imminent climate changes. It can be used as an ingredient in cooking, being the addition to a recipe that causes something beneficial to become hazardous, or vice versa.
    They can be passive and non useful as an item but user to add dazzle and wonder to a scene.

    This post is just a hopefully encouraging assurance that we players would not fault the makers for using flowers everywhere with reckless abandon.

    Can I get a 'seconded' in the comments?

    NOTE: post created on a holiday morning dedicated in celebration of motherhood outside a florists.

    No, you cannot just get a "seconded" in the comments, as that one word reply would be agains the forum rules. But, I can and will say that flowers are indeed wonderful just for being themselves and the addition of even a proliferate and excessive amount would not be a bad thing.

    Also, I would like to see flowers being collected, gathered and maybe even offering a buff if you sit without a particularly busily flowered field!

    • 258 posts
    May 8, 2022 3:47 PM PDT

    Yeah, the ambient plays a great immersion of the world in video games. I personally like the idea of having flowers and realistic details that gives us that feel of immersion in a fantasy world where it feels peaceful and engaging. Great idea, StoneFish!

    • 9115 posts
    May 9, 2022 4:00 AM PDT

    This topic has been promoted for my CM content, please continue the discussion and have fun! :)

    "Hot Topic - Flowers Are Nice - How much Flora do you believe Terminus should have - An overwhelming amount of flowers, a bit here and there or something in between? Join in on this community-created question and let us know below: #MMORPG #CommunityMatters"

    • 74 posts
    May 9, 2022 7:33 AM PDT

    I'm a big fan of flora sprucing up the place. If not flowers, then shrubs or grass. If not those, then lichen and harsh scraggly weeds. Whatever fits the biome. So long as there is a nice slider in place to prevent lower-end computers from melting, I think there should be enough flora to dazzle. I'm really excited to see the Silent Plains as an example of this.

    • 3852 posts
    May 9, 2022 7:49 AM PDT

    And if it suddenly gets cold one can gather up all the petals and keep warm with a flowering inferno.

    • 326 posts
    May 9, 2022 10:55 AM PDT

    If we can avoid ESO zones such as Coldharbor and the Deadlands that would be great. As far as the amount of flora, I am sure that the team has a balance between performance and aesthetics already firmly in mind. I do love me some flowers in abundance...

    • 74 posts
    May 9, 2022 11:12 AM PDT

    Thunderleg said:

    If we can avoid ESO zones such as Coldharbor and the Deadlands that would be great. As far as the amount of flora, I am sure that the team has a balance between performance and aesthetics already firmly in mind. I do love me some flowers in abundance...

    Based on those names, I'm guessing they are barren? Deadlands sounds like some magical badness, so no surprise there. But if Coldharbor is just in a really cold (non-arctic) climate like it sounds like, then it's lazy with the tech they have nowadays to make it barren. Taigas and even tundras are actually full of grasses, mosses, marshes/bogs, flowers, and all other sorts of interesting and hardy flora.

    • 13 posts
    May 9, 2022 11:43 AM PDT

    Q: How much Flora do you believe Terminus should have - An overwhelming amount of flowers, a bit here and there or something in between?

    A: The short answer is- YES.
    All of the above. Depending on the aesthetics that you have chosen for a specific zone.

    Some zones should have an overwhelming amount of flowers.

    Other zones should have a bit here and there.

    While yet other zones may be nearly devoid of foliage altogether.

    This post was edited by Brohmur at May 9, 2022 11:48 AM PDT
    • 161 posts
    May 10, 2022 11:03 AM PDT

    About a couple decades ago, Big Basin State Park was ravaged by a forest fire. While technically, it was supposed to be closed for months afterwards, I was able to hike the trail from the mountains to the sea every weekend.

    Watching the forest grow back from the ashes was amazing. Over time, there were successive waves of different flora regrowing and spreading.

    Depending on the resources required, it would be immersive if dynamic distribution of flowers gave subtle clues to the larger dynamics of the world. For example:

    The presence or absence of harvestables.

    If large numbers of creatures had died and bled out on this very spot.

    The absence of flowers suggesting that nearby mobs had eaten or harvested them. Likewise, their presence indicating that those mobs were no longer in the area.

    Something is buried beneath.

    There is a spring nearby.

    There is a cave nearby.

    • 2138 posts
    May 10, 2022 11:35 AM PDT

    The angler fish scared me, you know the one, with the big eyes, the HUGE lower  dagger teeth that stick up almost beyond its upper lip. Coupled with the sinister legend of how it was 1. REAL and 2. that it had a light that it dangled in front of it to lure prey and 3. that it was in the deep. I imagined a situation where I was in the deep and panicing and seeking a safe place and seeing the light only to swim face to face with...! Did you know that angler fish is only like, 2 inches long at its max? its not 3x the size of an average human being, not at all, where did I get that idea?

    What im saying is, I think it would be neat if floral-scapes/designs were taken from Real world places. you know, like they flash on windows log in pages from time to time. The colored sands of wherever, the riotous rainbow of tulips in Denmark. or the like. they would be poantheon-ized for sure but I think it would be neat if it had some insporation from that and maybe a hint that it was taken from such a place so people playing could say how beautiful and then realize its also real real and doubly think how neat. Like corals with proper lighting underwater puts any black light poster to shame. kinda thing.

    • 729 posts
    May 10, 2022 12:13 PM PDT

    Balanz said:

    ... fowers gave subtle clues to the larger dynamics of the world. For example:

    The presence or absence of harvestables.

    If large numbers of creatures had died and bled out on this very spot.

    The absence of flowers suggesting that nearby mobs had eaten or harvested them. Likewise, their presence indicating that those mobs were no longer in the area.

    Something is buried beneath.

    There is a spring nearby.

    There is a cave nearby.


    Exactly the application I wish can be implemented.  

    I very much like the idea of something that grows where a MOB or player has recently perished.   The corpses lay until they are looted then a bed of flowers blooms or a ring of mushrooms.    Very nice ideas folks. 

    • 101 posts
    July 4, 2022 2:23 PM PDT

    Would I like the terrain to be on par with RDR2? Yes. Would most computers be able to handle it? Probably not.  Is it worth putting resources into having that slider to allow insane graphics for the 5% of gamers who will be able to see them? Absolutely.  First Impressions and wow factor are capable of making or breaking a game.