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Bags... inside of other bags.

    • 47 posts
    February 26, 2020 7:26 AM PST

    uhh spin on Calendors idea, mostly because I find it silly with more bags, what about just one bag but with a system for upgrading it, so as an exsample, start with 6 inventory slots and a bag with like 4 slots, then as you go along in the game and find things you'll be able to upgade the bag so it can hold more and has more weight reduction, give it like 8 slots for upgrades or something, so the function is basicly the same as with the bag system we have now, just where it's materials you "modify" the bag with instead of more bags.

    • 363 posts
    February 26, 2020 11:10 AM PST

    In Tibia this is actually how things worked. You could infinitely place bags inside of bags inside of bags. However, your limitation was your weight capacity, and each additional bag or backpack consumed some of that weight cap, along with the items inside it. The difference is there was no crafting in Tibia and 20 slot backpacks were dirt cheap and available at level 1. I feel if they did this in Pantheon it would hinder Tailors, and cause high capacity bags to have very little value. I don't think it's a good move for Pantheon.

    • 793 posts
    February 26, 2020 11:32 AM PST

    What's the point? If your going to just be able to mutlitply your available open slots by putting a 8 8 slot bags into a single slots inside an 8 slot bag, why not just have a 64 slot bag?

    The last thing I want to do is have to play russian dolls with inventory.

    I will add it would be nice to be able to re-label our bags and stuff, so I can label one "FOOD","WEAPONS","MISC","MATERIALS", etc

    So I can quickly identify a bag from my primary inventory window.




    • 71 posts
    February 26, 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Manouk said:I called it Manouks fancy bag the concept was a 12 slot bag of giant items, in each slot could hold a 10 slot bag opf large items, and in those a 8 slot bag of medium, and in there, 6 slot bag of small and in there, 2 slot bag of tiny, you get the idea- heh I know you do. In my description to open all the bags at once would be- as you mentioned- stressfull to say the least.

    It's pretty much the same idea as OP but in your suggestion you're just limiting the carry on amount for said bag. So in other words a 12 slot bag cannot carry another 12 bag, at most it'll carry something like a 10 slot bag. From there it'll just decrease until you can no longer find a smaller bag. So, in other words something like this this paint mock up. 

    Again it's an interesting concept but as others have stated, wouldn't just... you know. Adding in more slots would be better? I mean the only reason why I can see you needing a bag within a bag is for stuff like ammo for bows. Crafting supplies should be something you'd have stashed in somewhere like a bank. 

    • 793 posts
    February 26, 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Why even use bags, lets just have slots. If you need more, buy more (With a max of course).


    Only point of bags is ability to transfer items in groups, and organization. But why not just have the ability to select multiple items and drag them to the destination? The technology is there.


    • 2752 posts
    February 26, 2020 12:57 PM PST

    Bags are an additional point of character progression: Finding bigger bags, lighter bags, magical weight reduction bags, etc. One single bag or bags within bags sort of destroy that.

    • 1315 posts
    February 26, 2020 1:18 PM PST

    Iksar said:

    Bags are an additional point of character progression: Finding bigger bags, lighter bags, magical weight reduction bags, etc. One single bag or bags within bags sort of destroy that.

    I'm gona have to challenge you on that one.  A single backpack slot but with up to 8 modular runes will have just as much progression as 8 master bag slots.  Likewise specialty bags like on for herbalism that can hold up to 100 different herbs but still fits in a large slot in another bag also could be great for horizontal progression.

    To be fair though I think I would limit the bags within bags to one tier and the bags have different numbers of slots based on the item size that can go in it.  One sortable unified inventory is still a far better user experience, in my opinion anyway.

    • 1584 posts
    February 26, 2020 2:02 PM PST

    Deleted was already suggested

    This post was edited by Cealtric at February 26, 2020 2:04 PM PST
    • 67 posts
    February 26, 2020 5:59 PM PST

    Vandraad said:

    Infinite storage...that's bad. 


    Not really - bags inside of bags (even if full bags) would still have diminishing returns because the WEIGHT of the bag. If weight is a factor, then it would be pointless to have too many bags...or bags inside of bags unlesss they were all 100% weight reduction. Otherwise you would encumber yourself.


    I think its ok to have empty bags inside of a bag. No problem there. Or maybe size limitations - a large bag can have a small or medium bag in it but no bags of equal or larger size (just wouldnt make sense)


    I am against full bags inside of  full bags - but even if it is allowed in pantheon - a weight limit would quickly stop that from being a practical mechanic.


    • 801 posts
    December 23, 2023 7:23 AM PST

    Nephele said:

    I get wanting to organize but yeah, infinite storage is bad.


    It was horrible exploit in Dayz... i know we did it to post in bugs. 23 deep type thing. Worst thing that happened early on.

    • 1019 posts
    December 23, 2023 8:00 AM PST

    Ranarius said:

    It wouldn't be infinite storage (which I do agree is bad), but it maybe wouldn't be terrible to put a small bag inside a larger bag.  Maybe only a certain number of smaller bags fit into larget bags, etc.  

    But, with that said, I really like a small inventory (again goes back to making choices) and I'd rather they spend their time on other things.  

    Large bags are what, 10 slots?  A pouch could take up 4 slots if put inside, a satchel could take up 8...something like that.  So yeah you are basically able to put bags inside of larger bags, but you're not getting anymore space, you're just able to organize, like OP wants.

    • 902 posts
    December 23, 2023 8:05 AM PST
    Bags with stuff inside, inside other bags could work when the weight of it's contents is taken into consideration. So a small bag with 10lb of stuff would add to the overall weight. No infinite carrying and it would be a nice organisation thing.
    But I'm not bothered either way.
    This post was edited by chenzeme at December 23, 2023 8:05 AM PST
    • 514 posts
    December 26, 2023 1:23 AM PST

    I plaid a squishy. I had an 8 slot bag, a 6 slot bag, and 4 4 slot bags. Here's the thing, imbedded bagging can work because your inv really is based on weight - which i approve of. I could not fill up those bags before becoming too encumbered with resources etc. I always walked very slowly back to town with an empty space or two. If a player foolishly buys 6 10 slot bags and then tries to fill them up - they become targets for everything that wants your stuff. I had 8 12 slot bank boxes in the bank. It was barely enough for all of the crafting resources I had - almost all of my crafting/harvesting resources I got up to 25 points. The 12 slot bank boxes are HEAVY.  One bag usually threw me lightly over weight. 2 boxes slowed me down about 80 to 90%. So I had to make a box and carry it to the bank, then repeat. One thing I DO regret is the loss of weight on coin and non-auto conversion for coin. One of my fondest memories was putting a HUGE amount of copper on the ground and then watching noobs trying to carry it to the bank before a lvl 1 rat or snake kicked their butt. I would approve of giving weight to the bags themselves.  If you try to pack on 100 bags, the weight from it would slow you down a heap. And make carrying a box - even if you are a friggen giant of a warrior etc., a huge penalty.

    • 6 posts
    December 26, 2023 5:12 AM PST

    Bonechip said:

    It would be ince to be able to put bags with stuff in them... inside other bags.



    If you have a 4-slot bag with food and drink in it. You could put that bag into a different 8 slot bag. 

    It would still count toward your encumbrance, but it would free up more general inventory slots.


    This would help greatly for inventory management.

    No, I dont like it. Way to OP. Placing a bag into another bag works for a game like Escape from Tarkov, because each item occupy 1 to several slots and a bag you place inside another bag will occupy like 4x6 slots.

    • 1584 posts
    December 26, 2023 9:07 AM PST
    I feel we don't really need this bag inside of a bag scenario, like for one we could just add a feature to make a certain bag to collect specific items, also I think belts could have a pouch space specifically for food and water, as that does fit, but like if you have your first bag slot to collect ore than nothing will go into that bag until you start mining and therefore will help you organize your ore, along with everything else that you can think of when it comes to organization.
    • 47 posts
    January 2, 2024 3:15 AM PST

    However you should only be able to put an empty bag inside another bag, for example if a player wants to give a bag to another player or you have bought a bag and wants to insert it in the bank.

    This post was edited by Elmberry at January 2, 2024 3:16 AM PST
    • 190 posts
    January 2, 2024 5:33 PM PST

    I could see putting empty bags inside of another larger bag.  IE you are making bags to sell and not near the bank or town or something.

    • 2094 posts
    January 2, 2024 10:10 PM PST

    Kastor said:

    I could see putting empty bags inside of another larger bag.  IE you are making bags to sell and not near the bank or town or something.

    That 's already the way it is. Some mobs drop bags. If you receive one and your char has an open slot for a bag, it goes in there. But if you already have all your slots full, it just goes into inventory like any other loot drop. And you can't put anything into it. Currently they don't stack either.