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CohhCarnage Pantheon Livestream: 12:00 Noon PDT Nov 7/19

    • 75 posts
    November 7, 2019 2:02 PM PST

    philo said:

    I loved the stream from last time with the racial passives.  We got a ton of good info. 

    As I sit here after today's stream I am left cranky.  It was nothing.  I don't care about graphics.  They were good years ago. What a waste.  I don't care about the border of the perception system pop ups.  Coh himself is fine but the people on his channel are uninformed and immature.  As soon as the stream ended he literally played 8 Ads in a row....8!  

    The one good bit of info was that the raid uses a wind shear atmosphere.  Maybe some of those small text boxes that I couldn't read will have useful information once I can go back and freeze frame?

    I was happy after the first stream about the racial passives and all the other great info.  I am left disgruntled after this one.  It was nothing.

    I'd agree it would be nice to have more in depth information on the game itself possible some game play. But from the sounds of what Cohh was saying and devs it did seem more to be targeted towards newer players just hearing about the game. As they seem to repeat that quite a bit. Funny thing is I said yesterday on the Umm forum post:

    MY guess is, IF they are indeed revealing something. Cohh will open up with his intro talk a little bit about missing Pantheon and hes been excited and that this is a special video. Followed by him playing a video of this picture (assuming its just a frame from a paused video) and it slowly just pans in to reveal Project Farethale completed or at least close to complete.

    Rest of the video will be them running around PF showing off everything they've done thus far.

    Just my prediction on it.

    And was pretty close to that lol. I wouldn't be too harsh about it though. This is the first video they've done in a while that's showcased the game. And even though we all want to see more footage of the game so we can get an ideo of when a possible Alpha launch will be, it was really nice to hear the devs speak so pationately about PF. Rather than the newsletters and reading in your own tone. You can tell they are truly happy with where things are going and sounds like they are having fun doing it, regardless of all the stress that's put on them.

    Hopefully with bi-weekly videos we'll get to go deeper and deeper into it. All in all I enjoyed the stream, but I do understand where you are coming from. And yes cohhs stream viewers were rather annoying but then again idk of any streams I've watched where chat doesn't act like that. I missed the ads at the end, since he was saying goodbye I left but that is odd. 8 ads in a row seems a bit excessive.

    • 220 posts
    November 7, 2019 6:24 PM PST

    @0:42 that scene looks like a raiding content

    • 184 posts
    November 7, 2019 8:30 PM PST

    All the waiting for that? I was left underwhelmed... Small bits & pieces were shared, but nothing that made me go WOW!


    Oh well.... The long wait continues....

    • 627 posts
    November 7, 2019 8:55 PM PST
    I though the stream was great! We already knew about the no gameplay part, so No surprice there rly. The in game footage of Farthale was fenominal to say the least, cant wait to see more.

    • 390 posts
    November 7, 2019 9:09 PM PST

    I am ok with todays stream. We knew it wasn't PH and wasn't game play. 

    I always WANT more, but I still like seeing in game stuff like the menu's and perception stuff. was pretty cool.

     It wasn't anything that is going to trigger more income (pledges). Don't think they will see any pledge money surge/increase without showing something big. 

    I am ready to give more, but not til i see WAY more / way bigger. 20 sec trailer: not enuf. By big, i mean PH Done. 

    This post was edited by Flapp at November 7, 2019 9:13 PM PST
    • 523 posts
    November 7, 2019 9:41 PM PST

    Thought the stream was an absolute bust.  We've been teased about Project Faerthale for the last 15 months, we didn't need another teaser.  All I got out of the stream was that it was a cash grab for Cohh's audience.  I hope it worked.

    • 627 posts
    November 8, 2019 2:39 AM PST
    And much love to Cohh, Always a plesure to watch!
    • 62 posts
    November 8, 2019 5:01 AM PST

    AbsoluteTerror said:

    @0:42 that scene looks like a raiding content

    Indeed.  VR confirmed on the stream that it was a raid with ~20 people.

    • 2756 posts
    November 8, 2019 5:41 AM PST

    A load of interesting info in this stream even though it was clearly also very much for an audience that is not familiar with the game or even the genre.

    Dev info in video newsletter promised every two weeks aimed at us lot.

    We know they are a small team working hard on an ambitious milestone.

    Not sure what more could be asked for.  Well done VR and thanks.

    • 85 posts
    November 8, 2019 7:33 AM PST

    Late to the party, but I wanted to chime in and say "Thank you guys!"


    The recent content, from the racial traits to the Cohh stream, has been awesome. I really appreciate the additional work it takes to communicate with us, and I love you for it. I have been critical of you guys for some things in the past, but I have nothing but praise for this stuff. And the progress made looks amazing.


    Keep it up, I might even put some more money where my mouth is.


    Edit: I just did actually.

    This post was edited by Kurgon999 at November 8, 2019 7:38 AM PST
    • 200 posts
    November 8, 2019 7:58 AM PST

    Kurgon999 said:

    Late to the party, but I wanted to chime in and say "Thank you guys!"


    The recent content, from the racial traits to the Cohh stream, has been awesome. I really appreciate the additional work it takes to communicate with us, and I love you for it. I have been critical of you guys for some things in the past, but I have nothing but praise for this stuff. And the progress made looks amazing.


    Keep it up, I might even put some more money where my mouth is.


    Edit: I just did actually.


    I want to contribute more, but i promised myself not till Alpha is in sight...

    • 1281 posts
    November 8, 2019 8:28 PM PST

    Enjoyed the new trailer and the new logo is cool looking. Thanks for sharing.

    • 124 posts
    November 9, 2019 4:11 AM PST

    I loved the stream, and I, for one, am glad the content isn't being vomited out like there's no tomorrow. Knowing everything, and seeing everything, before the game is even due for release is one of the worst things that could happen to a game, there would be nothing to explore and nothing to discover! From that perspective, I will need to be saved from myself by the devs, and that comes in the form of them constraining the release of information as the game progresses.

    People want to see more, and that's understandable, but don't ruin it for yourselves, leave something for when the game is finally here!

    Also, it's worth noting that, although there are complaints because of the desire to see more, that desire stems from overwhelming interest in the game, so it's not a bad thing in and of itself.

    • 2138 posts
    November 9, 2019 5:42 AM PST

    Awesome peek at Faerthale! and the lighting area- is that where the lighting things will be? that were teased at the end of one stream? I mean at the place where we saw 3D models in the stream just before the spriggans I think.

    Speaking of the models- know how some folks (of a younger heart age?) like to collect bionicles? I was thinking of those 3D models you have...reminded me of the old Universal studios monster plastic models you could buy and assemble (that also came with optional glow-in-the-dark pieces) taking that concept through the years to bionicles and painting miniatures for DnD and 3D printing..... Those models could maybe be purchased as merch? you could plan releases for all classes or NPC's and maybe charge a tad more for those with 3D printers and sell the 3D printer specs to those with 3D printers. Otherwise, like they did in WoW where you could buy a model of your character- buy models just like those mini diorama's you are showing of the NPC's? to ship to players? maybe charge more for a character replica that would be a bit larger. 

    I liked the aura around the dialogue box to indicate if its related to perception hints, its a nice visual queue. 

    I bet the chubby bat thing is probably one of those high-damage, low HP nusiance things, like the spiders in amberfaet.  I hope the only difference is they have an uncommon tendency to drop a rare tradeskill piece. In fact that would make those nuiscances more tolerable. If I have to deal with oodles of them all the time, I would be more willing to saw through them if I knew there was a chance to get a special something.

    I would like to add, that I am very pleased that the realization of the artwork in pantheon does not radically stray away from the concept art as finally presented. By that I mean, Faerthale actaully looks like the final concept art as presented. The races in pantheon game play actually look like the final concept art as presented. The NPC's in pantheon, actually look like the concept art as presented. They do not stray radically from the concept, to the game. 

    • 430 posts
    November 9, 2019 1:09 PM PST

    well The bat was annoying :P IMHO   hahaha its was fine but yeah a little big a little in your face lol 

    • 2756 posts
    November 10, 2019 5:17 AM PST

    Shea said:

    well The bat was annoying :P IMHO   hahaha its was fine but yeah a little big a little in your face lol 

    Hehe it's clear Jared is a tad quirky ;+)  Love it.

    • 175 posts
    November 17, 2019 2:48 PM PST

    The Cohh stream was great. Thank you VR for keeping us updated!