Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

    • 1584 posts
    July 5, 2019 3:00 PM PDT

    I'm sorry if this has alrdy been discussed but I couldn't find the search button on my phone.

    I am wondering if TGB (Target Group Buff) will be a thing or even just a grp buff in general, I know I have seen them in videos at least the group buff version, but I'm sure that was more for speeding up the process to showing us content and what they wanted us to see.  

    So will there be and do you think it is a good idea?  For me I would say it is because let's say you only had 2 shamans in your raid (feels bad) and they had to buff an entire raid instead of them casting it like 4 times they would have to cast the same spell collectively 24 times, and probably have more than one line of buffs to cast so what could lead to like 96 spells to cast.......that's a lot.

    I think it just allows the game to not feel as clunky as if you wiped and than have to do a corpse run (which I'm fine with in fact in favor of), but than have to sit and wait for a ton of buffs to come out which in EQ led up to at least 15 minutes of down time at a minimum if your lucky.  I'm not saying we need TGB but I can say I know our Buffers on all the progression servers were all happy when TGB became available so they didn't have to med up 5 times just to buff the raid because they became unlucky and became the only shaman in their raid.

    • 1281 posts
    July 5, 2019 4:44 PM PDT

    TGB was a great QoL feature added to EQ that fixed a problem but didn't break the game.

    • 1095 posts
    July 5, 2019 4:46 PM PDT

    Group Buff was an AA for outside groups. Should be in also for Mass Group Buff which is an AOE.

    MGB Harmony, instant lag. Pro.

    This post was edited by Aich at July 5, 2019 4:47 PM PDT
    • 411 posts
    July 5, 2019 5:22 PM PDT

    In my opinion it's a fix to an unnecessary problem. Buffs being a tedious chore doesn't seem like good game design. Pantheon's devs have talked about making real choices and I don't see making sure everyone in your raid has the full complement of 50 buffs as 50 choices being made. That said, if we end up with lots of buffs to deal with, then I'll take the QOL features happily :), but I'll still whine about a missed opportunity.

    • 1303 posts
    July 5, 2019 6:23 PM PDT

    I really like the mechanics around having many buffs. The more variety you have in the group/raid, the more buffs availabe to you. I'm also of the opinion that mechanics to subvert the abilty to provide buffs based on who is in your group are a negaitive. 

    • 247 posts
    July 5, 2019 6:57 PM PDT
    MGB in the future through something like an AA system or w quest would be great.

    Quality of life for raiding.

    Great for community interactions.
    Was always great to see a message in OOC for MGB KEI in 1 minute at the bank, running to go get it with everyone else and tipping the caster ;)
    • 74 posts
    July 6, 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    I think this comes from how the structure of the old EQ was

    there was not a raid tool or raid group, it was just individual groups that went together

    I also had a buff that could be negative, that's why many buffs were only for people in your group
    for example if you threw invis buff to a magician your pet disappears

    I believe that all this will be overcome in pantheon there will be a raid tool or raid group so your group buff will give the buff to all your raid group

    • 1019 posts
    July 8, 2019 6:51 PM PDT

    Oh, an acyronym game.  EQ was solid, tbh EQ2 with greater QOL features imho was the best mmorpg I've played with all it's AoE's PBoE's etc.  Actually, I don't know many acyronyms. IO

    • 239 posts
    July 10, 2019 11:04 AM PDT
    I could see this as a higher tier of some spells like they have mentioned before.. something to try for. Of course buffing was a tedious task. The cleric HP buff for example, the guy taking the hits needs HP, not the wizard in the back... but we got to the point where we will just buff the whole raid with every buf in the world. Sure it is good to have extra HP in case something goes wrong, that does not mean everyone gets more HP buffs.
    A higher skilled class that puts the time in to mastering their spell could possibly get an AoE buff or something. If not why not just join the group and you automatically get +AC and HP, and mana regin, save time for having to click the button all together.
    This may seem like a very small QoL thing, but it is more then that..yes on a corpse run you may only have mana to buff who need it at that time. Sit down, med, thingk of a plan before respawns. :)
    • 2419 posts
    July 10, 2019 1:37 PM PDT

    The progression of buffs in EQ1 from Single-stat, Single-Target to Multi-Stat, Single-Target to then Group-Target, Single-Stat then the end form of Group Target, Multi-Stat made you really appreciate those times when you went up in tiers.  But thinking back, it was just a total pain to buff groups with those single target buffs. There really is no justification for not having buffs be group target from the beginning.  Add in a longer cast time and increased mana cost to compensate.

    Detractors might say 'but X class doesn't need Y buff' to which I answer "So what?  What is wrong with having a buff over not having it?" Sure, a wizard does not benefit as much from a Strength buff as a melee class, but it also doesn't adversely impact the wizard either.  But a Stamina buff or a +HP buff?  Everyone definitely benefits.  Same for resistance buffs, AC buffs, run speed, enduring breath, etc, etc, etc.  There are more examples of everyone benefiting from a buff than not benefiting, so just make all buffs group targeted.  Then, from there, for those very specialized buffs you can make the argument for it being single target.

    Aich said:

    MGB Harmony, instant lag. Pro.

    I always wanted Mass Group Buff: True North.

    This post was edited by Vandraad at July 10, 2019 1:39 PM PDT
    • 1584 posts
    July 11, 2019 5:53 AM PDT
    It's seems like a the majority of people like have group buff available, that's good to know, yes I have to agree single target buffing was a pain, and yes it did have me appreciate grp buffing, but I also don't think I should have to wait 2 expansions to get it either, I could understand a challenge to get them for sure that would honestly only make it better for me as another achievement I've done.
    • 247 posts
    July 11, 2019 7:30 AM PDT
    You guys need to remember how Pantheon is being built regarding stats.

    STR does benefit a Wizard. It increases the damage of Fire based spells.
    Fire is INT STR CON
    Ice is INT DEX CON
    Arcane is INT WIS CON

    So many classes will want many more stats than you’re traditionally used to in other MMORPGs. Including max HP which is a modifier for certain spells or abilities (Some Cleric heals for example).