Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

what type of personality prefers to play what kind of class?

    • 1430 posts
    June 14, 2019 1:03 PM PDT

    there is no right or wrong here. it's based on personal experiences and observations.

    cleric: antisocial longing to be sociable
    dire lord: sadist that likes to see people suffer fast and intense.
    druid: sadist that likes to see people improve through hardship.
    enchanter: sadist that likes to see people suffer slow and mild.  control freaks.
    monk: self improvement junkies.
    paladin: an angry masochist.
    ranger: precisionists usually modest.
    rogue: elitists usually boisterous.
    shaman: mod junkies.
    summoner: autocrats.
    warrior: a happy masochist. 
    wizard: stat fact empirical rap spittin lyricist.

    This post was edited by NoJuiceViscosity at June 18, 2019 12:30 PM PDT
    • 1479 posts
    June 14, 2019 1:38 PM PDT

    I'm an Emo so I want to play a Direlord.

    • 372 posts
    June 14, 2019 1:41 PM PDT

    I'm Batman so I want to play a Direlord.

    • 1430 posts
    June 14, 2019 1:46 PM PDT

    I'm a Sadist so I want to play an Enchanter.

    • 2094 posts
    June 14, 2019 2:46 PM PDT

    I'm a well rounded person, so I want to play one of every class (if they give us enough slots) or an absolute minimum of one each: Tank, Healer, CC, Melee DPS, Magic DPS.

    • 1430 posts
    June 14, 2019 4:05 PM PDT

    MauvaisOeil said:

    I'm an Emo so I want to play a Direlord.


    actually i can see dire lords being emo... cuz they spill open their blood.  o wonder if someone is going to use the name slitwrists for dire lord. it's so edgy like BATMAN.

    • 1430 posts
    June 14, 2019 4:06 PM PDT

    Jothany said:

    I'm a well rounded person, so I want to play one of every class (if they give us enough slots) or an absolute minimum of one each: Tank, Healer, CC, Melee DPS, Magic DPS.

    yea i'm not sure about time commitment though.  you'll probably main a druid i'd say.  they can do a bit of healing, dps and cc.

    • 2094 posts
    June 14, 2019 4:53 PM PDT

    stellarmind said:

    yea i'm not sure about time commitment though.  you'll probably main a druid i'd say.  they can do a bit of healing, dps and cc.

    I'm retired and will have LOTS of time when the game releases :)

    I realistically expect my 'main' to be either my tank or my healer. The tank will likely be Dire Lord.

    I expected the healer to be Shaman, but I certainly intend to check out Druid before I settle on Shaman.

    So you 'may' be right!

    • 1430 posts
    June 14, 2019 5:18 PM PDT

    Jothany said:

    stellarmind said:

    yea i'm not sure about time commitment though.  you'll probably main a druid i'd say.  they can do a bit of healing, dps and cc.

    I'm retired and will have LOTS of time when the game releases :)

    I realistically expect my 'main' to be either my tank or my healer. The tank will likely be Dire Lord.

    I expected the healer to be Shaman, but I certainly intend to check out Druid before I settle on Shaman.

    So you 'may' be right!


    so many batman bois O.o

    • 454 posts
    June 14, 2019 8:40 PM PDT

    I think you you don’t like people much.


    stellarmind said:

    there is no right or wrong here. it's based on personal experiences and observations.

    cleric: antisocial longing to be sociable
    dire lord: sadist that likes to see people suffer fast and intense.
    druid: sadist that likes to see people improve through hardship.
    enchanter: sadist that likes to see people suffer slow and mild.
    monk: self improvement junkies.
    paladin: an angry masochist.
    ranger: precisionists usually modest.
    rogue: elitists usually boisterous.
    shaman: mod junkies.
    summoner: autocrats.
    warrior: a happy masochist. 
    wizard: stat fact empirical rap spittin lyricist.

    • 1430 posts
    June 15, 2019 7:13 AM PDT

    Questaar said:

    I think you you don’t like people much.



    what?! i like people! i like people more when they are suffering! one could even say it's love! besides i tend to be compatible with clerics, warriors, wizards, rangers and rogues. i've always bumped heads with shamans and paladins. all the other classes, i can work with them, but i'm not particularly fond of them ^.^

    • 193 posts
    June 17, 2019 8:17 AM PDT

    stellarmind said:

    there is no right or wrong here. it's based on personal experiences and observations.

    cleric: antisocial longing to be sociable
    dire lord: sadist that likes to see people suffer fast and intense.
    druid: sadist that likes to see people improve through hardship.
    enchanter: sadist that likes to see people suffer slow and mild.
    monk: self improvement junkies.
    paladin: an angry masochist.
    ranger: precisionists usually modest.
    rogue: elitists usually boisterous.
    shaman: mod junkies.
    summoner: autocrats.
    warrior: a happy masochist. 
    wizard: stat fact empirical rap spittin lyricist.

    *reaches in the game closet and pulls out a quart mason jar full of random-sided dice*

    *tosses jar full of dice on the table*

    *inspects each die and comes up with stellarmind's randomized random question of the day*

    Don't forget the bard and necro!



    • 1430 posts
    June 17, 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    Percipiens said:

    stellarmind said:

    there is no right or wrong here. it's based on personal experiences and observations.

    cleric: antisocial longing to be sociable
    dire lord: sadist that likes to see people suffer fast and intense.
    druid: sadist that likes to see people improve through hardship.
    enchanter: sadist that likes to see people suffer slow and mild.
    monk: self improvement junkies.
    paladin: an angry masochist.
    ranger: precisionists usually modest.
    rogue: elitists usually boisterous.
    shaman: mod junkies.
    summoner: autocrats.
    warrior: a happy masochist. 
    wizard: stat fact empirical rap spittin lyricist.

    *reaches in the game closet and pulls out a quart mason jar full of random-sided dice*

    *tosses jar full of dice on the table*

    *inspects each die and comes up with stellarmind's randomized random question of the day*

    Don't forget the bard and necro!



    *adjusts her cap*

    i see thou hast peered into the warp and seen madness

    *chuckles spritely*

    very well.  i shall entertain the.. eventual emergence of such classes

    *releases a latch from the side a cylindrical pouch attached to high on her left thigh to produce 2 20 sided dices*

    *she quickly pelts the dices on the misery monday table*

    ((the results per google dice roll are- 17 and 20!))

    *frows her brows*

    hmph.  to understand what this means,  we must look for a correlation between 17 to music and 20 to reanimation.  it's common that misunderstanding to associate necromancy to death.

    *let's out a casual huff while shrugging her shoulders*

    *whispers to the readers* this is all made up ladies and gentlemen.  p.s. if my post dissappears, i have violated off-topic replies rule 2.  as a disclaimer, this satire and let's be real, classes will never be balanced or equal.  if they were, we'd all be generic, classless faceless things.  that would be boring and boredom is death, but i digress because i've broken rules 1, 3 and 6 and probably general rule 9 all for the sake of bringing awareness to said such rules.


    bard: vocal narcissist  

    necromancer: misunderstood practical recyclist


    (sorry for the slow reply, at work :D)

    • 287 posts
    June 17, 2019 4:06 PM PDT

    Enchanter: Elitist control freak who expects everyone else to read their mind

    • 1247 posts
    June 17, 2019 11:47 PM PDT

    Yes, there usually seems to be a lot of Batmans lol.

    • 1430 posts
    June 18, 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    Akilae said:

    Enchanter: Elitist control freak who expects everyone else to read their mind

    control freak is good i like that XD

    • 2419 posts
    June 18, 2019 1:41 PM PDT

    stellarmind said:

    there is no right or wrong here. it's based on personal experiences and observations.

    shaman: mod junkies.

    As a person who plays the Shaman class in every game that offers it, I can agree with your assessment.  I've always been attracted to the diverse set of spells and capabilities of the Shaman class that more one-dimensional classes really lack.

    • 624 posts
    June 18, 2019 5:34 PM PDT

    Vocal I will grant you, but narcissist? Bah, bards want to make their GROUP look good, while looking good!

    (Okay - maybe a touch of narcissism, but it’s all about the world revolving around their group, not themselves)

    • 238 posts
    June 18, 2019 6:14 PM PDT

    All healers regardless of class- self-hating masochists/ borderline sociopaths. We love to be reminded that it is always our fault, and we love to have the power over someone's else life or death. Sometimes people need to be reminded that you can't do much if your healer doesn't approve, and if you decided to start in on your healer then your healer can just sit back munching on pop-corn while you demonstrate your self-healing and self midigation skills.  

    Some of us are also adrenaline junkies who are pure healers and we get bored when people think they are doing us a favor by keeping pulls small, sometimes it gets to the point where we have to help pull to keep ourselves entertained. The best environment to heal in, is the one that for lack of a better term borderline chaotic. 

    • 120 posts
    June 18, 2019 8:20 PM PDT

    I put a few minutes of thought into this, all in good fun~

    Cleric: "Classic" healer, craves attention and validation. Often has social anxiety based on being the most highly praised and also blamed for any situation.

    Dire Lord: Immature players who want the cool aesthetic and "badass points". Probably not good at the game.

    Druid: Craves a bit more of a challenge through indirect healing and support. Probably a hippie.

    Enchanter: Anxious/neurotic control freak with a high need for stimulation to stay invested.

    Monk: A good guy, humble enough to play a back seat role and get little recognition while still providing great benefit to the party.

    Paladin: A more mature player who isn't beholden to others' expectations and plays the game at their own pace and in their own way.

    Ranger: An solo artist who's likely anti social. Probably an Achievement hunter.

    Rogue: A min/maxer who may or may not actually be hardcore or good at the game, but sure thinks he is.

    Shaman: Probably a social justice warrior.

    Summoner: Possibly a dirty casual.

    Warrior: Whether or not he's qualified, he'd probably like to be a raid leader. Definitely thinks he knows best.

    Wizard: Keyboard warrior. If not initially a butthole, being overlooked for DPS roles for more durable/"useful" classes will turn him into one.

    • 1430 posts
    June 18, 2019 8:39 PM PDT

    @Baldur you know i use to play healer, when the tank blames me for not healing enough, i aggro some mobs and drag it over to him and stand right in front of him saying: help taunt them off me! do your job! then i'd die.

    if it was dps complaining about my healing i'd just let them die then i'd tell the tank he needs to learn how to manage his threat more.

    if the tank and dps are complaining, i'd aggro mobs drag it over to the dps so we can both blame the tank for not doing his job.

    @temmi that. that is response i'm looking for sniff sniff. thank you. you've made my night.


    • 184 posts
    June 19, 2019 8:26 AM PDT
    Haha cool post I’ve thought about this too. definitely something to be said about personality types and classes as I could literally not enjoy playing as a healer/buffer, but I enjoy physical and magic dps (ranger wizard necro), so idk I thought people would be either magic or ohys based on personality but maybe it’s more just dps class in general that appeals to me
    • 193 posts
    June 19, 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    stellarmind said:

    there is no right or wrong here. it's based on personal experiences and observations.

    cleric: antisocial longing to be sociable
    dire lord: sadist that likes to see people suffer fast and intense.
    druid: sadist that likes to see people improve through hardship.
    enchanter: sadist that likes to see people suffer slow and mild.  control freaks.
    monk: self improvement junkies.
    paladin: an angry masochist.
    ranger: precisionists usually modest.
    rogue: elitists usually boisterous.
    shaman: mod junkies.
    summoner: autocrats.
    warrior: a happy masochist. 
    wizard: stat fact empirical rap spittin lyricist.

    bard: wannabe tolkeinesque rockstar

    cleric: The Fixer (tm), kisses all the boo-boos in an effort to be liked

    dire lord: projectionist who may or may not be all that

    druid: tree hugger that wants to save the world by imposing their ideology

    enchanter: erudite control freak, because nobody else understands or is capable

    monk: minimalist who can't be bothered with gear worries

    necromancer: makes the most of what others overlook, most eco-friendly class

    paladin: wants it all - plate armor, heals, damage spells, shields, big hitting weapons

    ranger: pragmatist, gets it done with or without help

    rogue: passive-aggressive diversionist

    shaman: dream reader and dream killer

    summoner: people pleaser who can take their toys and go home

    warrior: self-appointed leader and strategist 

    wizard: misunderstood intellectual with self-control issues

    This post was edited by Percipiens at June 20, 2019 6:53 PM PDT
    • 346 posts
    June 20, 2019 9:08 AM PDT

    Enchanter one is spot on. No one can do anything as well as I can, not even a team, therefore I will dictate how something will go. I make the impossible possible and the possible efficient.

    Reading what I just wrote, I think I'm probably just an asshole.


    Enchanter: Assholes

    • 1430 posts
    June 20, 2019 9:40 AM PDT

    Janus said:

    Enchanter one is spot on. No one can do anything as well as I can, not even a team, therefore I will dictate how something will go. I make the impossible possible and the possible efficient.

    Reading what I just wrote, I think I'm probably just an asshole.


    Enchanter: Assholes

    :O yea the same as a control freak.  you ever work as a mechanic and had someone come mess with your toolbox?  there are guys that have super nice clean well organized tools.  those are the control freaks.  then you got the guys with toolboxes that look like a hurricane just hit them, but they know where everything is and it's the way THEY organize.  those are also control freaks.  enchanter operate on the same principal.

    in the end they need to fix a situation so the operator carry on.